I am building a site with Drupal 7 in which I use the Domain Access ( http://drupal.org/project/domain) module, in combination with the Domain Path ( http://drupal.org/project/domain_path) module. I can set aliases for specific domains, and they work if I browse to example.com/alias, but the domain specific aliases do not show up in the menus. Only an alias set through the "URL path settings" in the node creation form shows up in menus. But I want to have different nodes with the same alias at the different domains.
So my question is how I can change the alias selection for nodes. Drupals default behavior is to select an alias for a node from the url_alias database table, but the Domain Path module stores the aliases in a different table.
I want to create multisite in Drupal in which I want one master site and another sub sites operate by only one admin panel, single DB(different prefixes)
One admin panel for all these sites.
You can use Domain Access Module for multi-site you can edit anything with 1 admin panel no need to login in subsite.
Module give facility to publish content on specific domain(Affiliated content) and you can change it form backend.
Also you can Restrict user domain wise.
I'm trying to follow the steps on the Google Cloud Platform's Hosting a Static Website. The first step is to create a CNAME alias that points to c.storage.googleapis.com. How to do this depends on which domain registration service you use.
In my case, I got the domain (peek.solutions) on Goolge Domains itself:
However, I can't find Google Domains itself among the host-specific steps given by Google. How can I create the CNAME alias?
Click the icon in the DNS column.
In the following page, there is a section with the heading "Custom resource records."
You will see a drop down menu there where "A" is the default but you can select "CNAME" to create that type of record.
I'm using domain access module in my website and have multiple domains in my website. For example I have the domains
test.example.com (primary domain)
When I create a sample content "Contact" and provide it with the URL alias as 'contact' (assume node id as 143), Under domain access options I select "send to all affiliates". When I try to access the below url
test.example.com/contact (its working fine)
test1.example.com/contact (page not found)
But both of these below are working
Is it possible to have the same URL alias for all the domains. I used domain path module and its not working as needed.
In Drupal 7, what happened to me was, each domain had its own language. I'd turned off multi-lingual support on the content types thinking, "if I select the domain I want the content to appear on, it will default to the domain's language". Wrong!
I found that each node was picking up the default language from /admin/config/regional/language . In this case English. The node's language wasn't displayed anywhere, so I missed it. When I tried to view a page assigned to a French URL, clean URLs just won't work. I could access via the /node/nnn, but not the clean URL.
You need to :
edit the content type
in 'Publishing options', 'Multilingual support' set that to enabled.
edit the content type again
go to "Manage Display"
'Language' field, set the 'Format' for that to 'Hidden'
each each node and either set the language to the domains default OR set to 'Language neutral'
Then sit back and watch those URLs work :-)
I am a new addition to the world of CakePHP, and have only created / followed the blog tutorial, and extended it with users. I have been reading the 2.0 book to become more familiar with the framework.
Before I commit to moving to CakePHP, I have a couple of questions.
Currently, I develop a multi domain / multi theme CMS system which is procedural PHP. By doing this I have been able to create a single system on a single database with multiple domains and themes.
I take the $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and look it up in a table of "brands" and then return a brand_id and theme directory. I then suffix all my SQL queries with "and brand_id = X".
I am looking to move over to Cake as the current platform has become overwhelming in size and complexity.
So in short...
Can I create an application with One Core, One App, One Database that can serve Multiple Domains and Themes?
Would I use $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] to look up the domain and return back a brand_id and theme?
I don't really want to have multiple databases, as if we had a large number of customers making changes across all databases could prove time consuming.
I certainly don't want to have multiple controllers and multiple models, but in some cases we would want a bespoke view if a customer had a specific requirement.
Any guidance on a basic configuration to get me started would be great. Would each Model "belong to" a "brand"? How would you "serve" up a brand?
Name: Brand1 Domain: www.brand1.com ThemeDir: Brand1
Name: Brand2 Domain: www.brand2.com ThemeDir: Brand2
I have a similar situation in which I am using wildcard subdomains. I accomplished this by doing a combination of things.
In my bootstrap file I am reading in my subdomain and assigning it a value to the cakePHP cache. In my case I am calling:
Configure::write('SubdomainHTTP', $myvalue);
This would be your domain name in your case.
I am loading in my routes.php file a filename called subdomainRoute.php. This file checks to make sure that the route or subdomain in my case exists in the database. It concludes by writing the subdomain name and theme name using Configure::write like step 1.
App::uses('SubdomainRoute', 'Routes');
I glue it all together here, in my AppController.php I read the information I write in step 2. Specifically the theme name and set it using:
$this->theme = $yourtheme;
This should allow you to have different domain name themes. Given you will have to have a database to hold a list of domain names and there theme names.
I am making a project and it has three types of users. My problem is I want the first 2 category of users to be able to access the information and for the third kind of user i want to display the access denied page. I know I have to combine the conditions and events in Rules under configuration page of Drupal but I am not able to get the result I want.Please help me.
If what you want to deny access is a content type, then check this module: http://drupal.org/project/content_access
Basically, it adds custom access rules for every content type in your Drupal installation. You can select the role and the the access type from the content type administration page in admin/structure/type. Also, it can show different access options depending on the node.
if you want to deny access to individual node this module node access that "override the permissions for a given content type by setting permissions on an individual node".