NAND RAW access - filesystems

I'm working with a C++ application in an embedded systems running Linux. This device receives messages (small chunk of few bytes) and need to be stored in a non volatile memory in case of power failure. This worked well with another platform because a static RAM was available.
The problem on this platform is that we only have a NAND Flash to do this and we would like to append different message in the same block without having to erase the whole block before updating it with a new message ! Writing a file per messages is not a good solution because there can be a lot of them ! Moreover, this must be efficient and should be life sparing for the flash by avoiding too much erases ! What I would like to be able to do is writing byte after byte into the flash without worrying about bad blocks.
I found "Petit FAT File System" and I'm wondering if this would suite my needs ... ?
Could someone tell me if this is possible with "Petit FAT File System" or give me any suggestion on how to handle this ?
Thanks !

I haven't looked into Petit file system, but your real limitation is the NAND flash. The manufacture data sheet will likely indicate how many writes you can successfully make to each block, before an erase is required. It's possible that there is no hard limit, but the integrity of the data will not be guaranteed after a max write count.
The answer depends on the process technology and flash cell design. For example, is it SLC or MLC NAND? SLC is going to be able to handle multiple block writes better.
Another question would be what type of flash controller is on your system? If it uses hardware ECC, then you might be limited by the controller, since 2nd writes will invalidate the ECC value of the 1st data write. If it is possible that you can do ECC calculations in software, then it comes back to the NAND limitation.
Small write support might be addressed in the data sheet, via a special set aside memory area that might be provided. So again, check the data sheet.
If you post a link, or indicate what hardware you are using, I can try and give you a more definite answer.

If you are dealing with flash, there's no way around deleting it before writing. All flash memory works in that way. Depending on your real-time requirements and the size of the data, this may or may not be an issue. But since you are using embedded Linux, real-time is probably not a major concern for the application anyhow.
I don't see why you would need a complete file system to store a few bytes?! Why do you need an external memory for this in the first place, can't you write to the internal flash of the MCU? If you just need to store a few bytes, an MCU with on-chip eeprom/data flash would likely suit your needs the best.
Also, that flash circuit doesn't look too promising. First I find it mighty fishy that they don't type out the number of cycles nor the data retention but refer to the "gualification report". This might indicate that the the memory is of poor quality.
And the data sheet says year 2009 and Samsung. If I may be cynical, that probably means that the chip is already obsolete. Samsung doesn't exactly have the best long-life reputation.

I'm curious why you want to use raw flash. Why not use something like JFFS2 or UBIFS on top of the MTD drive? Let the MTD driver manage the ECC while JFFS2 or UBIFS manages the wear-leveling. Then just open one file and write to it whenever you need.


How to manage devices that cannot access d-cache in ARM

I'm using an SPI device with DMA enabled in an STM32H7 SoC. The DMA periph. cannot access d-cache, so in order to make it work I have disabled d-cache entirely (for more info. about this, see this explanation). However, I would like to avoid disabling d-cache globally for a problem that only affects to a small region of memory.
I have read this post about the meaning of clean and invalidate cache operations, in the ARM domain. My understanding is that, by cleaning a cache area, you force it to be written in the actual memory. On the other hand, by invalidating a cache area, you force the actual memory to be cached. Is this correct?
My intention with this is to follow these steps to transmit something over SPI (with DMA):
Write the value you want on the buffer that DMA will read from.
Clean d-cache for that area to force it to go to actual memory, so DMA can see it.
Launch the operation: DMA will read the value from the area above and write it to the SPI's Tx buffer.
SPI reads data at the same time it writes, so there will be data in the SPI's Rx buffer, which will be read by DMA and then it will write it to the recv. buffer provided by the user. It could happen that an observer of such buffer can indeed access d-cache. The latter could not be updated with the new value received by SPI yet, so invalidate the recv. buffer area to force d-cache to get updated.
Does the above make sense?
Adding some more sources/examples of the problem I'm facing:
Example from the ST github:
Post in ST forums answring and explaining the d-cache problem:
Here the interconnection between memory and DMA:
As you can see, DMA1 can access sram1, 2 and 3. I'm using sram2.
Here the cache attributes of sram2:
As you can see, it is write back,write allocate, but not write through. I'm not familiar with these attributes, so I read the definition from here. However, that article seems to talk about the CPU physical cache (L1, L2 etc.) I'm not sure if ARM i-cache and d-cache refer to this physical cache. In any case, I'm assuming the definition for write through and the other terms are valid for d-cache as well.
I forget off hand how the data cache works on the cortex-m7/armv7-m. I want to remember it does not have an MMU and caching is based on address. ARM and ST would be smart enough to know to put cached and non-cached access to sram from the processor core.
If you are wanting to send or receive data using DMA you do not go through the cache.
You linked a question from before which I had provided an answer.
Caches contain some amount of sram as we tend to see a spec for this many KBytes or this many MBytes, whatever. But there are also tag rams and other infrastructure. How does the cache know if there is a hit or a miss. Not from the data, but from other bits of information. Taken from the address of the transaction. Some number of bits of that address are taken and compared to however many "ways" you have so there may be 8 ways for example so there are 8 small memories think of them as arrays of structures in C. In that structure is some information is this cache line valid? If valid what is the tag or bit of address that it is tied to, is it clean/dirty...
Clean or dirty meaning the overall caching infrastructure will be designed (kinda the whole point) to hold information in a faster sram (sram in mcus is very fast already so why a cache in the first place???), which means that write transactions, if they go through the cache (they should in some form) will get written to the cache, and then based on design/policy will get written out into system memory or at least get written on the memory side of the cache. While the cache contains information that has been written that is not also in system memory (due to a write) that is dirty. And when you clean the cache using ARM's term clean, or flush is another term, etc. You go through all of the cache and look for items that are valid and dirty and you initiate writes to system memory to clean them. This is how you force things out the cache into system memory for coherency reasons, if you have a need to do that.
Invalidate a cache simply means you go through the tag rams and you change the valid bit to indicate invalid for that cache line. Basically that "loses" all information about that cache line it is now available to use. It will not result in any hits and it will not do a write to the system for a clean/flush. The actual cache line in the cache memory does not have to be zeroed or put in any other state. Technically just the valid/invalid bit or bits.
How things generally get into a cache are certainly from reads. Depending on the design and settings if a read is cacheable then the cache will first look to see if it has a tag for that item and if it is valid, if so then it simply takes the information in the cache and returns it. If there is a miss, that data does not have a copy in the cache, then it initiates one or more cache line reads from the system side. So a single byte read can/will cause a larger, sometimes much larger, read to happen on the system side, the transaction is held until that (much larger) data (read) returns and then it is put in the cache and the item requested is returned to the processor.
Depending on the architecture and settings, writes may or may not create an entry in the cache, if a (cacheable) write happens and there are no hits in the cache then it may just go straight to the system side as a write of that size and shape. As if the cache was not there. If there is a cache hit then it will go into the cache, and the that/those cache lines are marked as dirty and then depending on the design, etc it may be written to system memory as a side effect of the write from the processor side, the processor will be freed to continue execution but the cache and other logic (write buffer) may continue to process this transaction moving this new data to the system side essentially cleaning/flushing automatically. One normally does not expect this as it takes away performance that the cache was there to provide in the first place.
In any case if it is determined that a transaction has a miss and it is to be cached, then based on that tag, the ways have already been examined to determine if there was a hit. One of the ways will be chosen to hold this new cache line. How that is determined is based on design and in some cases programmable settings. Hopefully if there are any that are invalid then it would go to one of those. But round robin, randomizer, oldest first, etc are solutions you may see. And if there is dirty data in that space then it has to get written out first, making room for the new information. So, absolutely a single byte or single word read (since they have the same performance in a system like this) can require a cache flush of a cache line, then a read from the system and then the result is returned, more clock cycles than if the cache was not there. Nature of the beast. Caches are not perfect, with the right information and experience you can easily write code that makes the cache degrade the performance of the application.
Clean means if a cache line is valid and dirty then write it out to system memory and mark it as clean.
Invalidate means if the cache line is valid then mark it as valid. If it was valid and dirty that information is lost.
In your case you do not want to deal with cache at all for these transactions, the cache in question is in the arm core so nobody but the arm core has access to that cache, nobody else is behind the cache, they are all on the system end.
Taking a quick look at the ARM ARM for armv7-m they do use address space to determine write through and cached or not. One then needs to look at the cortex-m7 TRM for further information and then, particularly in this case, since it is a chip thing not an arm thing anyway, the whole system. The arm processor is just some bit of ip that st bought to glue into a chip with a bunch of other ip and ip of their own that is glued together. Like the engine in the car, the engine manufacturer cant answer questions about the rear differential nor the transmission, that is the car company not the engine company.
arm knows what they are doing
st knows what they are doing
if a chip company makes a chip with dma but the only path between the processor and the memory shared with the dma engine is through the processors cache when the cache is enabled, and clean/flush and invalidate of address ranges are constantly required to use that dma engine...Then you need to immediately discard that chip, blacklist that company's products (if this product is that poorly designed then assume all of their products are), and find a better company to buy products from.
I cant imagine that is the case here, so
Initialize the peripheral, choosing to use DMA and configure the peripheral or dma engine or both (for each direction).
Start the peripheral (this might be part of 4)
write the tx data to the configured address space for dma
tell the peripheral to start the transfer
monitor for completion of transfer
read the received data from the configured address space for dma
That is generic but that is what you are looking for, caches are not involved. For a part/family like this there should be countless examples including the (choose your name for the quality) one or more library solutions and examples that come from the chip vendor. Look at how they others are using the part, compare that to the documentation, determine your risk level for their solution and use it or modify it or learn from it if nothing else.
I know that st products do not have an instruction cache they do their own thing, or at least that is what I remember (some trademarked name for a flash cache, on most of them you cannot turn it off). Does that mean they have not implemented a data cache on the products either? Possible. Just because the architecture for an ip product has a feature (fpu, caches, ...) does not automatically mean that the chip vendor has enabled/implemented those. Depending on the ip there are various ways to do that as some ip does not have a compile time option for the chip vendor to not compile in a feature. if nothing else the chip vendor could simply stub out the cache memory interfaces and write a few lines of text in the docs that there is no cache, and you can write control registers and see things appear to enable that feature but it simply does not work. One expects that arm provides compile time features, that are not in the public documentation we can see, but are available to the chip vendor in some form. Sometimes when you buy the ip you are given a menu if you will like ordering a custom burger at a fancy burger shop, a list of checkboxes, mayo, mustard, pickle. ... fpu, cache, 16 bit fetch, 32 bit fetch, one cycle multiply, x cycle multiply, divide, etc. And the chip vendor then produces your custom burger. Or some vendors you get the whole burger then you have to pick off the pickles and onions yourself.
So again, not our job to read the docs for you, so first off does this part even have a dcache? Look between the arm arm, the arm trm and the documentation for the chip address spaces (as well as the countless examples) and determine what address space or whet settings, etc are needed to access portions of sram in a non-cached way. If it has a data cache feature at all.
I have investigated a bit more:
With regards to clean and invalidate memory question, the answer is yes: clean will force cache to be written in memory and invalidate will force memory to be cached.
With regards to the steps I proposed, again yes, it makes sense.
Here is a sequence of 4 videos that explain this exact situation (DMA and memory coherency). As can be seen, the 'software' solution (doesn't involve MPU) proposed by the videos (and other resources provided above) is exactly the sequence of steps I posted.
The other proposed solution is to configure the cortex-m7 MPU to change the attributes of a particular memory region to keep memory coherency.
This all apart from the easiest solution which is to globally disable d-cache, although, naturally, this is not desirable.

windows mobile corrupt filesystem

I have some issues on a WM 6.5 device that the flashdisk gets corrupt once a while.
At this moment I have contact with the distributor about it, but maybe someone can help me with a good "checkdisk" tool that i can use the check flashdrive of the WM 6.5 device.
Is this the Object Store, RAM drive, or SD Card that's getting corrupted?
How is this drive formatted? FAT? TFAT?
How do you know it's corrupted? What are the symptoms?
To answer your question, you may be able to use the ScanDrive() function, though that may require the partition to be unmounted. (i.e. you may not be able to use it on the ObjectStore)
Flash memory by its nature only lasts for a number of write cycles before the cells go bad. If you have a database, or other frequently used file, you may have worn out the memory cells.
NAND flash memory can only be read from a certain number of times before going bad. So, if you have a particular file that is read frequently enough you may need to erase it and re-write occasionally. See Read Disturb.

Optimizing data stream to disk in C (also flash memory)

I have a C program running on Linux that acquires data from a USB device (sensor data), does some processing and streams the result to disk. Currently I save to a text file using fputs(), a line looks like this:
timestamp value1 value2 ... valueN
the sample rate being up to 250Hz.
The program should run on a RPi or similar board and possibly write the data to a flash memory (SD card).
I have following questions:
Should I be optimizing the data stream or let the OS do the job? More specifically, should I be trying to minimize how often data is actually written to disk (also given the use of a flash memory)?
I have read about setbuf() and setvbuf(), as I understand they should effectively delay writing until a "block" is filled. Are these appropriate or is there a better way other than perhaps implementing my own buffer?
Which output function is best suited for data streaming with the above in mind (fputs() / fprintf() / write())?
Should I be trying to increase randomness (as to use all sectors) when writing to a SD card? If yes what's the best way to achieve this?
Here some more thoughts:
I can consider using a binary format to decrease size, but I would prefer keeping the text format to simplify later data handling.
Using a hard drive is also an option in the final design, especially if a high acquisition rate is to be carried on over a long time.
The data rate being relatively low I do not expect bandwidth problem with either hard drive or SD card. It is possible that the rate will be higher in the future (kHz or more).
Thanks for your answers.
EDIT 20130128
Thank you for all the answers so far, they give me some good insight. I'll sum it up a bit:
In general I should not have bandwidth issues, however to avoid unnecessary large log files I might consider a binary format. Yes the log should be human readable, if not I'll make an export function or similar. Yes unwind's assumption is correct, about 10 or 15 data values each line.
The mentioned read/write cycles per cell should be enough for some time, at least in the testing phase, considering we don't always write and delete the same cells. I will play around with buffer size in setvbuf() and set the buffering mode to full buffering to see if I can optimize this while keeping a reasonable save interval (a few seconds or more also depending on sample rate).
In the final design I might use a hard drive to avoid most of the problems mentioned here, or a second SD card which can be easily replaced (might be also good to quickly retrieve the data). I will format this with one of the format suggested here (FAT or JFFS2/F2FS).
Following zmo's suggestion I will try to make the system as read only as possible (at least the system partition), I was already considering this.
A Beaglebone, also mentioned by zmo, is my next choice if I'm not happy with the RPi (I read that its USB bus is not always stable, USB is obviously very important for my application).
I have already implemented a UDP port to send data over network, still I would like to keep at least a local copy of that data and maybe only send a subset of or already processed data, as well as "control data".
Should I be optimizing the data stream or let the OS do the job? More specifically, should I be trying to minimize how often data is actually written to disk (also given the use of a flash memory)?
Well, you can usually assume that the OS does a pretty awesome job at buffering and handling output to the hard driveā€¦ As long as you don't do unbuffered writes.
Though, from my experience, you should not write logs to a SD Card, because it definitely kills the SD Card faster than you can imagine. On my first projects, I had installed linux on beaglebones, and between 6 months to 12 months after, all my SD Cards had to be replacedā€¦
Since then, I've learned to run read only systems on the SD card and send any kind of regular updates over the network, the trick being to use a ramdisk for /tmp and /var.
In your case, using a hard drive is an easy solution (which will works smoothly), but you can also use a secondary SD Card where you write the logs. Then you'll be able to use a "stupid" filesystem such as a FAT one where you'll write your data aligned, as your data will be the only thing to be written on the SD. What is killing a SDCard is lots of little read/writes that happen a lot with temporary files, and defragmentation of the drive.
I have read about setbuf() and setvbuf(), as I understand they should effectively delay writing until a "block" is filled. Are these appropriate or is there a better way other than perhaps implementing my own buffer?
well, just keep it to full buffering, it will help write your data aligned on the filesystem.
Which output function is best suited for data streaming with the above in mind (fputs() / fprintf() / write())?
they should all behave similarly for your problematic.
Should I be trying to increase randomness (as to use all sectors) when writing to a SD card? If yes what's the best way to achieve this?
the firmware of the sdcard should be taking care of that for you. The only thing would be to use a simpler filesystem like FAT (or JFFS2/F2FS like ivan-voras suggets), because ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems do automatic defragmentation which basically is moving around inodes to keep everything aligned. Though I'm not sure if it disables that behavior with SDcards and SSDs.
Writing to the SD card often will definitely kill it sooner, but it also means you can attempt to prolong this time by reducing the number of writes. As others have said, the best solution for you would be to write the logs over the network to a server or just another machine which has proper storage (in the simplest case, maybe you can use syslog(3) or just plain NFS).
If you want to continue with the original plan, then using setvbuf(3) to enable block buffered mode and setting a large buffer size (like 128 KiB or 256 KiB) would be best. A large buffer size also means that you will lose unwritten data from the buffer if power goes out, etc.
However, a large buffer only delays the inevitable and you should search for other options. It's not as alarming as Lundin's answer states because there are many cells and you're not writing always to the same one, so if you get the largest SD card you can buy, then using his method you can calculate approximately how many times you can rewrite the entire card before it fails. Using a flash-friendly file system such as F2FS or JFFS2 will be beneficial.
Here're my thoughts:
It might be a good idea to buffer some data in memory before writing to disk, but keep in mind that this might cause data loss in case of power failure.
I think this is highly dependent on the file system and type of storage you use. There is no generic answer but it could prove useful to implement and benchmark it on your specific configuration.
Considering the huge amount of data you're outputting, I'd choose a binary format (unless you want the file to be human readable)
The firmware of the flash drive should already take care of this. Basically this is the cornerstone of all modern SSDs. (SD card controllers should implement it too.)

Working with block special files/devices to implement a filesystem

I've implemented a basic filesystem using FUSE, with all foreseeable POSIX functionality implemented [naturally I haven't even profiled yet ;)]. Currently I'm able to run the filesystem on a regular file (st_mode & S_IFREG), but the next step in development is to host it on an actual block device. Running my code as is, immediately fails on reading st_size after calling fstat on the device. Of course I don't expect the problems to stop there so:
What changes are required to operate on block devices as opposed to regular files?
What are some special considerations I need to make with regard to performance, limitations, special features and the like?
Are there any tutorials and references with dealing with block special files? Googling has turned up very little useful; I only have background knowledge (ironically from MSDN in my dark past) and some scanty information in the manpages.
I've pointed out what I mean by "regular file".
I don't want to concentrate on getting the device size, I want general guidelines for differences between regular files and device files with respect to performance and usage.
Currently I'm able to run the
filesystem on a regularly file, but
the next step in development is to
host it on an actual block device
I don't completely understand what you mean - I assume you are saying that "you currently save your filesystem data to a plain file on a normally mounted filesystem - but now wish to use a raw block device for your data storage".
If so - having done this a few times - I'd advise the following:
Never use an "actual" block device for you filesystem. Always use a partition. There are several rarely-used partition-types that you can use to denote that such a filesystem may be your filesystem type, and that your filesystem can check and mount it if it is such. Thus, you will never be running on something like "/dev/sdb", but rather you will store you data on one such as /dev/sdb1, and assign it some partition type. This has obvious advantages, like allowing your filesystem to be co-resident on a single phyiscal disk as another, etc.
If you are implementing any caching in your filesystem (like Linux does with the Page Cache), do all I/Os to the block devices with O_DIRECT. This requires you to pass page-alligned memory to do all I/O, and requires that the requests be sector/block aligned - but will remove a data copy which would otherwise be required when data is moved from the block device to the page cache, then from the page-cache to your user-space [filesystem] reader.
What do you mean that the fstat "fails"? This is an fstat trying to determing the length of the block device? Do you receive an error? What is it?
block devices behave very much like files - tools like dd can operate on them without any special handling. fstat, though, returns information about the special-file node, not the blockdev it refers to. you probably want to use the BLKGETSIZE64 ioctl to read the size.
there's no particular reason to use a partition over a raw device, though - a blockdev is a blockdev. O_DIRECT is good, as well, assuming your workload won't generate repeated accesses. don't confuse it with a real protocol for ensuring the permanence and atomicity of your filesystem, though (fsync, barriers, etc).

FAT File system and lots of writes

I am considering using a FAT file system for an embedded data logging application. The logger will only create one file to which it continually appends 40 bytes of data every minute. After a couple years of use this would be over one million write cycles. MY QUESTION IS: Does a FAT system change the File Allocation Table every time a file is appended? How does it keep track where the end of the file is? Does it just put an EndOfFile marker at the end or does it store the length in the FAT table? If it does change the FAT table every time I do a write, I would ware out the FLASH memory in just a couple of years. Is a FAT system the right thing to use for this application?
My other thought is that I could just store the raw data bytes in the memory card and put an EndOfFile marker at the end of my data every time I do a write. This is less desirable though because it means the only way of getting data out of the logger is through serial transfers and not via a PC and a card reader.
FAT updates the directory table when you modify the file (at least, it will if you close the file, I'm not sure what happens if you don't). It's not just the file size, it's also the last-modified date:
If your flash controller doesn't do transparent wear levelling, and your flash driver doesn't relocate things in an effort to level wear, then I guess you could cause wear. Consult your manual, but if you're using consumer hardware I would have thought that everything has wear-levelling somewhere.
On the plus side, if the event you're worried about only occurs every minute, then you should be able to speed that up considerably in a test to see whether 2 years worth of log entries really does trash your actual hardware. Might even be faster than trying to find the relevant manufacturer docs...
No, a flash file system driver is explicitly designed to minimize the wear and spread it across the memory cells. Taking advantage of the near-zero seek time. Your data rates are low, it's going to last a long time. Specifying a yearly replacement of the media is a simple way to minimize the risk.
If your only operation is appending to one file it may be simpler to forgo a filesystem and use the flash device as a data tape. You have to take into account the type of flash and its block size, though.
Large flash chips are divided into sub-pages that are a power-of-two multiple of 264 (256+8) bytes in size, pages that are a power-of-two multiple of that, and blocks which are a power-of-two multiple of that. A blank page will read as all FF's. One can write a page at a time; the smallest unit one can write is a sub-page. Once a sub-page is written, it may not be rewritten until the entire block containing it is erased. Note that on smaller flash chips, it's possible to write the bytes of a page individually, provided one only writes to blank bytes, but on many larger chips that is not possible. I think in present-generation chips, the sub-page size is 528 bytes, the page size is 2048+64 bytes, and the block size is 128K+4096 bytes.
An MMC, SD, CompactFlash, or other such card (basically anything other than SmartMedia) combines a flash chip with a processor to handle PC-style sector writes. Essentially what happens is that when a sector is written, the controller locates a blank page, writes a new version of that sector there along with up to 16 bytes of 'header' information indicating what sector it is, etc. The controller then keeps a map of where all the different pages of information are located.
A SmartMedia card exposes the flash interface directly, and relies upon the camera, card reader, or other device using it to perform such data management according to standard methods.
Note that keeping track of the whereabouts of all 4,000,000 pages on a 2 gig card would require either having 12-16 megs of RAM, or else using 12-16 meg of flash as a secondary lookup table. Using the latter approach would mean that every write to a flash page would also require a write to the lookup table. I wouldn't be at all surprised if slower flash devices use such an approach (so as to only have to track the whereabouts of about 16,000 'indirect' pages).
In any case, the most important observation is that flash write times are not predictable, but you shouldn't normally have to worry about flash wear.
Did you check what happens to the FAT file system consistency in case of a power failure or reset of your device?
When your device experience such a failure you must not lose only that log entry, that you are just writing. Older entries must stay valid.
No, FAT is not the right thing if you need to read back the data.
You should further consider what happens, if the flash memory is filled with data. How do you get space for new data? You need to define the requirements for this point.
