I've been working on creating my own Unix Shell in C to get practice with its interworkings...I'm having some issues getting my process to run in the background while allowing my shell to continue taking user input. If you could take the time to dissect what I've got below it would be much appreciated!
My variables are below, just incase that helps understand things more...
#define TRUE 1
static char user_input = '\0';
static char *cmd_argv[5]; // array of strings of command
static int cmd_argc = 0; // # words of command
static char buffer[50]; // input line buffer
static int buffer_characters = 0;
int jobs_list_size = 0;
/* int pid; */
int status;
int jobs_list[50];
Here is my main function.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("[MYSHELL] $ ");
while (TRUE) {
user_input = getchar();
switch (user_input) {
case EOF:
case '\n':
printf("[MYSHELL] $ ");
// parse input into cmd_argv - store # commands in cmd_argc
//check for zombie processes
if(handle_commands() == 0)
printf("\n[MYSHELL] $ ");
printf("\n[MYSHELL] $ ");
return 0;
Parse Input...I know, I can't get readline to work on this box :(
If provided the & operator, create the job in the background... (see below)
void parse_input()
// clears command line
while (cmd_argc != 0) {
cmd_argv[cmd_argc] = NULL;
buffer_characters = 0;
// get command line input
while ((user_input != '\n') && (buffer_characters < 50)) {
buffer[buffer_characters++] = user_input;
user_input = getchar();
// clear buffer
buffer[buffer_characters] = 0x00;
// populate cmd_argv - array of commands
char *buffer_pointer;
buffer_pointer = strtok(buffer, " ");
while (buffer_pointer != NULL) {
cmd_argv[cmd_argc] = buffer_pointer;
buffer_pointer = strtok(NULL, " ");
//check for background process execution
if(strcmp(cmd_argv[cmd_argc], "&")==0){
printf("Started job %d\n", getpid());
Make background job. Closes child process STDIN, opens new STDIN, and executes.
void make_background_job()
int pid;
pid = fork();
fclose(stdin); // close child's stdin
fopen("/dev/null", "r"); // open a new stdin that is always empty
fprintf(stderr, "Child pid = %d\n", getpid());
//add pid to jobs list
jobs_list[jobs_list_size] = getpid();
/* printf("jobs list %d", *jobs_list[jobs_list_size]); */
// this should never be reached, unless there is an error
fprintf (stderr, "unknown command: %s\n", cmd_argv[0]);
The meat of my job control. Fork spawns child, returns 0 for child and PID for parent.
void create_process()
pid_t pid;
pid = fork();
status = 0;
case -1:
perror("[MYSHELL ] $ (fork)");
case 0:
printf("\n\n----Just made background job in case 0 of create_process----\n\n");
printf("\n\n----Default case of create_process----\n\n");
// parent process, waiting on child...
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
if (status != 0)
fprintf (stderr, "error: %s exited with status code %d\n", cmd_argv[0], status);
My problem is when I execute a job in the background, its executing the command twice, and exiting out of the shell. (It functions correctly otherwise if no background process is enabled). Where am I getting confused? I think it may have to do with issues regarding my PID's, as I'm not populating the list correctly either in 'make_background_job'
Here is my output, the example.sh just throws out helloWorld:
[MYSHELL] $ ./example.sh &
Started job 15479
Child pid = 15479
Child pid = 15481
Hello World
Hello World
What seems to happen is
in main() the prompt is displayed, expecting a command
when a command is input, parse_input() is called
it builds the commands array until it finds & where it calls make_background_jobs()
that function forks quickly, and executes in parallel, in two processes, execvp()
execvp() replaces each of the two processes to execute the command
thus two "Hello world" appear.
The problem is in make_background_jobs() where, I think, the expected behavior was that only one of the two processes should execute the command, and the other one (father) returns, to keep the program active.
This can be solved by modifying that function, making the father process return:
void make_background_job()
int pid;
pid = fork();
if (pid) return; // The father process returns to keep program active
I gave it a try, removing the unnecessary
void make_background_job()
int pid;
pid = fork();
if ( ! pid)
fclose(stdin); // close child's stdin
fopen("/dev/null", "r"); // open a new stdin that is always empty
fprintf(stderr, "Child Job pid = %d\n", getpid());
//add pid to jobs list
jobs_list[jobs_list_size] = getpid();
/* printf("jobs list %d", *jobs_list[jobs_list_size]); */
// this should never be reached, unless there is an error
fprintf (stderr, "unknown command: %s\n", cmd_argv[0]);
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
The background job is created in another process. The father waits for the job to complete.
void parse_input()
// clears command line
while (cmd_argc != 0) {
cmd_argv[cmd_argc] = NULL;
buffer_characters = 0;
// get command line input
while ((user_input != '\n') && (buffer_characters < 50)) {
buffer[buffer_characters++] = user_input;
user_input = getchar();
// clear buffer
buffer[buffer_characters] = 0x00;
// populate cmd_argv - array of commands
char *buffer_pointer;
buffer_pointer = strtok(buffer, " ");
int ok = 0;
while (buffer_pointer != NULL) {
cmd_argv[cmd_argc] = buffer_pointer;
buffer_pointer = strtok(NULL, " ");
//check for background process execution
if(strcmp(cmd_argv[cmd_argc], "&")==0){
ok = 1;
if (!ok) cmd_argv[cmd_argc = 0] = NULL; // If no & found, reset commands
Only parses input.
Below a new handle_commands() that return 0 if there is a command to play, and the main follows.
int handle_commands() { return cmd_argc > 0 ? 0:1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("[MYSHELL] $ ");
while (TRUE) {
user_input = getchar();
switch (user_input) {
case EOF:
case '\n':
printf("[MYSHELL] $ ");
// parse input into cmd_argv - store # commands in cmd_argc
//check for zombie processes
if(handle_commands() == 0)
make_background_job(); // Call directly the bg job
printf("\n[MYSHELL] $ ");
printf("\n[MYSHELL] $ ");
return 0;
The main() calls directly make_background_job().
There is only one fork() in make_background_job. create_process() has been removed.
I am trying to implement my own shell and am experimenting with background jobs with using WNOHANG option in waitpid. But whenever I run a command in shell it just prints the output next to my prompt like this:
user#hostmachine:/.../$: [output]
Where am I going wrong?
while (1) {
int childPid, status;
// Display prompt and read input
char *buffer = print_prompt();
char *input = readline(buffer);
// add input to readline history.
time_t t;
// Check for EOF.
if (!input)
parseInfo *result = parse(input);
if (result == NULL) {
goto free;
commandType *input_command = &result->CommArray[0];
// execute builtin command in parent process
int commType = isBuiltInCommand(input_command->command);
if (commType == EXIT) {
else if (commType != NO_SUCH_BUILTIN) {
executeBuiltInCommand(input_command, commType, history_get_history_state());
} else {
// create a child process to execute command
childPid = fork();
if (childPid == 0) {
// calls execvp
printf("Executing child process...\n\n");
executeCommand(input_command, result);
} else {
waitpid(childPid, &status, WNOHANG);
if (status != 0) {
printf("Error! Child exited with error code %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));
// Free buffer that was allocated by readline
return 0;
I tried to execute a job in background and for quick ones like "ls" it just prints the output next to my prompt!
Here is the following code I am current having issues with:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define MAX_LINE 80
int main(void)
char *args[MAX_LINE/2+1];
int background= 0;//integer that acts a boolean for if & appears
int should_run = 1;
int status;
while(should_run)//Just to keep the interface going until the user chooses to stop
int i = 0;
while(getchar() != '\n')//Use scanf until a new line is found
scanf("%s", &args[i]);
if(strcmp(&args[i], "exit") == 0)//temporary exit protocal
printf("Exiting now...");
return 0;
if(strcmp(&args[i], "&") == 0)//If we find a & in our input then we changed background to 1 or true
background = 1;
printf("Args[%i] = %s\n", i, &args[i]);//Tester
printf("Background = %i\n",background);//Test
pid_t pid= fork();// Create new child process
printf("process %i created\n", pid);//Test
if(pid < 0)//fork() failed
printf("Fork Failed.\n");
return 1;
else if(pid == 0)//Child process id
printf("Child process started %s command\n", &args[0]);
if(execvp(args[0], args) < 0)//change the current child process to execute the input given by the user
//with args[0] being the command and args being the parameters(ls -l is an example).
printf("Command failed\n");
return 0;
else//Parent Process
if(background == 1)//If the user typed in a & then the parent will wait for a change in state from the child, if there is no &
//then we will just finish the parent process
printf("Parent process waiting on child\n");
return 0;
I have one major issue and one minor issue right now. The major issue is that I have a printf method before execvp starts that says "Child Process started" and I get this line to print, but then nothing else happens. No interrupts are thrown, the program just seems to be frozen on my execvp command.
My minor issue is that when my program starts a prompt "osh>" before asking for input. Now if, for example, I would type in "osh>ls -l" then I get args[0] = s, args1 = -l. Now if I put "osh> ls -l" in that exact format I get args[0] = ls, args1 = -l. Is that a part of scanf() that I am not using properly here to make sure I get ever character after "osh>" and between blank spaces as strings?
here is my output for user input "ls -l"
The problem you're having with the missing character is because getchar() is consuming the first character of your input before scanf gets to take a stab at it. You probably want to do something like:
while (scanf("%s", &buffer) > 0)
strcpy(args[i], buffer);
/* then do stuff with args[i] */
I am trying to find a way to make this algorithm run concurrent and be simultaneous. So far it has only 1 for-loop that reads each file and then makes a process for each file.
I believe this algorithm runs sequentially which is not what I want...
I thought about creating an outer for-loop where I put the wait(null) and read command. But when I tried it did not work, didn't produce output. Currently I have the wait(null) command in the parent process.
Any suggestions?
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int freq[argc-1], ipc[argc][2], nbytes, i;// freq of words, pipes, counters
ssize_t errorfi;
char readbuffer[9999];
char** k = malloc(50);
char** op = malloc(50);
if(argc == ONE) { // there are no files given, throw error and close
fprintf(stderr, "There are no files found from %s\n", argv[0]);
for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) // creates pipes for ipc
pid_t pids[argc-1]; // array of pids
for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { // reads input after position 0(a.out)
pid_t pid = fork(); // creates process
pids[i-1] = pid;
if( pid < 0 ) { // bad fork process: error
perror("bad fork");
else if(pid > 0) { //parent process
nbytes = read(ipc[i][0], readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer));
if(nbytes > 0)
printf("%s\n", readbuffer);
else if(pid == 0) { // child process
k = inputReader(argv[i]); // finds filename,w1,w2,w3,uniqueWords
char info[50] = "";
strcat(info, k[0]);
strcat(info, " ");
strcat(info, k[1]);
strcat(info, " ");
strcat(info, k[2]);
strcat(info, " ");
strcat(info, k[3]);
strcat(info, " ");
strcat(info, k[4]);
int uniqueWordint = atoi(k[4]);
freq[i-1] = uniqueWordint; // freq of all uniqueWords
errorfi = write(ipc[i][1], info, strlen(info)+1); // writes info to pipe i
if (errorfi < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error found when writing in pipe errofi: %d\n", errorfi);
exit(0); // close process
} // closes child process
} // closes for-loop for each process
for(j = 0; j < argc-1; j++) {
wait(2); // if i put read command here it won't work
return(0); // close main
This is pretty much a sequential execution indeed. The parent-process enters a loop, forks a child-process, and then it won't continue to the next loop until that child-process is done.
What you could do is create a pid_t array of size argc, to store each fork()'s return value.
Also create a new loop after "for-loop for each process", where the parent-process would wait for all of his children, using wait(2) or waitpid(2), depending on whether you need to process each child's result in the specific order or not, and continue processing them (reading or whatever needed.
I'm working on a mini shell for a college assignment. We have to read in the command, find the binary to execute from the path var, and execute command, both with and without pipes. I have everything working (I think) except for the pipe.
Through web searches I've been able to build a test program that use two hard coded commands and pipes one to the other, with the expected results. Now when I copy and paste that code into my actual program, the first command outputs fine (actually outputs the command as if there were no pipe), while the second I don't think actually does anything (the output from the first is not piped through to the second).
Here is the entire code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BUFFSIZE 1024
#define MAXWORDS 17
#define MAXCHAR 64
static char *path;
extern char **environ;
//split cmd "string" on pipe (|) symbol
void split(char **pipe, char **left, char **right, int n)
int i, x;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (strchr(&pipe[i][0], '|') != 0)
for(x = 0; x < i; x++)
strcpy(left[x], pipe[x]);
left[x++] = 0;
for(x = 0; i < n; x++)
strcpy(right[x], pipe[i++]);
right[x++] = 0;
//Find directory where cmd can be executed from (PATH or direct access)
char *finddir(char *s)
char *pp;
char *pf;
int ok;
strcpy(path, getenv("PATH"));
pp = strtok(path, ":");
while (pp != NULL)
pf = (char *)malloc(strlen(pp) + strlen(s) + 2);
if (pf == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory in finddir\n");
return NULL;
ok = !access(pf, X_OK);
if (ok)
return pp;
pp = strtok(NULL, ":");
return NULL;
int cmdcheck(char *cmd, char *p)
char *dir;
if (strchr(p, '/') != NULL)
sprintf(cmd, "%s\0", p);
dir = finddir(p);
if (dir == NULL)
return 1;
sprintf(cmd, "%s/%s\0", dir, p);
return 0;
void runpipe(int pfd[], char *cmd1, char *p1[], char *cmd2, char *p2[])
int pid;
int status;
switch (pid = fork())
case 0: //Child
close(pfd[1]); //the child does not need this end of the pipe
execve(cmd2, p2, environ);
default: //Parent
close(pfd[0]); //the parent does not need this end of the pipe
execve(cmd1, p1, environ);
case -1: //ERROR
int main(void)
int status; //read status when reading cmd in
char ch; //character currently reading
int n, i, x; //(n) count of chars read; (i) cmd args iter; (x) cmd arg iter in cmd array
char buffer[BUFFSIZE]; //read buffer
char *token; //token var when splitting buffer
int pid0, pid1, pid2; //return ID from fork call
int which; //return value from wait (child pID that just ended)
char msg[100]; //messages to print out
char *cmd1, *cmd2; //cmds when piping
char *params[MAXWORDS]; //cmd parameters to send to execve
int fd[2]; //pipe file descriptors
char *pparam1[MAXWORDS]; //cmd "string" on left side of pipe
char *pparam2[MAXWORDS]; //cmd on right side of pipe
for (i = 0; i < MAXWORDS; i++)
params[i] = malloc(MAXCHAR);
n = 0;
write(1, "# ", 2);
status = read(0, &ch, 1);
if (status == 0)
return 0; //End of file
if (status == -1)
return 1; //Error
if(n == BUFFSIZE)
write(1, "Line too long\n", 14);
return 1;
buffer[n++] = ch;
if(ch == '\n')
buffer[n] = '\0';
x = 0;
token = strtok(buffer, " \t\n\0");
while(token != NULL)
strcpy(params[x++], token);
token = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\0");
params[x] = 0;
path = getenv("PATH");
if (path == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "PATH environment variable not found.\n");
return 1;
n = strlen(path);
path = (char *)malloc(n+1);
if (path == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate space for copy of PATH.\n");
return 1;
cmd1 = malloc(MAXCHAR);
cmd2 = malloc(MAXCHAR);
for (i = 0; i < MAXWORDS; i++)
pparam1[i] = malloc(MAXCHAR);
for (i = 0; i < MAXWORDS; i++)
pparam2[i] = malloc(MAXCHAR);
split(params, pparam1, pparam2, x);
//Check first cmd
if(cmdcheck(cmd1, pparam1[0]))
sprintf(msg, "cmd '%s' is not executable\n", pparam1[0]);
write(1, msg, strlen(msg));
//Check second cmd
if(cmdcheck(cmd2, pparam2[0]))
sprintf(msg, "cmd '%s' is not executable\n", pparam2[0]);
write(1, msg, strlen(msg));
switch (pid0 = fork())
case 0: //Child
switch (pid1 = fork())
case 0: //Child
runpipe(fd, cmd1, pparam1, cmd2, pparam2);
case -1: //ERROR
default: //Parent
which = wait(&status);
if (which == -1)
write(1, "wait failed\n", 12);
if (status & 0xff)
sprintf(msg, "process %d terminated abnormally for reason %d\n", which, status & 0xff);
sprintf(msg, "process %d terminated normally with status %d\n", which, (status >> 8) & 0xff);
write(1, msg, strlen(msg));
case -1: //ERROR
for (i = 0; i < MAXWORDS; i++)
for (i = 0; i < MAXWORDS; i++)
for (i = 0; i < MAXWORDS; i++)
return 0;
Typing echo one | wc -l at the prompt will only output one with the respective wait print statement following. It has been a few years since I've used C, so am I on the right track?
Here is the runpipe function as it stands now. But the only thing that is printed is the wait statement.
void runpipe(int pfd[], char *cmd1, char *p1[], char *cmd2, char *p2[])
const int READ = 0;
const int WRITE = 1;
int pid;
int status;
switch (pid = fork())
case 0: //Child
dup2(pfd[READ], STDIN_FILENO);
execve(cmd2, p2, environ);
default: //Parent
execve(cmd1, p1, environ);
case -1: //ERROR
There are a couple of things going on there that are contributing to the unexpected behavior.
The first is that you're forking too much. If you unroll your runpipe() function call into the switch statement in main(), you'll see that you reach the great-grandchild level:
switch (pid0 = fork())
case 0: // Child
switch (pid1 = fork())
case 0: // GRAND-Child
// function call to runpipe()
switch (pid = fork())
case 0: // GREAT-GRAND-Child
dup2(pfd[READ], STDIN_FILENO);
execve(cmd2, p2, environ);
default: // GRAND-Child
execve(cmd1, p1, environ);
Which is not necessary. Fork once in main() and then call your runpipe() function.
Related to this issue is where you're creating your pipe. When you fork, the newly created child process inherits all of the parent process's open files (among many other things). This includes the default descriptors 0, 1, and 2 (stdin, stdout, and stderr), as well as any other open files, including the pipe you created called fd. This means that the parent, child, grandchild, and great-grandchild are all inheriting a copy of both ends of the pipe. You correctly close the unused ends inside the runpipe() function (the grandchild's and great-grandchild's copies), but the parent and child in your main() function also have copies!
Since the only pair of processes using the pipe are those created in runpipe(), you can move the declaration of fd and the call to pipe(2) into that function.
These two modifications will resolve your issues.
A completely unrelated issue that just relates to the flow of your shell is that your main() ends up doing its wait(2) on the "parent" process of the runpipe() function. Since that parent is the one running cmd1, your shell is going to return its prompt as soon as cmd1 finishes, instead of when the last command (cmd2 in this case) in the pipeline finishes. You can see the behavioral difference by running something like echo | sleep 10 into your shell and a real shell.
The dup function duplicates a file descriptor, and returns the new duplicate. However, this will not work, as stdin in the child still exists, and the new file descriptor will not be put in place of the standard input.
You must close the standard input file descriptor first, before doing dup. Or use dup2 which will close the destination file descriptor automatically first before doing the duplication:
dup2(pfd[0], STDIN_FILENO);
This is a followup to my previous question. I am writing a linux shell, and so I need to deal with the possibility of users inputting multiple pipe commands. It is almost working correctly, except for after calling execvp() on the last command the I/O hangs. My prompt never reappears and I have to ctrl+C to leave the shell. I do not think it is an infinite loop happening, but rather I am not closing my streams correctly. I cannot figure out the correct way to do it.
Example - If I do not use a pipe at all, the shell runs correctly:
ad#ubuntu:~/Documents$ gcc mash.c -o mash
ad#ubuntu:~/Documents$ ./mash
/home/ad/Documents> ls
a.out bio1.odt blah.cpp controller.txt mash.c
bio1.doc blahblah.txt Chapter1Notes.odt mash
However, if I type in:
/home/ad/Documents> ls -l | grep sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ad ad 13597 2011-09-26 00:03 mash
-rw-r--r-- 1 ad ad 3060 2011-09-25 23:58 mash.c
The prompt does not appear again. main() originally calls execute() with stdin and stdout.
Thanks for your time!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int MAX_PATH_LENGTH = 1024; //Maximum path length to display.
int BUF_LENGTH = 1024; // Length of buffer to store user input
char * delims = " \n"; // Delimiters for tokenizing user input.
const int PIPE_READ = 0;
const int PIPE_WRITE = 1;
void execute(char **argArray, int read_fd, int write_fd){
dup2(read_fd, 0);
dup2(write_fd, 1);
//Problem when entering only newline character
char **pA = argArray;
int i = 0;
while(*pA != NULL) {
if(strcmp(argArray[i],"<") == 0) {
int input = open(argArray[i+1], O_RDWR | O_CREAT);
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) {
dup2(input, 0);
argArray[i] = 0;
execvp(argArray[0], &argArray[0]);
printf("Error redirecting input.\n");
else if(strcmp(argArray[i],">") == 0) {
int output = open(argArray[i+1], O_RDWR | O_CREAT);
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0){
argArray[i] = 0;
execvp(argArray[0], &argArray[0]);
printf("Error redirecting output.\n");
else if(strcmp(argArray[i],"|") == 0) {
int fds[2];
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) {
dup2(fds[PIPE_WRITE], 1);
argArray[i] = 0;
execvp(argArray[0], &argArray[0]);
printf("%s: command not found.\n", argArray[0]);
} else {
dup2(fds[PIPE_READ], 0);
execute(&argArray[i+1], 0, 1);
pid_t pid = vfork();
if(pid == 0){
execvp(argArray[0], &argArray[0]);
printf("%s: command not found.\n", argArray[0]);
else {
int main () {
char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
char buf[BUF_LENGTH];
char* strArray[BUF_LENGTH];
* "Welcome" message. When mash is executed, the current working directory
* is displayed followed by >. For example, if user is in /usr/lib/, then
* mash will display :
* /usr/lib/>
getcwd(path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH);
printf("%s> ", path);
* Loop infinitely while waiting for input from user.
* Parse input and display "welcome" message again.
while(1) {
fgets(buf, BUF_LENGTH, stdin);
char *tokenPtr = NULL;
int i = 0;
tokenPtr = strtok(buf, delims);
if(strcmp(tokenPtr, "exit") == 0){
else if(strcmp(tokenPtr, "cd") == 0){
tokenPtr = strtok(NULL, delims);
if(chdir(tokenPtr) != 0){
printf("Path not found.\n");
getcwd(path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH);
else if(strcmp(tokenPtr, "pwd") == 0){
printf("%s\n", path);
else {
while(tokenPtr != NULL) {
strArray[i++] = tokenPtr;
tokenPtr = strtok(NULL, delims);
execute(strArray, 0, 1);
bzero(strArray, sizeof(strArray)); // clears array
printf("%s> ", path);
This line - dup2(fds[PIPE_READ], 0); - overwrites your current stdin file descriptor with a descriptor referring to the pipe. Once the pipe command completes, any attempt to read from stdin will fail.
This line - fgets(buf, BUF_LENGTH, stdin); - doesn't check for error conditions.
Finally - you wait for the second process in the pipe to finish before you have started the second one. This is what is causing your deadlock; the "grep" command is waiting for input, but you haven't exec'd the "ls" command yet. You wait for the grep command to finish, but it can't finish because it is waiting for input.
In your latest incarnation of the code: When the execute() function is called, it scans the arguments and finds a pipe; it then forks and runs the first command ("ls"):
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) {
dup2(fds[PIPE_WRITE], 1);
argArray[i] = 0;
execvp(argArray[0], &argArray[0]);
printf("%s: command not found.\n", argArray[0]);
Then it recurses, calling execute() again:
} else {
dup2(fds[PIPE_READ], 0);
execute(&argArray[i+1], 0, 1); // <--- HERE
... this will of course fork and run "grep" before returning. Note that it does so with /both/ the pipe filed descriptors /open/. Therefore, the grep process itself will hold both ends of the pipe open. execute() performs a wait(NULL) before returning; this however will actually wait for the "ls" to finish (since that is the process that completes first). Then it returns, and proceeds:
wait(pid); // <--- WRONG, compile with -Wall to see why
I've pointed out one error. Try compiling with "-Wall", or reading the documentation for the wait() function! If you change it to wait(NULL) it will be correct, however, in that case it will block. The reason is that the "grep" command hasn't completed and is still reading input. The reason it is still reading input is because the grep process itself has the write end of the pipe open!! So, grep never sees the "end" of the input coming from the pipe. A simple fix is to close the pipe fds before calling execute() recursively (there remains other problems with your code however, including, as I have already pointed out, that you are trashing your stdin descriptor).
These two lines have the arguments in the wrong order:
dup2(0, read_fd);
dup2(1, write_fd);
You should be writing:
dup2(read_fd, 0);
dup2(write_fd, 1);
dup2(read_fd, STDIN_FILENO);
dup2(write_fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
However, whether amended or original, the call to execute is:
execute(strArray, 0, 1);
which means that these two dup2() calls do nothing (duplicating 0 to 0 and 1 to 1).