Is this an acceptable database design? - sql-server

My spider sense is tingling, but I've been thinking about it for 2 hours now and I'd like some more feedback from the hivemind.
I'm creating an application for a school. Its supposed to handle students, teachers, courses, honor roles, grades - the works.
I was wondering how to handle the change of years after each year.
Students move up a grade (or don't).
Teachers are assigned to different grades as their homeroom teacher.
Grades are saved for the year.
There's also the matter of auditing. I need to have an easy way to pull up records from last year or the year before. See what teacher gave which course at what grade at what year.
The problem I'm having is how to handle this.
My thought was to create a new clean database for each year as they come along. So at the end of this year, I'd go to the school and create a new database for them named FooSchool2012 and programatically let the end users change the database they want to use via a connection string.
Since I'm using an ORM it's only a matter of changing the connection string as the databases are the same.
But this reeks of bad design and crappy engineering to me.
Usually my gut is right, so hopefully you guys can let me know of some alternatives on how to handle this.

No, I would not create a new table or database for each year. It breaks first normal form. Every table will be a duplicate except for the name. It's a poor design. And a maintenance headache. Who's going to create the new database, load the schema, and then change all the URLs? If you change the schema after a few years, will you have to change all the back editions as well so people can query the historical data?
Nope, not a good design at all.
It's common to move historical information out into reporting/data warehousing databases. But the scheme you're suggesting is reminiscent of old, mainframe, VSAM flat file methodologies. I'd use relational databases the way they were intended to be used.

I'm sure your solution could be made workable, but it does seem a little needlessly complicated. Couldn't you accomplish the same thing in a single database by referencing the school year? You may want to think about which entities make sense to have "effective dates" (i.e., a start and an end time). The 3rd grade teacher may change mid year, for example, but you could handle that with effective dates.

My thought was to create a new clean
database for each year
If you thought about this for two hours, and your best idea was to create a new database for each year, you're the wrong person to design this database.
That's an observation, not a criticism. You just need to learn a lot more of the fundamentals before you tackle a project like this one. You'll just get frustrated, and the school will suffer.

You need to spend A LOT of time on your database design. Think about maintenance in the long run, it needs to be as easy as possible. The best way is to create a relational database, research bridge,validation, and base tables. To answer your question, I would not do a table for every year. The best way is having the student grade data mapped to a specific unique id representing that student's specific course ID.
I would think about creating a table for each of the nouns:
instructor - PK instructorID,instructorName..
(any other 1:1 instructor information)
Student - PK studentID,StudentName..
(any other 1:1 student information)
Course - PK CourseID, CourseName, CourseDescription..
(any other 1:1 course information)
•Teachers are assigned to different grades as their homeroom teacher.
on the 1:1 instructor table you could have a column called HomeroomGrade and then you
update that column with the current grade. If you wanted to keep a history of the grade
you could have the instructor table be a composite key with another column incrementing up
for the current record.
•Students move up a grade (or don't).
You will need another table showing the relationship of students to a unique courses
grades for that year, but first you need to map the instructor to that specific course.
PK InstructorToCourseID
InstructorID - FK
CourseID - FK
Year - FK
then yet another table mapping the unique course to that student with the grade..
PK InstructorToCourseID FK from previous table
PK StudentID - FK from student information table
Sorry if im general and vague, but this should give you some ideas on the relationships that can be created.


ecommerce Book and Bookstore table design logic

There is a Book table that is always unique with title, edition, and author.
And I want all bookstores to add their books, but different bookstores can have the same book with different pricing. So I come up with this table design.
So when one bookstore tries to add a book and the book is already been added by another bookstore the current bookstore should have to just fill in the pricing detail, not including the book detail.
The problem with this is, what if the book detail already been added has some missing or incorrect info? in this case, the current bookstore can flag and moderators or admins can fix it.
Is there any better way to achieve this? I don't comfortable with this design logic at all.
Your design makes sense. You want to keep the "static" information in 1 table, and link "dynamic" information like you did.
Your other question is related to data integrity. You can put "not null" conditions on fields to ensure all fields are filed, but garbage entries are always possible. This is a universal problem.
Potential solutions to mitigate this:
any and all data that can be selected instead of typed in should be linked via another table. Ex:
bookgenreid PK
genre CHAR
bookid PK
genre FK, BookGenre.bookgenreid
So you store all possible genres in a separate table, so your users cannot invent new genres or mistype values. Same for authors, countries, ... This makes it easier to build queries as well and avoid things like [ SciFi, Science Fiction, Sciance fiction, ... ]
not everyone should be able to enter new books in the system. Ex. when I worked at a wholesale distributor, only a select group employees could create new products in the database, and they had established a convention on how to do it. They worked closely with purchasing and receiving. You will need to dedicate "data administrators".
So try to control as much as you can in the database and - or the application. Avoid free text fields as much as possible, as users will always think of new ways to mess it up. Ex. at work currently we have a HUGE project to standardise addresses between unlinked systems. It is a enormous undertaking, which involves AI. All this only because no 2 persons enter addresses exactly the same.

Designing two DB tables with same id? Good practices?

I have to take an online course on DB design once again since I got a really lazy teacher that I thought had taught us everything and I continue to find out he didn't.
I'm designing a small DB in which two particular tables brought up this question.
I have a table called "Athlete" which stores Athlete info and a second table called "EntryInfo" which stores a guy's objectives, if he was a referral by another athlete.
There is no way an athlete could have more than one of this entry infos, so I thought idAthlete would apply to both "Athlete" and "EntryInfo" but I don´t know if this is correct or not. Now I have these questions:
1) In trying to keep "Athlete" table as clean as possible I didn't include this "EntryInfo" in the "Athlete" table from the beginning but it COULD be in the same table. Is this the best way to handle it? Regarding good practices in DB design should they be in 1 or 2 tables?
2) If it´s better to keep it in two separate tables, can I have idAthlete as PK in Athlete table (identity, incremental) and have it also as a PK in Entry Info only as a FK? or would it be a better practice to have a PK identity incremental idEntryInfo on EntryInfo table with a FK idAthlete?
I know this is such a basic question and I know I should take a course on DB design and normalisation (and I will do).
When you have two tables with the same key it's called vertical partitioning and it's a valid design for various reasons.
However I don't see any reasons in your explanation. I only see your statement keep "Athlete" table as clean as possible, which has a pretty general meaning. If you're going to put different groups of fields into different tables you can categorise that any number of ways
If you had a zillion records and you had performance issues it might be worth considering.
It will be simpler for you if you keep it in one table, then you don't have to fiddle about synchronising keys between the tables

T-SQL - Using GUID's Across tables for storing common information?

I started building a database to manage things like vehicles, finances, bills, work history, residence history....etc.
I'm mostly doing this as a learning exercise to teach myself different methods of schema design and ground up development. I've been a database developer for 4 years, but I've only ever worked on the same system/schema. Even my ground up development of new features still have to abide by the existing Schema.
Anyways, I have tables for things like Vehicle Registration, Vehicle Loans/Purchases, Bills, etc. But rather than storing their billing info (payment amount, occurrence, etc), I thought maybe I could put a GUID column on every table, and then store the billing info by the GUID, and then have some sort of view or function that lets me look up the object_id (table) for a particular GUID.
Is this design method a good way to do things?
How would I go about designing the function/view to return the objectid / tablename for specific GUID's?
EDIT: I guess this is a poor explanation, so here's a quick example:
Table: VehicleRegistration
This table would have information like license plate, when the registration is good for, etc.
Table: VehicleLoan
This table would have loan information about each vehicle (amount financed, term, apr, date of purchase, etc).
Both of those tables would also have information like Billing Date, Occurence, Estimated Amount, etc. But instead of storing that data in the two tables, I would store it in another table called BillingInfo or something like that. Obviously I could add a FK on the two tables that point to the PK on the BillingInfo table. But that would mean every table that requires billing information would require that FK on it. Rather than creating that FK on every table...what if instead, every row in VehicleRegistration and VehicleLoan had a unique ID. And I would store the billing info by unique ID instead.
And since it's unque across tables, I would have a function or view to tell me which table that GUID is in. (keep in mind, this is a very small personal database, so for now, speed and optimization is not a concern).
If I applied this method to all common info, like billing information, then I could avoid having to put a FK on every table that needs it. I could just create the table and use the Unique ID's instead?

Normalizing a Product Designer database

I'm looking to create a database for tracking purposes. For the purposes of this question I have abstracted it a bit and transformed it into a Product Design tracking database.
I'm trying to make it as normalized and efficient as possible.
Essentially I want to be able to track Employees and what designs they've participated in.The queries I want to run aren't particularly complex. I want to be able to query how many employees participated in the design of a specific model, what models and products an employee has designed, how many employees designed a product, etc. The products would be redesigned every year or half year.
My concern is how I'm managing the many to many relationship between models and employees. In the example provided I have a Design table between the Model and Employee Table. This will essentially be a dump of all Employees designers, which both resolves the many to many relationship (which I understand to be a bit of a bad thing to have) and make query design relatively simple. I also assume I can index it by either Emp_ID or Model_ID to make it more efficient.
However I'm worried this table may get a bit unwieldy over time. In its current role I could make this database very inefficient and probably not notice any degradation in performance. However I'm hoping to make this relatively scale-able as I want to make this easy to admin (whether I admin it or someone else takes over) and I'm hoping to add features over time (a CRM-like functionality for example).
I was thinking I could create a table to for each employee and track design projects by having them in a separate empID_design table, but that also seemed very unwieldy. Essentially every other way I thought up on how to do this ended up with creating a large number of tables versus inserting a Row.
One other thing was I wanted to be able to track project managers. In the current form I thought tracking it in the Design table made sense. I don't think the Project Mgr would change mid-design but is there an elegant way to track it if they did?
Any help or advice you can provide is appreciated. I'm a bit rusty with Database Design and ERD Design, so if you notice something that doesn't make sense, its more likely a mistake I made as opposed a fancy nuanced design I thought up.
To give a basic idea of what each table could be representing:
Company: Black and Decker
Product: Rotary Tool
Model: D-5230
Designed by: George Santos, Kevin Smith, John Rodes
Project Manager: Kevin Smith
Thank you in advance!
ERD Diagram:
It sounds to me like the intersection table between model and employee ought to be a role table, in which each row has:
An employee ID
A model ID
A role ID: designer, project manager, lead designer, etc
In that way an employee could even have multiple roles on a project.

Database design decision translating requirements to relational models

So I've volunteer to create a Registering system for my local church's education ministry. It should be able to register new students and keep track of their progress. Here are the requirements I've managed to gather:
The educational institution offers several courses.
Courses have a name and description.
Courses are organized in levels. There are several courses per level.
Courses also have requirements (i.e. other courses that need to be taken first).
A student graduates from a level when it has passed all courses of that level.
If a student cannot pass a course, he may repeat it as many times as he wants/needs.
Students can only take one course per semester.
An inactive student is one that isn't enrolled in the current semester.
Teachers will teach only one course per semester. Teachers may teach a different course each semester.
There could be semesters a teacher doesn't teach.
Now, this is my relational model.
My questions are:
Are there any tables missing?
Looking at the semester + semester_code_description: is this the best way to do this? Under the assumption that a year has 2 semesters and that each semester have the same start and end months (i.e. semester 1: Aug - Dec, semester 2: Jan - May), is semester_code_description table really necessary?
How could I improve the design?
Sorry I didn't include any arrows. The program I'm using is a mess.
Thanks so much for your valuable time in advance.
1) Nice job on your design. I don't see any missing tables - it looks like you covered all of your requirements.
2) The semester_description table makes sense to me, whether or not you need it depends on whether you plan to do anything with that data.
3) The requirement "students can only take one course per semester" would imply that the Has_Taken relationship's primary key should be (student_id, semester_id). As it stands now, I could insert two different courses for the same student and semester. Similarly for the Has_Teached relationship.
Some other thoughts:
The "last_whatever" columns in some of your tables will force some extra processing on your actual application. You will need some mechanism to monitor/update those. Another option would be to derive them from your tables. I can get a student's last_semester by finding the semester with the max year/code.
One last consideration, how stable are these courses/descriptions/levels? I worked at a university for several years and our courses would change on a semester basis, forcing us to save an entire copy of course records for each change because we want a student's record to reflect what they actually took at that time.
Here's a little example in your app. Let's say I graduated level 1. Then a year later, the church adds a new course (Course A) to level 1. I will effectively be un-graduated b/c now there are level 1 courses I don't have (Course A).
This may not matter to you if your courses are pretty stable. Good luck!
