How do you set the modification time of a file in a ClearCase vob? - clearcase

I have several files that I rsync'd over to the vob and they all have times 40 minutes in the future.
I tried touch, and all that does is maintain the time 40 minutes into the future from when I touch.
I guess that ClearCase is in charge of setting the modification time and is overriding touch.
Is there another way? Is there a way to tell ClearCase to stop messing up the file time?

What option did you use when adding those files to source control?
As explained in this help page:
To preserve the modification time of the file being checked in, use the -ptime option.
If you omit the -ptime option, the modification time of the new version is set to the checkin time.
The mkelem man page adds:
On some UNIX and Linux platforms, it is important that the modification time be preserved for archive files (libraries) created by ar(1) (and perhaps updated with ranlib(1)).
The link editor, ld(1), generates an error message if the modification time does not match a time recorded in the archive itself. Be sure to use this option, or (more reliably) store archive files as elements of a user-defined type, created with the mkeltype –ptime command. This causes –ptime to be invoked when the element is checked in.
Unless you remove those files and re-create them, I don't think you can change the "Created on" time.


Date in NLog file name and limit the number of log files

I'd like to achieve the following behaviour with NLog for rolling files:
1. prevent renaming or moving the file when starting a new file, and
2. limit the total number or size of old log files to avoid capacity issues over time
The first requirement can be achieved e.g. by adding a timestamp like ${shortdate} to the file name. Example:
logs\trace2017-10-27.log <-- today's log file to write
logs\trace2017-10-24.log <-- keep only the last 2 files, so delete this one
According to other posts it is however not possible to use date in the file name and archive parameters like maxArchiveFiles together. If I use maxArchiveFiles, I have to keep the log file name constant:
logs\trace.log <-- today's log file to write
logs\archive\trace2017-10-24.log <-- keep only the last 2 files, so delete this one
But in this case every day on the first write it moves the yesterday's trace to archive and starts a new file.
The reason I'd like to prevent moving the trace file is because we use Splunk log monitor that is watching the files in the log folder for updates, reads the new lines and feeds to Splunk.
My concern is that if I have an event written at 23:59:59.567, the next event at 00:00:00.002 clears the previous content before the log monitor is able to read it in that fraction of a second.
To be honest I haven't tested this scenario as it would be complicated to set up as my team doesn't own Splunk, etc. - so please correct me if this cannot happen.
Note also I know that it is possible to directly feed Splunk other ways like via network connection, but the current setup for Splunk at our company is reading from log files so it would be easier that way.
Any idea how to solve this with NLog?
When using NLog 4.4 (or older) then you have to go into Halloween mode and make some trickery.
This example makes hourly log-files in the same folder, and ensure archive cleanup is performed after 840 hours (35 days):
archiveFileName - Using {#} allows the archive cleanup to generate proper file wildcard.
archiveDateFormat - Must match the ${date:format=} of the fileName (So remember to correct both date-formats, if change is needed)
archiveNumbering=Date - Configures the archive cleanup to support parsing of filenames as dates.
archiveEvery=Year - Activates the archive cleanup, but also the archive file operation. Because the configured fileName automatically ensures the archive file operation, then we don't want any additional archive operations (Ex. avoiding generating extra empty files at midnight).
maxArchiveFiles - How many archive files to keep around.
With NLog 4.5 (Still in BETA), then it will be a lot easier (As one just have to specify MaxArchiveFiles). See also

Strange timestamp duplication when renaming and recreating a file

I'm trying to rename a log file named appname.log into the form appname_DDMMYY.log for archiving purposes and recreate an empty appname.log for further writing. When doing this in Windows 7 using C++ and either WinAPI or Qt calls (which may be the same internally) the newly created .log file strangely inherits the timestamps (last modified, created) from the renamed file.
This behaviour is also observable when renaming a file in Windows Explorer and creating a file with the same name quickly afterwards in the same directory. But it has to be done fast. After clicking on "new Text File" the timestamps are normal but after renaming they change to the timestamps the renamed file had or still has.
Is this some sort of Bug? How can I rename a file and recreate it shortly afterwards without getting the timestamps messed up?
This looks like it is by design, perhaps to try to preserve the time for "atomic saving." If an application does something like (save to temp, delete original, rename temp to original) to eliminate the risk of a mangled file, every time you saved a file the create time would increase. A file you have been editing for years would appear to have been created today. This kind of save pattern is very common.
If you rename or delete a file, then restore it shortly thereafter, Windows searches the cache for file information to restore. Cached information includes its short/long name pair and creation time.
Notice that modification time is not restored. So after saving the file appears to have been modified and the creation time is the same as before.
If you create "a-new" and rename it back to "a" you get the old creation time of "a". If you delete "a" and recreate "a" you get the old creation time of "a".
This behaviour is called "File Tunneling". File Tunneling is allow " enable compatibility with programs that rely on file systems being able to hold onto file meta-info for a short period of time". Basically backward compatibility for older Windows systems that use a "safe save" function that involved saving a copy of the new file to a temp file, deleting the original and then renaming the temp file to the original file.
Please see the following KB article: (archive)
As a test example, create FileA, rename FileA to FileB, Create FileA again (within 15 seconds) and the creation date will be the same as FileB.
This behaviour can be disabled in the registry as per the KB article above. This behaviour is also quite annoying when "forensicating" Windows machines.
Adam B
Here's a simple python script that repro's the issue on my Windows7 64bit system:
import time
import os
def touch(path):
with open(path, 'ab'):
os.utime(path, None)
print " 'a' timestamp: ", os.stat('a').st_ctime
os.rename('a', 'a-old')
print "new 'a' timestamp: ", os.stat('a').st_ctime
With the sleep time ~15 seconds I'll get the following output:
'a' timestamp: 1436901394.9
new 'a' timestamp: 1436901409.9
But with the sleep time <= ~10 seconds one gets this:
'a' timestamp: 1436901247.32
new 'a' timestamp: 1436901247.32
Both files... created 10 seconds apart have the time created-timestamp!

ClearCase: Files in 2 branches obscure each other

I have checked in the same file (filename) twice in 2 different branches (say, development and release).
This breaks just about anything, so I want to take 1 version and "properly" copy/merge it to the other branch, later merging in the lost changes manually (from a backup). Then I would lose history for 1 file but at least the 2 files would be connected again.
How to do it?
Also note, since the connection is broken, I cannot mere, also, when doing a Version Tree, both files have different version trees. (It is not 2 views at different files in 1 Version Tree, like is the normal/correct case.)
Also, I assume the problem is with the folder having some kind of a reference to 2 different files, but somehow, I cannot edit the folder?!
Those are call "evil twins" (also described in that SO question)
(one less thing to worry with Git ;) )
The easiest way is to pick one branch:
remove the file from the other branch (rmname),
and to the merge.
The merge will add that same file in the other branch.
That process (rmname + merge) is illustrated in "Clearcase: How do I merge in a specific file from one view, into another, to avoid the Evil Twin scenario?"
(edit by Andreas)
Your solution worked great, I changed it for me since I noticed I have a specific case:
The file got bad since someone else renamed it... so it was not just as simple as your solution, but I had to do it "by hand", as is
Go to X:\FullyQualifiedPath (correct path in VOB)
cleartool ln FullyQualifiedName ./FileName
where FullyQualifiedName is the name as you get it e. g. from VersionTree when you say “Send To -> Copy” (something like //view, drop the file: before). This creates the link
Afterwards, you can see the desired version in the ClearCase Explorer again.

Manually undo delivery in ClearCase

I currently have a jacked-up delivery from a child stream to a parent in ClearCase. If I try to undo the delivery it tells me I can't because the "integration activity has checkins" or "checked in versions".
If I try to resume the delivery it says it encountered an error attempting to checkout or merge an element, but doesn't specifically tell me which one.
So I'm looking for a way to either:
Manually stop the delivery (undo all checkouts in the parent stream?)
Find out what element is causing the delivery problem (is it same as the one causing the undo problem)
or Find out what element is causing the undo problem and find a way to undo the checkin (I don't know how to do this. I tried to delete a version in the version tree, but I don't have permission).
For 3/ "Find out what element is causing the undo problem", this is easy (but not recommended): you need to remove all the checked-in versions done during the complete phase of the deliver.
And that is by far the most dangerous solution, especially if any type of activity (other checkins, baselines, ...) has been done on the destination Stream (the stream to which you are delivering file, ie the Stream with the view you are using to deliver to)
You can see those checked-in file by describing the deliver activity (which always starts with
cleartool descr -l\myPVob
1/ and 2/ are linked.
A good solution to easily detect the issue is to resume the deliver graphically: open the ClearCase project Explorer (clearprojexp), right-click on the source Stream and select deliver (Baseline or Activities, to default or alternate target: it doesn't matter).
ClearCase will detect that a deliver is in progress and will propose to resume.
All you need to do is check all the files with a red circle and white cross (not the files with a yellow warning sign, those are not blocking the deliver).
Once you have one of those files, right-click on it, and select "display element merge": you will have a more precise error message that you can copy-paste.
If those files are in lost+found directory, all you need to do is to edit the config spec of the view used for the deliver, and add a non-selection rule to avoid selecting anything from lost+found:
cd /path/to/your/view
cleartool edcs
#add at the start of the config spec
element /myVob/lost+found/... -none
Then resume again your deliver, and you will see that those 'lost+found' files become ignored (with a warning non-blocking status attached to them).
If those files aren't in lost+found and are failing the deliver because of "Not a vob object <directory name>", the first check to do is to go to the parent directory of said files in a shell session and type cleartool ls: you will see their status.
In this case, the OP Ian reports them as hijacked, so it was simply about undoing their hijacked status.
He reports also having to delete (rmname) some binary files, although my answer to the question "Clearcase UCM is trying to merge pdf files" is pointing to an alternative solution (copy merge).
My recommendation: in that particular state (deliver with checkins already there), try hard to complete the deliver, not to cancel it.

Get last modified file without enumerating all files

In c#, given a folder path, is there a way to get the last modified file without getting all files?
I need to quickly find folders that have been updated after a certain time and if the file that was last modified is before the time, i want to skip the folder entirely.
I noticed that folder's last modified time does not get updated when one of its file get updated so this approach does't work.
No, this is why windows comes with indexing to speed up searching. The NTFS file system wasn't designed with fast searching in mind.
In any case you can monitor file changes which is not difficult to do. If it is possible to allow your program to run in the background and monitor changes then this would work. If you needed past history you could do an initial scan only once and then build up your hierarchy from their. As long as your program is always being ran then it should have a current snapshot and not have to do the slow scan.
You can also use the Window Search itself to find the files. If indexing is available then it's probably as fast as you'll get.
Try this.
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo("strPath");
DateTime dt = di.LastWriteTime;
Then you should use
Directory.EnumerateFiles(strPath, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
Then loop the above collection and get FileInfo() for each file.
I don't see a way how can you get the modified date of a file w/o getting reference to FileInfo() on that file.
I don't think FileInfo will get this file as far as I know.
