Gaussian random number generator - c

I'm trying to implement a gaussian distributed random number generator in the interval [0,1].
float rand_gauss (void) {
float v1,v2,s;
do {
v1 = 2.0 * ((float) rand()/RAND_MAX) - 1;
v2 = 2.0 * ((float) rand()/RAND_MAX) - 1;
s = v1*v1 + v2*v2;
} while ( s >= 1.0 );
if (s == 0.0)
return 0.0;
return (v1*sqrt(-2.0 * log(s) / s));
It's pretty much a straight forward implementation of the algorithm in Knuth's 2nd volume of TAOCP 3rd edition page 122.
The problem is that rand_gauss() sometimes returns values outside the interval [0,1].

Knuth describes the polar method on p 122 of the 2nd volume of TAOCP. That algorithm generates a normal distribution with mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1. But you can adjust that by multiplying by the desired standard deviation and adding the desired mean.
You might find it fun to compare your code to another implementation of the polar method in the C-FAQ.

Change your if statement to (s >= 1.0 || s == 0.0). Better yet, use a break as seen in the following example for a SIMD Gaussian random number generating returning a complex pair (u,v). This uses the Mersenne twister random number generator dsfmt(). If you only want a single, real, random-number, return only u and save the v for the next pass.
inline static void randn(double *u, double *v)
double s, x, y; // SIMD Marsaglia polar version for complex u and v
while (1){
x = dsfmt_genrand_close_open(&dsfmt) - 1.;
y = dsfmt_genrand_close_open(&dsfmt) - 1.;
s = x*x + y*y;
if (s < 1) break;
s = sqrt(-2.0*log(s)/s);
*u = x*s; *v = y*s;
This algorithm is surprisingly fast. Execution times for computing two random numbers (u,v) for four different Gaussian random number generators are:
Times for delivering two Gaussian numbers (u + iv)
i7-2600K # 4GHz, gcc -Wall -Ofast -msse2 ..
gsl_ziggurat = 20.3 (ns)
Box-Muller = 78.8 (ns)
Box-Muller with fast_sin fast_cos = 28.1 (ns)
SIMD Marsaglia polar = 35.0 (ns)
The fast_sin and fast_cos polynomial routines of Charles K. Garrett speed up the Box-Muller computation by a factor 2.9 using a nested polynomial implementation of cos() and sin(). The SIMD Box Muller and polar algorithms are certainly competitive. Also they can be parallelized easily. Using gcc -Ofast -S, the assembly code dump shows that the square root is the SIMD SSE2: sqrt --> sqrtsd %xmm0, %xmm0
Comment: it is really hard and frustrating to get accurate timings with gcc5, but I think these are ok: as of 2/3/2016: DLW
[1] Related link: c malloc array pointer return in cython
[2] A comparison of algorithms, but not necessarily for SIMD versions:
[3] Charles K. Garrett:


Low pass shape curve with low cycle count

Hi, I want to achieve the above curve in software without using a dsp function. I was hoping to use a fast and low cycle arm function like multiply-accumulate.
Is there any fast way of doing this in C on an embedded arm processor?
The curve shown is that of the simplest possible first-order filter charactarised by a 3dB cut-off frequency fc> and a 6dB/Octave or 20dB/Decade roll-off. As an analogue filter it could be implemented as a simple passive RC filter thus:
In the digital domain such a filter would be implemented by:
yn = a0 xn + b1 yn-1
Where y are input samples and x output samples. Or in code:
void lowPassFilter( const tSample* x, tSample* y, size_t sample_count )
static tSample y_1 = 0 ;
for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
y[i] = a0 * x[i] + b1 * y_1 ;
y_1 = y[i];
The filter is characterised by the coefficients:
a0 = 1 - x
b1 = x
where x is a value between 0 and 1 (I'll address the eradication of the implied floating point operations in due course):
x = e-2πfc
Where fc is the desired -3dB cut-off frequency expressed as a fraction of the sample rate. So for a sample rate 32Ksps and a cut-off frequency of 1KHz, fc = 1000/32000 = 0.03125, so:
b1 = x = e-2πfc = 0.821725
a0 = 1 - x = 0.178275
Now naïvely plugging those constants into the lowPassFilter() will result in generation of floating point code and on an MCU without an FPU that might be prohibitive and even with an FPU might be be sub-optimal. So in this case we might use a fixed-point representation. Since all the real values are less than one, and the machine is 32bit, a UQ0.16 representation would be appropriate, as intermediate multiplication results will not then overflow a 32 bit machine word. This does require the sample width to be 16bit or less (or scaled accordingly). So using fixed-point the code might look like:
typedef uint16_t tSample ;
#define b1 53852 // 0.821725 * 65535
#define a0 (1 - b1)
#define FIXED_MUL( x, y ) (((x)*(y))>>16))
void lowPassFilter( const tSample* x, tSample* y, size_t sample_count )
static tSample y_1 = 0 ;
for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
y[i] = FIXED_MUL(a0, x[i]) + FIXED_MUL(b1, y_1) ;
y_1 = y[i];
Now that is not a significant amount of processing for most ARM processors at 32ksps suggested in this example. Obviously it depends what other demands are on the processor, but on its own this would not be a significant load, even without applying compiler optimisation. As with any optimisation, you should implement it, measure it and improve it if necessary.
As a first stab I'd trust the compiler optimiser to generate code that in most cases will meet requirements or at least be as good as you might achieve with handwritten assembler. Whether or not it would choose to use a multiply-accumulate instruction is out of your hands, but if it didn't the chances are that it is because there s no advantage.
Bare in mind that ARM Cortex-M4 and M7 for example include DSP instructions not supported in M0 or M3 ports. The compiler may or may not utilise these, but the simplest way to guarantee that without resorting to assembler would be to use the CMSIS DSP Library whether or not that provided greater performance or better fidelity than the above, you would have to test.
Worth noting that the function lowPassFilter() retains state staically so can be called iteratively for "blocks" of samples (from ADC DMA transfer for example), so you might have:
int dma_buffer_n = 0
waitEvent( DMA_BUFFER_READY ) ;
lowPassFilter( dma_buffer[dma_buffer_n], output_buffer, DMA_BLOCK_SIZE ) ;
dma_buffer_n = dma_buffer_n == 0 ? 1 : 0 ; // Flip buffers
The use of DMA double-buffering is likely to be far more important to performance than the filter function implementation. I have worked on a DSP application sampling two channels at 48ksps on a 72MHz Cortex-M3 with far more complex DSP requirements than this with each channel having a high pass IIR, an 18 coefficient FIR and a Viterbi decoder, so I really do think that your assumption that this simple filter will not be fast enough is somewhat premature.

gsl Error in inifinite integration interval. bad integrand behavior found. How to fix it?

I'm getting the following error message after trying to do the a numerical integration on a infinte interval [0,inf) using GSL in C.
gsl: qags.c:553: ERROR: bad integrand behavior found in the integration interval
Default GSL error handler invoked.
Command terminated by signal 6
Here is the function I'm integrating
double dI2dmu(double x, void * parametros){
double *p,Ep,mu,M,T;
p=(double *) parametros;
double fplus= -((exp((Ep - mu)/T)/(pow(1 + exp((Ep - mu)/T),2)*T) - exp((Ep + \
mu)/T)/(pow(1 + exp((Ep + mu)/T),2)*T))*pow(x,2))/(2.*Ep*pow(PI,2));
return fplus;
And the code for the integration procedure
params[0]=0.007683; //M
params[1]=0.284000;// T
params[2]=0.1; //mu
gsl_function dI2mu_u;
dI2mu_u.function = &dI2dmu;
dI2mu_u.params = &params;
gsl_integration_qagiu (&dI2mu_u, 0, 0, 1e-7, 100000,
w, &resultTest2, &error1Test2);
The fucntion has the following aspect:
Which, to my eyes, has a very well behavior. So, instead of performing an infinite integration, I perform the integration up to an upper limit that I consider rezonable, like in:
gsl_function G;
G.function = &dI2dmu;
G.params = &params;
gsl_integration_qags (&G, 0, 1e2*A, 0, 1e-7, 100000,
w, &result1, &error1);
Getting a result that agrees with the result of Mathematica for infinite integration
result definite up to 10*A = 0.005065263943958745
result up to infinity = nan
Mathematica result up to infinity = 0.005065260000000000
But the GSL infinite integral keps being "nan". Any ideas? I thanks in advance for the help.
As #yonatan zuleta ochoa points out correctly, the problem is in exp(t)/pow(exp(t)+1,2). exp(t) can overflow an ieee754 DBL_MAX for values of t as low as nextafter(log(DBL_MAX), INFINITY), which is ~7.09783e2.
When exp(t) == INFINITY,
exp(t)/pow(exp(t)+1,2) == ∞/pow(∞+1,2) == ∞/∞ == NAN
Yonatan's proposed solution is to use logarithms, which can be done as follows:
exp(t)/pow(exp(t)+1,2) == exp(log(exp(t)) - log(pow(exp(t)+1,2)))
== exp(t - 2*log(exp(t)+1))
== exp(t - 2*log1p(exp(t))) //<math.h> function avoiding loss of precision for log(exp(t)+1)) if exp(t) << 1.0
This is an entirely reasonable approach, avoiding NAN up to very high values of t. However, in your code, t == (Ep ± mu)/T can be INFINITY if abs(T) < 1.0 for values of x close to DBL_MAX, even if x is not infinity. In this case, the subtraction t - 2*log1p(exp(t)) turns into ∞ - ∞, which is NAN again.
A different approach is to replace exp(x)/pow(exp(x)+1,2) with 1.0/(pow(exp(x)+1,2)*pow(exp(x), -1)) by dividing both denominator and numerator by exp(x) (which is not zero for any finite x). This simplifies to 1.0/(exp(x)+exp(-x)+2.0).
Here is an implementation of the function avoiding NAN for values of x up to and including DBL_MAX:
static double auxfun4(double a, double b, double c, double d)
return 1.0/(a*b+2.0+c*d);
double dI2dmu(double x, void * parametros)
double *p = (double *) parametros;
double invT = 1.0/p[1];
double Ep = hypot(x, p[0]);
double muexp = exp(p[2]*invT);
double Epexp = exp(Ep*invT);
double muinv = 1.0/muexp;
double Epinv = 1.0/Epexp;
double subterm = auxfun4(Epexp, muinv, Epinv, muexp);
subterm -= auxfun4(Epexp, muexp, Epinv, muinv);
double fminus = subterm*(x/Ep)*invT*(0.5/(M_PI*M_PI))*x;;
return -fminus;
This implementation also uses hypot(x,M), rather than sqrt(x*x, M*M), and avoids calculating x*x by rearranging the order of multiplications/divisions to group x/Ep together. Since hypot(x,M) will be abs(x) for abs(x) >> abs(M), the term x/Ep approaches 1.0 for large x.
I think the problem here is that unlike Mathematica, C does not use arbitrary precision in computing. Then, at some point when Exp [Ep] is calculated numerical computation overflows.
Now, GSL uses the transformation x = (1-t)/t, to map onto interval (0,1].
So, for t<<0 is posible to get nan results since the behavior of your function tends to indeterminations (0/0 or inf/inf,etc) for extreme values.
Maybe if you write out the terms
Exp[ ( Ep(x) - \Mu)/T ] / { 1 + Exp[( Ep(x) - \Mu )/T] }^2
using A/B = Exp[ Ln A - Ln B], you could get a better numerical behavior.
I will try if and I have nice results, then I'll tell you.
The solution
As I said before, you must take care the problems arising with indeterminate forms. So, lets write out the problematic terms using the logarithmic version:
double dIdmu(double x, void * parametros){
double *p,Ep,mu,M,T;
p=(double *) parametros;
double fplus= - ( exp( (Ep - mu)/T -2.0*log(1.0 + exp((Ep - mu)/T) ) ) - exp( (Ep + mu)/T -2.0*log(1.0 + exp((Ep + mu)/T) ) ) ) * pow(x,2) / (2.* T * Ep*pow(M_PI,2));
return fplus;
and with this main function
int main()
double params[3];
double resultTest2, error1Test2;
gsl_integration_workspace * w
= gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (10000);
params[0]=0.007683; //M
params[1]=0.284000;// T
params[2]=0.1; //mu
gsl_function dI2mu_u;
dI2mu_u.function = &dIdmu;
dI2mu_u.params = &params;
gsl_integration_qagiu (&dI2mu_u, 0.0, 1e-7, 1e-7, 10000, w, &resultTest2, &error1Test2);
printf("%e\n", resultTest2);
gsl_integration_workspace_free ( w);
return 0;
you get the answer:
I am curious... This is how I define the function in Mathematica
So comparing the answers:
GSL -5.065288e-03
Mathematica -0.005065287633739702

Keep float number in range [duplicate]

Is there a more efficient way to clamp real numbers than using if statements or ternary operators?
I want to do this both for doubles and for a 32-bit fixpoint implementation (16.16). I'm not asking for code that can handle both cases; they will be handled in separate functions.
Obviously, I can do something like:
double clampedA;
double a = calculate();
clampedA = a > MY_MAX ? MY_MAX : a;
clampedA = a < MY_MIN ? MY_MIN : a;
double a = calculate();
double clampedA = a;
if(clampedA > MY_MAX)
clampedA = MY_MAX;
else if(clampedA < MY_MIN)
clampedA = MY_MIN;
The fixpoint version would use functions/macros for comparisons.
This is done in a performance-critical part of the code, so I'm looking for an as efficient way to do it as possible (which I suspect would involve bit-manipulation)
EDIT: It has to be standard/portable C, platform-specific functionality is not of any interest here. Also, MY_MIN and MY_MAX are the same type as the value I want clamped (doubles in the examples above).
Both GCC and clang generate beautiful assembly for the following simple, straightforward, portable code:
double clamp(double d, double min, double max) {
const double t = d < min ? min : d;
return t > max ? max : t;
> gcc -O3 -march=native -Wall -Wextra -Wc++-compat -S -fverbose-asm clamp_ternary_operator.c
GCC-generated assembly:
maxsd %xmm0, %xmm1 # d, min
movapd %xmm2, %xmm0 # max, max
minsd %xmm1, %xmm0 # min, max
> clang -O3 -march=native -Wall -Wextra -Wc++-compat -S -fverbose-asm clamp_ternary_operator.c
Clang-generated assembly:
maxsd %xmm0, %xmm1
minsd %xmm1, %xmm2
movaps %xmm2, %xmm0
Three instructions (not counting the ret), no branches. Excellent.
This was tested with GCC 4.7 and clang 3.2 on Ubuntu 13.04 with a Core i3 M 350.
On a side note, the straightforward C++ code calling std::min and std::max generated the same assembly.
This is for doubles. And for int, both GCC and clang generate assembly with five instructions (not counting the ret) and no branches. Also excellent.
I don't currently use fixed-point, so I will not give an opinion on fixed-point.
Old question, but I was working on this problem today (with doubles/floats).
The best approach is to use SSE MINSS/MAXSS for floats and SSE2 MINSD/MAXSD for doubles. These are branchless and take one clock cycle each, and are easy to use thanks to compiler intrinsics. They confer more than an order of magnitude increase in performance compared with clamping with std::min/max.
You may find that surprising. I certainly did! Unfortunately VC++ 2010 uses simple comparisons for std::min/max even when /arch:SSE2 and /FP:fast are enabled. I can't speak for other compilers.
Here's the necessary code to do this in VC++:
#include <mmintrin.h>
float minss ( float a, float b )
// Branchless SSE min.
_mm_store_ss( &a, _mm_min_ss(_mm_set_ss(a),_mm_set_ss(b)) );
return a;
float maxss ( float a, float b )
// Branchless SSE max.
_mm_store_ss( &a, _mm_max_ss(_mm_set_ss(a),_mm_set_ss(b)) );
return a;
float clamp ( float val, float minval, float maxval )
// Branchless SSE clamp.
// return minss( maxss(val,minval), maxval );
_mm_store_ss( &val, _mm_min_ss( _mm_max_ss(_mm_set_ss(val),_mm_set_ss(minval)), _mm_set_ss(maxval) ) );
return val;
The double precision code is the same except with xxx_sd instead.
Edit: Initially I wrote the clamp function as commented. But looking at the assembler output I noticed that the VC++ compiler wasn't smart enough to cull the redundant move. One less instruction. :)
If your processor has a fast instruction for absolute value (as the x86 does), you can do a branchless min and max which will be faster than an if statement or ternary operation.
min(a,b) = (a + b - abs(a-b)) / 2
max(a,b) = (a + b + abs(a-b)) / 2
If one of the terms is zero (as is often the case when you're clamping) the code simplifies a bit further:
max(a,0) = (a + abs(a)) / 2
When you're combining both operations you can replace the two /2 into a single /4 or *0.25 to save a step.
The following code is over 3x faster than ternary on my Athlon II X2, when using the optimization for FMIN=0.
double clamp(double value)
double temp = value + FMAX - abs(value-FMAX);
#if FMIN == 0
return (temp + abs(temp)) * 0.25;
return (temp + (2.0*FMIN) + abs(temp-(2.0*FMIN))) * 0.25;
Ternary operator is really the way to go, because most compilers are able to compile them into a native hardware operation that uses a conditional move instead of a branch (and thus avoids the mispredict penalty and pipeline bubbles and so on). Bit-manipulation is likely to cause a load-hit-store.
In particular, PPC and x86 with SSE2 have a hardware op that could be expressed as an intrinsic something like this:
double fsel( double a, double b, double c ) {
return a >= 0 ? b : c;
The advantage is that it does this inside the pipeline, without causing a branch. In fact, if your compiler uses the intrinsic, you can use it to implement your clamp directly:
inline double clamp ( double a, double min, double max )
a = fsel( a - min , a, min );
return fsel( a - max, max, a );
I strongly suggest you avoid bit-manipulation of doubles using integer operations. On most modern CPUs there is no direct means of moving data between double and int registers other than by taking a round trip to the dcache. This will cause a data hazard called a load-hit-store which basically empties out the CPU pipeline until the memory write has completed (usually around 40 cycles or so).
The exception to this is if the double values are already in memory and not in a register: in that case there is no danger of a load-hit-store. However your example indicates you've just calculated the double and returned it from a function which means it's likely to still be in XMM1.
For the 16.16 representation, the simple ternary is unlikely to be bettered speed-wise.
And for doubles, because you need it standard/portable C, bit-fiddling of any kind will end badly.
Even if a bit-fiddle was possible (which I doubt), you'd be relying on the binary representation of doubles. THIS (and their size) IS IMPLEMENTATION-DEPENDENT.
Possibly you could "guess" this using sizeof(double) and then comparing the layout of various double values against their common binary representations, but I think you're on a hiding to nothing.
The best rule is TELL THE COMPILER WHAT YOU WANT (ie ternary), and let it optimise for you.
EDIT: Humble pie time. I just tested quinmars idea (below), and it works - if you have IEEE-754 floats. This gave a speedup of about 20% on the code below. IObviously non-portable, but I think there may be a standardised way of asking your compiler if it uses IEEE754 float formats with a #IF...?
double FMIN = 3.13;
double FMAX = 300.44;
double FVAL[10] = {-100, 0.23, 1.24, 3.00, 3.5, 30.5, 50 ,100.22 ,200.22, 30000};
uint64 Lfmin = *(uint64 *)&FMIN;
uint64 Lfmax = *(uint64 *)&FMAX;
DWORD start = GetTickCount();
for (int j=0; j<10000000; ++j)
uint64 * pfvalue = (uint64 *)&FVAL[0];
for (int i=0; i<10; ++i)
*pfvalue++ = (*pfvalue < Lfmin) ? Lfmin : (*pfvalue > Lfmax) ? Lfmax : *pfvalue;
volatile DWORD hacktime = GetTickCount() - start;
for (int j=0; j<10000000; ++j)
double * pfvalue = &FVAL[0];
for (int i=0; i<10; ++i)
*pfvalue++ = (*pfvalue < FMIN) ? FMIN : (*pfvalue > FMAX) ? FMAX : *pfvalue;
volatile DWORD normaltime = GetTickCount() - (start + hacktime);
The bits of IEEE 754 floating point are ordered in a way that if you compare the bits interpreted as an integer you get the same results as if you would compare them as floats directly. So if you find or know a way to clamp integers you can use it for (IEEE 754) floats as well. Sorry, I don't know a faster way.
If you have the floats stored in an arrays you can consider to use some CPU extensions like SSE3, as rkj said. You can take a look at liboil it does all the dirty work for you. Keeps your program portable and uses faster cpu instructions if possible. (I'm not sure tho how OS/compiler-independent liboil is).
Rather than testing and branching, I normally use this format for clamping:
clampedA = fmin(fmax(a,MY_MIN),MY_MAX);
Although I have never done any performance analysis on the compiled code.
Realistically, no decent compiler will make a difference between an if() statement and a ?: expression. The code is simple enough that they'll be able to spot the possible paths. That said, your two examples are not identical. The equivalent code using ?: would be
a = (a > MAX) ? MAX : ((a < MIN) ? MIN : a);
as that avoid the A < MIN test when a > MAX. Now that could make a difference, as the compiler otherwise would have to spot the relation between the two tests.
If clamping is rare, you can test the need to clamp with a single test:
if (abs(a - (MAX+MIN)/2) > ((MAX-MIN)/2)) ...
E.g. with MIN=6 and MAX=10, this will first shift a down by 8, then check if it lies between -2 and +2. Whether this saves anything depends a lot on the relative cost of branching.
Here's a possibly faster implementation similar to #Roddy's answer:
typedef int64_t i_t;
typedef double f_t;
static inline
i_t i_tmin(i_t x, i_t y) {
return (y + ((x - y) & -(x < y))); // min(x, y)
static inline
i_t i_tmax(i_t x, i_t y) {
return (x - ((x - y) & -(x < y))); // max(x, y)
f_t clip_f_t(f_t f, f_t fmin, f_t fmax)
#ifndef TERNARY
assert(sizeof(i_t) == sizeof(f_t));
//assert(not (fmin < 0 and (f < 0 or is_negative_zero(f))));
//XXX assume IEEE-754 compliant system (lexicographically ordered floats)
//XXX break strict-aliasing rules
const i_t imin = *(i_t*)&fmin;
const i_t imax = *(i_t*)&fmax;
const i_t i = *(i_t*)&f;
const i_t iclipped = i_tmin(imax, i_tmax(i, imin));
return *(f_t *)&iclipped;
#else /* INT_TERNARY */
return i < imin ? fmin : (i > imax ? fmax : f);
#endif /* INT_TERNARY */
#else /* TERNARY */
return fmin > f ? fmin : (fmax < f ? fmax : f);
#endif /* TERNARY */
See Compute the minimum (min) or maximum (max) of two integers without branching and Comparing floating point numbers
The IEEE float and double formats were
designed so that the numbers are
“lexicographically ordered”, which –
in the words of IEEE architect William
Kahan means “if two floating-point
numbers in the same format are ordered
( say x < y ), then they are ordered
the same way when their bits are
reinterpreted as Sign-Magnitude
A test program:
/** gcc -std=c99 -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 -lm -Wall *.c -o clip_double && clip_double */
#include <assert.h>
#include <iso646.h> // not, and
#include <math.h> // isnan()
#include <stdbool.h> // bool
#include <stdint.h> // int64_t
#include <stdio.h>
bool is_negative_zero(f_t x)
return x == 0 and 1/x < 0;
static inline
f_t range(f_t low, f_t f, f_t hi)
return fmax(low, fmin(f, hi));
static const f_t END = 0./0.;
#define TOSTR(f, fmin, fmax, ff) ((f) == (fmin) ? "min" : \
((f) == (fmax) ? "max" : \
(is_negative_zero(ff) ? "-0.": \
((f) == (ff) ? "f" : #f))))
static int test(f_t p[], f_t fmin, f_t fmax, f_t (*fun)(f_t, f_t, f_t))
int failed_count = 0;
for ( ; ; ++p) {
const f_t clipped = fun(*p, fmin, fmax), expected = range(fmin, *p, fmax);
if(clipped != expected and not (isnan(clipped) and isnan(expected))) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: got: %s, expected: %s\t(min=%g, max=%g, f=%g)\n",
TOSTR(clipped, fmin, fmax, *p),
TOSTR(expected, fmin, fmax, *p), fmin, fmax, *p);
if (isnan(*p))
return failed_count;
int main(void)
int failed_count = 0;
f_t arr[] = { -0., -1./0., 0., 1./0., 1., -1., 2,
2.1, -2.1, -0.1, END};
f_t minmax[][2] = { -1, 1, // min, max
0, 2, };
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(minmax) / sizeof(*minmax)); ++i)
failed_count += test(arr, minmax[i][0], minmax[i][1], clip_f_t);
return failed_count & 0xFF;
In console:
$ gcc -std=c99 -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 -lm *.c -o clip_double && ./clip_double
It prints:
error: got: min, expected: -0. (min=-1, max=1, f=0)
error: got: f, expected: min (min=-1, max=1, f=-1.#INF)
error: got: f, expected: min (min=-1, max=1, f=-2.1)
error: got: min, expected: f (min=-1, max=1, f=-0.1)
I tried the SSE approach to this myself, and the assembly output looked quite a bit cleaner, so I was encouraged at first, but after timing it thousands of times, it was actually quite a bit slower. It does indeed look like the VC++ compiler isn't smart enough to know what you're really intending, and it appears to move things back and forth between the XMM registers and memory when it shouldn't. That said, I don't know why the compiler isn't smart enough to use the SSE min/max instructions on the ternary operator when it seems to use SSE instructions for all floating point calculations anyway. On the other hand, if you're compiling for PowerPC, you can use the fsel intrinsic on the FP registers, and it's way faster.
As pointed out above, fmin/fmax functions work well (in gcc, with -ffast-math). Although gfortran has patterns to use IA instructions corresponding to max/min, g++ does not. In icc one must use instead std::min/max, because icc doesn't allow short-cutting the specification of how fmin/fmax work with non-finite operands.
My 2 cents in C++. Probably not any different than use ternary operators and hopefully no branching code is generated
template <typename T>
inline T clamp(T val, T lo, T hi) {
return std::max(lo, std::min(hi, val));
If I understand properly, you want to limit a value "a" to a range between MY_MIN and MY_MAX. The type of "a" is a double. You did not specify the type of MY_MIN or MY_MAX.
The simple expression:
clampedA = (a > MY_MAX)? MY_MAX : (a < MY_MIN)? MY_MIN : a;
should do the trick.
I think there may be a small optimization to be made if MY_MAX and MY_MIN happen to be integers:
int b = (int)a;
clampedA = (b > MY_MAX)? (double)MY_MAX : (b < MY_MIN)? (double)MY_MIN : a;
By changing to integer comparisons, it is possible you might get a slight speed advantage.
If you want to use fast absolute value instructions, check out this snipped of code I found in minicomputer, which clamps a float to the range [0,1]
clamped = 0.5*(fabs(x)-fabs(x-1.0f) + 1.0f);
(I simplified the code a bit). We can think about it as taking two values, one reflected to be >0
and the other reflected about 1.0 to be <1.0
And we take the average of them. If it is in range, then both values will be the same as x, so their average will again be x. If it is out of range, then one of the values will be x, and the other will be x flipped over the "boundary" point, so their average will be precisely the boundary point.

CORDIC Arcsine implementation fails

I have recently implemented a library of CORDIC functions to reduce the required computational power (my project is based on a PowerPC and is extremely strict in its execution time specifications). The language is ANSI-C.
The other functions (sin/cos/atan) work within accuracy limits both in 32 and in 64 bit implementations.
Unfortunately, the asin() function fails systematically for certain inputs.
For testing purposes I have implemented an .h file to be used in a simulink S-Function. (This is only for my convenience, you can compile the following as a standalone .exe with minimal changes)
Note: I have forced 32 iterations because I am working in 32 bit precision and the maximum possible accuracy is required.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FLOAT32 float
#define INT32 signed long int
#define BIT_XOR ^
#define CORDIC_1K_32 0x26DD3B6A
#define MUL_32 1073741824.0F /*needed to scale float -> int*/
#define INV_MUL_32 9.313225746E-10F /*needed to scale int -> float*/
INT32 CORDIC_CTAB_32 [] = {0x3243f6a8, 0x1dac6705, 0x0fadbafc, 0x07f56ea6, 0x03feab76, 0x01ffd55b, 0x00fffaaa, 0x007fff55,
0x003fffea, 0x001ffffd, 0x000fffff, 0x0007ffff, 0x0003ffff, 0x0001ffff, 0x0000ffff, 0x00007fff,
0x00003fff, 0x00001fff, 0x00000fff, 0x000007ff, 0x000003ff, 0x000001ff, 0x000000ff, 0x0000007f,
0x0000003f, 0x0000001f, 0x0000000f, 0x00000008, 0x00000004, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0x00000000};
/* CORDIC Arcsine Core: vectoring mode */
INT32 CORDIC_asin(INT32 arc_in)
INT32 k;
INT32 d;
INT32 tx;
INT32 ty;
INT32 x;
INT32 y;
INT32 z;
for (k=0; k<32; ++k)
d = (arc_in - y)>>(31);
tx = x - (((y>>k) BIT_XOR d) - d);
ty = y + (((x>>k) BIT_XOR d) - d);
z += ((CORDIC_CTAB_32[k] BIT_XOR d) - d);
x = tx;
y = ty;
return z;
/* Wrapper function for scaling in-out of cordic core*/
FLOAT32 asin_wrap(FLOAT32 arc)
return ((FLOAT32)(CORDIC_asin((INT32)(arc*MUL_32))*INV_MUL_32));
This can be called in a manner similar to:
#include "Cordic.h"
#include "math.h"
void main()
y1 = asin_wrap(value_32); /*my implementation*/
y2 = asinf(value_32); /*standard math.h for comparison*/
The results are as shown:
Top left shows the [-1;1] input over 2000 steps (0.001 increments), bottom left the output of my function, bottom right the standard output and top right the difference of the two outputs.
It is immediate to see that the error is not within 32 bit accuracy.
I have analysed the steps performed (and the intermediate results) by my code and it seems to me that at a certain point the value of y is "close enough" to the initial value of arc_in and what could be related to a bit-shift causes the solution to diverge.
My questions:
I am at a loss, is this error inherent in the CORDIC implementation or have I made a mistake in the implementation? I was expecting the decrease of accuracy near the extremes, but those spikes in the middle are quite unexpected. (the most notable ones are just beyond +/- 0.6, but even removed these there are more at smaller values, albeit not as pronounced)
If it is something part of the CORDIC implementation, are there known workarounds?
Since some comment mention it, yes, I tested the definition of INT32, even writing
#define INT32 int32_T
does not change the results by the slightest amount.
The computation time on the target hardware has been measured by hundreds of repetitions of block of 10.000 iterations of the function with random input in the validity range. The observed mean results (for one call of the function) are as follows:
math.h asinf() 100.00 microseconds
CORDIC asin() 5.15 microseconds
(apparently the previous test had been faulty, a new cross-test has obtained no better than an average of 100 microseconds across the validity range)
I apparently found a better implementation. It can be downloaded in matlab version here and in C here. I will analyse more its inner workings and report later.
To review a few things mentioned in the comments:
The given code outputs values identical to another CORDIC implementation. This includes the stated inaccuracies.
The largest error is as you approach arcsin(1).
The second largest error is that the values of arcsin(0.60726) to arcsin(0.68514) all return 0.754805.
There are some vague references to inaccuracies in the CORDIC method for some functions including arcsin. The given solution is to perform "double-iterations" although I have been unable to get this to work (all values give a large amount of error).
The alternate CORDIC implemention has a comment /* |a| < 0.98 */ in the arcsin() implementation which would seem to reinforce that there is known inaccuracies close to 1.
As a rough comparison of a few different methods consider the following results (all tests performed on a desktop, Windows7 computer using MSVC++ 2010, benchmarks timed using 10M iterations over the arcsin() range 0-1):
Question CORDIC Code: 1050 ms, 0.008 avg error, 0.173 max error
Alternate CORDIC Code (ref): 2600 ms, 0.008 avg error, 0.173 max error
atan() CORDIC Code: 2900 ms, 0.21 avg error, 0.28 max error
CORDIC Using Double-Iterations: 4700 ms, 0.26 avg error, 0.917 max error (???)
Math Built-in asin(): 200 ms, 0 avg error, 0 max error
Rational Approximation (ref): 250 ms, 0.21 avg error, 0.26 max error
Linear Table Lookup (see below) 100 ms, 0.000001 avg error, 0.00003 max error
Taylor Series (7th power, ref): 300 ms, 0.01 avg error, 0.16 max error
These results are on a desktop so how relevant they would be for an embedded system is a good question. If in doubt, profiling/benchmarking on the relevant system would be advised. Most solutions tested don't have very good accuracy over the range (0-1) and all but one are actually slower than the built-in asin() function.
The linear table lookup code is posted below and is my usual method for any expensive mathematical function when speed is desired over accuracy. It simply uses a 1024 element table with linear interpolation. It seems to be both the fastest and most accurate of all methods tested, although the built-in asin() is not much slower really (test it!). It can easily be adjusted for more or less accuracy by changing the size of the table.
// Please test this code before using in anything important!
const size_t ASIN_TABLE_SIZE = 1024;
double asin_table[ASIN_TABLE_SIZE];
int init_asin_table (void)
for (size_t i = 0; i < ASIN_TABLE_SIZE; ++i)
float f = (float) i / ASIN_TABLE_SIZE;
asin_table[i] = asin(f);
return 0;
double asin_table (double a)
static int s_Init = init_asin_table(); // Call automatically the first time or call it manually
double sign = 1.0;
if (a < 0)
a = -a;
sign = -1.0;
if (a > 1) return 0;
double fi = a * ASIN_TABLE_SIZE;
double decimal = fi - (int)fi;
size_t i = fi;
if (i >= ASIN_TABLE_SIZE-1) return Sign * 3.14159265359/2;
return Sign * ((1.0 - decimal)*asin_table[i] + decimal*asin_table[i+1]);
The "single rotate" arcsine goes badly wrong when the argument is just greater than the initial value of 'x', where that is the magical scaling factor -- 1/An ~= 0.607252935 ~= 0x26DD3B6A.
This is because, for all arguments > 0, the first step always has y = 0 < arg, so d = +1, which sets y = 1/An, and leaves x = 1/An. Looking at the second step:
if arg <= 1/An, then d = -1, and the steps which follow converge to a good answer
if arg > 1/An, then d = +1, and this step moves further away from the right answer, and for a range of values a little bigger than 1/An, the subsequent steps all have d = -1, but are unable to correct the result :-(
I found:
arg = 0.607 (ie 0x26D91687), relative error 7.139E-09 -- OK
arg = 0.608 (ie 0x26E978D5), relative error 1.550E-01 -- APALLING !!
arg = 0.685 (ie 0x2BD70A3D), relative error 2.667E-04 -- BAD !!
arg = 0.686 (ie 0x2BE76C8B), relative error 1.232E-09 -- OK, again
The descriptions of the method warn about abs(arg) >= 0.98 (or so), and I found that somewhere after 0.986 the process fails to converge and the relative error jumps to ~5E-02 and hits 1E-01 (!!) at arg=1 :-(
As you did, I also found that for 0.303 < arg < 0.313 the relative error jumps to ~3E-02, and reduces slowly until things return to normal. (In this case step 2 overshoots so far that the remaining steps cannot correct it.)
So... the single rotate CORDIC for arcsine looks rubbish to me :-(
Added later... when I looked even closer at the single rotate CORDIC, I found many more small regions where the relative error is BAD... I would not touch this as a method at all... it's not just rubbish, it's useless.
BTW: I thoroughly recommend "Software Manual for the Elementary Functions", William Cody and William Waite, Prentice-Hall, 1980. The methods for calculating the functions are not so interesting any more (but there is a thorough, practical discussion of the relevant range-reductions required). However, for each function they give a good test procedure.
The additional source I linked at the end of the question apparently contains the solution.
The proposed code can be reduced to the following:
#define M_PI_2_32 1.57079632F
#define SQRT2_2 7.071067811865476e-001F /* sin(45°) = cos(45°) = sqrt(2)/2 */
FLOAT32 angles[] = {
7.8539816339744830962E-01F, 4.6364760900080611621E-01F, 2.4497866312686415417E-01F, 1.2435499454676143503E-01F,
6.2418809995957348474E-02F, 3.1239833430268276254E-02F, 1.5623728620476830803E-02F, 7.8123410601011112965E-03F,
3.9062301319669718276E-03F, 1.9531225164788186851E-03F, 9.7656218955931943040E-04F, 4.8828121119489827547E-04F,
2.4414062014936176402E-04F, 1.2207031189367020424E-04F, 6.1035156174208775022E-05F, 3.0517578115526096862E-05F,
1.5258789061315762107E-05F, 7.6293945311019702634E-06F, 3.8146972656064962829E-06F, 1.9073486328101870354E-06F,
9.5367431640596087942E-07F, 4.7683715820308885993E-07F, 2.3841857910155798249E-07F, 1.1920928955078068531E-07F,
5.9604644775390554414E-08F, 2.9802322387695303677E-08F, 1.4901161193847655147E-08F, 7.4505805969238279871E-09F,
3.7252902984619140453E-09F, 1.8626451492309570291E-09F, 9.3132257461547851536E-10F, 4.6566128730773925778E-10F};
FLOAT32 arcsin_cordic(FLOAT32 t)
INT32 i;
INT32 j;
INT32 flip;
FLOAT32 poweroftwo;
FLOAT32 sigma;
FLOAT32 sign_or;
FLOAT32 theta;
FLOAT32 x1;
FLOAT32 x2;
FLOAT32 y1;
FLOAT32 y2;
flip = 0;
theta = 0.0F;
x1 = 1.0F;
y1 = 0.0F;
poweroftwo = 1.0F;
/* If the angle is small, use the small angle approximation */
if ((t >= -0.002F) && (t <= 0.002F))
return t;
if (t >= 0.0F)
sign_or = 1.0F;
sign_or = -1.0F;
/* The inv_sqrt() is the famous Fast Inverse Square Root from the Quake 3 engine
here used with 3 (!!) Newton iterations */
if ((t >= SQRT2_2) || (t <= -SQRT2_2))
t = 1.0F/inv_sqrt(1-t*t);
flip = 1;
if (t>=0.0F)
sign_or = 1.0F;
sign_or = -1.0F;
for ( j = 0; j < 32; j++ )
if (y1 > t)
sigma = -1.0F;
sigma = 1.0F;
/* Here a double iteration is done */
x2 = x1 - (sigma * poweroftwo * y1);
y2 = (sigma * poweroftwo * x1) + y1;
x1 = x2 - (sigma * poweroftwo * y2);
y1 = (sigma * poweroftwo * x2) + y2;
theta += 2.0F * sigma * angles[j];
t *= (1.0F + poweroftwo * poweroftwo);
poweroftwo *= 0.5F;
/* Remove bias */
theta -= sign_or*4.85E-8F;
if (flip)
theta = sign_or*(M_PI_2_32-theta);
return theta;
The following is to be noted:
It is a "Double-Iteration" CORDIC implementation.
The angles table thus differs in construction from the old table.
And the computation is done in floating point notation, this will cause a major increase in computation time on the target hardware.
A small bias is present in the output, removed via the theta -= sign_or*4.85E-8F; passage.
The following picture shows the absolute (left) and relative errors (right) of the old implementation (top) vs the implementation contained in this answer (bottom).
The relative error is obtained only by dividing the CORDIC output with the output of the built-in math.h implementation. It is plotted around 1 and not 0 for this reason.
The peak relative error (when not dividing by zero) is 1.0728836e-006.
The average relative error is 2.0253509e-007 (almost in accordance to 32 bit accuracy).
For convergence of iterative process it is necessary that any "wrong" i-th
iteration could be "corrected" in the subsequent (i+1)-th, (i+2)-th, (i+3)-th,
etc. etc. iterations. Or, in other words, at least a half of the "wrong"
i-th iteration could be corrected in the next (i+1)-th iteration.
For atan(1/2^i) this condition is satisfied, i.e.:
atan(1/2^(i+1)) > 1/2*atan(1/2^i)
(note I'm the author of those pages)

converting SSE code to AVX - cost of _mm256_and_ps

I'm converting SSE2 sine and cosine functions (from Julien Pommier's sse_mathfun.h; based on the CEPHES sinf function) to use AVX in order to accept 8 float vectors or 4 doubles.
So, Julien's function sin_ps becomes sin_ps8 (for 8 floats) and sin_pd4 for 4 doubles. (The "advanced" editor here fails to accept my code, so please visit to see it.)
Testing with clang 3.3 under Mac OS X 10.6.8 running on a 2011 Core2 i7 # 2.7Ghz, benchmarking results look like this:
sinf .. -> 27.7 millions of vector evaluations/second over 5.56e+07
iters (standard, scalar sinf() function)
sin_ps .. -> 41.0 millions of vector evaluations/second over
8.22e+07 iters
sin_pd4 .. -> 40.2 millions of vector evaluations/second over
8.06e+07 iters
sin_ps8 .. -> 2.5 millions of vector evaluations/second over
5.1e+06 iters
The cost of sin_ps8 is downright frightening, and it seems it is due to the use of _mm256_castsi256_ps . In fact, commenting out the line "poly_mask = _mm256_castsi256_ps(emmm2);" results in a more normal performance.
sin_pd4 uses _mm_castsi128_pd, but it appears that is not (just) the mix of SSE and AVX instructions that is biting me in sin_ps8: when I emulate the _mm256_castsi256_ps calls with 2 calls to _mm_castsi128_ps, performance doesn't improve. emm2 and emm0 are pointers to emmm2 and emmm0, both v8si instances and thus (a priori) correctly aligned to 32 bits boundaries.
See sse_mathfun.h and sse_mathfun_test.c for compilable code.
Is there a(n easy) way to avoid the penalty I'm seeing?
Transferring stuff out of registers into memory isn't usually a good idea. You are doing this every time you store into a pointer.
Instead of this:
{ ALIGN32_BEG v4sf *yy ALIGN32_END = (v4sf*) &y;
emm2[0] = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi32( _mm_cvttps_epi32( yy[0] ), _v4si_pi32_1), _v4si_pi32_inv1),
emm2[1] = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi32( _mm_cvttps_epi32( yy[1] ), _v4si_pi32_1), _v4si_pi32_inv1);
yy[0] = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm2[0]),
yy[1] = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm2[1]);
/* get the swap sign flag */
emm0[0] = _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2[0], _v4si_pi32_4), 29),
emm0[1] = _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2[1], _v4si_pi32_4), 29);
/* get the polynom selection mask
there is one polynom for 0 <= x <= Pi/4
and another one for Pi/4<x<=Pi/2
Both branches will be computed.
emm2[0] = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2[0], _v4si_pi32_2), _mm_setzero_si128()),
emm2[1] = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2[1], _v4si_pi32_2), _mm_setzero_si128());
((v4sf*)&poly_mask)[0] = _mm_castsi128_ps(emm2[0]);
((v4sf*)&poly_mask)[1] = _mm_castsi128_ps(emm2[1]);
swap_sign_bit = _mm256_castsi256_ps(emmm0);
Try something like this:
__m128i emm2a = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi32( _mm256_castps256_ps128(y), _v4si_pi32_1), _v4si_pi32_inv1);
__m128i emm2b = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi32( _mm256_extractf128_ps(y, 1), _v4si_pi32_1), _v4si_pi32_inv1);
y = _mm256_insertf128_ps(_mm256_castps128_ps256(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm2a)), _mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm2b), 1);
/* get the swap sign flag */
__m128i emm0a = _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2a, _v4si_pi32_4), 29),
__m128i emm0b = _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2b, _v4si_pi32_4), 29);
swap_sign_bit = _mm256_castsi256_ps(_mm256_insertf128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(emm0a), emm0b, 1));
/* get the polynom selection mask
there is one polynom for 0 <= x <= Pi/4
and another one for Pi/4<x<=Pi/2
Both branches will be computed.
emm2a = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2a, _v4si_pi32_2), _mm_setzero_si128()),
emm2b = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2b, _v4si_pi32_2), _mm_setzero_si128());
poly_mask = _mm256_castsi256_ps(_mm256_insertf128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(emm2a), emm2b, 1));
As mentioned in comments, cast intrinsics are purely compile-time and emit no instructions.
Maybe you could compare your code to the already working AVX extension of Julien Pommier SSE math functions?
This code works in GCC but not MSVC and only supports floats (float8) but I think you could easily extend it to use doubles (double4) as well. A quick comparison of your sin function shows that they are quite similar except for the SSE2 integer part.
