a time function in C linux - c

hi i was wondering if it is possible to edit the time function.for my program to give a time for a user to retry again?
struct tm * abc()
char *time_string;
time_t curtime;
struct tm *loctime;
/* Get the current time. */
curtime = time (NULL);
/* Convert it to local time representation. */
loctime = localtime (&curtime);
return loctime;
this will return the current time but want i want to do is to edit this to add a value. The reason for me doing this is so i can tell a user to try again at a certain time using the current and adding 2minutes to it. Not sure if this is the correct way?

time() returns a timestamp in seconds (number of seconds since the epoch), so you can just add the required delay.
curtime = time (NULL) + 2*60; // Adds two minutes,

Add the following lines just before the return.
localtime->tm_min += 2;
The first line adds two minutes to localtime.
The second line renormalizes localtime to a "standard" format, in other words you it will roll the added minutes from values like (61) to values like (hours+1),(minutes = 1).


How to engineer a power-loss safe RTC time switch?

I'm using a ESP32 with a DS3231 real time clock. The system should automatically switch on and off an output based on a user-programmable time (HH:MM) on a daily basis. The on and off hours/minutes are stored in flash so they are non-volatile. Also, the duration the output stays on is hardcoded.
I'm trying to develop a function which is called each second to check wether the output should be turned on or off based on the current time provided by the DS3231 RTC. This should be safe against misbehaviour if the power fails. So if for example power is temporarily lost in between an on-interval, the output should be set again for the remaining time interval once power is reapplied.
How can I relatively calculate if the current time is in between the on-time interval?
const int8_t light_ontime_h = 2; // Hour interval for how long the output should stay on
const int8_t light_ontime_m = 42; // Minute interval for how long the output should stay on
struct tm currenttime; // Current time is stored in here, refreshed somewhere else in the program from RTC
struct tm ontime; // Hours and minutes to turn on are stored in here. Values are loaded from NVS on each reboot or on change. So struct only holds valid HH:MM info, date etc. is invalid
// This is called each second
void checkTime() {
struct tm offtime;
offtime.tm_hour = ontime.tm_hour + light_ontime_h;
offtime.tm_min = ontime.tm_min + light_ontime_m;
// Normalize time
// Does not work if power is lost and correct hour/min was missed
if ((currenttime.tm_hour == ontime.tm_hour) && (currenttime.tm_min == ontime.tm_min)) {
// Turn output on
if ((currenttime.tm_hour == offtime.tm_hour) && (currenttime.tm_min == offtime.tm_min)) {
// Turn output off

How to format system time in C?

I'm working on an element of a program that fetches the system time in (24 hour time) hours and minutes, and formats it as HH:MM and stores it in an array. The minutes also have to be incremented by 1. This is my code:
strftime (timeh,10,"%H:",formtime);
strftime (timem,10,"%M",formtime);
timem1 = atoi(timem);
itoa(timem1, timem, 10);
strcpy(time, timeh);
strcat(time, timem);
I tested it by simply having it print out time, and this was the output of printf("%s", time):
5. (the time was 1:04 AM)
Individually, the hours print as nothing (at 1:08 AM), and the minutes print correctly.
What can I do to make the array time hold the properly formatted HH:MM time?
Thanks for all your suggestions
If I read you question right, you should be able to do it with:
formtime->tm_min++; /* Additional checks needed. */
strftime(time, 10, "%H:%M", formtime);
Rather than trying to adjust the minutes directly and having to worry about wrapping at the hour, you should adjust the time by 60 seconds before splitting it into a struct tm for formatting:
time_t now;
now += 60;
strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%H:%M", localtime(&now));
Note that calling your array time is not a good idea, as that will conflict with the standard function time used to get the current time.

Getting Duration

I'm trying to measure duration of something.
when it start I call start_time = time(NULL);
when it ends:
time_t a_time = time(NULL) - start_time;
struct tm * ts = localtime(&a_time);
char time_buff[32];
memset (time_buff,0,32);
sprintf (time_buff, "Duration: %02d:%02d:%02d", ts->tm_hour, ts->tm_min, ts->tm_sec);
The problem is that ts->tm_hour is always 2.
Please advise.
The function localtime converts the time to a complete date and time. You better convert it to days, hours and minutes yourself though divisions and modulo operations.
do you eventualy live in a country where the time is 2 hours away from UTC time ?
replace your call to localtime() (which is in your current timezone) by a call to gmtime().
Why not use a function that returns the amount of milliseconds elapsed (clock or gettimeofday) and then convert to hour/min/sec?

How to get current hour (time of day) in linux kernel space

I'm writing a kernel module that checks to see if the time is between two specified hours, and disables input if it is. This has to do with me wanting to make sure I go to bed early. (I know I could also use any number of different techniques including cron etc, but I wanted to learn kernel programming...)
As a first version, I therefore check if the current hour is between start and end, which are set via parameters to the module.
My question is therefore : How do I get the current hour? I have no access to the usual time functions in the standard library because I am in kernel space. I'm guessing that I should be using do_gettimeofday() for this, but that only gives me seconds and nanoseconds, and I need hours in the current day.
time_to_tm function can be of your help, which returns the structure tm. Timezone available in variable sys_tz, it can help you to set your offset properly to get local time.
To get the local time in kernel, add the below code snippet your kernel driver:
struct timeval time;
unsigned long local_time;
local_time = (u32)(time.tv_sec - (sys_tz.tz_minuteswest * 60));
rtc_time_to_tm(local_time, &tm);
printk(" # (%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d)\n", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
This works well for me:
#include <linux/time.h>
/* getnstimeofday - Returns the time of day in a timespec */
void getnstimeofday(struct timespec *ts)
For getting usual time format you can use:
printk("TIME: %.2lu:%.2lu:%.2lu:%.6lu \r\n",
(curr_tm.tv_sec / 3600) % (24),
(curr_tm.tv_sec / 60) % (60),
curr_tm.tv_sec % 60,
curr_tm.tv_nsec / 1000);
Converting the do_gettimeofday result to an hour is pretty simple, since it starts at midnight GMT.
time_t t = time(0);
time_t SecondsOfDay = t % (24*60*60);
time_t HourGMT = SecondsOfDay / (60*60);
Then adjust for your local timezone
We can use clock_gettime function with CLOCK_REALTIME as the type of clock.
Reference http://linux.die.net/man/3/clock_gettime
Just doing a strace on date executable gives us an idea to get the current date in the kernel mode.

Converting between timezones in C

I need to convert time between timezones in C (on linux, so anything specific would do too).
I know my current time, local and UTC, I have the offset of the target time. I am trying to use mktime, gmtime, localtime and similar set of functions but still can't figure it out.
Thanks in advance.
As comments do not allow posting the code, posting as a separate answer.. If you know "local" time and "UTC" time, you can calculate the offset of the "other" time from your "local" time. Then you convert the struct tm into calendar time, add the desired number of seconds (being the offset of the target time), and convert it back to struct tm:
(edited to account for another scenario to use mktime's normalization)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv) {
struct timeval tv_utc;
struct tm *local_tm, *other_tm;
/* 'synthetic' time_t to convert to struct tm for the other time */
time_t other_t_synt;
/* Other time is 1 hour ahead of local time */
int other_local_delta = 1*3600;
/* the below two lines are just to set local_tm to something */
gettimeofday(&tv_utc, NULL);
local_tm = localtime(&tv_utc.tv_sec);
printf("Local time: %s", asctime(local_tm));
other_t_synt = mktime(local_tm) + other_local_delta;
local_tm->tm_sec += other_local_delta;
/* mktime will normalize the seconds to a correct calendar date */
other_t_synt = mktime(local_tm);
other_tm = localtime(&other_t_synt);
printf("Other time: %s", asctime(other_tm));
You can use gmtime() and the tm structure to directly set this, provided you know the offsets.
If you know your local time and UTC, you know your local offset. Provided you also know the target offset, it's just a matter of setting tm_hour appropriate (and potentially flipping the day, too, if you go <0 or >23).
For some sample code, see this gmtime reference page. It shows offsetting based off time zone offsets.
In response to the comments - you can also let mktime handle the shifting for you, which allows you to simplify this by converting back to a time_t. You can use something like:
time_t currentTime;
tm * ptm;
time ( &currentTime );
ptm = gmtime ( &rawtime );
ptm->tm_hour += hours_to_shift;
ptm->tm_minutes += minutes_to_shift; // Handle .5 hr timezones this way
time_t shiftedTime = mktime( ptm );
// If you want to go back to a tm structure:
tm * pShiftedTm = gmtime( &shiftedTime );
In all likelyhood, your operating system provides some support for this.
In unix derived OSs you might want to look at the man pages for asctime, asctime_r, ctime, ctime_r, difftime, gmtime, gmtime_r, localtime, localtime_r, mktime, timegm.
