Linking an LDAP server to Windows AD as an ACL solution - active-directory

We are trying to develop an ACL solution that would cater for both internal users (currently managed through Windows AD which is outside of the scope of the project) and external users. The idea is to have a new LDAP server, another Windows AD or non-AD server such as openldap, that will be used to manage external users and all groups that are to be used for the ACL.
And then a referral to the internal Windows AD would be setup so that authentication would work for both internal and external accounts and group membership to the groups defined in the new LDAP server would be open to both internal and external accounts.
The problem is to get the referral working, first following this document (under "Creating an External Cross-Reference for an Internal Location") it seems you need to have the external ldap server having the same domain as the internal one, this seems to be a problem, at least when using Windows AD as the external server as well.
Also due to security restrictions in place trust relationships cannot be created such that internal users can be added as members of groups created in the external server. So is there a way around this? Is it better to use openldap rather than Windows AD for the external server?
Any pointers would be much appreciated.

#Haddad, the example you pointed out never mentioned the external server has to be in the same domain. The requirement is that the dnsRoot should be resolvable by your dns.
Have a look at this
Where the AD runs yourdomain.msft and the referral server runs in mydomain.msft


PowerApps allow guest users to connect to Azure SQL database with AAD integrated feature

I have a specific problem to which I couldn't find any answer online.
The situation is the following:
We created a Canvas app that connects to the Azure SQL database. We set the connection type to be AAD integrated.
Users that are members of the AD can see the data in the app, but guest users, even though we gave them all the rights and PowerApps plan, cannot see the data. they recieve the same authorization window as members, but when they click on allow, the app starts but no data is being pulled from the SQL database.
When we try to connect directly to the Azure SQL database with the guest user email and credentials (via SQL server management studio), everything works as expected and the guest can see all the tables.
When we use implicitly shared connection (with SQL server authentification), guests can see the data, but we need to use AAD integrated due to its security.
So far we tried:
Changing PA environment from sandbox to production
Adding special permissions in SQL database like database owner etc
Trying out different AAD guest user settings, eq- setting that guest users have the same privileges as members (picture below).
Nothing seems to work. I would be more than happy if you could tell me how to make this work or even push me in the right direction.
I've reproduced your problem in my side. Here's my experience.
After assigning powerapp license(I use O365 E5 here) to guest account and share the app to this account, I can visit the app but can't see the data in the table. I assume that it resulted from the connector hasn't been shared, but it's true that this connector can't be shared because of no 'share button'.
Then I tried to add access policy to my guest account with these two sql:
GRANT SELECT ON dbo.tinyTest TO [];
Pls note here, I used the User Principal Name here(can find the principal name in azure ad->users), I also tested to use '' in the sql but after executing successfully, it didn't work.
So I think you can try to use the sql above to add your guests accounts and make them can access the powerapp.
Here's some related docs:
create contained users mapped to azure ad identities
Share app resources
add table permission to user
Share my experience of this troubleshot.
First I need to create a power app but I found that after creating the connector with sql server azure ad authentication, it can't connect to the sql server, the error message is like 'Credentials are missing or not valid. inner exception: The credentials provided for the SQL source are invalid', solution is add my admin account as sql server instance Active Directory Admin.
Then I choose a table and successfully create a sample app. With the creating account, I can visit the app but other accounts can't. Here needs to share the app and it's related connectors to other users. But other accounts still can't reach the app because of no license. Because sql server connector is premium connector, so I assign O365 E3 license here. I met an error when assign license, the user's 'Usage location' can't be null or it can't assign license in M365 admin center.
Then I met similar error with Op, the difference is that both member account and guest account can't see the data in app. I try to find the way to share the connector to these uses but failed, I haven't made sure if those connectors without share button can be shared to others. So I have no options to study if this kind of connectors are authenticated in other ways so they don't need to be shared at all.
Next actions is using the account which used to create the sql server and database to sign in database and execute the sqls above.
Then the member account can see data in the power app while the guest account can't see. The reason is I used as the parameter in the sql, when I used, it worked finally.
Hope this can also help you.
For creating my demo app: First, I'm sure my environment isn't a sandbox(the environment in the screenshot below). And I think it's easy to create a demo app, and my app is simple, just choose to create an app from data and then select sql server as the connector, next I choose auzre ad auth and click the connector, enter server name and database name then choose a table, after that my app has created. That table has one row of data so when I signed in the app with the creating account, I see it in the screen while other accounts(member or guests) can't.
My sql server instance and database are created long time ago, but I'm sure I followed this tutorial to create them.
This appears to still be a limitation to access to Azure SQL via PA connector for guest users:
If the "guest" does NOT have a PowerApps Per-App/Per-User plan, they cannot use your PowerApps with SQL data source (Note: SQL is a premium connector).
Determine exactly which type of license the guest has. Then, either your organization or the guest (or guest's org) must purchase one of these licenses. $5/$10/$20 per month depending on your use case.

Connecting to ad-lds without credentials

I've generated an AD-LDS instance on a Windows Server 2008 R2 and successfully connected to it via ADSI Edit on a windows 7 machine (both computers are situated on the same domain).
My goal is to create a lightweight .NET program that will be run by all domain users and determine whether a specific user can or cannot perform a certain action (roles & groups).
So far i've managed to write most of it, but i'm now facing a small security issue: althought no credentials are required when running from the server itself, when running from another user (in the same domain, ofcourse), LDS connection requires the instance's administrator credentials - and i'm not too keen to leave this kind of thing lie around in my code.
I've search the web quite a lot for a way to bypass that (Active Directory binding? / SimpleBinding?), but all solutions i found involved SSL and certificate installations.
Is there a simple way for a user in the domain to connect the LDS instance without exposing his/the server's credentials?
Have you looked at permissions in the instance itself? There are groups you can add principals to. It sounds like you're running the code locally as the user that installed LDS which by default gets all sorts of perms, but other users were not granted enough rights (secure by default and all that).

Programmatically set connectionString for ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider

One can use
new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain,null)
without providing any connection strings for the Active Directory.
When using ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider you must provide an LDAP endpoint in web.config.
The site I'm working on will be deployed on multiple sites and I don't want to have to fill the details in the web.config for each deplyoment.
How To: Use Forms Authentication with Active Directory in Multiple Domains on MSDN specifies 3 (!) membership providers to deal with 3 domains which is not impressive. However, this article is from 2005 and it deals with a different tasks then what I'm after.
The question:
Is is possible to use ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider in a way that the LDAP end point is not hard-coded in the web.config?
I would prefer to use ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider rather than PrincipalContext to have (potentially) the ability to call ChangePassword etc.
No, it is not possible to use ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider without specifying a target LDAP server.
The connection string must be specified, and the string must contain a server (contains ADS_FORMAT_SERVER)
You must create a connectionStrings Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
entry in the Web.config file that identifies the Active Directory
server, Active Directory domain, or ADAM application partition to use.
The provider will only operate at domain scope, or in a subscope
within a domain.
If you want to support an active directory forest, and losing forms authentication is an option, consider using Windows Authentication. Windows Authentication will use NTLM and Kerberos to get the user's identity within a forest, and you can still change a users password via impersonation. See WindowsIdentity.Impersonate().

ADAM, Active Directory, LDAP, ADFS, Identity

What is the difference/relation between ADAM, Active Directory, LDAP, ADFS, Windows Identity, cardspace and which server (Windows 2003, Windows 2008) uses what?
Active Directory is a server component for administrating windows domains and storing related informations like details about users. It provides implementations of the network protocols LDAP, DNS, CIFS and Kerberos. It's part of Windows Server 2003 as well as Windows Server 2008 with some modifications in the latter case.
ADAM was somewhat like the little brother of Active Directory. It only contained an implementation of LDAP. With Windows Server 2008 it was renamed to LDS, Lightweight Directory Services. ADAM/LDS can also be installed on non-server versions of Windows.
LDAP is a protocol for administrating the data of a directory service. Data within a directory services are stored in a hierarchical manner, a tree. Entries within that tree can contain a set of attributes where each has a name and a value. They are mostly used for storing user related informations like usernames, passwords, email addresses and so on, as there are standardized schemas for this purpose and it's widely supported by applications.
ADFS is a technology which enables Single Sign-On for users of web applications within an Identity Federation. In a very short form: Imagine two organizations which have their user data stored within an active directory. Now each organization wants to give the users of the other organization access to its web applications, but with the restriction that the user data itself should neither be copied nor be fully accessible to the other organization. Thats the kind of problem ADFS can solve. May require an hour of reading & researching before fully understood.
Just to fill in the gaps above:
ADFS is an example of a STS (Security Token Service). STS's can be configured to have a trust relationship with each other. Imagine you have a company which only has internal users and they want to expand to external users. That means that all external users have to register, get a user name, password etc. Perhaps the company doesn't want to store all this stuff. They realise that most of their external users already have an OpenId account. So they federate (trust) their ADFS with an STS that accepts OpenId credentials.
When an external user wants to access the company website, they are asked what kind of user they are via a drop down. They select OpenID. They are then taken to the OpenId site where they authenticate. The user is then redirected back to the company ADFS with a signed token which states that OpenId has authenticated the user. Since there is a trust relationship, the ADFS accepts the authentication and allows the user access to the web site.
None of the OpenId credentials are stored by the company.
Effectively, you have outsourced authentication.
ADFS currently runs on Windows Server 2008 R2.
For Windows Identity (in the context of ADFS) I assume you are asking about Windows Identity Foundation (WIF). This is essentially a set of .NET classes that are added to a project using VS that makes the application "claims aware". There is a VS tool called FedUtil that maps an application to a STS and describes the claims that will be provided. (A claim is an attribute e.g. name, DOB etc.) When a user accesses the application, WIF redirects the user to the mapped STS where the user logs in. WIF then provides the application with a set of claims. Based on these, the application can alter flows based on the user claims. E.g. only users with a claim type of Role with a value of Editor can alter pages.
WIF can also act as an Access Manager E.g. only Editors can access this page. Other users simply receive an error.
In WIF, an application is referred to as a "Relying Party" (RP).
WIF inside VS requires Vista or Windows 7.
Since STS's can be federated with each other, each STS can provide a group of claims.
E.g. in the example above, the OpenId STS can provide the user's name while the company ADFS can provide information not pertinent to OpenId e.g role in the company.
Cardspace is a mechanism to authenticate via a digital identity e.g. an enabled application can ask you to login by selecting one of your "cards", one of which might be e.g. your personal X509 certificate. The application would then check this against the credentials it has stored.
In February 2011, Microsoft announced that they would no longer be developing the Windows CardSpace product.

Is it true that SQL auth is only great for multiple role apps?

I believe Windows auth is the best practice to use to connect to SQL DB. I am hear talking about application user account..
Is it true that SQL auth is only great for multiple role apps and window auth is only good for single role app? I never heard that windows auth with muitple role os only good for smaill internal app?
multiple Windows logins = multiple connections = no pooling = poor scaling?
The problem with using Windows auth for a web application is that many web applications store their application users' credentials in the same SQL database that is used for other application data.
So you have a chicken-and-egg problem. You can't authenticate the user before connecting to the database, and you can't connect to the database without authenticating the user.
It should be possible to use Windows authentication, and then also have application-specific attributes of the user stored inside the database. But most people find this cumbersome to administer, and also limiting to portability of the application.
For example, if one of the feature of the application allows users to change their own password, then the process running your web application needs the privilege to alter a Windows password, which may mean that the application needs to run with Administrator privileges.
If you let the application manage user ID for the context of the application, then to change a user's password is just an SQL operation, and your application is in charge of enforcing security for that.
I'm not sure what you mean by single-role and multi-role app. I have built apps before where there are multiple SQL Server Database Roles, each with a Windows Domain Group of users allowed in that role. So user management is completely within Active Directory, with a 1-1 correspondence between the Domain Group and the Database Role.
We typically did not manage the security within the application itself except obviously declaratively during the database creation where each object was granted access by particular roles according to the design. Typically, in a simple case, we relied on db_datareader role being granted for general usage to non-specific groups of users like database and network administrators for troubleshooting or report-writers or business analysts for ad hoc reporting. Actual users of the app would be granted execute on the relevant SPs to be able to modify any data (so all data creation or modification was through SPs and only explicit members of the ThisAppsUsers AD group could do it). Any advanced SPs (say, merging or deleting accounts) would only be accessible by ThisAppsAdmins AD group. And that was usually all we needed for moderate-sized applications. For more complex functionality, it was also possible to interrogate AD directly for custom attributes (user is an admin only for this customer account but for others is just a user)
This same technique can be used with SQL Server logins, but of course the individual SQL Server logins have to be added to the database roles, and you don't have the richness of AD and have to build some kind of directory service into your database.
The ability to even use AD may not be possible for many applications, so in that case, the security architecture would obviously have to cater to that model.
using the integratedSecurity=true option for SQL JDBC , by including the JDBC auth .dll, should give you database connectivity without authenticating...
