How many connections does an ADO connection pool contain? - sql-server

As part of evaluating the load on our SQL server, I'm trying to find out how many connections can I open before ADO will open another pool.
Other than testing it empirically - can anyone has a reference to an official number/white paper on the subject?

Every connection pool is associated with a distinct connection string and that too, it is specific to the application. In turn, what it means is – a separate connection pool is maintained for every distinct process, app domain and connection string.
see details here:


What does `test-on-borrow` do?

What does it do? How does it work? Why am I supposed to test the database connection before "borrowing it from the pool"?
I was not able to find any related information as to why I should be using it. Just how to use it. And it baffles me.
Can anyone provide some meaningful definition and possibly resources to find out more?
"test-on-borrow" indicates that a connection from the pool has to be validated usually by a simple SQL validation query defined in "validationQuery". These two properties are commonly used in conjunction to make sure that the current connections in the pool are not stale (no longer connected to the DB actively as a result of a DB restart, or timeouts enforced by the DB, or whatever other reason that might cause stale connections). By testing the connections on borrow, the application can automatically reconnect to the DB using new connections (and dropping the invalid ones) without a manual restart of the app and thus preventing DB connection errors in the app.
You can find more information on jdbc connection pool attributes here:

Why to close database connection in a desktop application

When user logs in. I Open connection 'conn' which is a public static member my dbclass which has all functions related to database. Then conn remains open until application is closed
It does not degrade the application performance measurably but enhances the database queries performance remarkably.
Is there any security issue? If the database is centralized and two or 3 PC's using it with independent applications, Then what security issue can be there due to opening connection on log in?
Or any other problem to be faced in future?
Edit in reply to first comment
I checked by timespan.totalmilliseconds. It takes bit lesser than twice time when involves open and executing query than just executing query when connection is already open
Edit --- The Actual answer required.
If some one with good reason tells me that no there is no security issue or with a good reason tells yes this one is the major security issue. That will be accepted answer after waiting others responses.
By Google search i did not find any article/answer which would be to the point to my question.
The first issue I can think of is the case where for whatever reason the connection closes (firewall ?).
If you are keeping the connection open and for some reason the connection is forced to close, your program will need to be restarted in order to be usable again. But, if you only open the connection when a query needs to be made then close it again. Even if the connection is closed then your program will try to reconnect when a new query needs to be made.
This is assuming we are talking about a single computer accessing a single database. If we are talking about a database that more people can access then never closing the connection will cause issues with the host (maximum connections reached) at some point. Not to mention how prone it will be to attacks that cause your connection numbers to reach maximum in just a few seconds.
The risk is that connection string may be stolen. Even if you declare your SqlConnection object as private. You should minimize user privileges. Also it's possible to encrypt connection string. But in any case I think it's unsafe.

Automatic failover with SQL mirroring and connection strings

I have 3 servers set up for SQL mirroring and automatic failover using a witness server. This works as expected.
Now my application that connects to the database, seems to have a problem when a failover occurs - I need to manually intervene and change connection strings for it to connect again.
The best solution I've found so far involves using Failover Partner parameter of the connection string, however it's neither intuitive nor complete: Data Source="Mirror";Failover Partner="Principal" found here.
From the example in the blog above (scenario #3) when the first failover occurs, and principal (failover partner) is unavailable, data source is used instead (which is the new principal). If it fails again (and I only tried within a limited period), it then comes up with an error message. This happens because the connection string is cached, so until this is refreshed, it will keep coming out with an error (it seems connection string refreshes ~5 mins after it encounters an error). If after failover I swap data source and failover partner, I will have one more silent failover again.
Is there a way to achieve fully automatic failover for applications that use mirroring databases too (without ever seeing the error)?
I can see potential workarounds using custom scripts that would poll currently active database node name and adjust connection string accordingly, however it seems like an overkill at the moment.
Read the blog post here
It explains what is happening, the failover partner is actually being read from the sql server not from your config. Run the query in that post to find out what is actually being used as the failover server. It will probably be a machine name that is not discoverable from where your client is running.
You can clear the application pool in the case a failover has happened. Not very nice I know ;-)
// ClearAllPools resets (or empties) the connection pool.
// If there are connections in use at the time of the call,
// they are marked appropriately and will be discarded
// (instead of being returned to the pool) when Close is called on them.
We use it when we change an underlying server via SQL Server alias, to enforce a "refresh" of the server name.
The solution is to turn connection pooling off Pooling="false"
Whilst this has minimal impact on small applications, I haven't tested it with applications that receive hundreds of requests per minute (or more) and not sure what the implications are. Anyone care to comment?
Try this connectionString:
connectionString="Data Source=[MSSQLPrincipalServerIP,MSSQLPORT];Failover Partner=[MSSQLMirrorServerIP,MSSQLPORT];Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Persist Security Info=True;User Id=userName; Password=userPassword.; Connection Timeout=15;"
If you are using .net development, you can try to use ObjAdoDBLib or PigSQLSrvLib and PigSQLSrvCoreLib, and the code will become simple.
Example code:
New object
Me.ConnSQLSrv = New ConnSQLSrv(Me.DBSrv, Me.MirrDBSrv, Me.CurrDB, Me.DBUser, Me.DBPwd, Me.ProviderSQLSrv)
PigSQLSrvLib or PigSQLSrvCoreLib
Me.ConnSQLSrv = New ConnSQLSrv(Me.DBSrv, Me.MirrDBSrv, Me.CurrDB, Me.DBUser, Me.DBPwd)
Execute this method to automatically connect to the online database after the mirror database fails over.
For more information, see the relevant links.

ODBC - multiple connections from one app to the same data source

I vaguely remember reading somewhere (in MSDN ODBC documentation?) that one application cannot make more than one connection to a single data source. It seemed to me that I need one connection that all the threads of the application will have to share.
I was trying to look this information up, but I can't seem to find it anymore. Does anyone know/remember how this works?
It all might become a problem in our app, since some of its threads will dynamically connect to data sources of their choice. I don't want to see random connection errors if two of them will connect at the same time to one source, so I wanted to double check this info.
Maybe the statement you are referring to in the MSDN documentation, is the one that says only one statement can be active on a single connection. It says:
Multiple Active Statements per Connection
After SQL Server has received a statement, the SQL Server TDS protocol does not allow acceptance of any other statements from that connection until one of the following occurs:
The client application processes the entire result set.
The client sends a statement telling the server it can close the remainder of the result set.
This means that when an ODBC application is using a default result set, SQL Server does not support multiple active statement handles on a connection handle and only one statement can be actively processed at any point in time.
When an ODBC application is using API server cursors, however, the driver can support multiple active statements on a connection. When the rowset for each cursor command has been received back at the client, SQL Server considers the statement to have completed, and it accepts another statement from another statement handle over that connection handle.
Multiple connections are fine. Multiple statements per connection, not so fine.
No, there is no restriction like that in ODBC itself. It is possible that a specific driver might for some reason limit the connections, but I am not aware of any limitations according to the specification.

how long must a sql server connection be idle before it is closed by the connection pool?

I have a client-server app that uses .NET SqlClient Data Provider to connect to sql server - pretty standard stuff. By default how long must connections be idle before the connection pooling manager will close the database connection and remove it from the pool? What setting if any controls this?
This MSDN document only says
The connection pooler removes a connection from the pool after it has been idle for a long time, or if the pooler detects that the connection with the server has been severed.
A few years ago the answer beneath was the situation, but now it's changed so you can refer to the source and write up a summary :)
Old answer
This excellent article tells us what we need to know, using reflection to reveal the inner workings of connection pooling.
From how I understand it, 'closed' connections are cleaned up periodically on a semi-random interval. The cleanup process runs somewhere between every 2min and 3min 50s, but it needs to run twice before a 'closed' connection will be properly closed. Therefore after 7min 40s of being 'closed' the underlying sql connection should be properly closed, but it could be as short as 2min. At the time of writing the first connection pool created in a process would always have a timer interval of 3min 10s, so you'd normally see sql connections being closed somewhere between 3min 10s and 6min 20s after you call Close() on the ADO object.
Obviously this uses undocumented code so could change in future - or could even have changed since that article was written.
Please go through this:
The part
"The following table lists the valid
names for connection pooling values
within the ConnectionString."
seems to be of your interest.
