Using List.h in C files, Ubuntu10.10 - c

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 on an IBM R51 machine. When I access list.h to read it(manually/humanly) I open /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22/include/linux .
But when coding a C program in terminal, I cant invoke any #include because it is not in the default /usr/include folders.
When I change the statement to reflect the path by typing #include "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22/include/linux/list.h" it returns errors as list.h in turn calls other header files which are mentioned as located in "linux" folder
The header files are as you must be aware:
"linux/poison.h", "linux/prefetch.h" and "asm/system.h"
So if I have to copy each, I can but prefetch in turn calls other dependencies, which are not present in /usr/include directory. I hope you understand.
How can I solve this problem?

Are you sure these headers are really what you need ? The standard C headers should be under /usr/include
Anyhow you need to pass the header search path to the compiler via the '-I' flag.
Pass the path via -I
Then in your C code
#include "list.h"
Link to GCC manual & preprocessor directives

The header files you are using are designed for internal use of the Linux kernel. They were not designed to be used by a userland program.
If you MUST use these headers (the Linux kernel list implementation is brilliant), copy the headers into your program source directory. Copy each file that is referenced, edit each one to remove whatever assumptions exist about being used in-kernel, and recurse until you're finished. I might suggest to make your own prefetch() macro that simply does nothing, rather than try to untangle <linux/prefetch.h>. Do the same for <linux/poison.h>, and untangle <linux/types> and <linux/stddef.h> (not too hard here :) as best you can.
And also be sure you license your project GPLv2 (and specifically GPLv2, the Linux kernel's COPYING file is quite strict that GPLv2 is the only license that applies; there is debate whether the GPL allows specifying only one version, but that is the license Linus chose ages ago, and the license that is valid on all files unless specified otherwise).

adding -I/usr/src/linux is a no-go, since unsanitized header files are not meant to be used from user programs
you could manually copy list.h to your own project and sanitize
or use a library that is specifically for userspace and provides the same functionality (since you already used libHX elsewhere, you might want to continue reading into the linked list chapter)


How do I set include paths when not using an IDE so it isn't cumbersome

I've been trying to work without an IDE. Now I'm setting up a project that I had done
on stm32cubeIDE. I got to the point where I'm adding headers and such to the main.c file. In the IDE I was able to tell the IDE where to look for headers, like the driver folder or w/e I called it. Without IDE, I had to go and change the path in the #include statement such that
#include "cooldriver.h"
#include "driver/cooldriver.h"
Then,I also have to change cooldriver.c's path to point to the right path.
Is there a way to simplify this so I don't have to go through and change all the #includes and just keep what I had.
I'm working in linux env and using arm-none-eabi-gcc.
The path i have is like,
TLTR: I want to tell compiler where to look for header files without an ide and without rewriting all the include statements.
TLTR: I want to tell compiler where to look for header files without an ide and without rewriting all the include statements.
Among their many available command-line options, compilers accept some that tell them about paths to search for headers and external libraries. On UNIX-heritage systems, the traditional one for paths that #include should consider is -I. Your compiler's documentation will provide more detail.
The traditional approach would be to set one or more variables in your makefile to contain the wanted command-line flags, and to expand those variables where appropriate in your make recipes. Sticking with convention, I would use variable CPPFLAGS for -I and other flags directed toward the C preprocessor.

How to include a folder of libraries in C?

I'm trying to include a folder that contains a combination of around 60 .h and .hpp files. This folder contains libraries for programming robots with a Wallaby (a mini-computer-like device) for Botball competition. include is located in the same place as main.c (inside code). Up until now, this is what my header for including libraries looks like:
#include "../code/include/accel.h"
Just like accel.h, I have 60 other .h and .hpp files inside include. So, coming to my question, do I need to type out all the 60 header lines? or is there a way to include the include folder.
I'm using Clion for this project, if I can't include the folder itself, does anyone know of a shortcut in Clion to include all the files in include.
I was also thinking of using some sort of placeholder for the folder name and only specify the file type. So, for example: #include "../code/include/(generic placeholder name).h". I have no clue if something like this exists.
I would also request you to keep in mind that I'm a beginner to programming, so please keep your answers simple.
This is just for some extra info:
The Wallaby is a mini computer to which you would connect your sensors, motors, servos and cameras in order to control a robot for the Botball competition. Usually, one can connect to the Wallaby either via Wifi Direct or a cable and write programs on it directly through an online interface (not entirely sure of the word for it, but you just type in an IP address in your browser and it brings up an interface where you can make projects and code). All the code written in that interface saves directly onto the Wallaby. Here the default include statement is #include <kipr/botball.h>, so I'm assuming that botball.h (which is located on the Wallaby's storage) has all those 60 libraries consolidated in it. I got the include folder that I'm using from GitHub. This link was provided to me by one of the Botball organisers. So the main point in me trying to download the library is so that I can write and successfully compile code even when I'm not connected to the Wallaby. Hope this provides some relevant context.
Thank you for your answers!
What I'd do is
Create (maybe with scripting tools or a specific program) a "all.h" file which includes all the other header files
#include "accel.h"
#include "bccel.h"
#include "zccel.h"
Include "all.h" in your main file
#include "../code/include/all.h"
You can create "all.h" automatically every time you build your code.
CLion is an IDE for Clang and GCC. These compilers are instructed to search paths for include files by specifying -I<path> command line arguments. Any number may be specified, and they are searched in the order given, and the first match found is the file that gets included.
I am not familiar with CLion specifically but no doubt it has a dialog somewhere where you can set header file search paths.
Edit: It seems that CLion may not make this so straightforward. I understand that you have to add then via CMake:, but after that, the IDE will not recognise the header in the editor and will warn you of unrecognised files and will not provide code comprehension features. I believe it will build nonetheless.

What is the difference between /usr/include/linux and /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/

I'm very new to native C programming and now I'm trying to configure my IDE to set up include paths correctly. Since I would like to navigate by sys/xxx.h files I added
to my include path. But there is also /usr/include/linux which seems contains the same headers also. So what is the difference between them? And which one should I use actually?
I can tell you immediately that the directories /usr/include/linux and /usr/include/asm should never be included in a list of system header directories. The headers in those directories are meant to be used as #include <linux/whatever.h> or #include <asm/whatever.h>, not as #include <whatever.h>.
The rest of the answer to this question depends on exactly which "distribution" of Linux you are using, so I can't just say it. Fortunately, there is a way to get the compiler to tell you. Run this command (exactly as shown) in a terminal window:
LC_ALL=C gcc -v -xc -E /dev/null 2>&1 |
sed -ne '/search starts here/,/End of search list/p'
You will get output that looks something like this, but the details may be slightly different:
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
The directories listed are the directories you should configure your IDE to look for system headers in, for purpose of looking up declarations and whatnot. However, you should not configure your IDE to pass any of these directories to the compiler as -I directories. It already knows to use them, it doesn't need to be told again, and telling it again can mess things up (for instance, the order of the above directories matters).
As an application programmer you don't need to worry about which headers "belong" in which directories. That's entirely the compiler and C library developers and Linux distribution maintainers' task.

Importing Modules — customized Modules in C

I am currently learning the C programming language and I'm having some issues with importing modules I created.
I created a small module to read with fgets and flush the buffer from stdin perfectly and I don't want to keep writing the code every single time. I just want to import this small module like I used to do in Python. I didn't knew how because I'm not using an IDE. I'm just compiling with gcc in terminal and using a text editor. I tried to search with Google,but in vain.
You should create a header for your module that declares the functions in the module – and any other information that a consumer of the module needs. You might call that header weekly.h, a pun on your name, but you can choose any name you like within reason.
You should create a library (shared or static — that's up to you) that contains the functions (and any global variables, if you're so gauche as to have any) defined by your module. You might call it or libweekly.a — or using the extensions appropriate to your machine (.dylib and .a on macOS, for example). The source files might or might not be weekly.c — if there's more than one function, you'll probably have multiple source files, so they won't all be weekly.c. You should put this code (the header and the source files and their makefile) into a separate source directory.
You should install the header(s) and the library in a well-known location (e.g. $HOME/include for headers and $HOME/lib for the library — or maybe in the corresponding directories under /usr/local), and then ensure that the right options are used when compiling (-I$HOME/include for the headers) or linking (-L$HOME/lib and -lweekly).
Your source code using the module would contain:
#include "weekly.h"
and your code would be available. With shared libraries in $HOME/lib, you would have to ensure that the runtime system knows where to find the library. If you install it in /usr/local, that is done for you already. If you install it in $HOME/lib, you have to investigate things like /etc/ or the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLIB_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables, etc.
You need to create a header file (.h) with your function declarations types and extern variables. Then in the program where you want to use those functions include this .h file and and add the compiled .o file (with your functions) to the object file list. And you are done.

Can a C header file only specify a name of another header file

I found a pacman project in github where a file conf.c includes a header file #include "ini.h" where ini.h contains only a single line (i.e no #include statement):
I have never seen anyone doing this before! It seems a bit hackish/rough around the edges. My questions are:
Is this legal C?
Is it portable?
Is it recommended?
I would have assumed the answer should be no for all these questions, but I may be learning something new...
From the answers, I see its a Linux symlink. I guess that this means it is not portable to Windows, and would also make it more difficult to read outside a unix environment. I would also imagine that using relative paths (or include directories) instead of symlinks would be a better practice in cases like this for reasons mentioned above...
src/pacman/ini.h is a symbolic link according to the site.
Symbolic link has an information of where the target file is (path name), and I guess it is what is displayed on the site.
The OS will redirect access to that ini.h to ../common/ini.h, which is a normal C code.
I don't see any reason why not. The include statement indicates the compiler to replace that line with the whatever is in the included file
