how to change CATALINA_BASE in /var/lib/tomcat6 in ubuntu 10.4 - tomcat6

i install tomcat6 on ubuntu 10.4 but i want to save my projects in different directory than this CATALINA_BASE in /var/lib/tomcat6 any one can help me in this

maybe this can help you:
try to change the env variables like
setenv CATALINA_BASE /home/path/to/dir
I didn't try this myself, so tell me if it doesn't work

I have a different version of Tomcat, but I was able to fix this given a tip found in
Do not set the variables in this script. Instead put them into a script in $CATALINA_BASE/bin to keep your customizations separate.



Use Case
The code that I wish to edit in che is downloaded from a private SVN repository and uses a private nexus repository for maven dependencies. Due to this I need to use my custom settings.xml from "C:\Users\.m2".
It would be good to use the local maven repository too, hence the approach of creating a custom dockerfile that adds settings.xml was not used.
I created a user environment variable "CHE_EXTRA_VOLUME_MOUNT" with the value "~/.m2:/home/user/.m2".
I can see the env variable from "Docker Quickstart Terminal".
OS: Windows 7
Docker version: 1.12.6, build 78d1802
Docker image: eclipse/che-server:5.0.0
Can't see the mount path "/home/user/.m2" in any workspace.
Can someone please help me with this use case?
I see a couple issues. First, in the che.env file, you should be modifying CHE_WORKSPACE_VOLUME. The CHE_EXTRA_VOLUME_MOUNT is an older name that applied to the 4.x releases.
Second, the mount path you are using. The value that you provided on the mount path is likely not going to work well if it's on Windows 7. This is because you are using Boot2Docker on that system, and so VirtualBox limits files that can be mounted to those that exist as a subfolder of %userprofile%.
1. First make sure that c:\Users\.m2 is part of this subfolder, and then:
2. Use the absolute path to your .m2 folder in the mount in the che.env:
This funky path naming for volume mounts is a limitation in how the Docker client can understand volume mounts if you are using it on the batch shell.
A matching answer is posted on Che's support site -
Looks like it is a bug in eclipse che. You can create an issue at

Failed to start Mongodb

I'm studying pro angularjs by adam freeman. I've installed deployd v0.8.8 and created sportsstore. When I run 'dpd –p 5500 sportsstore\app.dpd' form command prompt, it shows 'Failed to start MongoDB Make sure 'mongod' are in your $PATH or use dpd --mongod option. Ref: bye'.
I've found all the possible answers as much as I can. But still can't solve it. I'm using Windows 7 32-bit. Please help me.
Try to run like this: (Moved code snippet to pastebin).
Hello you must install mongodb after this add the path of th folder installation into the windows path environment restart your cli and type again the command
from control panel open up advanced system settings. click on environment variables. under system variables select path and click edit. then add the directory for your mongodb installation in my case is "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin". P.S if you use windows 8.1 or an earlier release of windows OS type a ";" first. leave out out the quotation marks.

Where does sdkman install packages?

I used sdkman to install groovy which went fine. Where is the installed package now? I need the path for it. I am on Ubuntu 14.04.
I've checked it on my system. It should be located in $HOME/.sdkman/candidates/.
I think the best way would be to use SDKMan's home command:
Something like this (taken from the above page):
$ sdk home java 11.0.7.hs-adpt
Upon installation, SDKMAN creates an environment variable $SDKMAN_DIR which points to the installation directory.
Usuall it's ~/.sdkman
After you have run source $HOME/.sdkman/bin/
You can see the sdkman "installation" by running:
declare -f
$HOME on mac is /Users/<users>
Where's SDKMan installed:
Where did it just install gradle? (or some other package)
which gradle
SDKMAN stores file in $HOME/.sdkman/candidates/ as Tom mentioned and this answer goes into more detail.
To find where SBT 1.3.13 is installed, type sdk home sbt 1.3.13. It'll return something like /Users/powers/.sdkman/candidates/sbt/1.3.13.
The arguments to the sdk install command align with where the files are stored in $HOME/.sdkman/candidates.
sdk install java 8.0.272.hs-adpt stores files in $HOME/.sdkman/candidates/java/8.0.272.hs-adpt.
sdk install sbt 1.3.13 stores files in $HOME/.sdkman/candidates/sbt/1.3.13.
When you run sdk install, the downloaded binaries get saved in $HOME/.sdkman/archives. For example, $HOME/.sdkman/archives/ and $HOME/.sdkman/archives/
Some of the binaries are pretty big and can end up taking a lot of space on your computer. You should periodically delete them with the sdk flush archives command. Once you install the software, you don't need the binaries anymore. See here for more details.

installing mod_perl with centos and plesk

I'm trying to install mod_perl on Centos 5.5 with Plesk. Does this already come with mod_perl? I'm not showing anything in the $ENV{MOD_PERL} variable.
I tried installing it via cpan (install mod_perl2) with this:
Please provide a full path to 'apxs' executable
which I don't know. So I skip it and then I am asked:
Please provide the location of the Apache directory:
Searched though I have, I can't seem to find it. No apache folder with ap_release.h.
Where would I find this or is there a better way to install it via plesk?
I was able to get mod_perl2 installed by:
>> yum install perl-devel
>> cpan
>> install YAML
>> install mod_perl2
Then, I configured it thanks to this:
I added a new <Directory> for my web site in case there would be a conflict with plesk.
/cgi-bin runs regular perl scripts
/mod-perl runs my scripts using mod_perl2... the $ENV{MOD_PERL} variable does exist here!
#oleg - thanks for your help, a2enmod perl does not work in CentOS
The Perl Support check box in Plesk doesn't seem to have any effect what-so-ever.
Does this already come with mod_perl?
Yes. Check any domain's hosting settings.
also you can check:
rpm -qa | grep perl
and I'm definitely recommend you use Plesk on Centos 6, because most things will be easier.

Trying to install MacPorts

I've followed the directions in Installing MacPorts.
To install MacPorts using the pkg installer. The installation apparently goes fine. For example, it goes through the multi-step process eventually saying "Installation Successful" or something to this effect.
And now there's just the "little" problem that neither of these commands work:
man ports
which ports
I've checked in /usr/local, /bin, and /usr/bin, and I don't see where this has been installed to. Ideas?
They're in /opt/local/bin, so as to not overwrite stuff that came with Mac OS X or that you might have gotten from elsewhere. They won't be in your $PATH until you close that Terminal and open another (nothing can alter the environment of a running program except the program itself).
It's in /opt/local/bin. MacPorts updates .bash_profile to include this in the path, but obviously existing shells don't see the updated PATH variable...
It's probably because you're trying ports but the command is called port: See
