How can I get the Session values after payment? (CakePHP-Paypal Hosted Solution) - cakephp

I am using CakePHP for my application and I was able to integrate the Paypal hosted solution. Users are successfully redirected to Paypal to complete their payment. Once they have completed, they are returned to my website.
At first, it was taking the user to the login page (as the session was getting removed). To prevent this, I have opened the Paypal page in a new window. Now they are not being asked to login again and keeping the $this->Session->read('Auth.User') intact. However, it is not remembering any other session data. For example, I had a session variable 'invoice_number' which is not available after they are returning from the Paypal website.
I have noticed that the session id doesn't stay the same before and after they completed the payment.
I have changed the core.php to reduce the session security by setting it to low, increased the session time, and I have also modified so that it will only start the session if no session id was found (saw this on a CakePHP ticket/bug).
Interestingly, no in Chrome, it remembers all the session variable, the session ids are same and works fine. But in Firfox, it's not working!
Is there anyway to keep the session alive with the same id/ session variables alive so that even after the payment when they are returning, my application knows what the invoice number for this payment was.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Kind regards,

try turn off referer checks in core.php, that should do the trick.

Try setting Security.level to something other than high in core.php.

As I wasn't able to find a suitable solution for this problem, I had to find a work around for this.
As I mentioned, when redirecting, the 'Auth.User' information was still intact. I used this to retrieve information which I stored into the database before sending the users to the PayPal website.
Once the payment is completed and the user is returned to the confirmation page on my site, I am retrieving the data from the database based on 'Auth.User' session data.
Not the perfect solution, but for the time being, it is kind of working.
If welcome any solution that is better than this. Please let me know.
Many thanks,


React - several stored accounts in one client

I'm looking for some information about a problem that I never thought about, and that I can't find much on the internet (or I'm looking wrong).
Here it is, for a dashboard project in my company, I need to be able to set up a system to store one account per client, or I just have to click on the account in question to connect, like twitter, google or instagram for example.
After the person has added his account, it appears in a list that can switch whenever he wants. Only I don't really see how to set this up, storing the login information in the localStorage? or the jwt token? I confess that I can't find a correct and secure solution as it should be, that's why I'd like to know if some people would have already done that, or if I can be oriented on an interesting solution?
Thanks a lot!
(Sorry for my english, i'm french and it's not perfect ^^)
Do not use localStorage. LocalStorage is not secure at all and can easily be hijacked through any js code running. If you need to store sensitive information, you should always use a server side session.
When a user logs into your website, create a session identifier for them and store it in a cryptographically signed cookie. If you're using a web framework, look up “how to create a user session using cookies” and follow that guide.
Make sure that whatever cookie library your web framework uses is setting the httpOnly cookie flag. This flag makes it impossible for a browser to read any cookies, which is required in order to safely use server-side sessions with cookies. Read Jeff Atwood's article for more information. He's the man.
Make sure that your cookie library also sets the SameSite=strict cookie flag (to prevent CSRF attacks), as well as the secure=true flag (to ensure cookies can only be set over an encrypted connection).
Each time a user makes a request to your site, use their session ID (extracted from the cookie they send to you) to retrieve their account details from either a database or a cache (depending on how large your website is)
Once you have the user's account info pulled up and verified, feel free to pull any associated sensitive data along with it

Verify that a user can only query his own data/information

I'm working on a smaller app, and its going pretty well so far. I talked with a friend about it and he suddenly made me realize something. How do i make sure a user is only able to query his own data from a Database in the cloud?
Its a very simple app, where you can create a user and make some personal shopping lists.
I thought about a couple of options, but I'm not sure what is the right direction to take - or even if any of them is the right one.
The username/id & password is stored locally and appended to the request, and checked against the DB every time.
A token is generated, saved both in the DB & stored locally as a "active" session, and every time a request is send, the token is appended to the request and checked.
I'm sorry if i placed this topic have the wrong tags, since i was not 100% sure where they should be placed.
Well, from your description it seams that you are working on a "no backend" app. If it is the case I suggest you to take a look to Firebase since it will solve all your concerns about authentication and user authorization.
If your would like to use a more custom approach, simply consider that appending the username and a passowrd to a request is always not recommended and since you are using a token is also unnecessary.
Now, returning to the question, i will give you my vision related to contexts where an authentication token is used and thus a backend is needed:
when you log-in a user, you produce a token that is function of the user id
each user request must contain that token
the backend can extract the id of the user that submitted the request from the appended token
a policy or a specific condition will check that data that is going to be retrieved must belong to the user whose id has been extracted.
Hope this could help you

What is the best approach to work with data while using token based authentication

I am building an sample application that lets user store comments.
I've created the registration and login process. When the user registers, his details are stored in a MySQL database and a token is returned to the browser. Now he can access the Profile page.
When an existing user logs in he is redirected to the profile page. The profile page is accessible only when a user registers or logs in.
After logging in, I want to show all his comments if he has already added them.
My frontend is in Angular and backend use Laravel. For authentication I use Satellizer.
I want to know, what is the best approach while playing with data, considering the fact that the user will add, edit his comments. Should I use localstorage and store data in a key value pair or should I create a json file which gets updated everytime the user adds a comment or makes a change.
I wanted to know what is the most efficient way to deal with data from server so that the application is fast even when it scales to a 10000 users and lot of data for each user.
You should be updating it on the server when changes are made rather than only relying on localstorage. You can use localstorage to cache, but it should only be for immutable data, it shouldn't really be used for data that is going to change.
So in this case you'll be adding and updating new comments via your API (ideally a RESTful one!). Once you've made a change, you could store the comments locally and only update them when the user makes a new comment, however you'll quickly run into issues where the data is invalid on different clients. (i.e. if you update the comments on a different computer, the other computer won't be aware).
Alternatively, you could cache the comments and then simply ping the server to find out if new comments have been added. This could be using a HEAD request for example to check the last modified date on your comments resource.
You can store comments data locally on user browser, but you should properly manage it.
I don't how much load your server will have and if the time invested now worths it.
You can fetch comments and store them locally
User adds a comment, then you update locally and send a request to the server
You need to track the request response, if requests fail so notify user and remove comments from local.
if request was successful so you can continue on your way.
** facebook uses this "success first" approach
user does an action, and he see it happens instantly, in the background it could take few seconds, only if it fails they will notify you.
** look at their commenting process, when you comment, it appears instantly, no loading... but in the BG the load happens.

Online GAE Application User

How to know if a user is currently logged-in in your Google App Engine application?
The application allow its users to browse other users' profile. If the viewed profile is also using or logged-in in the application, i want a notification that the viewed profile is online.
How to achieve this requirements?
If you are managing user profiles, you know when a user logs in. At the end of the login process, just save the user's log-in information in the memcache somehow.
You will later be able to check if a user is logged-in just by searching for him in your memcache.
This way is easy to catch and track the connection events, but you also have to react when a user disconnects, to have your list up to date. To achieve this, you can use a Channel. See the google documentation.
You could, as Gaël suggests, use the Channel API to track this, but it's probably overkill. If you wanted to go that route, just listen for the connected & disconnected messages, and update a field in the db that indicates that the user is signed in.
A less expensive route might be to just update a field in your user's record that's something like "last time this user requested a page." If it's been more than n minutes since the last time the user requested a page, assume they're signed out. Indeed, you could even do this in memcache with a map from userid to last access time.
It comes down to what you want to do with the "signed in" information: if you just want to give a general sense of whether a user's around, or how many users are online, using the datastore or memcache solution is probably good. On the other hand, if you want to reflect the user's presence so they can respond to eg. IMs, then you'll probably want the Channel API anyway so you can immediately deliver messages to them.

Making HTTPS calls to website that does not have API

I am working on a wp7 app and I want to make an https call (sign-in and then post ) to a website which does not have an REST API. So I will have to use it just like a browser adding headers to the https sign in call and parsing the resulting data get the Cookie data and unique id assigned extra and pass that on to a subsequent https calls I make.
Can someone please point me to best way to do this ? Pointers to some samples that comes close to this would be helpful.
If the site in question doesn't prevent CSRF you could just submit form data to it directly. If it does, you're going to need to screen scrape the forms for the website, then populate the necessary fileds and then submit.
If you have control over the site, you'll probably be better off in the long run and be less vulnerable to changes to the site.
If it's not your site, be sure to check permission from the site owner about automating logging in. You also need to be very careful about what you do with regard to the users login credentials.
