Does recv remove packets from pcaps buffer? - c

Say there are two programs running on a computer (for the sake of simplification, the only user programs running on linux) one of which calls recv(), and one of which is using pcap to detect incoming packets. A packet arrives, and it is detected by both the program using pcap, and by the program using recv. But, is there any case (for instance recv() returning between calls to pcap_next()) in which one of these two will not get the packet?
I really don't understand how the buffering system works here, so the more detailed explanation the better - is there any conceivable case in which one of these programs would see a packet that the other does not? And if so, what is it and how can I prevent it?

AFAIK, there do exist cases where one would receive the data and the other wouldn't (both ways). It's possible that I've gotten some of the details wrong here, but I'm sure someone will correct me.
Pcap uses different mechanisms to sniff on interfaces, but here's how the general case works:
A network card receives a packet (the driver is notified via an interrupt)
The kernel places that packet into appropriate listening queues: e.g.,
The TCP stack.
A bridge driver, if the interface is bridged.
The interface that PCAP uses (a raw socket connection).
Those buffers are flushed independently of each other:
As TCP streams are assembled and data delivered to processes.
As the bridge sends the packet to the appropriate connected interfaces.
As PCAP reads received packets.
I would guess that there is no hard way to guarantee that both programs receive both packets. That would require blocking on a buffer when it's full (and that could lead to starvation, deadlock, all kinds of problems). It may be possible with interconnects other than Ethernet, but the general philosophy there is best-effort.
Unless the system is under heavy-load however, I would say that the loss rates would be quite low and that most packets would be received by all. You can decrease the risk of loss by increasing the buffer sizes. A quick google search tuned this up, but I'm sure there's a million more ways to do it.
If you need hard guarantees, I think a more powerful model of the network is needed. I've heard great things about Netgraph for these kinds of tasks. You could also just install a physical box that inspects packets (the hardest guarantee you can get).


Best Way To Receive/Process High Amounts Of Packets/Traffic Via AF_PACKET Socket + EPoll Questions

I've made a test C program that creates an AF_PACKET socket, creates x amount of threads via pthreads, and within each thread performs epoll on the socket's file descriptor. This program was made for Linux and I've compiled it using GCC on Ubuntu 18.04. I've submitted a GitHub Gist of the program here since it's 200+ lines of code. I am still fairly new to C and network programming. Therefore, I'm sure there are many improvements I can make to the code. I am open to suggestions!
I have two main questions:
Is there a better way to receive and process high amounts of packets/traffic in a user space program than the above? I've read using pthreads along with epoll would be the best option, but I've also looked into select and standard poll.
When the program above is executed without any debug output via fprintf(), each thread consumes 100% CPU on the epoll_wait() function within the while loop. Is this normal behavior or am I using epoll incorrectly? I've looked at some other examples and I use epoll the same way as the examples do. I've taken a look at the manual page for epoll and I believe I'm using it correctly in my case. I've also tried setting a timeout for the epoll_wait() function, but it was still consuming 100% CPU per thread (which I'd expect due to the while loop).
I plan to make a program that will redirect traffic after inspecting the traffic and I expect a lot of incoming packets which is why I wanted to see if there is a better way to receive and process high amounts of packets. I also understand I could just use standard SOCK_DGRAM or SOCK_STREAM sockets and bind them to an IP and port. However, I do want to process and inspect all incoming traffic to an interface and forward traffic if necessary (e.g. if the destination address matches a forwarding rule). I also wasn't sure if I should make multiple sockets in this case (perhaps a socket per thread). I did do this initially, but it resulted in unexpected behavior and it was only ever reading from one socket descriptor anyways. Perhaps I wasn't creating the new sockets properly.
Any help is highly appreciated and if you need any more information, please let me know.
Thank you for your time.

Sending and receiving DMX-512 using DMXSerial Arduino Library

I currently am working with the DMXSerial library written for arduino.
This library can be used, depending on how it is initialised as a transmitter, or as a sender.
The transmitter should be initialised as followed:
Whereas the initialisation for a receiver is as followed:
I now want to create an implementation that receives and controls.
Does anybody have an idea how to do this without missing certain important interrupts or timing constraints?
That library doesn't look like it will easily do bidirectional. But, since DMX512 is a simple serial protocol, there's nothing stopping you from writing your own routines that manipulate the UART directly. The library will be a great guide for this.
Now, having said that: what kind of situation do you have where you want a device to both control and receive? The DMX512 protocol is explicitly unidirectional, and at the physical layer it's a daisy-chain network, which prevents multiple masters on the bus (and inherently creates a unidirectional bus). If you are a slave and you are manipulating the bus, you risk clobbering incoming packets from the master. If you are clever about it, and queue the incoming packets, you could then perhaps safely retransmit both the incoming data and your own data, but be aware that this is a decidedly nonstandard (and almost certainly standards-violating) behavior.

Two TCP/IP socket send() requests were actually handled in one TCP Message

I had two send()s in my C program and looking at wireshark, I realized they were sent out as one TCP/IP message. I am assuming this is some sort of TCP/IP optimization that determined they were small enough that they could be sent out together. However, I am rebuilding an old program from scratch and I am building my tool based on it's TCP/IP traffic: MTU limitations, internal protocol design, etc. So if the old tool sends out two separate messages, I need to send out two separate messages.
So does anyone know what specifically it is doing in the background(besides simple optimization) and if there is a flag or something that needs to be enabled/disabled so that I get a 1 to 1 ratio of C send()s and TCP/IP transmission? For now all I can do to keep them separated is to put a sleep(1) after every send().
You can set TCP_NODELAY in setsockopt to disable Nagle's algorithm, to prevent your OS from combining small packets. However, it's important for you to realize that TCP is a stream-oriented protocol, and individual "packets" are not intended to be meaningfully separated. Routers along the way are free to combine or split TCP packets (though this is uncommon, due to the extra processing required), and the receiving OS will not necessarily read exactly one sent packet per recv(). If you want to delineate packets of information in TCP, you'll need to use a header structure to report how many of the following bytes belong to that packet.

Maximizing performance on udp

im working on a project with two clients ,one for sending, and the other one for receiving udp datagrams, between 2 machines wired directly to each other.
each datagram is 1024byte in size, and it is sent using winsock(blocking).
they are both running on a very fast machines(separate). with 16gb ram and 8 cpu's, with raid 0 drives.
im looking for tips to maximize my throughput , tips should be at winsock level, but if u have some other tips, it would be great also.
currently im getting 250-400mbit transfer speed. im looking for more.
Since I don't know what else besides sending and receiving that your applications do it's difficult to know what else might be limiting it, but here's a few things to try. I'm assuming that you're using IPv4, and I'm not a Windows programmer.
Maximize the packet size that you are sending when you are using a reliable connection. For 100 mbs Ethernet the maximum packet is 1518, Ethernet uses 18 of that, IPv4 uses 20-64 (usually 20, thought), and UDP uses 8 bytes. That means that typically you should be able to send 1472 bytes of UDP payload per packet.
If you are using gigabit Ethernet equiptment that supports it your packet size increases to 9000 bytes (jumbo frames), so sending something closer to that size should speed things up.
If you are sending any acknowledgments from your listener to your sender then try to make sure that they are sent rarely and can acknowledge more than just one packet at a time. Try to keep the listener from having to say much, and try to keep the sender from having to wait on the listener for permission to keep sending.
On the computer that the sender application lives on consider setting up a static ARP entry for the computer that the receiver lives on. Without this every few seconds there may be a pause while a new ARP request is made to make sure that the ARP cache is up to date. Some ARP implementations may do this request well before the ARP entry expires, which would decrease the impact, but some do not.
Turn off as many users of the network as possible. If you are using an Ethernet switch then you should concentrate on the things that will introduce traffic to/from the computers/network devices on which your applications are running reside/use (this includes broadcast messages, like many ARP requests). If it's a hub then you may want to quiet down the entire network. Windows tends to send out a constant stream of junk to networks which in many cases isn't useful.
There may be limits set on how much of the network bandwidth that one application or user can have. Or there may be limits on how much network bandwidth the OS will let it self use. These can probably be changed in the registry if they exist.
It is not uncommon for network interface chips to not actually support the maximum bandwidth of the network all the time. There are chips which may miss packets because they are busy handling a previous packet as well as some which just can't send packets as close together as Ethernet specifications would allow. Additionally the rest of the system might not be able to keep up even if it is.
Some things to look at:
Connected UDP sockets (some info) shortcut several operations in the kernel, so are faster (see Stevens UnP book for details).
Socket send and receive buffers - play with SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF socket options to balance out spikes and packet drop
See if you can bump up link MTU and use jumbo frames.
use 1Gbps network and upgrade your network hardware...
Test the packet limit of your hardware with an already proven piece of code such as iperf:
I'm linking a Windows build, it might be a good idea to boot off a Linux LiveCD and try a Linux build for comparison of IP stacks.
More likely your NIC isn't performing well, try an Intel Gigabit Server Adapter:
For TCP connections it has been shown that using multiple parallel connections will better utilize the data connection. I'm not sure if that applies to UDP, but it might help with some of the latency issues of packet processing.
So you might want to try multiple threads of blocking calls.
As well as Nikolai's suggestion of send and recv buffers, if you can, switch to overlapped I/O and have many recvs pending, this also helps to minimise the number of datagrams that are dropped by the stack due to lack of buffer space.
If you're looking for reliable data transfer, consider UDT.

Is sending data via UDP sockets on the same machine reliable?

If i use UDP sockets for interprocess communication, can i expect that all send data is received by the other process in the same order?
I know this is not true for UDP in general.
No. I have been bitten by this before. You may wonder how it can possibly fail, but you'll run into issues of buffers of pending packets filling up, and consequently packets will be dropped. How the network subsystem drops packets is implementation-dependent and not specified anywhere.
In short, no. You shouldn't be making any assumptions about the order of data received on a UDP socket, even over localhost. It might work, it might not, and it's not guaranteed to.
No, there is no such guarantee, even with local sockets. If you want an IPC mechanism that guraantees in-order delivery you might look into using full-duplex pipes with popen(). This opens a pipe to the child process that either can read or write arbitrarily. It will guarantee in-order delivery and can be used with synchronous or asynchronous I/O (select() or poll()), depending on how you want to build the application.
On unix there are other options such as unix domain sockets or System V message queues (some of which may be faster) but reading/writing from a pipe is dead simple and works. As a bonus it's easy to test your server process because it is just reading and writing from Stdio.
On windows you could look into Named Pipes, which work somewhat differently from their unix namesake but are used for precisely this sort of interprocess communication.
Loopback UDP is incredibly unreliable on many platforms, you can easily see 50%+ data loss. Various excuses have been given to the effect that there are far better transport mechanisms to use.
There are many middleware stacks available these days to make IPC easier to use and cross platform. Have a look at something like ZeroMQ or 29 West's LBM which use the same API for intra-process, inter-process (IPC), and network communications.
The socket interface will probably not flow control the originator of the data, so you will probably see reliable transmission if you have higher level flow control but there is always the possibility that a memory crunch could still cause a dropped datagram.
Without flow control limiting kernel memory allocation for datagrams I imagine it will be just as unreliable as network UDP.
