IBatis and decode parameter mapping in resultMap - ibatis

I am new to Ibatis. I have a query in Oracle which returns true or false using decode function:
SELECT decode(phone_number,null,null,'true') as GROUP_ASSIGNED ----- rest of the query
In this case how to map the resultset to the IBatis resultmap?

Since the Oracle decode() function is just a if-then-else statement in disguise, you'd map the result (GROUP_ASSIGNED) column to an object property just like you would map any other returned column. Assuming you are mapping to an object with a property named GroupAssigned:
<resultMap ....
<result property="GroupAssigned" column="GROUP_ASSIGNED" />


How to query json object array in SQL Server

I want to query the url in a field value like this:
["{\"Success\":null,\"Fail\":null,\"Url\":\"http://www.baidu.com\",\"Method\":\"Post\",\"Data\":\"\",\"ContentType\":\"application/json\",\"Timeout\":120000,\"DelayFromMinutes\":15,\"Cron\":\"33 10 3/6 * * ?\",\"JobName\":\"Test#asyncOrder\",\"QueueName\":\"recurring\",\"AgentClass\":null,\"SendSuccess\":false,\"SendFail\":true,\"Mail\":\"xxxxxx#qq.com\",\"EnableRetry\":true,\"RetryDelaysInSeconds\":null,\"RetryTimes\":0,\"BasicUserName\":null,\"BasicPassword\":null,\"Headers\":{},\"CallbackEL\":null,\"TimeZone\":null,\"DingTalk\":null}","\"Test#asyncOrder\"","\"recurring\"","true",null]
What should I do?
I think I need some further clarification on this.
Are you trying to pass the entire json object into the query as an array of key-value pairs?
If so, do you want that pass to be all one string--commas, colons and everything?
OR are you passing the value for each key into its own parameter in the query?
In any event, I would likely want to utilize STRING_ESCAPE:
... WHERE Thing = STRING_ESCAPE(#Thing, 'json') ...

EF Core Projecting optional property in jsonb column

I need to project some fields from jsonb column where few of them are optional
I'm using EF Core 3.1 and npgsl and so far I got this
var shipments = _dbContext.Shipments.Select(x => new
ShipmentNo= x.ShipmentNumber,
ReportNum = x.ShipmentData.RootElement.GetProperty("reportNumber"),
ShipmentValue= x.ShipmentData.RootElement.GetProperty("shipmentMetadata").GetProperty("value").GetString(),
However value is optional and this is throwing exception. I see .TryGetProperty(...) method but it requires output variable and, I presume, its evaluation on server side. I wonder if there is way to handle this so query runs completely in Postgres.
You've forgotten to add GetInt32 (or whatever the type is) for reportNumber, just like you have a GetString after the shipmentMetadata. In order for this to be translatable to SQL, you need to tell the provider which type you expect to come out of the JSON element.

MongoDB not returning the Data

I created a database using MongoDB named mydb.
Then I created a collection called coll3
use mydb
When I do this
I get this error
Couldn't retrieve documents
java.lang.IllegalStateException cannot be cast to t3.utils.document.g
You need to pass the query object (an empty object to return all documents) to the find function:
Refer to the MongoDB documentation.

How to attach schema to a Flink DataStream - on the fly?

I am dealing with a stream of database mutations, i.e., a change log stream. I want to able to transform the values using a SQL query.
I am having difficulty putting together the following three concepts
RowTypeInfo, Row, and DataStream.
NOTE: I don't know the schema beforehand. I construct it on-fly using the data within the Mutation object (Mutation is a custom type)
More specifically I have code that looks like this.
val execEnv = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val tableEnv: StreamTableEnvironment = TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment(execEnv)
// Mutation is a custom type
val mutationStream: DataStream[Mutation] = ...
// toRows returns an object of type org.apache.flink.types.Row
val rowStream:DataStream[Row] = mutationStream.flatMap({mutation => toRows(mutation)})
tableEnv.registerDataStream("spinal_tap_table", rowStream)
tableEnv.sql("select col1 + 2")
NOTE: Row object is positional, and doesn't have a placeholder for column names.
I couldn't find a place to attach the schema to the DataStream object.
I want to pass some sort of a struct similar to Row that contains the complete information {columnName: String, columnValue: Object, columnType: TypeInformation[_]} for the query.
In Flink SQL a table schema is mandatory when the Table defined. It is not possible to run queries on dynamically typed records.
Regarding the concepts of RowTypeInfo, Row and DataStream:
Row is the actual record that holds the data
RowTypeInfo is a schema description for Rows. It contains names and TypeInformation for each field of a Row.
DataStream is a logical stream of records. A DataStream[Row] is a stream of rows. Note that this is not the actual stream but just an API concept to represent a stream in the API.

Doctrine return array of array for a scalar query

With doctrine and the query builder I write a SELECT MAX() query, and when this result is passed to another query builder, as a parameter, the query works just fine.
But for some reason, I use native SQL query elsewhere in another Repository, and when I use $repo->getMaxMyThing(), it return me an array of array like
array(array('1' => 42)).
Not that if I want the result, I need to type: $max[0]['1'] (The 0 is a simple array index, but the '1' is a string associated key).
Did any method exists in the Doctrine Bundle to 'convert' it to a simple integer automatically?
When you don't want Doctrine to return entities, you can use the get*ScalarResult() query methods.
Query#getScalarResult(): Retrieves a flat/rectangular result set of scalar values that can contain duplicate data. The pure/mixed distinction does not apply.
Query#getSingleScalarResult(): Retrieves a single scalar value from the result returned by the dbms. If the result contains more than a single scalar value, an exception is thrown. The pure/mixed distinction does not apply.
Here is an example from the documentation:
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT COUNT(u.id) FROM Entities\User u');
$count = $query->getSingleScalarResult();
$count will be a single value (not an array) as requested.
