How to push an Array of Hashes to Array of Hashes? - arrays

I have this script
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my %acc = ();
&insert_a(\%acc, 11);
&insert_p(\%acc, 111);
print Dumper %acc;
sub insert_a() {
my $acc_ref = shift;
$acc_ref->{"$_[0]"} = {
a => -1,
b => -1,
c => [ { }, ],
sub insert_p() {
my $acc_ref = shift;
my #AoH = (
d => -1,
e => -1,
push $acc_ref->{"$_[0]"}{"c"}, #AoH;
where I am trying to insert AoH into c which also is an AoH, but I am getting
Type of arg 1 to push must be array (not hash element) at ./ line 36, near "#AoH;"
Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors.
Any ideas how to do that?

The specific problem is that you can only push to an array, so you first need to dereference the array, and then, since it's in a larger data structure, you want to set its value to a reference.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my %acc = ();
# don't use & to call subs; that overrides prototypes (among other things)
# which you won't need to worry about, because you shouldn't be using
# prototypes here; they're used for something else in Perl.
insert_a(\%acc, 11);
insert_p(\%acc, 111);
# use \%acc to print as a nice-looking hashref, all in one variable
print Dumper \%acc;
# don't use () here - that's a prototype, and they're used for other things.
sub insert_a {
my $acc_ref = shift;
$acc_ref->{"$_[0]"} = {
a => -1,
b => -1,
c => [ { }, ],
# same here
sub insert_p {
my $acc_ref = shift;
my #AoH = (
d => -1,
e => -1,
# You need to dereference the first array, and pass it a reference
# as the second argument.
push #{ $acc_ref->{"$_[0]"}{"c"} }, \#AoH;
I'm not quite sure that the resulting data structure is what you intended, but now that you have the program working and can see the resulting structure, you can modify it to get what you need.

Hash values are always scalar, so to store an array in a hash you need to store a reference to the array. Try using the following line, where the hash value is dereferenced to an array.
push #{ $acc_ref->{$_[0]}->{'c'} }, #AoH;

Do it like,
push #{$acc_ref->{"$_[0]"}->{"c"}}, #AoH;
or you can try $acc_ref->{"$_[0]"}->{"c"} = \#AoH;
Your script,
use strict;
use warnings
use Data::Dumper;
my %acc = ();
&insert_a(\%acc, 11);
&insert_p(\%acc, 111);
print Dumper %acc;
sub insert_a() {
my $acc_ref = shift;
$acc_ref->{"$_[0]"} = {
a => -1,
b => -1,
c => [ { }, ],
sub insert_p() {
my $acc_ref = shift;
my #AoH = (
d => -1,
e => -1,
push #{$acc_ref->{"$_[0]"}->{"c"}}, #AoH;
$VAR1 = '11';
$VAR2 = {
'c' => [
'a' => -1,
'b' => -1
$VAR3 = '111';
$VAR4 = {
'c' => [
'e' => -1,
'd' => -1


How to iterate through an Array of hashes in Perl?

I have the following array:
ifNameList -> $VAR1 = [
'VALUE' => ' gpon_olt-1/1/1',
'ASN1' => '285278465'
'VALUE' => ' gpon_olt-1/1/2',
'ASN1' => '285278466'
'VALUE' => ' gpon_olt-1/1/3',
'ASN1' => '285278467'
'VALUE' => ' gpon_olt-1/1/4',
'ASN1' => '285278468'
'VALUE' => ' gpon_olt-1/1/5',
'ASN1' => '285278469'
I need to iterate through this array of hashes comparing the "VALUE" field of each hash, until it matches and do some action.
I've already made the following code, but its not working. What I'm doing wrong?
sub GetIfIndexFromName{
my $ifName = shift;
my #ifList = shift;
my $index;
for (#ifList){
my %interfaceHash = %$_;
# Just trims any blank space on the string:
$interfaceHash->{"VALUE"} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
if($interfaceHash->{"VALUE"} eq $ifName){
print "trimmed interface name-> ".$interfaceHash->{"VALUE"}."\n\n";
$index = $interfaceHash->{"ASN1"};
print "Returning index value: ".$index;
return $index;
Two errors.
Problem 1: Wrong variable
ALWAYS use use strict; use warnings;. It would have found this error:
# Access the `VALUE` element of the hash referenced by `$interfaceHash`.
You have no variable named $interfaceHash.
There are three ways to fix this:
for ( #ifList ) {
my %interfaceHash = %$_;
... $interfaceHash{ VALUE } ...
for my $interfaceHash ( #ifList ) {
... $interfaceHash->{ VALUE } ...
The latter is recommended. It avoids creating a copy of the hash, which involves create a number of temporary scalars. This is all useless work.
Problem 2: Incorrect parameter retrieval
The following is wrong:
my #ifList = shift;
shift returns a scalar. There's absolutely no point in using an array to hold exactly one scalar at all times.
sub GetIfIndexFromName {
my $ifName = shift;
my $ifList = shift;
for ( #$ifList ) {
# Pass a reference to the array.
GetIfIndexFromName( $ifName, $VAR1 )
sub GetIfIndexFromName {
my $ifName = shift;
my #ifList = #_;
for ( #ifList ) {
# Pass each element of the array.
GetIfIndexFromName( $ifName, #$VAR1 )
The former convention is more efficient, but the latter can create cleaner code in the caller. Probably not in your program, though.
How I'd write this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );
use List::Util qw( first );
sub trim_inplace { $_[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+\z//g; }
my #ifList = ...;
my $ifName = ...;
trim_inplace( $_->{ VALUE } ) for #ifList;
my $match = first { $_->{ VALUE } eq $ifName } #ifList
or die( "Interface not found.\n" );
my $asn1 = $match->{ ASN1 };
say $asn1;

Programmatically change sorting order in Perl

I'd like to give the user the possibility to change the sorting order (asc / desc) in a data structure. As far as I know, this is done changing the order of $a and $bin the code, but I'd like to programmatically change this to avoid redundant code.
I made a working example:
use 5.018;
use warnings;
# Supply any argument to change sorting order
my $sorting_direction = $ARGV[0];
my $data = {
'item1' => {
'min' => 4,
'size' => 825,
'max' => 256,
'item2' => {
'min' => 4,
'size' => 130,
'max' => 65,
if (defined $sorting_direction) {
foreach my $item (sort { $$data{$a}{'size'} <=> $$data{$b}{'size'} } keys %{$data} ) {
say "$item\t", $$data{$item}{'size'};
} else {
foreach my $item (sort { $$data{$b}{'size'} <=> $$data{$a}{'size'} } keys %{$data} ) {
say "$item\t", $$data{$item}{'size'};
Giving any parameter will change the sorting_direction. Can I do this without the if conditional?
As <=> has a value of -1, 0 or 1, you can multiply with -1 to get the opposite sorting order.
So if your $sorting_direction is 1 or -1 use
$sorting_direction * ( $$data{$a}{'size'} <=> $$data{$b}{'size'} )
A generic solution is to use different compare functions.
my %sorters = (
by_size_asc => sub { $data->{$a}{size} <=> $data->{$b}{size} },
by_size_desc => sub { $data->{$b}{size} <=> $data->{$a}{size} },
# ...
or die("usage\n");
my $sorter = $sorters{$ARGV[0]}
or die("Invalid sort function \"$ARGV[0]\".\n");
my #sorted_keys = sort $sorter keys(%$data);
You could also use different sort functions, such as when using the great Sort::Key module.
use Sort::Key qw( ikeysort rikeysort );
my %sorters = (
by_size_asc => sub { ikeysort { $data->{$_}{size} } #_ },
by_size_desc => sub { rikeysort { $data->{$_}{size} } #_ },
# ...
or die("usage\n");
my $sorter = $sorters{$ARGV[0]}
or die("Invalid sort function \"$ARGV[0]\".\n");
my #sorted_keys = $sorter->( keys(%$data) );
While it's always going to be slower because it's a full extra operation, if performance is not as much a concern as code cleanliness you could just reverse the list when the opposite sorting direction is chosen. Note that this would be slightly different in the case of sorting equal elements, as sort in Perl is normally stable (equal elements stay in the same order they originally were).
my #sorted = sort { $$data{$a}{'size'} <=> $$data{$b}{'size'} } keys %{$data};
#sorted = reverse #sorted if $reverse;

Parametric sorting of a list of hashes

My aim is to write a subroutine which takes in
An array of hashes
A list containing the sort order
Just to be clear - the keys may be anything. My example is just for reference.
Given an array containing a list of keys in their required sort order
my #aSortOrder = ( 'DELTA1_2', 'SET1', 'SET2' );
My idea is to form a string
$a->{DELTA1_2} <=> $b->{DELTA1_2} or $a->{SET1} <=> $b->{SET1} or $a->{SET2} <=> $b->{SET2}
and then execute it with eval.
Here's my code
my $paRecords = [
{ 'SET1' => 48265, 'DELTA1_2' => -1, 'SET2' => 48264 },
{ 'SET1' => 8328, 'DELTA1_2' => -29, 'SET2' => 8299 },
{ 'SET1' => 20, 'DELTA1_2' => 0, 'SET2' => 0 },
{ 'SET1' => 10, 'DELTA1_2' => 0, 'SET2' => 0 }
my #aSortOrder = ( 'DELTA1_2', 'SET1', 'SET2' );
my $pStr = '';
foreach ( #aSortOrder ) {
$pStr = $pStr . ' or $a->{' . $_ . '} <=> $b->{' . $_ . '}';
$pStr =~ s/^\s*or\s*//;
my #aSorted = sort { eval "$pStr"; } #$paRecords;
print Dumper \#aSorted;
$VAR1 = [
'SET1' => 8328,
'SET2' => 8299,
'DELTA1_2' => -29
'SET1' => 48265,
'SET2' => 48264,
'DELTA1_2' => -1
'SET2' => 0,
'DELTA1_2' => 0,
'SET1' => 10
'SET2' => 0,
'DELTA1_2' => 0,
'SET1' => 20
I guess that this is far from the ideal approach to solving the problem, so any pointer on how this problem could be better solved would be a great help.
Just create a sub that does the comparison.
sub custom_cmp {
my $keys = shift;
for my $key (#$keys) {
my $cmp = $_[0]{$key} <=> $_[1]{$key};
return $cmp if $cmp;
return 0;
my #aSorted = sort { custom_cmp(\#aSortOrder, $a, $b) } #$paRecords;
The above makes two sub calls for each comparison. If we generate the compare function, we can reduce that to one.
sub make_custom_cmp {
my #keys = #_;
return sub($$) {
for my $key (#keys) {
my $cmp = $_[0]{$key} <=> $_[1]{$key};
return $cmp if $cmp;
return 0;
my $cmp = make_custom_cmp(#aSortOrder);
my #aSorted = sort $cmp #$paRecords;
We could go one further and flatten the loop through code generation. This is what a "proper" eval-based solution would look like. However, this level of optimization is hardly needed.
sub make_custom_cmp {
my #keys = #_;
my #cmps;
for $i (0..$#keys) {
push #cmps, "\$_[0]{\$keys[$i]} <=> \$_[1]{\$keys[$i]}"
return eval("sub($$) { ".( join(" || ", #cmps) )."}");
my $cmp = make_custom_cmp(#aSortOrder);
my #aSorted = sort $cmp #$paRecords;
In fact, the following is probably the most performant solution:
my #aSorted =
map $paRecords->[ unpack('N', substr($_, -4))-0x7FFFFFFF ],
map pack('N*', map $_+0x7FFFFFFF, #{ $paRecords->[$_] }{#aSortOrder}, $_),
The block passed to sort may contain any amount of code. It is required only to evaluate to a negative number, zero, or a positive number according to whether $a should be considered to be less than, equal to, or great than $b
I agree with your decision to bundle this into a subroutine, so I have written sort_hashes_by_keys, which expects a reference to an array of hashes to be sorted, and a reference to an array of key strings. It returns a list of hashes sorted according to the list of keys
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use Data::Dump 'dd';
my $records = [
{ SET1 => 48265, DELTA1_2 => -1, SET2 => 48264 },
{ SET1 => 8328, DELTA1_2 => -29, SET2 => 8299 },
{ SET1 => 20, DELTA1_2 => 0, SET2 => 0 },
{ SET1 => 10, DELTA1_2 => 0, SET2 => 0 }
my #sort_order = qw/ DELTA1_2 SET1 SET2 /;
my #sorted = sort_hashes_by_keys( $records, \#sort_order );
dd \#sorted;
sub sort_hashes_by_keys {
my ( $hashes, $order ) = #_;
sort {
my $cmp = 0;
for my $key ( #$order ) {
last if $cmp = $a->{$key} <=> $b->{$key};
} #$hashes;
{ DELTA1_2 => -29, SET1 => 8328, SET2 => 8299 },
{ DELTA1_2 => -1, SET1 => 48265, SET2 => 48264 },
{ DELTA1_2 => 0, SET1 => 10, SET2 => 0 },
{ DELTA1_2 => 0, SET1 => 20, SET2 => 0 },
Note that I strongly advise against both hungarian notation and camel case when naming your variables. Perl is not strictly typed, and it has sigils like $, # and % which indicate the type of every variable, so hungarian notation is superfluous at best, and also adds distracting and irrelevant noise. Also, by convention, capital letters are reserved for module names and global variables, so local identifiers should be in "snake case", i.e. lower-case letters and underscores. Many non-English speakers also find camel case difficult to parse
Well, you're quite right - using eval like that is a road to future pain.
The joy of 'sort' is that you can define a sort subroutine, that implicitly defines $a and $b and you can use whatever logic you desire to decide if it's a positive, negative or 'zero' comparison (equal). (e.g. like <=> or cmp do).
The trick here is - 'true' is anything non zero, so <=> you can test for 'true' to see if there's a comparison to be made ( 4 <=> 4 is 'false')
So if you're just working numerically (you'd need to test for 'alphanumeric' and use cmp in some cases there, but doesn't seem to apply to your data):
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $paRecords = [
{ 'SET1' => 48265, 'DELTA1_2' => -1, 'SET2' => 48264 },
{ 'SET1' => 8328, 'DELTA1_2' => -29, 'SET2' => 8299 },
{ 'SET1' => 20, 'DELTA1_2' => 0, 'SET2' => 0 },
{ 'SET1' => 10, 'DELTA1_2' => 0, 'SET2' => 0 }
#qw is 'quote-words' and just lets you space delimit terms.
#it's semantically the same as ( 'DELTA1_2', 'SET1', 'SET2' );
my #order = qw ( DELTA1_2 SET1 SET2 );
#note - needs to come after definition of `#order` but it can be re-written later as long as it's in scope.
#you can pass an order explicitly into the subroutine if you want though.
sub order_by {
for my $key (#order) {
#compare key
my $result = $a->{$key} <=> $b->{$key};
#return it and exit the loop if they aren't equal, otherwise
#continue iterating sort terms.
return $result if $result;
return 0; #all keys were similar, therefore return zero.
print join (",", #order), "\n";
foreach my $record ( sort {order_by} #$paRecords ) {
#use hash slice to order output in 'sort order'.
#optional, but hopefully clarifies what's going on.
print join (",", #{$record}{#order}), "\n";
This, given your data outputs:
Note, I've opted to use hash slice for your output, because otherwise hashes are unordered, and so your Dumper output will be inconsistent (randomly ordered fields).
If you need to be a little more dynamic about your ordering, you can pass it into the sort-sub:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
sub order_by {
for my $key (#_) {
#compare key
my $result = $a->{$key} <=> $b->{$key};
#return it and exit the loop if they aren't equal, otherwise
#continue iterating sort terms.
return $result if $result;
return 0; #all keys were similar, therefore return zero.
my $paRecords = [
{ 'SET1' => 48265, 'DELTA1_2' => -1, 'SET2' => 48264 },
{ 'SET1' => 8328, 'DELTA1_2' => -29, 'SET2' => 8299 },
{ 'SET1' => 20, 'DELTA1_2' => 0, 'SET2' => 0 },
{ 'SET1' => 10, 'DELTA1_2' => 0, 'SET2' => 0 }
#qw is 'quote-words' and just lets you space delimit terms.
#it's semantically the same as ( 'DELTA1_2', 'SET1', 'SET2' );
my #order = qw ( DELTA1_2 SET1 SET2 );
print join( ",", #order ), "\n";
foreach my $record ( sort {order_by ( #order ) } #$paRecords ) {
#use hash slice to order output in 'sort order'.
#optional, but hopefully clarifies what's going on.
print join( ",", #{$record}{#order} ), "\n";

Passing hash slice to subroutine expecting array reference

Consider the following perl script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
# Expects an array reference and an undef replacement value
sub undef_to_value(\#$) {
my $array_ref = shift(#_);
my $default = shift(#_);
# Map each element in the array referenced by $array_ref to...
# If the element is defined, itself
# Otherwise, the $default value
return map {
defined($_) ? $_ : $default
} #{ $array_ref };
my %grades = ("Alice" => 100, "Bob" => 85, "Carol" => 92);
my #students = ("Alice", "Bob", "Eve");
The following code works as expected:
my #student_grades = #grades{ #students };
#student_grades = undef_to_value(#student_grades, 0);
print Dumper(\#student_grades);
# $VAR1 = [
# 100,
# 85,
# 0
# ];
However, trying to pass a hash slice results in Type of arg 1 to main::undef_to_value must be array (not hash slice):
my #student_grades = undef_to_value( #grades{ #students }, 0 );
How is it that a hash slice can be coaxed into an array with assignment, but not during a subroutine call?
Is there any way to get the failing example to work as a single assignment?
How is it that a hash slice can be coaxed into an array with assignment
It's not. A hash slice in list context evaluates to a number of scalars, and the list assignment operator is perfectly happy with that.
In other words,
#L{qw( a b )} = #R{qw( a b )};
is equivalent to
($L{a}, $L{b}) = ($R{a}, $R{b});
As your comment says, undef_to_value expects an array reference. The prototype provides this if you provide an array, but you are providing" an hash slice instead. That's not a type a variable, so you can't take a reference to it[1].
Just accept scalars instead:
sub undef_to_value {
my $default = shift(#_);
return map { $_ // $default } #_;
my #student_grades = undef_to_value(0, #grades{ #students });
Of course, you could simply use
my #student_grades = map { $_ // 0 } #grades{ #students };
\#h{LIST} is equivalent to map { \$_ } #h{LIST}.
You can fool the prototype by referencing and then dereferencing an arbitrary list
undef_to_value( #{[#grades{ #students }]}, 0 );
but this will only modify a copy of your input, so it's not that helpful.
undef_to_value( #{[#grades{ #students }]}, 0 );
print Dumper([#grades{#students}]);
$VAR1 = [
Fortunately, your undef_to_value function also returns the set of updated values, so you can say
#grades{#students} = undef_to_value( #{[#grades{ #students }]}, 0 );
print Dumper(\%grades);
$VAR1 = {
'Bob' => 85,
'Carol' => 92,
'Eve' => 0,
'Alice' => 100

perl: deep merge with per-element arrays merge

I'm trying to merge two hashes and Hash::Merge does almost exactly what I need, except for arrays. Instead of concatenating arrays I need it to do per-element merge.
For example:
use Hash::Merge qw (merge);
my %a = ( 'arr' => [ { 'a' => 'b' } ] );
my %b = ( 'arr' => [ { 'c' => 'd' } ] );
my %c = %{ merge( \%a, \%b) };
Desired result is ('arr'=>[{'a'=>'b','c'=>'d'}]), actual result is ('arr'=>[{'a'=>'b'},{'c'=>'d'}])
Can this be done by using specify_behavior or is there some other way?
I think that specify_behaviour is used to specify how to handle conflicts, or uneven structures to merge. The documentation doesn't actually say much. But try it, go through defined shortcuts, or try to set them yourself. For your data structure you could try
SCALAR => ARRAY => sub { [ %{$_0}, %{$_[0]} ] }
SCALAR => ARRAY => HASH => sub { [ $_[0], $_[0] ] }
If you tried and it didn't work you may have found a bug in the module? By what you show it just didn't go "deep" enough. Here it is without the module. I've enlarged your sample structures.
use warnings;
use strict;
my %a = (
'arr1' => [ { a => 'A', a1 => 'A1' } ],
'arr2' => [ { aa => 'AA', aa1 => 'AA1' } ]
my %b = (
'arr1' => [ { b => 'B', b1 => 'B1' } ],
'arr2' => [ { bb => 'BB', bb1 => 'BB1' } ]
# Copy top level, %a to our target %c
my %c;
#c{keys %a} = values %a;
# Iterate over hash keys, then through array
foreach my $key (sort keys %c) {
my $arr_len = #{$c{$key}};
foreach my $i (0..$arr_len-1) {
my %hb = %{ ${$b{$key}}[$i] };
# merge: add %b to %c
#{ ${$c{$key}}[$i] }{keys %hb} = values %hb;
# Print it out
foreach my $key (sort keys %c) {
print "$key: ";
my $arr_len = #{$c{$key}};
foreach my $i (0..$arr_len-1) {
my %hc = %{ ${$c{$key}}[$i] };
print "$_ => $hc{$_}, " for sort keys %hc;
print "\n";
This prints the contents of %c (aligned manually here)
arr1: a => A, a1 => A1, b => B, b1 => B1,
arr2: aa => AA, aa1 => AA1, bb => BB, bb1 => BB1,
Code does not handle arrays/hashes of unequal sizes but checks can be added readily.
Another solution (that handles uneven hash elements in %a and %b).
my %c;
foreach my $key (keys %a, keys %b) {
my $a_ref = $a{$key};
my $b_ref = $b{$key};
$c{$key} = { map %$_, #$a_ref, #$b_ref };
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper \%c;
