Rename field using Objectify and Google App Engine - google-app-engine

I am trying a case where we changed a field name in our entity. we have something like this for example
class Person {
String name; //The original declaration was "String fullName"
According to objectify you have to use annonation #AutoLoad(""). This is ok and it works as Google Datastore doesn't delete the data Actually but it makes a new field so this annotation is like a mapping between the old and the new field. No problem when you are reading the whole table.
The problem arises when you apply a filter on your query (Suppose you made 5 objects with old name and 5 with new name). The result of your query depends on whether you used the old variable name or the new one (returns back only 5 but never the 10). It won't fetch both of them and map them. Any Suggestions for this problem? I hope i explained it in a clear way.
Thanks in advance

The simplest straight forward solution. fetch all data with the annonation "AutoLoad()". Then store them again. In this way they will be saved as the new field. The old one doesn't exist anymore or at least it doesn't contain any data anymore. It is like migrating the data from the old name to the new name. Anyone has better suggestions ?

If you've changed the name of your field, you need to load and re-put all your data (using the mapreduce API would be one option here). There's no magic way around this - the data you've stored exists with two different names on disk.

You can use #OldName


Cloud Firestore change field name

my database like;
I want, when announcement0 field is deleted, announcement1 field name to change announcement0. Is there a way to do this ?
There is no way to rename fields in Firestore, let alone to have that happen automatically.
It sounds like you have multiple announcements in your document however. In that case, you could consider storing all announcements in a single array field announcements. In an array field, when you remove the first item (at index 0) all other items after that shift down in the array to take its place, which seems to be precisely what you want.
You cannot rename fields in a document. You'll have to delete and recreate it.
Now I'm assuming the number just defines the order of document. If that's the case you can use this workaround, instead of looking for 'announcement0' on client side, you can just store a number field in the document such as 0 in announcement0 and so on. So to get announcement1 when announcement0 is deleted you can uses this query:
const firstAnnouncement = await dbRef.orderBy('number').limit(1).get()
This will get the announcement with least number (highest rank). You can change the limit as per your needs.
But if renaming fields is needed then you'll have to delete and recreate all trailing announcements.

Laravel show records as flat array or single record

I have 2 column in my table setting
with the following values
company ABC
phone 14344
address Somerset City
I need to display this like a single record or a flatten
array in the view/blade page
something like
or an array with lookup
The idea is if I add another settings like contact us email address
for my website I don't want to add another column.
I know this is achievable in controller by creating different variable
and executing different query but I'm kind of looking for some options here.
Thanks for the help really appreciated.
You can use $settings->pluck('value', 'key') to get your result. Read more here:

solr search based on user

I am newbie to solr. So please bear with me.
Use cases
User can share his photos to friends or publicly or make it private.
User can search for people or photos(he should view only public photos, shared with him).
I have denormalized my relational data to solr schema. I have merged the user object & photo object into solr schema
If user jack (user 3) is searching for "picnic" He shouldn't see the photo_1 but see photo_2.
If user venu is searching for "picnic" He should see the photo_1 and photo_2.
How can I force solr to look into friends_ids, share_level field? can I do with facet.field? Is dynamic fields work for this case? I have read some tutorials but I am not getting clear picture.
Hope you guys shed some light on this. So that I can take forward. I hope this should be possible.
Thanks in advance!
You should have a string field for share_level, with possible value of private, public, friends.
You should also have a multiValued field for friends_ids,
and it should store each user id instead of the current CSV format
NOTE: you should revised this column type, NEVER use CSV in mysql, use a proper entity relationship
So, once you have the field ready, and complete the reindex,
to search for photo will be just:
+name:$search +(share_level:public (+share_level:friends +friends_ids:$uid))
$search = picnic
$uid = 3 (jack)

pull Drupal field values with db_query() or db_select()

I've created a content type in Drupal 7 with 5 or 6 fields. Now I want to use a function to query them in a hook_view call back. I thought I would query the node table but all I get back are the nid and title. How do I get back the values for my created fields using the database abstraction API?
Drupal stores the fields in other tables and can automatically join them in. The storage varies depending on how the field is configured so the easiest way to access them is by using an EntityFieldQuery. It'll handle the complexity of joining all your fields in. There's some good examples of how to use it here:
But if you're working in hook_view, you should already be able access the values, they're loaded into the $node object that's passed in as a parameter. Try running:
In your hook and you should see all the properties.
If you already known the ID of the nodes (nid) you want to load, you should use the node_load_multiple() to load them. This will load the complete need with all fields value. To search the node id, EntityFieldQuery is the recommended way but it has some limitations. You can also use the database API to query the node table for the nid (and revision ID, vid) of your nodes, then load them using node_load_multiple().
Loading a complete load can have performance impacts since it will load way more data than what you need. If this prove to be an issue, you can either try do directly access to field storage tables (if your fields values are stored in your SQL database). The schema of these tables is buld dynamicaly depedning on the fields types, cardinality and other settings. You will have to dig into your database schema to figure it out. And it will probably change as soon as you change something on your fields.
Another solution, is to build stub node entities and to use field_attach_load() with a $options['field_id'] value to only load the value of a specific field. But this require a good knowledge and understanding of the Field API.
See How to use EntityFieldQuery article in Drupal Community Documentation.
Creating A Query
Here is a basic query looking for all articles with a photo that are
tagged as a particular faculty member and published this year. In the
last 5 lines of the code below, the $result variable is populated with
an associative array with the first key being the entity type and the
second key being the entity id (e.g., $result['node'][12322] = partial
node data). Note the $result won't have the 'node' key when it's
empty, thus the check using isset, this is explained here.
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
->entityCondition('bundle', 'article')
->propertyCondition('status', 1)
->fieldCondition('field_news_types', 'value', 'spotlight', '=')
->fieldCondition('field_photo', 'fid', 'NULL', '!=')
->fieldCondition('field_faculty_tag', 'tid', $value)
->fieldCondition('field_news_publishdate', 'value', $year. '%', 'like')
->fieldOrderBy('field_photo', 'fid', 'DESC')
->range(0, 10)
->addMetaData('account', user_load(1)); // Run the query as user 1.
$result = $query->execute();
if (isset($result['node'])) {
$news_items_nids = array_keys($result['node']);
$news_items = entity_load('node', $news_items_nids);
Other resources
EntityFieldQuery on
Building without Views

Quickly finding the last item in a database Cakephp

I just inherited some cakePHP code and I am not very familiar with it (or any other php/serverside language). I need to set the id of the item I am adding to the database to be the value of the last item plus one, originally I did a call like this:
$id = $this->Project->find('count') + 1;
but this seems to add about 8 seconds to my page loading (which seems weird because the database only has about 400 items) but that is another problem. For now I need a faster way to find the id of the last item in the database, is there a way using find to quickly retrieve the last item in a given table?
That's a very bad approach on setting the id.
You do know that, for example, MySQL supports auto-increment for INT-fields and therefore will set the id automatically for you?
The suggested functions getLastInsertId and getInsertId will only work after an insert and not always.
I also can't understand that your call adds 8 seconds to your siteload. If I do such a call on my table (which also has around 400 records) the call itself only needs a few milliseconds. There is no delay the user would notice.
I think there might be a problem with your database-setup as this seems very unlikely.
Also please have a look if your database supports auto-increment (I can't imagine that's not possible) as this would be the easiest way of adding your wanted functionality.
I would try
$id = $this->Project->getLastInsertID();
The method can be found in cake/libs/model/model.php in line 2768
As well as on this SO page
If you are looking for the cakePHP3 solution to this you simply use last().
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
$lastId = $myrecords->id;
