Looking at the missing index DMVs on SQLServer it suggests I add the following index:
CREATE INDEX [IXFoo] ON [a].[b].[MyTable] ([BarFlag]) INCLUDE ([BazID])
There's two things that confuse me.
[BarFlag] is a bit field. Hardly highly selective, why put an index on a bit field?
Why not use a composite index in this case.: CREATE INDEX [IXFoo] ON [a].[b].[MyTable] ([BarFlag],[BazID])
I guess I'm not understanding the INCLUDE keyword properly. I've looked at msdn for an explanation but I'm still unclear.
Can someone explain why this index is suggested over a composite and explain the INCLUDE keyword to me?
The main difference is this:
if you create a composite index on (BarFlag, BazID), then your index will contain both values on all levels of the index b-tree; this means, the query analyzer will also have the chance to use both values when making decisions, and this can support queries that specify both columns in a WHERE clause
if you create an index on (BarFlag) and only include (BazID), then your index will contain only BarFlag values on all levels of the index b-tree, and only on the leaf level, the "last" level, there will also be the values of BazID included. The BazID values cannot be used in selecting the data - they're just present at the index leaf level for lookup.
Just for an INT and a BIT that isn't much of a concern, but if you're dealing with a VARCHAR(2000) column, you cannot add that to the actual index (max. is 900 byte per entry) - but you can include it.
Having a column included in an index can be useful if you select for these two values - then if SQL Server finds a match for BarFlag, it can look up the corresponding BazID value in the leaf-level node of the index itself and it can save itself a trip back to the actual data page (a "bookmark lookup") to go grab that value from the data pages. This can be a massive boost for performance
And you're right - having an index just on BarFlag (BIT) really doesn't make sense - then again, that DMV only suggests indices - you're not supposed to blindly follow all its recommendations - you still need to think and consider if those are good recommendations (or not).
The INCLUDE keyword just means that the value of the included columns should be stored in the index itself so that for queries like the following:
SELECT BazID FROM MyTable WHERE BarFlag = #SomeValue
It isn't necessary to do an additional lookup on the table itself in order to find the value of BazID after doing an index seek.
I am trying to google it from couple hours and it still is not clear for me.
What is the difference between:
Create Index NonClusteredComposit_IDX ON Table(id,quantity,price)
Create Index NonClusteredCompositAndInclude_IDX ON Table(id) Include (price,quantity).
On the Index lvl only.
I understand how they work and even when to use them.
But that I can't understand is that how data is stored inside the NonClusteredCompositAndInclude_IDX?
What would change on this schema where:
Index page contains Indexed data (id,quantity,price) and pointer to RID (when a table is a heap) or pointer to a page in B-tree (for B-tree/Clustered tables).
From the documentation, I know that when I include columns then data are stored in Leaf node but I don't see any difference between this and normal Index On(1,2,3) if we are talking about architecture inside Index.
Can anyone can describe me differences in index architecture?
In first approach, sorting will be on these three attributes - id,quantity,price
In second approach, sorting will be on "id" only but that "id" contains values of "quantity,price" hence it does not require to do key lookup or rid lookup to get the respective attributes.
To illustrate this if you create below indexes in one of the tables, both does Index seek but if you check the number of rows read, it differs as one takes from sorted data and the 2nd approach does full scan for selected "id"
On checking Number of reads for the first index...
On checking Number of reads for the 2nd index it proves that it does full scan of index for the seek'd data, hence you get 188 records
I googled this a lot many times but I didn't get the exact explanation for the same.
I am working on a complex database structures (in Oracle 10g) where I hardly have a primary key on one single column except for the static tables.
Now my question is consider a composite primary key ID (LXI, VCODE, IVID, GHID). Since it's a primary key, Oracle will provide a default index.
Will I get ONE (system generated) single index for the primary key itself or for its sub-columns also?
Asking this because I am retrieving data (around millions of records) based on individual columns as well. Now if system generates the indices for the individual columns as well. Why my query runs pretty faster than how it actually runs when I explicitly define indices for each individual column.
Please give a satisfactory answer
Thanks in advance
A primary key is a non-NULL unique key. In your case, the unique index has four columns, LXI, VCODE, IVID GHID in the order of declaration.
If you have a condition on VCODE but not on LXI, then most databases would not use the index. Oracle has a special type of index scan called the "skip scan", which allows for this very situation. It is described in the documentation.
I would expect an index skip scan to be a bit slower than an index range scan on individual columns. However, which is better might also depend on the complexity of the where clause. For instance, three equality conditions on VCODE, IVID and GHID connected by AND might be a great example for the skip scan. And, such an index would cover the WHERE clause -- a great efficiency -- and better than one-column indexes.
As a note: index skip scans were introduced in Oracle 9i, so they are available in Oracle 10.
It will not generate index for individual column. it will generate a composite index
first it will index on LXI
then next column like that it will be a tree structure.
if you search on 1st column of primary key it will use index to use index for second you have to combine it with the first column
ex : select where ...LXI=? will use index PK
select where LXI=? and VCODE=? alse use pk
but select where VCODE=? will not use it (without LXI)
May be a weird title, but I will try to express my dilemma.
What is real distinction between non-clustered index with, let's say, three columns (ie. FirstName, LastName and BirthDate) and covering index where we have two index columns (FirstName and LastName) and one included column BirthDate?
Is there any performance boosting using one type over other? What is happened in both index type when we update values in BirthDate column?
What we gain/lose with using clean non-clustered over covering index, while in both indexes we have all three value right there in index, without need to make extra task to get out data from page file.
Is there any distinction in index structure?
Maybe is question too broad, but problem is simple.
The distinction is this: included columns cannot be used to limit the rows returned - e.g. they cannot be used in a WHERE clause (since they're not part of the index navigation tree - they're only included - as their name implies - on the leaf level of the index).
On the other hand: since they are not part of the navigation structure, they also don't bloat up your index - and they can be larger than the max. of 900 bytes that an index entry is limited to. So if you have large columns (e.g. VARCHAR(MAX) or large binary columns), those can never be indexed - but they can be included on the leaf level of the index
PS: as #gotqn pointed out in this comment on the question - here's a really good, extensive, well-written series of articles on everything concerning indexes in SQL Server:
SQL Server Central: Stairway to SQL Server Indexes
Highly recommended!
Good day,
In SQL Server 2005, I have a table numerous columns, including a few boolean (bit) columns. For example,
table 'Person' has columns ID and columns HasItem1, HasItem2, HasItem3, HasItem4. This table is kinda large, so I would like to create indexes to get faster search results.
I know that is not I good idea to create an index on a bit column, so I thought about using a index with all of the bit columms. However, the thing is, all of these bit columns may or may not be in the query. Since the order of the indexed columns are important in an index, and that I don't know which ones will be used in the query, how should I handle this?
BTW, there is already clustered index that I can't remove.
I would suggest that this is probably not a good idea. Trying to index fields with very low cardinality will generally not make queries faster and you have the overhead of maintaining the index as well.
If you generally search for one of your bit fields with another field then a composite index on the two fields would probably benefit you.
If you were to create a composite index on the bit fields then this would help but only if the composite fields at the beginning of the index were provided. If you do not include the 1st value within the composite index then the index will probably not be used at all.
If, as an example bita was used in 90% of your queries and bitd in 70% and bits b and c in 20% then a composite index on (bita, bitd, bitb, bitc) would probably yield some benefit but for at least 10% of your queries and possibly even 40% the index would most likely not be used.
The best advice is probably to try it with the same data volumes and data cardinality and see what the Execution plan says.
I don't know a lot of specifics on sql server, but in general indexing a column that has non-unique data is not very effective. In some RDBMS systems, the optimizer will ignore indexes that are less than a certain percent unique anyway, so the index may as well not even exist.
Using a composite, or multi-column index can help, but only in particular cases where the filter constraints are in the same order that the index was built in. If you index includes 'field1, field2' and you are searching for 'field2, field1' or some other combination, the index may not be used. You could add an index for each of the particular search cases that you want to optimize, that is really all I can think of that you could do. And in the case that your data is not very unique, even after considering all of the bit fields, the index may be ignored anyway.
For example, if you have 3 bit fields, you are only segmenting your data into 8 distinct groups. If you have a reasonable number of rows in the table, segmenting it by 8 isn't going to be very effective.
Odds are it will be easier for SQL to query the large table with the person_id and item_id and BitValue then it will be to search a single table with Item1, Item2, ... ItemN.
I don't know about 2005 but in SQL Server 2000 (From Books Online):
"Columns of type bit cannot have indexes on them."
How about using checksum?
Add a int field named mysum to your table and execute this
UPDATE checksumtest SET mysum = CHECKSUM(hasitem1,hasitem2,hasitem3,hasitem4)
Now you have a value that represents the combination of bits.
Do the same checksum calc in your search query and match on mysum.
This may speed things up.
You should revisit the design of your database. Instead of having a table with fields HasItem1 to HasItem#, you should create a bridge entity, and a master Items table if you don't have one. The bridge entity (table), person_items, would have (a minimum of) two fields: person_id and item_id.
Designing the database this way doesn't lock you in to a database that only handles N number of items based on column definitions. You can add as many items as you want to a master Items table, and associate as many of them as you need with as many people as you need.
As a follow up to "What are indexes and how can I use them to optimise queries in my database?" where I am attempting to learn about indexes, what columns are good index candidates? Specifically for an MS SQL database?
After some googling, everything I have read suggests that columns that are generally increasing and unique make a good index (things like MySQL's auto_increment), I understand this, but I am using MS SQL and I am using GUIDs for primary keys, so it seems that indexes would not benefit GUID columns...
Indexes can play an important role in query optimization and searching the results speedily from tables. The most important step is to select which columns are to be indexed. There are two major places where we can consider indexing: columns referenced in the WHERE clause and columns used in JOIN clauses. In short, such columns should be indexed against which you are required to search particular records. Suppose, we have a table named buyers where the SELECT query uses indexes like below:
buyer_id /* no need to index */
FROM buyers
WHERE first_name='Tariq' /* consider indexing */
AND last_name='Iqbal' /* consider indexing */
Since "buyer_id" is referenced in the SELECT portion, MySQL will not use it to limit the chosen rows. Hence, there is no great need to index it. The below is another example little different from the above one:
buyers.buyer_id, /* no need to index */
country.name /* no need to index */
FROM buyers LEFT JOIN country
ON buyers.country_id=country.country_id /* consider indexing */
first_name='Tariq' /* consider indexing */
last_name='Iqbal' /* consider indexing */
According to the above queries first_name, last_name columns can be indexed as they are located in the WHERE clause. Also an additional field, country_id from country table, can be considered for indexing because it is in a JOIN clause. So indexing can be considered on every field in the WHERE clause or a JOIN clause.
The following list also offers a few tips that you should always keep in mind when intend to create indexes into your tables:
Only index those columns that are required in WHERE and ORDER BY clauses. Indexing columns in abundance will result in some disadvantages.
Try to take benefit of "index prefix" or "multi-columns index" feature of MySQL. If you create an index such as INDEX(first_name, last_name), don’t create INDEX(first_name). However, "index prefix" or "multi-columns index" is not recommended in all search cases.
Use the NOT NULL attribute for those columns in which you consider the indexing, so that NULL values will never be stored.
Use the --log-long-format option to log queries that aren’t using indexes. In this way, you can examine this log file and adjust your queries accordingly.
The EXPLAIN statement helps you to reveal that how MySQL will execute a query. It shows how and in what order tables are joined. This can be much useful for determining how to write optimized queries, and whether the columns are needed to be indexed.
Update (23 Feb'15):
Any index (good/bad) increases insert and update time.
Depending on your indexes (number of indexes and type), result is searched. If your search time is gonna increase because of index then that's bad index.
Likely in any book, "Index Page" could have chapter start page, topic page number starts, also sub topic page starts. Some clarification in Index page helps but more detailed index might confuse you or scare you. Indexes are also having memory.
Index selection should be wise. Keep in mind not all columns would require index.
Some folks answered a similar question here: How do you know what a good index is?
Basically, it really depends on how you will be querying your data. You want an index that quickly identifies a small subset of your dataset that is relevant to a query. If you never query by datestamp, you don't need an index on it, even if it's mostly unique. If all you do is get events that happened in a certain date range, you definitely want one. In most cases, an index on gender is pointless -- but if all you do is get stats about all males, and separately, about all females, it might be worth your while to create one. Figure out what your query patterns will be, and access to which parameter narrows the search space the most, and that's your best index.
Also consider the kind of index you make -- B-trees are good for most things and allow range queries, but hash indexes get you straight to the point (but don't allow ranges). Other types of indexes have other pros and cons.
Good luck!
It all depends on what queries you expect to ask about the tables. If you ask for all rows with a certain value for column X, you will have to do a full table scan if an index can't be used.
Indexes will be useful if:
The column or columns have a high degree of uniqueness
You frequently need to look for a certain value or range of values for
the column.
They will not be useful if:
You are selecting a large % (>10-20%) of the rows in the table
The additional space usage is an issue
You want to maximize insert performance. Every index on a table reduces insert and update performance because they must be updated each time the data changes.
Primary key columns are typically great for indexing because they are unique and are often used to lookup rows.
Any column that is going to be regularly used to extract data from the table should be indexed.
This includes:
foreign keys -
select * from tblOrder where status_id=:v_outstanding
descriptive fields -
select * from tblCust where Surname like "O'Brian%"
The columns do not need to be unique. In fact you can get really good performance from a binary index when searching for exceptions.
select * from tblOrder where paidYN='N'
In general (I don't use mssql so can't comment specifically), primary keys make good indexes. They are unique and must have a value specified. (Also, primary keys make such good indexes that they normally have an index created automatically.)
An index is effectively a copy of the column which has been sorted to allow binary search (which is much faster than linear search). Database systems may use various tricks to speed up search even more, particularly if the data is more complex than a simple number.
My suggestion would be to not use any indexes initially and profile your queries. If a particular query (such as searching for people by surname, for example) is run very often, try creating an index over the relevate attributes and profile again. If there is a noticeable speed-up on queries and a negligible slow-down on insertions and updates, keep the index.
(Apologies if I'm repeating stuff mentioned in your other question, I hadn't come across it previously.)
It really depends on your queries. For example, if you almost only write to a table then it is best not to have any indexes, they just slow down the writes and never get used. Any column you are using to join with another table is a good candidate for an index.
Also, read about the Missing Indexes feature. It monitors the actual queries being used against your database and can tell you what indexes would have improved the performace.
Your primary key should always be an index. (I'd be surprised if it weren't automatically indexed by MS SQL, in fact.) You should also index columns you SELECT or ORDER by frequently; their purpose is both quick lookup of a single value and faster sorting.
The only real danger in indexing too many columns is slowing down changes to rows in large tables, as the indexes all need updating too. If you're really not sure what to index, just time your slowest queries, look at what columns are being used most often, and index them. Then see how much faster they are.
Numeric data types which are ordered in ascending or descending order are good indexes for multiple reasons. First, numbers are generally faster to evaluate than strings (varchar, char, nvarchar, etc). Second, if your values aren't ordered, rows and/or pages may need to be shuffled about to update your index. That's additional overhead.
If you're using SQL Server 2005 and set on using uniqueidentifiers (guids), and do NOT need them to be of a random nature, check out the sequential uniqueidentifier type.
Lastly, if you're talking about clustered indexes, you're talking about the sort of the physical data. If you have a string as your clustered index, that could get ugly.
A GUID column is not the best candidate for indexing. Indexes are best suited to columns with a data type that can be given some meaningful order, ie sorted (integer, date etc).
It does not matter if the data in a column is generally increasing. If you create an index on the column, the index will create it's own data structure that will simply reference the actual items in your table without concern for stored order (a non-clustered index). Then for example a binary search can be performed over your index data structure to provide fast retrieval.
It is also possible to create a "clustered index" that will physically reorder your data. However you can only have one of these per table, whereas you can have multiple non-clustered indexes.
The ol' rule of thumb was columns that are used a lot in WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY clauses, or any that seemed to be used in joins frequently. Keep in mind I'm referring to indexes, NOT Primary Key
Not to give a 'vanilla-ish' answer, but it truly depends on how you are accessing the data
It should be even faster if you are using a GUID.
Suppose you have the records
If you have an index(binary search, you can find the physical location of the record you are looking for in O( lg n) time, instead of searching sequentially O(n) time. This is because you dont know what records you have in you table.
Best index depends on the contents of the table and what you are trying to accomplish.
Taken an example A member database with a Primary Key of the Members Social Security Numnber. We choose the S.S. because the application priamry referes to the individual in this way but you also want to create a search function that will utilize the members first and last name. I would then suggest creating a index over those two fields.
You should first find out what data you will be querying and then make the determination of which data you need indexed.