LGPL/public-domain equivalent of Apache log4cxx? [closed] - licensing

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there an equivalent of Apache log4cxx that can be embedded in a distributed proprietary package?

The Apache license allows you to use this package in your product even if it is closed source and commercial. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_License
Alternatively take a look at log4cpp which is under LGPL.

Log4cplus is a nice alternative.
In its production release 1.0.4 it misses AsyncAppender, but that is present in the coming 1.1 (I don't know when that is released).
We just switched from log4cxx to log4cplus since log4cxx depends on libapr/libaprutil (nice Apache 2 license) which on my Ubuntu 10.04 again depends on libdb4.8.so. The license for libdb4.8 not fit closed source commercial applications without buying a license from Oracle. From /usr/share/doc/libdb4.8/copyright:
... For a license to use the Berkeley DB software under conditions
other than those described here, or to purchase support for this software,
please contact Oracle at berkeleydb-info_us#oracle.com.
...(some more text)
3. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on
how to obtain complete source code for the DB software and any
accompanying software that uses the DB software. ...


Database choice for MFC Dekstop Client [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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we have a legacy Windows app written in C++ using the MFC framework. I want to now add capability to communicate with a database at a centralized server. There are ODBC Connection libraries for many of the popular databases which allow me to do exactly what I want (with MySQL for example). But upon further reading, the GPL or LGPL licensing for both the database but more importantly the connection library gets too complicated given my limited legal resources.
Opening up my source code is not an option for me as I am a small operation selling closed source software for profit. My preference is to choose a database with an available connection library with flexible licensing. I don't care if it is free or paid but I'd like it to be something relatively popular with tools, support, some user community, etc.
MySQL seemed simple and widely used but the licensing is a problem for me. The licensing for the PostgreSQL database itself seems much more flexible but the connection library I found is licensed under GPL. Are there perhaps paid options that I'm not aware of?
Should I be considering Microsoft SQL Server?
Can people please recommend any additional options to me?
LGPL is what you want. GPL is ambiguous about the status of other works (your code) which links to a GPL library (the ODBC drivers). LGPL purposely is explicit that using a LGPL library does not put your work under LGPL.

Is there a Gradle License Plugin or What is the best way to handle Licenses of Dependencies? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm about to release a little hobby open source project. Since it bundles a bunch of dependencies I have to take care of the various license requirements. Most of the time this means adding some license file to the distribution (at least that is my understanding, but you never know about lawyers).
Is there a Gradle plugin that takes care of that, at least for the common Open Source Licenses?
If there is no Gradle plugin, is there an accepted approach to handle this, like listing all the jars + the license after the own license, or putting a *.license file next to each *.jar file or something?
There is a Gradle License Plugin on Github (I'm the maintainer). Currently the plugin only adds and removes License headers to your source files. There is no support yet for adding the licenses of jar dependencies to a LICENSE file, but that shouldn't be too hard to add, just haven't had the time yet.

distributed software development methodologies [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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is there any methodology about distributed software development that really works? by distributed i mean long distance, developers stay in different cities or countries.
at the end it depends on the rules defined by the team.
you will use distributed version control like
where you will develop, test and deploy your different branches in dedicated environment like
basically you will pass an issue/feature from development to stable via a distributed team of developers.
coordinating this and having a common understanding of the process is the challenge and not that easy to achieve.
hope this gives you an overview.

I need a licens for an opensource project, that specifies not free for comertial use [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am developing a web based opensource project. I was considering the AGPL v3, but I explicitly want to prevent commercial use. Non-profit orgs are welcome to use it for free.
It seems to be a common thing in the software world, but I am looking for a pre-written license that I could use or adapt.
Any ideas where I can find such a thing? Are there accepted opensource licenses that fit this criteria?
It is not a good idea to use such a license, because it is sometimes very hard to draw the line between commercial and non-commercial, especially juridically.
However, you may check out Creative Commons licenses.
You won't find any open source licenses that prevent commercial use. That's against the spirit of open source and wouldn't fit into the definition of open source.
There cannot possibly be such a license. Forbidding the use of the source code is the exact opposite of open source. Ergo, there cannot ever possible be an open source license which has such a restriction, and a license which has such a restriction cannot ever possibly be an open source license.

Good SMTP + SSL/TLS Library for C? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I apologize if this question has been asked before. I did a rather extensive search for similar questions, however all I could find were answers related to C++ or C#. I'm using GNU C.
I'm writing a daemon that needs to be able to send e-mail using SMTP. I need to be able to login to an external mail server, send the email and interpret any error codes. For various reasons, I can not use the system's sendmail facility (if even one is present).
The library should support at least OpenSSL. GNUTLS would be a perk, but not really needed.
Ideally, the library would be licensed LGPL2 (and later) or 3 clause BSD.
Any suggestions?
This answer is more for anyone reading this post after the fact, but it looks like as of version 7.20.0 libcurl supports SMTP, including SSL.
It looks like SASL support is planned, but maybe not released yet. I did find this patch however.
Have you looked at CyaSSL? It supports all current industry standards up to TLS 1.2 (as well as some cool features such as stream ciphers), has an OpenSSL compatibility layer, and focuses on optimizing speed and size.
It's dual licensed under both GPLv2 and a commercial license (if you need support). I recently used it with some Android work I was doing and was very pleased.
