Recursion within a thread - c

Is it a good idea to call a recursive function inside a thread ?
I am creating 10 threads, the thread function in turn call a recursive function . The bad part is
ThreadFunc( )
for( ;condn ; )
bool recursiveFunc(objectId)
//Get a instance to the database connection
// Query for attibutes of this objectId
if ( attibutes satisfy some condition)
return true;
recursiveFunc(objectId) // thats the next level of objectId
The recursive function has some calls to the database
My guess is that a call to recursive function inside a loop is causing a performance degradation. Can anyone confirm

Calling a function recursively inside a thread is not a bad idea per se. The only thing you have to be aware of is to limit the recursion depth, or you may produce a (wait for it...) stack overflow. This is not specific to multithreading but applies in any case where you use recursion.
In this case, I would recommend against recursion because it's not necessary. Your code is an example of tail recursion, which can always be replaced with a loop. This eliminates the stack overflow concern:
bool recursiveFunc(objectId)
// Get an instance to the database connection
// Query for attributes of this objectId
// Update objectId if necessary (not sure what the "next level of objectId" is)
while(! attributes satisfy some condition);
return true;

There's no technical reason why this wouldn't work - it's perfectly legal.
Why is this code the "bad part"?
You'll need to debug/profile this and recursiveFunc to see where the performance degradation is.
Going by the code you've posted have you checked that condn is ever satisfied so that your loop terminates. If not it will loop for ever.
Also what does recursiveFunc actually do?
Based on your comment that each thread performs 15,000 iterations the first thing I'd do would be to move the Get an instance to the database connection code outside recursiveFunc so that you are only getting it once per thread.
Even if you rewrite into a loop (as per Martin B's answer) you would still want to do this.

It depends on how the recursive function talks to the database. If each (or many) level of recursion reopens the database that can be the reason for degradation. If they all share the same "connection" to the database the problem is not in recursion but in the number of threads concurrently accessing the database.

The only potential problem I see with the posted code is that it can represent an infinite loop, and that's usually not what you want (so you'd have to force break somewhere on known reachable conditions to avoid having to abend the application in order to break out of the thread (and subsequently the thread).
Performance degradation can happen with both threading, recursion, and database access for a variety of reasons.
Whether any or all of them are at fault for your problems is impossible to ascertain from the little you're showing us.


Raku : is there a SUPER fast way to turn an array into a string without the spaces separating the elements?

I need to convert thousands of binary byte strings, each about a megabyte long, into ASC strings. This is what I have been doing, and seems too slow:
sub fileToCorrectUTF8Str ($fileName) { # binary file
my $finalString = "";
my $fileBuf = slurp($fileName, :bin);
for #$fileBuf { $finalString = $finalString ~ $_.chr; };
return $finalString;
~#b turns #b into string with all elements separated by space, but this is not what I want. If #b = < a b c d >; the ~#b is "a b c d"; but I just want "abcd", and I want to do this REALLY fast.
So, what is the best way? I can't really use hyper for parallelism because the final string is constructed sequentially. Or can I?
TL;DR On an old rakudo, .decode is about 100X times as fast.
In longer form to match your code:
sub fileToCorrectUTF8Str ($fileName) { # binary file
slurp($fileName, :bin).decode
Performance notes
First, here's what I wrote for testing:
# Create million and 1 bytes long file:
spurt 'foo', "1234\n6789\n" x 1e5 ~ 'Z', :bin;
# (`say` the last character to check work is done)
say .decode.substr(1e6) with slurp 'foo', :bin;
# fileToCorrectUTF8Str 'foo' );
say now - INIT now;
On's 2018.12 rakudo, the above .decode weighs in at about .05 seconds per million byte file instead of about 5 seconds for your solution.
You could/should of course test on your system and/or using later versions of rakudo. I would expect the difference to remain in the same order, but for the absolute times to improve markedly as the years roll by.[1]
Why is it 100X as fast?
Well, first, # on a Buf / Blob explicitly forces raku to view the erstwhile single item (a buffer) as a plural thing (a list of elements aka multiple items). That means high level iteration which, for a million element buffer, is immediately a million high level iterations/operations instead of just one high level operation.
Second, using .decode not only avoids iteration but only incurs relatively slow method call overhead once per file whereas when iterating there are potentially a million .chr calls per file. Method calls are (at least semantically) late-bound which is in principle relatively costly compared to, for example, calling a sub instead of a method (subs are generally early bound).
That all said:
Remember Caveat Empty[1]. For example, rakudo's standard classes generate method caches, and it's plausible the compiler just in-lines the method anyway, so it's possible there is negligible overhead for the method call aspect.
See also the doc's Performance page, especially Use existing high performance code.
Is the Buf.Str error message LTA?
Update See Liz++'s comment.
If you try to use .Str on a Buf or Blob (or equivalent, such as using the ~ prefix on it) you'll get an exception. Currently the message is:
Cannot use a Buf as a string, but you called the Str method on it
The doc for .Str on a Buf/Blob currently says:
In order to convert to a Str you need to use .decode.
It's arguably LTA that the error message doesn't suggest the same thing.
Then again, before deciding what to do about this, if anything, we need to consider what, and how, folk could learn from anything that goes wrong, including signals about it, such as error messages, and also what and how they do in fact currently learn, and bias our reactions toward building the right culture and infrastructure.
In particular, if folk can easily connect between an error message they see, and online discussion that elaborates on it, that needs to be taken into account and perhaps encouraged and/or made easier.
For example, there's now this SO covering this issue with the error message in it, so a google is likely to get someone here. Leaning on that might well be a more appropriate path forward than changing the error message. Or it might not. The change would be easy...
Please consider commenting below and/or searching existing rakudo issues to see if improvement of the Buf.Str error message is being considered and/or whether you wish to open an issue to propose it be altered. Every rock moved is at least great exercise, and, as our collective effort becomes increasingly wise, improves (our view of) the mountain.
[1] As the well known Latin saying Caveat Empty goes, both absolute and relative performance of any particular raku feature, and more generally any particular code, is always subject to variation due to factors including one's system's capabilities, its load during the time it's running the code, and any optimization done by the compiler. Thus, for example, if your system is "empty", then your code may run faster. Or, as another example, if you wait a year or three for the compiler to get faster, advances in rakudo's performance continue to look promising.

multiplication of all integers between two given variables using recursion

Yes this is homework. I am not asking for any easy answers, just help moving in the right direction. here is the assignment: "Create a function that receives two numbers: a and b. The function calculates and returns the multiplication of all the numbers between a and b. Create three versions of this function."
I created the function using a for loop and a while loop, but I am at a loss how to use recursion- the final part of the assignment.
Kudos for admitting this is a homework question. As such, while I won't give you the answer, I will give you a few pointers towards it.
When writing a recursive function, there are two key things to consider:
What stops the recursion, and
What happens until the recursion stops
In your case, where you have to calculate the product of a list of numbers, this works out as:
What should the function do when there is only 1 item in the list? (ie: when a and b are the same)
How can I multiply one element by the product of the rest of the list?
For extra credit, look up tail recursion and understand why it can help keep your memory usage down.
Does that give you enough of a start?
It's a simple instance of dynamic programming — you start with one problem and attempt to resolve it by breaking it into problems that are easier to solve and combining the results.
You can then usually attack these problems by working backwards: what's the most trivial case, that you could answer immediately? What would you do if the problem were a notch harder than that?
As you've explicitly been told to find a recursive solution, you can assume that you're looking for a method that can either directly return a result or else must call itself with modified parameters, and do something with that result to get its own.
Failing that, given that the question is slightly artificial, consider looking up how you could literally just implement a for loop using a recursive structure, then directly adapt your existing for loop. No great thought about the nature of breaking problems down, just looking at how to express your existing solution in a different way.
function recursiveMultiplication(num1, num2) {
if (num2 == num1) {
return num2;
return num2 * recursiveMultiplication(num1, num2 - 1);
console.log(recursiveMultiplication(5, 8));

Crossover function for genetic

I am writing a Time table generator in java, using AI approaches to satisfy the hard constraints and help find an optimal solution. So far I have implemented and Iterative construction (a most-constrained first heuristic) and Simulated Annealing, and I'm in the process of implementing a genetic algorithm.
Some info on the problem, and how I represent it then :
I have a set of events, rooms , features (that events require and rooms satisfy), students and slots
The problem consists in assigning to each event a slot and a room, such that no student is required to attend two events in one slot, all the rooms assigned fulfill the necessary requirements.
I have a grading function that for each set if assignments grades the soft constraint violations, thus the point is to minimize this.
The way I am implementing the GA is I start with a population generated by the iterative construction (which can leave events unassigned) and then do the normal steps: evaluate, select, cross, mutate and keep the best. Rinse and repeat.
My problem is that my solution appears to improve too little. No matter what I do, the populations tends to a random fitness and is stuck there. Note that this fitness always differ, but nevertheless a lower limit will appear.
I suspect that the problem is in my crossover function, and here is the logic behind it:
Two assignments are randomly chosen to be crossed. Lets call them assignments A and B. For all of B's events do the following procedure (the order B's events are selected is random):
Get the corresponding event in A and compare the assignment. 3 different situations might happen.
If only one of them is unassigned and if it is possible to replicate
the other assignment on the child, this assignment is chosen.
If both of them are assigned, but only one of them creates no
conflicts when assigning to the child, that one is chosen.
If both of them are assigned and none create conflict, on of
them is randomly chosen.
In any other case, the event is left unassigned.
This creates a child with some of the parent's assignments, some of the mother's, so it seems to me it is a valid function. Moreover, it does not break any hard constraints.
As for mutation, I am using the neighboring function of my SA to give me another assignment based on on of the children, and then replacing that child.
So again. With this setup, initial population of 100, the GA runs and always tends to stabilize at some random (high) fitness value. Can someone give me a pointer as to what could I possibly be doing wrong?
Edit: Formatting and clear some things
I think GA only makes sense if part of the solution (part of the vector) has a significance as a stand alone part of the solution, so that the crossover function integrates valid parts of a solution between two solution vectors. Much like a certain part of a DNA sequence controls or affects a specific aspect of the individual - eye color is one gene for example. In this problem however the different parts of the solution vector affect each other making the crossover almost meaningless. This results (my guess) in the algorithm converging on a single solution rather quickly with the different crossovers and mutations having only a negative affect on the fitness.
I dont believe GA is the right tool for this problem.
If you could please provide the original problem statement, I will be able to give you a better solution. Here is my answer for the present moment.
A genetic algorithm is not the best tool to satisfy hard constraints. This is an assigment problem that can be solved using integer program, a special case of a linear program.
Linear programs allow users to minimize or maximize some goal modeled by an objective function (grading function). The objective function is defined by the sum of individual decisions (or decision variables) and the value or contribution to the objective function. Linear programs allow for your decision variables to be decimal values, but integer programs force the decision variables to be integer values.
So, what are your decisions? Your decisions are to assign students to slots. And these slots have features which events require and rooms satisfy.
In your case, you want to maximize the number of students that are assigned to a slot.
You also have constraints. In your case, a student may only attend at most one event.
The website below provides a good tutorial on how to model integer programs.
For a java specific implementation, use the link below.
SolverFactory factory = new SolverFactoryLpSolve(); // use lp_solve
factory.setParameter(Solver.VERBOSE, 0);
factory.setParameter(Solver.TIMEOUT, 100); // set timeout to 100 seconds
* Constructing a Problem:
* Maximize: 143x+60y
* Subject to:
* 120x+210y <= 15000
* 110x+30y <= 4000
* x+y <= 75
* With x,y being integers
Problem problem = new Problem();
Linear linear = new Linear();
linear.add(143, "x");
linear.add(60, "y");
problem.setObjective(linear, OptType.MAX);
linear = new Linear();
linear.add(120, "x");
linear.add(210, "y");
problem.add(linear, "<=", 15000);
linear = new Linear();
linear.add(110, "x");
linear.add(30, "y");
problem.add(linear, "<=", 4000);
linear = new Linear();
linear.add(1, "x");
linear.add(1, "y");
problem.add(linear, "<=", 75);
problem.setVarType("x", Integer.class);
problem.setVarType("y", Integer.class);
Solver solver = factory.get(); // you should use this solver only once for one problem
Result result = solver.solve(problem);
* Extend the problem with x <= 16 and solve it again
problem.setVarUpperBound("x", 16);
solver = factory.get();
result = solver.solve(problem);
// Results in the following output:
// Objective: 6266.0 {y=52, x=22}
// Objective: 5828.0 {y=59, x=16}
I would start by measuring what's going on directly. For example, what fraction of the assignments are falling under your "any other case" catch-all and therefore doing nothing?
Also, while we can't really tell from the information given, it doesn't seem any of your moves can do a "swap", which may be a problem. If a schedule is tightly constrained, then once you find something feasible, it's likely that you won't be able to just move a class from room A to room B, as room B will be in use. You'd need to consider ways of moving a class from A to B along with moving a class from B to A.
You can also sometimes improve things by allowing constraints to be violated. Instead of forbidding crossover from ever violating a constraint, you can allow it, but penalize the fitness in proportion to the "badness" of the violation.
Finally, it's possible that your other operators are the problem as well. If your selection and replacement operators are too aggressive, you can converge very quickly to something that's only slightly better than where you started. Once you converge, it's very difficult for mutations alone to kick you back out into a productive search.
I think there is nothing wrong with GA for this problem, some people just hate Genetic Algorithms no matter what.
Here is what I would check:
First you mention that your GA stabilizes at a random "High" fitness value, but isn't this a good thing? Does "high" fitness correspond to good or bad in your case? It is possible you are favoring "High" fitness in one part of your code and "Low" fitness in another thus causing the seemingly random result.
I think you want to be a bit more careful about the logic behind your crossover operation. Basically there are many situations for all 3 cases where making any of those choices would not cause an increase in fitness at all of the crossed-over individual, but you are still using a "resource" (an assignment that could potentially be used for another class/student/etc.) I realize that a GA traditionally will make assignments via crossover that cause worse behavior, but you are already performing a bit of computation in the crossover phase anyway, why not choose one that actually will improve fitness or maybe don't cross at all?
Optional Comment to Consider : Although your iterative construction approach is quite interesting, this may cause you to have an overly complex Gene representation that could be causing problems with your crossover. Is it possible to model a single individual solution as an array (or 2D array) of bits or integers? Even if the array turns out to be very long, it may be worth it use a more simple crossover procedure. I recommend Googling "ga gene representation time tabling" you may find an approach that you like more and can more easily scale to many individuals (100 is a rather small population size for a GA, but I understand you are still testing, also how many generations?).
One final note, I am not sure what language you are working in but if it is Java and you don't NEED to code the GA by hand I would recommend taking a look at ECJ. Maybe even if you have to code by hand, it could help you develop your representation or breeding pipeline.
Newcomers to GA can make any of a number of standard mistakes:
In general, when doing crossover, make sure that the child has some chance of inheriting that which made the parent or parents winner(s) in the first place. In other words, choose a genome representation where the "gene" fragments of the genome have meaningful mappings to the problem statement. A common mistake is to encode everything as a bitvector and then, in crossover, to split the bitvector at random places, splitting up the good thing the bitvector represented and thereby destroying the thing that made the individual float to the top as a good candidate. A vector of (limited) integers is likely to be a better choice, where integers can be replaced by mutation but not by crossover. Not preserving something (doesn't have to be 100%, but it has to be some aspect) of what made parents winners means you are essentially doing random search, which will perform no better than linear search.
In general, use much less mutation than you might think. Mutation is there mainly to keep some diversity in the population. If your initial population doesn't contain anything with a fractional advantage, then your population is too small for the problem at hand and a high mutation rate will, in general, not help.
In this specific case, your crossover function is too complicated. Do not ever put constraints aimed at keeping all solutions valid into the crossover. Instead the crossover function should be free to generate invalid solutions and it is the job of the goal function to somewhat (not totally) penalize the invalid solutions. If your GA works, then the final answers will not contain any invalid assignments, provided 100% valid assignments are at all possible. Insisting on validity in the crossover prevents valid solutions from taking shortcuts through invalid solutions to other and better valid solutions.
I would recommend anyone who thinks they have written a poorly performing GA to conduct the following test: Run the GA a few times, and note the number of generations it took to reach an acceptable result. Then replace the winner selection step and goal function (whatever you use - tournament, ranking, etc) with a random choice, and run it again. If you still converge roughly at the same speed as with the real evaluator/goal function then you didn't actually have a functioning GA. Many people who say GAs don't work have made some mistake in their code which means the GA converges as slowly as random search which is enough to turn anyone off from the technique.

Can CUDA do argmax?

Question says it all;
Assuming each threads are doing something like
where f is a device function, its easy enough to find the max result by adding an atomicMax() call, but how could you find out what the value was?
Does this make sense? Just add an if statement comparing the max result to the thread's result. If it matches, save the thread's value.
if result==*max:
max_value = value;
Or, perhaps you need to specify behavior if multiple threads have the max result... for example taking the lowest thread:
if result==*max:
That said, if you are finding the max result out of every thread, you will want to use a reduction instead of atomicMax. If I understand correctly, the atomicMax function is basically going to execute serially, whereas a reduction will be largely in parallel. When you use a reduction, you can manually track the value along with the result - that's what I do. (Although perhaps the above if statement approach will work at the end of the reduction, too. I may have to try it in my code...)

Boolean infinite loop possible?

Is it possible to incur a infinite loop through the creation of a Boolean query (e.g. Library catalog or google search)?
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "Boolean query" (that is a pretty broad term), but if you simply mean, any expression in any language that evaluates to true or false, then I'd have to say yes.
I mean, what about something like this pseudo-code:
bool x = this() OR that()
function this()
return that()
function that()
return this()
That is to say, infinite recursion will always be possible if method calls are involved, assuming an infinitely recursive method is a potentiality in the programming language in question.
Or is that not what you meant?
The only common situation I can think of where infinite looping is not possible is where you have a language with a series of instructions, and it is impossible, once you have executed an instruction, to go to a previous instruction (or to repeat the current one). It might be that SQL does this sort of thing on a per-row basis, so infinite looping is impossible.
