WSS 3.0 (Sharepoint) Internal 500 Error - sql-server

I have installed WSS 3.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2. Over the weekend the system admin installed Double Take to backup the server. During the installation process SQL Server 2008 was installed. Now when I load WSS the page is blank and on the server I get the classic "Internal 500" error. I uninstalled all the 2008 SQL Server items and tried to get the WSS site back up and running. I have verified the database is still located on the server and has my existing data. I have successfully backed this up for safety. I ran the Sharepoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard but no luck getting the site back up and running. I looked around the forums and didn't see this exact problem. Help....

Have you checked that the database is still accessible by WSS and that WSS has permissions to read/write to the database.
Also have you checked your event log on the server. This can sometimes give information about errors/issues that WSS is having when trying to access its database and failing.
Hope this helps..


SSMA hangs on connecting to microsoft access database

SQL Server Migration Assistant for access hangs after selecting MS Access database, it just shows 0% and nothing happens. Up to this point, everything worked fine, but after I configured encrypted connections on the server with a TLS certificate, for some reason starts to hang at 0%. At the same time, SQL Server Management Studio connects over an encrypted connection without issues and no other issues were[enter image description here noticed anymore.
Perhaps this information will help someone. I was able to solve my issue in the following way. I uninstall SSMA first, then uninstall Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable. Rebooted the machine, downloaded it again, and installed first SSMA then Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable.
BTW, what I reported earlier was on a Windows 10 machine. Just tried on a Windows Server box and did not run into any problem. That Windows Server box had the most recent defender patch, a slightly different version of course. Version 1.343.352.0

I have installed SQL Server and Managment Studio on laptop but server name has gone

The other week I installed the latest version of SQL Server and Management Studio. In the Server Name box was a long name made up of some path and other parts however it has now disappeared and reading all these answers has not helped. I downloaded two backups of databases from a live server and restored them down here. I could access them and everything was fine until the server name disappeared and I have no idea (none of the ones on here work) how to get it back.
If I try localhost, or . as the server name it doesn't work the error I get is:
A network or instance-specific occurred whilst establishing connection to SQL Server....Provider: Named Pipes Provider, error 40- could not open connection to SQL Server
If I go into services I only have SQL Server Browser and SQL Server VSS Writer. Under Browser it is disabled. If I start it or tell it to start on delayed or manual or just start it, it starts okay and then two seconds later its stopped again with no error message.
If I got to CMD and type (under) I get (under that)
C:\Windows\system32>SQLCMD -L
;UID:Login ID=?;PWD:Password=?;Trusted_Connection:Use Integrated Security=?;
*APP:AppName=?;*WSID:WorkStation ID=?;
No list of servers which another answer suggested.
I cannot find under services a MS SQL Service for some reason.
Everything was working fine the last time I came to do some work on this so I don't know if some virus was detected that removed the service or something.
I had two databases to connect to and run queries against and try to get a Windows Service working again locally but I can't get the DB to work.
I am on Windows 8.1 64bit laptop with enough diskspace.
If I go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\LocalDB\Binn and double click sqlservr.exe, I get the error
Your SQL Server Installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with (Error getting Instance ID from name) Please uninstall then re-run setup to correct this problem.
Is it a case of me having to uninstall Management Studio and restarting again? I don't know what could have corrupted it but I need it working.
Should I just use the SQL Server 2017 Configuration Server to see if that can fix it or do I need to delete whole directories or "uninstall" from "programs and features" and try to install it again?
Still have no scooby to why the server name disappeared in the first place. Anyone got a clue?
SQL Server should appear in Services (you should not start it by double-clicking sqlservr.exe). If it doesn't appear anymore, you should reinstall SQL Server. After that you may attach the MDF and LDF files of your user databases, if they are still available (but in your case, you can also restore the backups again).
It seems your SQL server is not installed properly or corrupted now.
If the SQL Server installs on any machine there is a service named 'Sql Server(MSSQLSERVER)' or similar must be there and in 'Running' mode to connect to the database.

SQL Server 2016 Express (Reporting Services) - No Local Server Instances

I am trying to make a local development environment SSRS server (just on my local machine).
I have installed SQL Server 2016 Express with the "Database Engine" and "Reporting Services - Native" modules.
When I go to "Reporting Services Configuration Manager", I get this initial screen:
And then when I hit find (w/ just MY-PC-NAME {Obviously, with my real PC name), I get:
And when I add the full SQL Server 2016 Express Reporting Services server instance name (i.e. MY-PC-NAME\SQLEXPRESS), I get:
I have googled these errors / messages to death and it seems that all of the advice / solutions are for older versions of SQL Server (i.e. 2005 and 2008). I have not really found any information on the WMI Provider (other than: ... of which I tried for v9, v110, and v140) all without success).
I cannot access the report server in any way (from IE or IE as
I have checked and have the SQL Server Reporting Services service
I have installed SSRS when installing SQL Server 2016 Express and
have tried both "Install Only" and "Install & Configure"
installs...with the same results.
I have also enabled IIS & Associated Windows Features with no luck
I have double checked the Windows Firewall exceptions/rules for SSRS
and those are correct too.
Has anyone else encountered these errors and fixed them and has a Step-by-step guide to fix these errors / get a local Report Server setup for development purposes?
Perhaps I am going about this process all wrong to get a local Report Server setup for development purposes?
Any advice or insight on this would be immensely appreciated.
I had the EXACT same problem. Here's the fix:
1) Go back to the SQL Server download page and re-download the installer for SQL Express.
2) Select the first option to add new features to your installation
3) On the second step of the wizard choose to "add features to your existing instance"
4) When you get to the screen asking which features, choose reporting services
5) Complete the remaining steps of the install wizard
6) When you run the reporting services config tool do not put "\SQLExpress" at the end of the service name. When you hit find, "SQLEXPRESS" Will appear below.

Cube Deployment failed in BIDS

So I've been doing a project at my university with BIDS and a database on their servers. I've managed to back up the database and put it on my local machine.
Problem right now is I've installed SQL Server 2008 + BIDS through SQL Server 2008 Express Edition. Now I've heard it doesn't include SQL Server Analysis Service, meaning I can't deploy the cube.
I've tried deploying the project on my home computer but it gives me the error.
Error 23 The project could not be deployed to the 'my computer
name\SQLEXPRESS' server because of the following connectivity problems :
A connection cannot be made to redirector. Ensure that 'SQL Browser' service
is running. To verify or update the name of the target server, right-click on
the project in Solution Explorer, select Project Properties, click on the
Deployment tab, and then enter the name of the server.
I've checked and SQL browser service is definitely running so I'm not sure what else to try. Is there any way for me to successfully deploy the cube?
I think its authentication issue for your current user connecting to SQLEXPRESS. Try using "Runas /user:[domain]\[user] "Path to BIDS" to run BIDS as privileged user and try windows authentication.

Azure - SQL Sync - Windows Server 2008 R2 - Buggy?

Are there people out there using Windows Server 2008 R2 + SQL Server 2008 R2 and have successfully synced the database from localhost to the cloud on Azure? My goal is to give preference to the local machine database, and I want the cloud database to by in sync with whatever's on the local machine.
First off I had a hard time downloading dependencies, but after getting past that, I'm still getting errors (bugs?), or hopefully am I doing something wrong with getting the client sync agent to load?
I downloaded the "SQLDataSyncAgent-Preview-ENU.msi" file. I'm entering my local box administrator password but I get an error "Service MS SQL Data Sync could not be installed. verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services". Are you guys using some special account you're creating separately instead of using the local admin?
This and other similar issues are discussed with solution in the Forum:
Unable to install MS SQL Azure Data Sync (Preview)
