Programmatically determining max fit in textbox (WP7) - silverlight

I'm currently writing an eBook reader for Windows Phone Seven, and I'm trying to style it like the Kindle reader. In order to do so, I need to split my books up into pages, and this is going to get a lot more complex when variable font sizes are added.
To do this at the moment, I just add a word at a time into the textblock until it becomes higher than its container. As you can imagine though, with a document of over 120,000 words, this takes an unacceptable period of time.
Is there a way I can find out when the text would exceed the bounds (logically dividing it into pages), without having to actually render it? That way I'd be able to run it in a background thread so the user can keep reading in the meantime.
So far, the only idea that has occurred to me is to find out how the textblock decides its bounds (in the measure call?), but I have no idea how to find that code, because reflector didn't show anything.
Thanks in advance!

From what I can see the Kindle app appears to use a similar algorithm to the one you suggest. Note that:
it generally shows the % position through the book - it doesn't show total number of pages.
if you change the font size, then the first word on the page remains the same (so that's where the % comes from) - so the Kindle app just does one page worth of repagination assuming the first word of the page stays the same.
if you change the font size and then scroll back to the first page, then actually there is a discontinuity - they pull content forwards again in order to fill the first page.
Based on this, I would suggest you do not index the whole book. Instead just concentrate on the current page based on a "position" of some kind (e.g. character count - displayed as a percentage). If you have to do something on a background thread, then just look at the next page (and maybe the prev page) in order that scrolling can be more responsive.
Further to optimise your experience, there are a couple of changes you could make to your current algorithm that you could try:
try a different starting point and search increment for your algorithm - no need to start at one word and to then only add one word at a time.
assuming most of your books are ASCII, try caching the width of the common characters, and then work out the width of textblocks yourself.
Beyond that, I'd also quite like to try using <Run> blocks within your TextBlock - it may be possible to get the relative position of each Run within the TextBlock - although I've not managed to do this yet.

I do something similar to adjust font size for individual textboxes (to ensure they all fit). Basically, I create a TextBlock in code, set all my properties and check the ActualWidth and ActualHeight properties. Here is some pseudo code to help with your problem:
public static String PageText(TextBlock txtPage, String BookText)
TextBlock t = new TextBlock();
t.FontFamily = txtPage.FontFamily;
t.FontStyle = txtPage.FontStyle;
t.FontWeight = txtPage.FontWeight;
t.FontSize = txtPage.FontSize;
t.Text = BookText;
Size Actual = new Size();
Actual.Width = t.ActualWidth;
Actual.Height = t.ActualHeight;
if(Actual.Height <= txtPage.ActualHeight)
return BookText;
Double hRatio = txtPage.ActualHeight / Actual.Height;
return s.Substring((int)((s.Length - 1) * hRatio));
The above is untested code, but hopefully can get you started. Basically it sees if the text can fit in the box, if so you're good to go. If not, it finds out what percentage of the text can fit and returns it. This does not take word breaks into account, and may not be a perfect match, but should get you close.
You could alter this code to return the length rather than the actual substring and use that as your page size. Creating the textblock in code (with no display) actually performs pretty well (I do it in some table views with no noticeable lag). I wouldn't send all 120,000 words to this function, but a reasonable subset of some sort.
Once you have the ideal length you can use a RegEx to split the book into pages. There are examples on this site of RegEx that break on word boundaries after a specific length.
Another option, is to calculate page size ahead of time for each potential fontsize (and hardcode it with a switch statement). This could easily get crazy if you are allowing any font and any size combinations, and would be awful if you allowed mixed fonts/sizes, but would perform very well. Most likely you have a particular range of readable sizes, and just a few fonts. Creating a test app to calculate the text length of a page for each of these combinations wouldn't be that hard and would probably make your life easier - even if it doesn't "feel" right as a programmer :)

I didn't find any reference to this example from Microsoft called: "Principles of Pagination".
It has some interesting sample code running in Windows Phone.
You can also look this article about Page Transitions in Windows Phone and this other about the final touches in the E-Book project.
The code is downloadable:

You can query the FormattedText class that is used AFAIK inside textBlock. since this is the class being used to format text in preparation for Rendering, this is the most lower-level class available, and should be fast.


PDFSharp TextFormatter.DrawString() with fractional font sizes in PDFSharp gives shortened lines

I'm using WPF, and I have a RichTextBox in my user interface, which I convert to a PDF file. I take the RichTextBox.Document FlowDocument from the RichTextBox and translate it to a PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage.
This has been working pretty good (after finding some help for wordwrap on SO), but I found that I need to scale the PDF, so after I get the font from the FlowDoc, I multiply it by a scale factor, in my case 0.88.
This appeared to work great, but on closer inspection, I found that a few lines were terminating early.
// these lines use font info from the FlowDoc. To simplify, I've
// hard-coded the font size.
// this works fine:
var thisRunXFont = new XFont(thisRun.FontFamily.Source, 14, xRunFontStyle);
// this causes problems:
var thisRunXFont = new XFont(thisRun.FontFamily.Source, 12.32, xRunFontStyle);
Has anyone else seen this kind of trouble? I do go on to use MeasureString() to get the enclosing paragraph -- but forcing the rectangle to be wider does not change the behavior.

Printing on Silverlight

I am trying to print a report where we have several different components within the xaml.
By what I`ve found, when printing, you have to treat every UIelement as a single one, thus if the desiredSize is bigger than the AvailableSize you have to activate the flag HasMorePages.
But here comes the problem.
My user can write as much text as he/she wants on the grid, therefore, depending on the amount, the row expands and goes off the printable area, as you can see on the picture below.
I thought about giving a whole page to the grid, but it was to big still, which got me into a loop where the DesizedSize was always bigger than the PrintableArea.
My code is not very different from any source you find on internet when searching for Multiple Page printing.
It is based on this , but using Stackpanels instead of Textboxes.
Any idea?
Thank you in advance.
First you need to work out how many pages are needed
Dim pagesNeeded As Integer = Math.Ceiling(gridHeight / pageHeight) 'gets number of pages needed
Then once the first page has been sent to the printer, you need to move that data out of view and bring the new data into view ready to print. I do this by converting the whole dataset into an image/UI element, i can then adjust Y value accordingly to bring the next set of required data on screen.
transformGroup.Children.Add(New TranslateTransform() With {.Y = -(pageIndex * pageHeight)})
Then once the number of needed pages is reached, tell the printer to stop
If pagesLeft <= 0 Then
e.HasMorePages = False
Exit Sub
e.HasMorePages = True
End If
Or if this is too much work, you can simply just scale all the notes to fit onto screen. Again probably by converting to UI element.
Check out this link for converting to a UI element.
Hope this helps

Image-processing basics

I have to do some image processing but I don't know where to start. My problem is as follows :-
I have a 2D fiber image (attached with this post), in which the fiber edges are denoted by white color and the inside of the fiber is black. I want to choose any black pixel inside the fiber, and travel from it along the length of the fiber. This will involve comparing the contrast with the surrounding pixels and then travelling in the desired direction. My main aim is to find the length of the fiber
So can someone please tell me atleast where to start? I have made a rough algorithm in my mind on how to approach my problem but I don't know even which software/library to use.
EDIT1 - Instead of OpenCV, I started using MATLAB since I found it much easier. I applied the Hough Transform and then Houghpeaks function with max no. of peaks = 100 so that all fibers are included. After that I got the following image. How do I find the length now?
EDIT2 - I found a research article on how to calculate length using Hough Transform but I'm not able to implement it in MATLAB. Someone please help
If your images are all as clean as the one you posted, it's quite an easy problem.
The very first technique I'd try is using a Hough Transform to estimate the line parameters, and there is a good implementation of the algorithm in OpenCV. After you have them, you can estimate their length any way you want, based on whatever other constraints you have.
Problem is two-fold as I see it:
1) locate start and end point from your starting position.
2) decide length between start and end points
Since I don't know your input data I assume it's pixel data with a 0..1 data on each pixel representing it's "whiteness".
In order to find end points I would do some kind of WALKER/AI that tries to walk in different locations, knowing original pos and last traversed direction then continuing along that route until "forward arc" is all white. This assumes fiber is somewhat straight (is it?).
Once you got start and end points you can input these into a a* path finding algorithm and give black pixels a low value and white very high. Then find shortest distance between start and end point, that is the length of the fiber.
Kinda hard to give more detail since I have no idea what techniques you gonna use and some example input data.
-This image can be considered a binary image where there are only 0s(black) and 1s(white).
-all the fibers are straight and their starting and ending points are on borders.
-we can come up with a limit for thickness in fiber(thickness of white lines).
Under these assumptions:
start scanning the image border(start from wherever you want in whichever direction you want...just be consistent) until you encounter with the first white pixel.At this point your program will understand that this is definitely a starting point. By knowing this, you will gather all the white pixels until you reach a certain limit(or a threshold). The idea here is, if there is a fiber,you will get the angle between the fiber and the border the starting point is on...of course the more pixels you get(the inner you get)the surer you will be in the end. This is the trickiest part. after somehow ending up with a need to calculate the angle(basic trigonometry). Since you know the starting point, the width/height of the image and the angle(or cos/sin of those) you will have the exact coordinate of the end point. Be advised...the exactness here is not really what you might have understood because we may(the thing is we will) have calculation errors in cos/sin values. So you need to hold the threshold as long as possible. So your end point will not be a point actually but rather an area indicating possibility that the ending point is somewhere inside that area. The rest is just simple maths.
Obviously you can put too much detail in this method like checking the both white lines that makes the fiber and deciding which one is longer or you can allow some margin for error since those lines will not be straight properly...this is where a conceptual thickness comes to the stage etc.
C# has nice stuff and easy for you to use...I'll put some code here...
newBitmap = new Bitmap(openFileDialog1.FileName);
for (int x = 0; x < newBitmap.Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < newBitmap.Height; y++)
Color originalColor = newBitmap.GetPixel(x, y);//gets the pixel value...
//things go here...
you'll get the image from a openfiledialog and bitmap the image. inside the nested for loop this code scans the image left-to-right however you can change this...
Since you know C++ and C, I would recommend OpenCV
. It is open-source so if you don't trust anyone like me, you won't have a problem ;). Also if you want to use C# like #VictorS. Mentioned I would use EmguCV which is the C# equivilant of OpenCV. Tutorials for OpenCV are included and for EmguCV can be found on their website. Hope this helps!
Download and install the latest version of 3Dslicer,
Load your data and go the the package>EM segmenter without Atlas>
Choose your anatomical tree in 2 different labels, the back one which is your purpose, the white edges.
The choose the whole 2D image as your ROI and click on segment.
Here is the result, I labeled the edges in green and the black area in white
You can modify your tree and change the structures you define.
You can give more samples to your segmentation to make it more accurate.

How do I detect whether the sample supplied by VideoSink.OnSample() is right-side up?

We're currently using the Silverlight VideoSink to capture video from users' local webcams, kinda like so:
protected override void OnSample(long sampleTime, long frameDuration, byte[] sampleData)
if (FrameShouldBeSubmitted())
byte[] resampledData = ResizeFrame(sampleData);
Now, on most of the machines that we've tested, the video sample provided in the byte[] sampleData parameter is upside-down, i.e., if you try to take the RGBA data and turn it into, say, a WriteableBitmap, the bitmap will be upside-down. That's odd, but fairly easy to correct, of course -- you just have to reverse the array as you encode it.
The problem is that at least on some machines (e.g., the single Macintosh in our test environment), the video sample provided is no longer upside-down, but right-side up, and hence, flipping the image actually results in an image that's received upside-down on the far side.
I reported this to MS as a bug, but their (terse) response was that it was "As Designed". Further attempts at clarification have so far been ignored.
Now, I'll grant that it's kinda entertaining to imagine the discussions behind this design decision: "OK, just to make it interesting, let's play the video rightside up on a Mac, but let's turn it upside down for Windows!" "Great idea!" "Yeah, that'll keep those developers guessing!" But beyond that, I can't find this, umm, "feature" documented anywhere, nor can I find any documentation on how one is supposed to be able to tell that a given video sample is upside down or rightside up. Any thoughts on how to tell this?
EDIT 3/29/10 4:50 pm - I got a response from MS which said that the appropriate way to tell was through the Stride property on the VideoFormat object, i.e., if the stride value is negative, the image will be upside-down. However, my own testing indicates that unless I'm doing something wrong, this isn't the case. At least on my own machine, whether the stride value is zero or negative (the only options I see), the sampled image is still upside-down.
I was going to suggest looking at VideoFormat.Stride provided at VideoSink.OnFormatChange but then I noticed your edit. I went ahead and tested it at my dev machine, image is upside down and stride is negative as expected. Have you checked again recently?
Even though stride made perfect sense for native applications (using stride at pointer operations), I agree that current behavior is not what you expect from a modern API. However performance wise, it is better not to make changes on data received from native API.
Yet at this point, while we are talking about performance, why not provide samples in formats other than PixelFormatType.Format32bppArgb so that we can avoid color space conversion? BTW, there is a VideoCaptureDevice.DesiredFormat property which only works for resolution as there is no alternative to PixelFormatType.Format32bppArgb.

How many rows should be in the (main) buffer of a virtual Listview control?

How many rows should be in the (main) buffer of a virtual Listview control?
I am witting an application in pure 'c' to the Win32 API. There is an ODBC connection to a database which will retrieve the items (actually rows).
The MSDN sample code implies a fixed size buffer of 30 for the end cache (Which would almost certainly not be optimal). I think the end cache and the main cache should be the same size.
My thinking is that the buffer should be more than the maximum number of items that could be displayed by the list view at one time. I guess this could be re-calculated each time the Listivew was resized?
Or, is it just better to go with a large fixed value. If so what is that value?
Use the ListView_ApproximateViewRect (or the LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT message) to get the view rect height.
Use the ListView_GetItemRect (or the LVM_GETITEMRECT message) to get the height of an item.
Divide the view rect height by the height of an item to get the number of items that can fit in your view.
Do this calculation on each size event.
Then create your buffer accordingly.
The LVN_ODCACHEHINT notification message will let you know how many items it is going to ask. This could help you in deciding how big your cache should be.
#Brian R. Bondy Thanks for the explicit help for how to do get the number of items. In fact I was all ready working my way to understanding that it could be done (for list or report view) with ListView_GetCountPerPage, and I would use you way to get it for for the others, though I don't need the ListView_ApproximateViewRect since I will all ready know the new size of the ListView.
#Lars Truijens I am already using the LVN_ODCACHEHINT and had though about using that to set the buffer size, however I need to read to the end of the SQL data to find the last item to get the number of rows returned from ODBC. Since that would be the best time to fill the 'end cache' I think I have to set up the number of items (and therefore fill the buffer) before we get a call to LVN_ODCACHEHIN.
I guess my real question is one of optimization for which I think Brian hinted at the answer. The amount of overhead in trashing your buffer and reallocating memory is smaller than the overhead of going out to the network and doing an ODBC read, some make the buffer fairly small and change it often rather.
Is this right?
I have done a little more playing around, and it seems that think that LVN_ODCACHEHINT generally fills the main buffer correctly, and only misses if a row (in report mode) is partially visible.
So I think the answer for the size of the cache is: The total number of displayed items, plus one row of displayed items (since in the icons views you have multiple items per row).
You would then re-read the cache with each WM_SIZE and LVN_ODCACHEHINT if either had a different begin and end item number.
The answer would seem to be: (Or a random collection of notes as I fiddle around with ideas)
As a general answer for buffers:
Start with some amount, in this case a screen full (I add an extra row in case the next is partially uncovered), and then every time the screen is scrolled, double the buffer size (up to the point before you run out of memory).
Which would seem to be wrong. As it turns out, most ways of loading data are all ready buffered. ODBC calls of File I/O. Pretty much anything that isn't that I can think off is either in memory or is recalculated on the fly. This means the answer really is: take the values provided in LVN_ODCACHEHINT (and add 1 either side - this just seems to work faster if you don't have an integral height).
