Connect StackPanels and Border with a line - wpf

I have my own control which derives from StackPanel. This control contains two other controls, first Border (with TextBlock inside) and StackPanel (able to containes other StackPanels).
Now, when I new StackPanel is added to the internal StackPanel I would like to draw a Line which could connect Border with a new added StackPanel.
I guess this can be handle in code, so when I need StackPanel is added I could determine his and Border locations, and base on this I could draw a line. So my question is: can you see any other ways to achieve the same result? how can keep the link between Border and StackPanel when one of the items it is dragging the layout ?
Thank you for your help
BR Jarek

You can do this the super-easy way by doing something like this:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
<Border Margin="10 0 0 0" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="5 0 0 0" >
<TextBlock Text="MyText" Margin="5 0 0 0 " />
<StackPanel Margin="10 0 0 0" Orientation="Vertical">
<Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="5 0 0 0">
<TextBlock Text="Sub-Item 1" Margin="15 0 0 0" />
<Border BorderBrush="Pink" BorderThickness="5 0 0 0">
<TextBlock Text="Sub-Item 2" Margin="15 0 0 0" />
<Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="5 0 0 0">
<TextBlock Text="Sub-Item 3" Margin="25 0 0 0" />


How to style input text in textbox?

I would like to display the text just below, not in the middle of the textbox. How can I do this?
What I have:
What I want:
The first is a textbox, second is textblock
Margin="3 0 0 0"/>
All I need is to change TextBlock -> TextBox and get the same text display
Use VerticalContentAlignment="Bottom" in your search <TextBox/>.

vertical alignement of label inside viewbox wpf

I want to bottom align text in label.
The label is inside a viewbox.
I've tried to put VerticalAlignement And VerticalContentAlignement to Bottom on label but it doesn't seems to work.
I've also tried to put a width and height on the label but nothing fits to my needs.
Here is the xaml with the viewbox.
<Viewbox x:Name="vbCodeOnline" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Right" >
<Label d:Content="Test" x:Name="lblCodeOnline" Content="{Binding CodeOnline}" Foreground="{Binding CouleurAffichage, Converter={StaticResource ColorToBrushConverter}}" FontSize="36" MouseDown="lblCodeOnline_MouseDown" MouseEnter="lblCodeOnline_MouseEnter" MouseLeave="lblCodeOnline_MouseLeave" Cursor="Help"/>
Here is the full usercontrol xaml :
<UserControl x:Class="QuizzDllWpf.UserControl.OnlineView"
mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignHeight="40" d:DesignWidth="140"
DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
<telerik:ColorToBrushConverter x:Key="ColorToBrushConverter"/>
<telerik:BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="BooleanToVisibilityConverter" />
<converters:BooleanHoverToCursorConverter x:Key="BooleanHoverToCursorConverter" />
<converters:TraductionConverter x:Key="TraductionConverter" />
<converters:CoefValueConverter x:Key="CoefValueConverter" />
<!--Images SVG-->
<PathGeometry x:Key="ImageSVGOnlineInactif" Figures="M55.08 96.53H15.22a3.86 3.86 0 0 0-3.73 4V170a3.86 3.86 0 0 0 3.73 4H55.08a3.87 3.87 0 0 0 3.74-4V100.5A3.87 3.87 0 0 0 55.08 96.53Zm-19.93 69a6 6 0 0 1 0-11.92 6 6 0 0 1 0 11.92Zm16.19-16.39H19V104.47H51.34Zm53.25-58.3V78.93a12.89 12.89 0 0 0-.5-4.3H46.16c-2.77 0-3.6.3-3.83.42 0 0-.07.37-.07 1.07v8.25H32.91V76.13c0-10.84 10-10.84 13.25-10.84h57a9.57 9.57 0 0 1 7.45 2.44c2.3 2.26 3.37 5.82 3.37 11.2v4.48A51.31 51.31 0 0 0 104.59 90.85Zm7.64 78.06c-1.74 2.7-5.19 5.07-11.93 5.07H67.19V168.9h0v-2.52a6.23 6.23 0 1 0 0-12.46v-6H94.41A51.28 51.28 0 0 0 112.23 168.91Zm77.67-55.42A50.66 50.66 0 0 0 180.55 95V50.49c0-8.72 0-15-1.17-17.27-.36-.69-1.29-1.43-7.79-1.43l-102-.49c-8.28 0-8.35 2.45-8.45 5.83L61 50.56l-9.35-.14.19-13.49c.29-10.1 6.12-15 17.83-15l102 .49c18.28 0 18.28 7.64 18.28 28.05ZM139.24 87.57A40.41 40.41 0 1 0 179.65 128 40.45 40.45 0 0 0 139.24 87.57Zm0 73.77a33.35 33.35 0 0 1-24.86-55.59L159 154.82A33.16 33.16 0 0 1 139.24 161.34ZM164.1 150.2l-44.64-49.07A33.34 33.34 0 0 1 164.1 150.2Z" FillRule="NonZero"/>
<PathGeometry x:Key="ImageSVGOnlineActif" Figures="M54.65 98.26H14.8a3.85 3.85 0 0 0-3.73 4v69.3a3.85 3.85 0 0 0 3.73 4H54.65a3.85 3.85 0 0 0 3.73-4v-69.3A3.85 3.85 0 0 0 54.65 98.26ZM34.72 167.07a5.95 5.95 0 1 1 5.61-5.94A5.78 5.78 0 0 1 34.72 167.07Zm16.19-16.34H18.54V106.18H50.91Zm62.57-70v83.51c0 3.38-1.33 11.26-13.63 11.26H66.75v-5.06h0v-2.51a6.22 6.22 0 1 0 0-12.43v-6h37.39V80.71a12.65 12.65 0 0 0-.51-4.28c-.24 0-.55 0-.79 0H45.73c-2.76 0-3.6.3-3.83.42 0 0-.07.37-.07 1.06v8.23H32.49V77.92c0-10.8 10-10.8 13.24-10.8h56.94a9.64 9.64 0 0 1 7.44 2.44C112.41 71.81 113.48 75.35 113.48 80.71Zm57.65-56.32L69.19 23.91c-11.7 0-17.53 4.86-17.82 14.93l-.19 13.45 9.34.14L60.72 39c.09-3.37.16-5.81 8.44-5.81l102 .49c6.49 0 7.42.73 7.79 1.42 1.17 2.24 1.17 8.53 1.17 17.22V111H123.56v47.77l0 9.13a6.81 6.81 0 0 0 6.81 6.8h21.81a6.81 6.81 0 0 0 6.81-6.8v-9.32a6.8 6.8 0 0 0-6.81-6.8h-4.09V133.12h20.64c13.69 0 20.63-5.35 20.63-15.9V52.36C189.41 32 189.41 24.39 171.13 24.39Zm-1.19 103.22a5.83 5.83 0 1 1 5.84-5.82A5.84 5.84 0 0 1 169.94 127.61Z" FillRule="NonZero"/>
<Grid x:Name="myGrid" ToolTip="{Binding ToolTipOnline}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" >
<ColumnDefinition />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<!--Affichage du code online-->
<Viewbox x:Name="vbCodeOnline" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Right" >
<Label d:Content="Test" x:Name="lblCodeOnline" Content="{Binding CodeOnline}" Foreground="{Binding CouleurAffichage, Converter={StaticResource ColorToBrushConverter}}" FontSize="36" MouseDown="lblCodeOnline_MouseDown" MouseEnter="lblCodeOnline_MouseEnter" MouseLeave="lblCodeOnline_MouseLeave" Cursor="Help"/>
<!--Affichage du bouton Online -->
<DockPanel x:Name="imageDockPanel" Width="{Binding ActualHeight, ElementName=MyUserControl, Converter={StaticResource CoefValueConverter}, ConverterParameter=1}" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Grid.Column="1" MouseDown="ImageDockPanel_MouseDown" Cursor="{Binding CursorHandOnline, Converter={StaticResource BooleanHoverToCursorConverter}}" Background="#01000000">
<Viewbox x:Name="vbImageOnline" Stretch="Uniform">
<!--Utilisation d'une image SVG (forme géométrique) dont on modifie la couleur de remplissage-->
<Path Fill="{Binding CouleurAffichage, Converter={StaticResource ColorToBrushConverter}}" Data="{Binding DataImageSVGOnline}" />
Here is the current result :
The expected result :
Using the following, it does not work too
<ColumnDefinition Width="100" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<!--Affichage du code online-->
<Viewbox x:Name="vbCodeOnline" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" >
<Label d:Content="Test" x:Name="lblCodeOnline" Background="Yellow" VerticalContentAlignment="Bottom" Content="{Binding CodeOnline}" Foreground="{Binding CouleurAffichage, Converter={StaticResource ColorToBrushConverter}}" FontSize="36" MouseDown="lblCodeOnline_MouseDown" MouseEnter="lblCodeOnline_MouseEnter" MouseLeave="lblCodeOnline_MouseLeave" Cursor="Help"/>
Define the Width explicitly in your first <ColumnDefinition /> and set VerticalAlignment="Bottom" for the ViewBox (set its background color just for debugging then remove it).. You can set VerticalContentAlignment="Bottom" for the Label (color it as well, just for debugging) as well..

Stretch Path to fill container

I have a resource defined like this:
<Canvas x:Key="export"
<Path Fill="{DynamicResource CurrentColor}"
Data="M23,12L19,8V11H10V13H19V16M1,18V6C1,4.89 1.9,4 3,4H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,6V9H15V6H3V18H15V15H17V18A2,2 0 0,1 15,20H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,18Z" />
And I'm using it like this:
<Button Margin="10,5,10,10"
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
<Rectangle Width="48"
Fill="{DynamicResource CurrentColor}">
<VisualBrush Stretch="Fill"
Visual="{Binding}" />
As can be seen I'm trying to set the rectangle size to 48x48 but the Path Data coordinates in the resource were defined to draw it as 24x24. No matter what I try I cannot strech the resource to fill the button. How can it be done?
I'm open to change the button implementation if needed. All I need is to be able to show the icon in the button in a certain color.
Remove canvas and use Stretch="Uniform" on the Path. If you want to reduce height/width of the Path, add it into eg. Grid or just set Width and Height of the Path:
<Grid Width="48" Height="48">
<Path Fill="{DynamicResource CurrentColor}"
Data="M23,12L19,8V11H10V13H19V16M1,18V6C1,4.89 1.9,4 3,4H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,6V9H15V6H3V18H15V15H17V18A2,2 0 0,1 15,20H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,18Z" />
Try using HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" and VerticalAlignment="Stretch"
But then again if Width and Height are set they take precedence over the Stretch setting. See Microsoft on HorizontalAlignment.

border set like stack of cards

I am wondering what the best way is solve this problem I have a text block with an image around a border and I can add properties and I want to add a border around it to be like a stack of cards. I'll demonstrate what I mean with pictures. The first picture I have is what displays just now.
The second picture is what I want it to display if there is properties added in this example there would be 5 added properties.
Use many borders that overlap, with a non transparent background.
The xaml appearing order is the painting order.
So the last components appear over the first ones.
All the components are in a grid that allow many children.
<system:Double x:Key="width1" >100</system:Double>
<system:Double x:Key="height1" >30</system:Double>
<Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Gray"
Margin="120 80 0 0"
Width="{StaticResource width1}"
Height="{StaticResource height1}" />
<Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Gray"
Margin="110 90 0 0"
Width="{StaticResource width1}"
Height="{StaticResource height1}" />
<TextBlock Text="+6"
Padding="20 7 0 0"
Margin="100 100 0 0"
Width="{StaticResource width1}"
Height="{StaticResource height1}"/>
Note : the use of resources for setting same size to all components

How can I make a XAML Slider element snap to allowed values only?

I have a slider with minimum value 0 and maximum value 1.
When I currently slide it, the value gets set to a decimal value between 0 and 1, e.g. 0.2342343.
However, I want the value to only be either 0 or 1 (so that my ViewModel property will register the change only if it is 0 or 1 and not multiple times as the user drags it from 0 to 1).
How can I make the slider value only be 0 or 1? I tried SmallChange, LargeChange and SnapsToDevicePixels, but none of these work.
<Slider Name="TheLanguageIndexSlider"
Value="{Binding LanguageIndex}"
Set the IsSnapToTickEnabled to true and assign a value of 1 to the TickFrequency property:
<Slider IsSnapToTickEnabled="True"
Maximum="1" />
from msdn
<Slider Width="100" Value="50" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
IsSnapToTickEnabled="True" Maximum="3" TickPlacement="BottomRight"
AutoToolTipPlacement="BottomRight" AutoToolTipPrecision="2"
Ticks="0, 1.1, 2.5, 3"/>
In your case:
<Slider Name="TheLanguageIndexSlider"
Ticks="0, 1"
Value="{Binding LanguageIndex}"
