Sybase GUI Client - sybase

What are the available Sybase GUI clients for Windows.
I have tried DBVisualizer and RazorSQL any other recommendations. Free preferred

u can try "Interactive SQL" which shipped with Sybase 15 Client, it's better than Sql Advantage, and it's free to download via. Sybase website.

One other solution would be sqlDeveloper from oracle (if you are used to it). You can make it work with Sybase databases by downloading the jTDS driver. Then you can go to sqlDeveloper and choose Tools -> Preferences -> Database -> Third Party JDBC driver. It will work like a charm.
I find it very convinient as i was used to sqlDeveloper, so i can add any driver for any DB provider i want.

You can try a non commercial client TOAD for sybase
and a comercial client like dbArtisan that allows you debug of the stored procedures what for me its very usefull.

I like SQL Workbench/J, sort of like DBVisualiser but entirely free. It can connect to a lot of databases (that have JDBC drivers) and has a handy datapump/data replication tool, that can also be used in batch mode.

Aqua Data Studio seems popular with the clients I work with. But I generally use the tools from Sybase : Interactive SQL (SQL Editor) and Sybase Central (Data Schema, Debugger etc)

Other possible tools could be Squirrel and DBeaver. Both are open-source and free.
Here are some links : .
SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical SQL client written in Java that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc.
DBeaver will let you do all basic DDL and DML functions, DB object script extraction etc. Various plugins exist e.g DBDiff Plugin which lets you compare objects between two different sessions

Workbench/J is a good choice. It can work with Oracle/Sybase/Informix and other databases.
Setup SQL Workbench/J to connect to sybase in Ubuntu 14.0.4
Install SCN SDK ""
unzip the file.
create /opt/sap and chown sap:sap /opt/sap -- sap is the owner for software
run setup.bin after unzip the linux.tgz
In SQL Workbench Setup jdbc connection pointing to "/opt/sap/jConnect-16_0/classes/jconn4.jar"
Setup sybase connection URL to be jdbc:sybase:Tds::
e.g. jdbs:sybase:Tds:sybase1:5000


How to identify a sybase db file (how to know which software which version)

i have a sybase database *.DB file
i dont know which software created it and which version
i want to know which sybase engine is used and which version
and is the version of the engine related to spesific software
i mean can i use any client with this database engine
also i want to know a brief steps to how to install the sybase engine and the client software and restore the database created from the DB file
Sorry for these many questions as i am a MS SQL developer but i need to open this sybase DB and convert it to MS SQL :(
Thanks in advance
.db is typically used by Sybase SQL Anywhere, and Sybase IQ. Since you are tasked with converting it to MS SQLServer, it's a safe bet that the file is from SQL Anywhere.
You can find out about installing, and upgrading .db files here
Once you have the software installed, and the database running, you can use Sybase Central, the management GUI, or dbunload on the command line to extract the DDL you need to build your MS SQLServer Environment.

Derby Database ODBC Connection

I have a Derby Database in Netbeans with connection string
Can this be used with ODBC? If so, how could I transform this or configure my Derby Database to be compliant with ODBC
The end goal is to get the Derby Database migrated to MySQL. Using the migrating wizard in MySQL Workbench appears to be the easiest way. However I do need ODBC connectivity.
Do you want to use ODBC because MySQL Workbench uses it to migrate database?
I migrated some databases between various engines and my favorite technology is to convert DDL schema (CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW etc) using specialized Python program. Then I use JDBC with getObject()/setObject() methods to copy data. You can see such copy database Jython program (Jython is a Python language that works using JVM and can use JDBC drivers) in my response to Blob's migration data from Informix to Postgres .
BTW Quick search shows that IBM have ODBC driver to Derby (they bought Informix that earlier bought Cloudscape):
Use OpenDBCopy, which is an opensource database utility to migrate data from and to any database via JDBC connection.
You can copy table structures as well as data from any supported database.

Microsoft SQL server hosting that supports DTS

Could someone suggest a shared SQL Server solution that supports DTS packages?
I was hoping to use the PostgreSQL ODBC driver and a DTS package to keep data synchronized between MSSQL server and Postgres. After getting my hands on SQL Server 2005 and attempting to do this I realized SSIS doesn't seem to play nicely with the PostgreSQL ODBC driver.
I gave up on the SSIS/DTS solution and have written a program using JDBC which runs happily on my Linux server.
I am not aware of any hosting services that provide DTS or SSIS as a feature. However, if what you are trying to achieve by using DTS/SSIS is a way to do your own backups/data transfers then I would suggest you look into the Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Services. Go Daddy supports it.
I have used Edgewebhosting before and used DTS packages for pushing data to sites. I have no affiliation with them, it worked well for the job.

Connecting to an Oracle database on the command-line without using the Oracle client software?

I have access to an Oracle server that has some databases that I would like to access. However, the machine that I have access from has none of the oracle client software. Is there any alternative to oracle's client software the provides the functionality of something like MySQL's mysql or Postgres' psql? I'd like to be able to poke around a bit in the database before writing software against it.
If you download the free Oracle Instant Client you'd be able to use any JDBC or ODBC Database tool such as DbVisualizer or SquirrelSQL. Those are GUI tools; I've not come across a JDBC command line tool but there may be one out there.
Alternatively, there is an Instant Client version of SQL*Plus which will give you an Oracle sqlplus command line without a full Oracle install.
Oracle's free PL/SQL IDE SQL Developer can use Type 4 JDBC drivers to connect to a number of different types of databases, obviously including Oracle. You can use that without doing any sort of Oracle client install if you so desired.
You could try the Oracle IDE SQL Developer which is a free download. It is written in Java and is available for both windows and linux. It is self contained and doesn't require the Oracle client be installed.
SQLPal ( is a lightweight SqlPlus like application for Windows that does not require the oracle client.

What tool do you use for developing and administrating your database?

I have always used TOAD by Quest to do my development and administration work in Oracle and MS SQL Server. However, I am trying not to be myopic in my choices. Are there other tools that you would recommend that will allow me to connect to the database(s) and perform my development and administrative duties?
For Oracle (and MySQL it appears) you can use Oracle's free "SQL Developer", which being Java also runs on Mac OS X and Linux.
For PostgreSQL there is phpPgAdmin for an online solution, and the equivalent for MySQL. There are stand-alone applications like PgAdmin3 as well, but I haven't used them for a long time, having preferred the psql command line interface.
I personally like MS SQL Server Management Studio to SQL Sever. SSMS 2008 is a very good improvement over SSMS 2005. have a range of tools for a cross section of databases. Also have a look at Altova's Database Spy
I've used TOAD before and wasn't very impressed. What I like using is Oracle tools for Visual Studio .Net . Their tools work within the server explorer within Visual Studio.
See this question on the subject.
For me, among Oracle's dedicated tools, Toad beats every alternative.
Surprisingly, phpMyAdmin. Not the fanciest tool around, but never failed me and it's already installed almost everywhere. I wish it supported more database engines than it's name implies.
