How do I get Groovy hotswap in intellij to work? - google-app-engine

I'm using Groovy and Google App Engine. I'm trying out Intellij, but I can't figure out how to get hotswap to work for changes to Groovy classes. It works for me in Eclipse. Is there something special I have to do for it to work in Intellij?

In settings (CTRL + ALT + S).
Navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment -> Debugger -> HotSwap.
In here make sure that Enable hot-swap agent for Groovy code and Reload classes in background are checked and that either Always or Ask are selected for Reload classes after compilation.
You need to run your app in debug mode and you need to make (CTRL + F9, or Build -> Make Project) after you've done any changes.
You should see a green text bubble pop up if your classes were reloaded and a red one if they couldn't be reloaded for some reason.

To configure reloading behavior:
On the main menu, choose File | Settings , and then expand the
Debugger node.
Open HotSwap page.
Click one of the radio buttons in the group Reload classes after compilation. You can opt to always reload classes, reload after
confirmation, or never do it.
Also check the Enable hot-swap agent for Groovy code option in
File -> Settings -> Debugger -> Groovy.


How to know which element receives the click()?

I am writing a script that goes to an Amazon URL and clicks on the 'Buy Now' button. That's it. I have to use WebdriverIO, javascript, and ChromeDriver. The problem is that I can't get this button to be clicked no matter which selector I use. I am able to manually do it just fine. But in the Code Inspect below, every combination of div/id/name, span/id/close, or input/id/name has resulted in no clicks. I know the script can see that web object because when I do a BuyNow.getText() to console, it prints out 'Buy Now'. And I know the xpath I use is good because I paste it into Inspect/Find and the exact element lights up yellow. Oh and the .click(), even though Visual Studio Code flags as deprecated, works just fine in previous scripts.
When I manually click on a button, is there a way to see what was the exact element that received this click?
let BuyNow = $(<XPATH>)
Code Inspect
Ok so I found out what the problem was. It had nothing to do with my XPATH selectors, any one of which to the elements in the Code Inspect picture would have worked (example: let BuyNow = *[id='buy-now-button']). The issue is that in the WDIO config file, I had a custom Chrome Profile being used. Which is fine, the Chrome.exe I was using was pointing to another custom Chrome Profile. I thought these two were the same, but the folders paths were getting messed up. Once I resolved them, and had both the Chrome.Exe and WDIO config pointing to the same customer folder, Chrome started to allow me to select buttons. I think that the WDIO code was looking at one user profile of chrome, and the desktop chrome browser that I was using was another user profile.
Solved. Fun Stuff but not really.

Write logs to reach text box with serilog extensions

I saw this extension to Serilog that proides writing logs to text box on WinForms..
What I did not understand, is how I decide on the textbox that I want to write to.
Or there is another step to do that I didn't noticed?
I had the same issue. Here are the steps to use it:
download the library "Install-Package Serilog.Sinks.WinForms" or use NuGet. I used VS2019 package manager console to install mine.
This part i missed and it took me a while to get. You need to add "SeriLog Control" from the toolbox menu. So search toolbox menu and add the gidLog1 control.
Configure your logger (i did mine in the Form load event.)
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
Perform/trigger a log action, you can add to you form load event too eg. below.
Log.Information("Application Started");

"jar_project" Builder in Eclipse CN1 project loops on refresh

CN1 projects have an additional Builder "jar_project" configured.
Apparently this builder is looping when "Refresh using native hooks or polling" is checked in Eclipse Preferences -> General -> Workspace. "Refresh using native hooks or polling" is a nice feature to refresh the workspace files for changes made outside the IDE.
When editing the builder configuration via right click on a project -> properties -> builders -> jar_project and chiising edit I see that in the refresh tab the option "The project containing the selected resource" is selected. That is probably incorrect.
Anyway what is the builders "jar_project" purpose? Does it really need to be called after change of any project file?
The project is built using the build.xml file. It verifies that compilation works.
We don't support that eclipse mode and don't test against it. If you want to make changes manually they might work but we can't warrant them.

Background Images Not Loading In Elementor

My website is not loading the background images on live version - it just shows the text and a grey screen.
I built the site using Elementor.
Here are the pages
(all service pages).
I compressed all images to about 100K so they shouldn't be too big to load. The one one the homepage is 99K and it loads.
Looking at the page you linked the path to the background image you are trying to have show up has this path: http://localhost/woodworks/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/services-decking.jpeg
You can solve it
Step 1 - Elementor -> Tools -> Replace URL -> http://localhost/ -> -> Replace URL
Step 2 - Elementor -> Tools -> General -> Regenerate CSS -> Regenerate Files & Sync Library -> Sync Library
I had similar challenges getting Elementor background images to load on devices in local environments using Local WP with live link.
Here's how I solved for it. The Elementor Migration Guide was super helpful.
From the elementor migration guide:
Background images are saved in a CSS file which has an absolute URL.
To avoid migrating issues with the background images without having to
write a script, you can define the CSS Print Method to be inline
instead of using external files, if you want. This can be done by
going to Elementor > Settings > Advanced > CSS Print Method > Internal
Embedding> CSS print method: inline, on your WP dashboard.
Here's what got elementor background images working on local devices for me. I'm using Local WP with live links for device testing:
In your local environment set the local Elementor css print method
to "internal embedding" (Elementor > Settings > Advance)
Conduct a url rewrite (old environment URL to new environment URL)
Regenerate Elementor files (Elementor > Tools > General)
After I did this, in my local environment, my background images showed up in local devices. I then did a push to staging and prod (database included) to see if the background images were still visible and they were. Everything worked.
For production - Elementor cites performance enhancements when having Elementor's css print method set to "external".
If you want to do this on prod, after you're done with your device testing, follow these steps:
In your prod environment set the local Elementor css print method to "external file" (Elementor > Settings > Advance)
Conduct a url rewrite (old environment URL to new environment URL)
Regenerate Elementor files (Elementor > Tools > General)
I think this should solve the Elementor background image conundrum when developing sites locally and on devices. Please let me know if I'm wrong here.
Your images are still referencing localhost. for example http://localhost/woodworks/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/services-decking.jpeg. I advise you to export your site using something like all in one wp migration, so that it fixes the links or find a way of fixing these image links.
Looking at the page you linked the path to the background image you are trying to have show up has this path: http://localhost/woodworks/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/services-decking.jpeg You can see you are still referencing your localhost which is your internal webserver and not the one you are using now. If you remove the localhost domain it should work correct provided the image is in the correct path.
Step 1 - Elementor -> Tools -> Replace URL -> http://localhost/ -> -> Replace URL
Step 2 - Elementor -> Tools -> General -> Regenerate CSS -> Regenerate Files & Sync Library -> Sync Library
Step 3 - go to page and click edit page from elementor. Select image background and remove image.
step 4 - click update.
step 5 - upload image again and click update.
Please try to replace your URLs. Log in to your Wordpress account on whichever server it is hosted.
On your Dashboard screen, navigate to Elementor -> Tools. In General tab, regenerate CSS files.
A simple workaround because the tools from Elementor didn't helped: connect via FTP to your website.
Go to the following folder: /wp-content/uploads/elementor/css
download them and search and replace the old background URLs
For me I had some CSS in another folder: /wp-content/uploads/ao_ccss
I changed the background URLs there and it fixed the problem.
Anyone who has this problem (on laptop) and is at the end of there wits.... check the background on android.....if the background shows then the issue is with breakpoints. For some reason settings for laptop/pc were not set. Only mobile/tablet were preset for me.enter image description here
This thread helped me find the issue I was having with background images not showing but in my case it was a permissions issue. Make sure that the /wp-content/uploads/elementor/css folder is writeable by the webserver.

Deploying AngularJS Seed application in WebStorm

I recently started to learn about AngularJS and came across WebStorm and the AngularJS plugin by John Lindquist. Started by creating a new project using the angular-seed project and imported to WebStorm using File -> Open Directory. My directory structure looks like this
Now when I try to Debug it I get a 404 error. If I move the file app/index.html to the root folder and adjust all URL's to begin with app then it works fine. Is there a way to keep the default folder structure without moving the index.html to the root folder and also make it work with WebStorm?
I am using WebStorm 6.0.2.
I use WebStorm 7, so there might be some discrepancy in comparison with version 6 that you're using, but the over-all functionality is the same.
Quick solution:
Open the file in the editor and right click in the code to access the context menu. Choose the "Debug" option, which should start a debug session pointing to the current page.
Configuration solution:
WebStorm supports configurations for setting up different debugging scenarios. From the "Run" menu, choose the "Configurations" option. Add a JavaScript debug configuration, and add the URL you want in the designated field within the dialog presented.
Then, when you initialize a debugging session (a general one, not one for a specific page), you're presented a small dialog that allows you to choose a debug configuration.
Maybe there are more options or ways to accomplish the same thing as well, but I've never really given it more thought. I hope this is a working solution for you, but if not there's alway the documentation. If you need further clarification with regard to my answer, just give me a comment.
