Working with Events in F# - wpf

I recently asked this question:
Replay Recorded Data Stream in F# and combined that code with a subset of the functionality I found here:
which combined looks like this:
#r "System.Reactive"
#r "System.CoreEx"
#r "FSharp.PowerPack"
#r "WindowsBase"
#r "PresentationCore"
#r "PresentationFramework"
#r "System.Xaml"
#r "System.Interactive.dll"
open System
open System.Linq
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Net
open System.IO
open System.Threading
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Shapes
open System.Windows.Media
open System.Xaml
I need to use the events generated here (which came from my earlier SO question):
let prices = [ (0, 10.0); (1000, 10.5); (500, 9.5); (2500, 8.5); (500, 10.0); (1000, 10.5); (500, 9.5); (2500, 8.5) ]
let evt = new Event<float>()
async { for delay, price in prices do
do! Async.Sleep(delay)
evt.Trigger(price) }
|> Async.StartImmediate
evt.Publish.Add(printfn "Price updated: %A")
to use as the data source for the line which is randomly created here (the code below comes from the blog article I mentioned):
let create f =
Observable.Create<_>(fun x ->
f x
new System.Action((fun () -> ())))
let fromEvent (event:IEvent<_,_>) = create (fun x -> event.Add x.OnNext)
// Random Walker
let rand = Random()
let mutable m = 0.
let randomWalker() =
m <- m + (rand.NextDouble() * 10.) - 5.
let timer = new System.Timers.Timer()
timer.Interval <- 100.
let timerObs = (timer.Elapsed |> fromEvent).Select(fun _ -> randomWalker())
let chartWindow = new Window(Height = 600., Width = 600.)
let canvas = new Canvas()
chartWindow.Content <- canvas
let line xs =
let segs =
seq { for x , y in xs |> List.tail ->
LineSegment(Point(x,y), true) :> PathSegment }
let (sx, sy) = xs |> List.head
PathGeometry([PathFigure(Point(sx,sy), segs, false)])
let plot xs (path:Path) =
let now = DateTime.Now
let timeSpan = TimeSpan(0,1,0)
let width = 600.
let height = 600.
let pts = xs |> (fun (x:Timestamped<float>) ->
(600.-(now - (x.Timestamp.DateTime)).TotalMilliseconds * 600. / timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds),x.Value + 300.)
path.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new SendOrPostCallback(fun pts -> path.Data <- line (pts :?> (float*float)list)), pts) |> ignore
let trailing (timespan:TimeSpan) (obs:IObservable<'
a>) =
.Scan([], fun ys x ->
let now = DateTime.Now
let timespan = timespan
x :: (ys |> List.filter (fun x -> (now - x.Timestamp.DateTime) < timespan)))
.Where(fun xs -> xs |> List.length > 1)
// Main Path
let mainPath = new Path(Stroke=Brushes.Blue, StrokeThickness=1.)
let trailingRandomsSub = (timerObs |> trailing (TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60.))).Subscribe(fun xs -> plot xs mainPath)
If you paste this into an interactive session you will see a blue line emerge which is generated randomly and not using my new evt Event. I guess my confusion is not understanding how to make and use an Observable from my evt. Basically, how can I make evt my data source for the blue line?
Thanks in advance,

In F#, the IEvent<'T> interface inherits from IObservable<'T>. This means that you can use F# events in any place where an observable is expected.
The last bit of your application (that takes the event, adds time stamps, uses Scan to get lists containing the items generated so far and plots the progress) can be written like this:
let trailingRandomsSub =
|> Observable.scan (fun l e -> e::l) []
|> Observable.add (fun xs -> plot xs mainPath)
F# provides wrappers for some of the Rx functions, so you can use Observable.scan, which has a bit more F#-friendly syntax. Observable.add is just another syntax for Subscribe.
The key difference between F# events and observables is that observables start when you attach a handler. On the other hand, the F# event that you create using Async.StartImmediate starts immediately when the StartImmediate method is called (this means - to get the sample working, you need to evaluate everything at once, or write a function that starts the event).


F#: Writing a function that takes any kind of array as input

I am new to programming and F# is my first language.
Here is part of my code:
let splitArrayIntoGroups (inputArray: string[]) (groupSize: int) =
let groups = new LinkedList<string[]>()
let rec splitRecursively currentStartIndex currentEndIndex =
groups.AddLast(inputArray.[currentStartIndex..currentEndIndex]) |> ignore
let newEndIndex = Math.Min((inputArray.Length - 1), (currentEndIndex + groupSize))
if newEndIndex <> currentEndIndex then
splitRecursively (currentStartIndex + groupSize) newEndIndex
splitRecursively 0 (groupSize - 1)
I want this function to be able to accept arrays of any type (including types that I define myself) as input. What changes should I make?
This was already answered but here you have an implementation not using a linked list but just an array of lists
let rec split<'T> (input: 'T array) size =
let rec loopOn (tail : 'T array) grouped =
let lastIndex = Array.length tail - 1
let endindx = min (size - 1) lastIndex
let arrWrapper = (fun e -> [|e|])
let newGroup = tail.[0..endindx]
|> List.ofArray
|> arrWrapper
|> Array.append grouped
match tail with
| [||] -> newGroup
|> Array.filter (fun e -> List.length e > 0)
| _ -> loopOn tail.[endindx + 1..] newGroup
let initialState = [|List.empty<'T>|]
loopOn input initialState
Because this is generic implementation you can call it with different types
type Custom = {Value : int}
let r = split<int> [|1..1000|] 10
let r2 = split<float> [|1.0..1000.0|] 10
let r3 = split<Custom> [|for i in 1..1000 ->
{Value = i}|] 10
replace string[] with _[] in the function signature.

How to write to the the beginning of file in F#

I need to write a running number - at the beginning of existing files. All I have been able to do so far is to write to the end of each file. Any help please?
How about (warning! untested code):
open System.IO
|> fun s -> let r = new StreamReader(s)
let data = r.ReadToEnd
let writeStringToFile d =
(File.OpenWrite("c:\\new.txt"), d)
|> fun ((s : FileStream), (d : string)) -> let r = new StreamWriter(s)
r.WriteLine("new data")
|> writeStringToFile
Much better solution:
File.WriteAllText("c:\\new.txt", "new Text" + File.ReadAllText("c:\\old.txt"))

Drawing in a Windows Form in F#

I'm attempting to draw in a non-customized (I mean, simply creating an instance of the default form class, not an instance of a deriving class I can create) System.Windows.Forms.Form in F#.
I had created a custom form, but I didn't need nor want a new complex structure like that, so I removed it, and it simplified the code a lot; so much, that it stopped to show an image.
The problem must be in the function I created to draw, that is in another F# project. I've created it (function conect) to connect points in the order they are provided, unlike System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawLines, that draws lines between the points in some other order why haven't noticed yet (maybe right to left, top to bottom, as the points are represented).
Programa.fs relevant code snippet:
let pen = new Pen(brush = Brushes.Black, width = 1.0f)
let original =
([|new PointF(50.0f, 50.0f); new PointF(100.0f, 50.0f)|])
use form1 = new Form(Width = 400, Height = 400, Text = "Fractais (Teste - Windows Forms)")
fun e -> // (1)
|> List.ofArray
|> Base.applyFractal 1uy Base.fractalFunc1
|> Base.conect e.Graphics pen)
If in the lambda expression instead of what's written there was e.Graphics.DrawLines(pen, original), it would draw a simple line between the points in the list.
Here's the troublemaker method, in Base.fs, across the solution:
let conect (gr:Graphics) (pen:Pen) (points:PointF list) =
let rec usefulFunc (gr:Graphics) (pen:Pen) (points:PointF list) prevPoint =
match points with
| [] -> ()
| point :: remainings ->
gr.DrawLine (pen, prevPoint, point)
usefulFunc gr caneta remainings.Tail remainings.Head
usefulFunc gr pen points.Tail points.Head
And the called (from the form initialization snippet) and relevant methods' signatures, in Base.fsi (I could give you all of the full methods' implementation, but it would take a lot of space, and this is probably for you already becoming a long question to read):
val fractalFunc1 : points:PointF list -> PointF list
val applyFractal : stepNumber:byte -> fractalFunc:(PointF list -> PointF list) -> points:PointF list -> PointF list
val conect : gr:Graphics -> pen:Pen -> points:PointF list -> unit
For this specific problem, my search results were none. I'd like to know how can I make the function conect work.
Thanks in advance.
You have one error in conectar.
fUtil gr caneta resto.Tail resto.Head
Should be
fUtil gr caneta resto ponto
You're already matching the head and tail inside of the match statement.
The following code draws a line for me. I didn't have to modify much.
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms
let caneta = new Pen(brush = Brushes.Black, width = 1.0f)
let original =
([|new PointF(50.0f, 50.0f); new PointF(100.0f, 50.0f)|])
let form1 = new Form(Width = 400, Height = 400, Text = "Fractais (Teste - Windows Forms)")
let conectar (gr:Graphics) (caneta:Pen) (pontos:PointF list) =
let rec fUtil (gr:Graphics) (caneta:Pen) (pontos:PointF list) pontoAnt =
match pontos with
| [] -> ()
| ponto :: resto ->
gr.DrawLine (caneta, pontoAnt, ponto)
fUtil gr caneta resto ponto
fUtil gr caneta pontos.Tail pontos.Head
fun e -> // (1)
|> List.ofArray
//|> aplicFractal 1uy Base.funcFractal1
|> conectar e.Graphics caneta)

Improve WPF DataGrid's scrolling performance

Here is a simple DataGrid benchmark:
open System.Windows
let mutable i = 0
let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let grid = Controls.DataGrid()
grid.AutoGenerateColumns <- false
for i in 1..50 do
let c = Controls.DataGridTextColumn()
c.Binding <- Data.Binding()
c.Header <- string i
grid.Columns.Add c
grid.ItemsSource <- Array.init 1000 string
let window = Window(Content=grid)
window.WindowState <- WindowState.Maximized
Media.CompositionTarget.Rendering.Add(fun _ ->
i <- i + 38
grid.ScrollIntoView grid.Items.[i % 1000]
window.Title <- sprintf "%gfps" (float i / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / 38.0)
if i > 10000 then
i <- 1
Application().Run window
|> ignore
I get awful performance from this (6 frames/sec on a 4x 3.4GHz Intel Core i7). How can this be optimized?
I found some recommendations on the web but none of them make any significant difference:
grid.EnableColumnVirtualization <- true
grid.EnableRowVirtualization <- true
grid.ColumnWidth <- Controls.DataGridLength 27.0
grid.RowHeight <- 18.0
if i=0 then
let border = Media.VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(grid, 0) :?> Controls.Border
let scroll = border.Child :?> Controls.ScrollViewer
scroll.IsDeferredScrollingEnabled <- true
I'm sure you have already considered this, but have you made sure you are not using a debugger, as turning it off dramatically improves performance
Okay, why don't you try to use a dispatch timer instead. This could run on a separate thread, thus theoretically improving performance

Creating insert statements with F#

I use F# once every few months or so and in between it seems I forget everything, so I hope you'll excuse my ignorance. My code below is pulling data from Yahoo. It's a good example that represents what I need to do. The first row returned has the column headings. I need to take the data (the tail of the list) and insert it into the database. What's the best way to generate an insert statement based on the column headings returned (the column headings match the database column names)?
In the example below dataWithHeaders.[0] will contain "Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close." Should I just take that string and put brackets around the headings to create the insert? Then in insertData add the value as a parameter? Is there a more elegant solution?
let url = System.String.Format("{0}&g=d&ignore=.csv", "FB")
let splitLineIntoArray (line : string) =
let insertData (data : string[]) =
// insert data
let client = new WebClient()
let dataWithHeaders =
let data =
|> Array.toList
|> List.tail
|> List.iter insertData
If you're loading the data into SQL Server you can use this excellent CSV reader (free) and the SqlBulkCopy class. It's simple and efficient.
let loadStockPrices ticker =
use client = new WebClient()
let url = sprintf "" ticker
use stringReader = new StringReader(client.DownloadString(url))
use csvReader = new CsvReader(stringReader, hasHeaders=true)
use con = new SqlConnection("<connection_string>")
use bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(con, DestinationTableName="<destination_table>")
The destination table should have the same columns as the incoming data (OHLC, etc).
EDIT: Type Providers might be a good way to go, but SqlBulkCopy is def. known for its simplicity.
Type Provider Code for Insert:
type dbSchema = SqlDataConnection<"Data Source=MYSERVER\INSTANCE;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI;">
let db = dbSchema.GetDataContext()
// Enable the logging of database activity to the console.
db.DataContext.Log <- System.Console.Out
let newRecord = new dbSchema.ServiceTypes.Table1(Id = 100,
TestData1 = 35,
TestData2 = 2.0,
Name = "Testing123")
let newValues =
[ for i in [1 .. 10] ->
new dbSchema.ServiceTypes.Table3(Id = 700 + i,
Name = "Testing" + i.ToString(),
Data = i) ]
// Insert the new data into the database.
printfn "Successfully inserted new rows."
| exn -> printfn "Exception:\n%s" exn.Message
I did something similar. Actually this code I wrote while watching Luca Bolognese give a presentation on F#. This actually will scrape yahoo's feed and return the standard dev. and variance on stock prices.
Full project here:
open System.Net
open System.IO
let internal loadPrices ticker = async {
let url = #"" + ticker + "&d=6&e=22&f=2011&g=d&a=2&b=13&c=1986&ignore=.csv"
let req = WebRequest.Create(url)
let resp = req.GetResponse()
let stream = resp.GetResponseStream()
let reader = new StreamReader(stream)
let csv = reader.ReadToEnd()
let prices =
|> Seq.skip 1
|> (fun line -> line.Split([|','|]))
|> Seq.filter(fun values -> values |> Seq.length = 7)
|> values ->
float values.[6])
return prices}
type StockAnalyzer (lprices, days) =
let prices =
|> snd
|> Seq.take days
static member GetAnalyzers (tickers, days) =
|> loadPrices
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> (fun prices -> new StockAnalyzer(prices, days))
member s.Return =
let lastPrice = prices |> Seq.nth 0
let startPrice = prices |> Seq.nth(days-1)
lastPrice / startPrice - 1.
member s.StdDev =
let logRets =
|> Seq.pairwise
|> (fun (x,y) -> log(x/y))
let mean = logRets |> Seq.average
let sqr x = x * x
let var = logRets |> Seq.averageBy (fun r -> sqr (r-mean))
sqrt var
