Very simply, how can I make binding more responsive. That is, changing the interface closer to when the view model is changed in the background.
I have a timer-based progress bar that is incredibly jumpy. And I have a touchscreen keyboard that updates the field like hours (exaggeration) later than the key is pressed.
OK, there are three options you can use when it comes to making UI responsive:
(1). Use asynchronous bindings:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ViewModelTextProperty, IsAsync=True}"/>
This way the value of ViewModelTextProperty will be retrieved asynchronously.
(2). Use PriorityBinding - it is similar to the previous option, but additionally it allows you to display something while main binding is executing asynchronously:
<Binding Path="ViewModelTextProperty" IsAsync="True"/>
<Binding Path="FastViewModelTextProperty" IsAsync="True"/>
Slow bindings are specified on the top and the fast ones in the buttom. That is, in this example, value of FastViewModelTextProperty will be displayed first and when value of ViewModelTextProperty is ready it will be displayed.
(3). And finally, you can use usual asyncronious programming in your view model (call methods asynchronously, use timers, etc.). And whenever you are ready to display some data, update the UI (set values of bound properties) using Dispatcher:
private void OnAsyncOperationCompleted()
Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => {
// Update the UI
The problem is the queue priorities of the Dispatcher (see this). Even if you were to respond faster to a change in the ViewModel (for example by manually updating controls), the rendering itself is done at a lower priority. Thus, I guess it won't make any noticeable difference for you to respond faster since the user won't see it under after the next rendering.
In general, the UI in WPF, even when doing data binding, is very responsive. However, there are some reasons why it can be slow (take a look at the app using the WPF performance toolkit):
The specific control itself (which is so slow) may be too complicated/bloated. For example, I had a control which loaded a 400kb style file every time it was created. Obviously, this took some time. In my case, the solution was to load the style file in the parent control once.
The main thread (which generally is your UI thread) does too much processing at a time. You might be blocking the thread with some long-running calculation, which means it has no chance to update the UI. So this calculation should be done in a different thread (BackgroundWorker, ThreadPool thread, ...).
The entire UI may be too complicated. You might have an extremely deep visual/logical tree or be using large styles/templates with lots of triggers or legacy bitmap effects, etc.
There is a complex App, I try to simplify the scenario. There is a host .exe (.NET), which contains lots of controls (ActiveX, .NET, WPF).
One control is basically a grid with items (call it "list"), and when new selection happens, it sends a message to another WPF control (call it "DataView"). "DataView" will display details of the current selection of "list". When DataView receives that message, it will re-create it's ViewModel, and assign to its DataContext, so re-create its View.
Its View is very complex (XAML declared), full of controls, templates, and also contains several Images (type: NonDPIImage, derived from Image, with a few basic non-important change, just consider it as Image), and it's Source is a Converter, which creates the BitmapImages.
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource ImageConverter}">
It works fine, but I noticed that after selection changes the "DataView" update is getting slower and slower.
I debugged, and found that after several selection changes, all previous Views are still in the memory, and all are rendering its content, so the ImageConverter is called for all previous Views, thus it's getting slower and slower.
I tried to profile, this is what I see after 10+ selection.
You see the previous Views are still in the memory (lower prio problem), with the Images, and those are still being rendered (high prio problem), making the App slower and slower.
I am not really familiar with WPF, I read after leaks (mostly not DependencyProperty is used or similar), but this control is so difficult that first I wand to quickly workaround, so prevent rendering the leaked Views, and later on investigate the memory issue. (of course both would be the best...)
I tried that before DataContext assigned to new value, set the current View Image.Source to null, so at least the leaked Image will not render itself, but that caused the new View(!) also to lose its Image.Source, looks like WPF is caching or sharing like some static data?
As my first prio is to stop the "invisible render", after this I tried to set some of the model properties to null before creating the new one (so it would still leak, but at least no render anymore), so when Converter will receive properties to create the image, will see it's null, and skip the render.
But it behaves very strange!
For the leaked instances the breakpoint is not hit in the properties_get code, like as WPF cached the values or so?
This prevented me this path to continue.
Any help / idea would be appreciated guys.
Can you post your ImageConverter code?
the thing is creating an image from code and serving it as source for Image object,
can create strong link between them and memory leaks in scenarios like yours.
Try looking here:
I think I found the issue: there was a message hook added to the View HwndSource (AddHook()) , but was not removed. This kept the whole View (see the red rectangled class) alive.
Now if I call MyHwndSource.RemoveHook(WndProc) in the UserControl_Unloaded, the View will be also GCd.
In XAML-based apps, quite often I need to manipulate on-screen elements, resize or move stuff around. The situation arises usually for very custom UI controls.
The timing of stuff loading and data-binding etc. can give rise to irritating timing issues.
Traditionally, my colleagues and I have worked around these problems by 're-dispatching' work to the UI thread so it runs later, when dependent properties are in the 'final' states.
Is there a better way to do this? What strategies have you found that work?
The LayoutUpdated event can be very noisy, fine-grained, and deregistering requires forgoing a Lambda for a method and thus not being able to access enclosed variables from the outer logic - its a bit of a 'mare.
I'll give a tangible example. A custom control draws an outline around a face when doing facial recognition, so we're talking totally custom stuff here, nothing XAML does out the box.
The image needs to be scaled and sized and the paths and geometries scaled and sized so its all in alignment.
When programmatically changing the heights and widths of elements, the impact is not immediate, its only once the UI thread is relinquished back to the XAML framework does the rendering subsystems rearrange everything.
Thus, logic that depends upon the changed values needs to run after the framework has rearranged everything, and so this work needs scheduling to occur later on the UI thread, hence resorting to dispatching. It smells.
Many events and virtuals are called at times when requisite data is not yet available. Sometimes, work needs to be done upon data arrival (i.e. property change notification) which is does not typically trigger the XAML layout events. In this case, we resort to dispatcher hacks.
What about using the Loaded event?:
Loaded += LoadedHandler;
private void LoadedHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Do something here when controls have loaded
I discovered that in WPF, this dependency property metadata argument exists to help with the problems I'm talking about.
The enum doesn't exist in Windows Store applications, presumably since its designers think the InvalidateArrange method is a suitable alternative.
Possibly, we should be a) invalidating the arrangement within our DP change handlers b) making these arrangements over multiple passes c) tolerating incorrect layout in-between passes.
Still, the using lambdas with the dispatcher is nice since variables used in calculations can be referenced from inside the closure.
In my WPF app, I need to run an expensive operation on my UI thread (let's call it ExpensiveUIOperation()), and I want to keep the UI up to date to track it's progress.
To track progress, I simply have a TextBlock, whose Text property is bound to an integer dependency property PercentageComplete. During ExpensiveUIOperation(), I simply set the value of PercentageComplete as required.
Now, I understand enough about threading to know that if I simply ran ExpensiveUIOperation() on my UI thread, that the TextBlock would not appear to keep up to date, as the UI thread would be blocked, stopping any interface updates.
And so I thought I could do it asynchronously like this:
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(ExpensiveUIOperation), DispatcherPriority.Background);
But that is still not working. The text block is not visually updated until the operation completes.
Is there a way to do this?
Unfortunately in this situation I cannot use a background thread, as the operation makes heavy use of objects owned by the UI thread.
Unfortunately in this situation I cannot use a background thread, as the operation makes heavy use of objects owned by the UI thread.
That is not a good enough reason to abuse the UI-thread like this. Use the Dispatcher when accessing those elements (see the treading model reference), or properly bind your view to relevant properties and you will not even need to do that as updates are queued to the UI internally.
You're stuck, UI operations have to occur on the UI thread, and while that occurs no UI updates will happen. You could do the equivalent of an Application.DoEvents in WPF by creating a new dispatcher frame ( but it is dangerous, you will catch the UI in the middle of updates and not a good thing to do.
Is the expensive UI operation really a CPU-intensive, UI-only operation? Nothing that can be done with a View Model object graph and then finally bound to the UI, for example?
I have a TextBox that's bound to a property that gets modified at a very rapid rate in a background thread. Is data binding in WPF thread safe? Will the data in the property or the TextBox ever get out of sync? Is it necessary (or even possible) to use synchronization on a property that takes part in data binding?
I understand that, if the class on which the property resides implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the binding framework automatically marshalls the UI update to the UI thread. However, doesn't that still allow the data to get out of sync? If I understand correctly, variables that are written from one thread and read from another should by synchronized... is data binding an exception?
Yes, for the most part. Binding is thread safe for single objects (so should be fine for your string). However, binding to a collection is not thread safe - and still requires manually marshaling. If you have a control bound to a collection, you cannot change the collection on a background thread.
I understand that, if the class on which the property resides implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the binding framework automatically marshalls the UI update to the UI thread. However, doesn't that still allow the data to get out of sync?
This shouldn't get out of sync, unless multiple threads are writing to the variable very quickly (in which case, they'll all block until they get back in sync, but there is a period of time where threads will "wait" on the UI). The marshaling happens synchronously, so the thread doesn't receive values until the binding is up to date. This can slow down your processing, as the UI update has to happen before your background thread can continue.
Yes, it is usually thread safe. In WPF (unlike WinForms) the data binding classes look for the UI thread's Dispatcher and use it (if needed) to automatically marshal to the UI thread. Note, however, that this is done synchronously- your background thread will block while the UI is redrawn, and I have seen that cause choppyness, "freezing", and other unintended effects with rapid background updates.
See a similar question here: WPF Databinding thread safety?
I'm currently designing/reworking the databinding part of an application that makes heavy use of winforms databinding and updates coming from a background thread (once a second on > 100 records).
Let's assume the application is a stock trading application, where a background thread monitors for data changes and putting them onto the data objects. These objects are stored in a BindingList<> and implement INotifyPropertyChanged to propagate the changes via databinding to the winforms controls.
Additionally the data objects are currently marshalling the changes via WinformsSynchronizationContext.Send to the UI thread.
The user is able to enter some of the values in the UI, which means that some values can be changed from both sides. And the user values shouldn't be overritten by updates.
So there are several question coming to my mind:
Is there a general design-guildline how to do that (background updates in databinding)?
When and how to marshal on the UI thread?
What is the best way of the background thread to interact with
binding/data objects?
Which classes/Interfaces should be used? (BindingSource, ...)
The UI doesn't really know that there is a background thread, that updates the control, and as of my understanding in databinding scenarios the UI shouldn't know where the data is coming from... You can think of the background thread as something that pushes data to the UI, so I'm not sure if the backgroundworker is the option I'm searching for.
Sometimes you want to get some UI response during an operation in the data-/business object (e.g. setting the background during recalculations). Raising a propertychanged on a status property which is bound to the background isn't enough, as the control get's repainted after the calculation has finished? My idea would be to hook on the propertychanged event and call .update() on the control...
Any other ideas about that?
This is a hard problem since most “solutions” lead to lots of custom code and lots of calls to BeginInvoke() or System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker (which itself is just a thin wrapper over BeginInvoke).
In the past, I've also found that you soon wish to delay sending your INotifyPropertyChanged events until the data is stable. The code that handles one propriety-changed event often needs to read other proprieties. You also often have a control that needs to redraw itself whenever the state of one of many properties changes, and you don’t wan the control to redraw itself too often.
Firstly, each custom WinForms control should read all data it needs to paint itself in the PropertyChanged event handler, so it does not need to lock any data objects when it was a WM_PAINT (OnPaint) message. The control should not immediately repaint itself when it gets new data; instead, it should call Control.Invalidate(). Windows will combine the WM_PAINT messages into as few requests as possible and only send them when the UI thread has nothing else to do. This minimizes the number of redraws and the time the data objects are locked. (Standard controls mostly do this with data binding anyway)
The data objects need to record what has changed as the changes are made, then once a set of changes has been completed, “kick” the UI thread into calling the SendChangeEvents method that then calls the PropertyChanged event handler (on the UI thread) for all properties that have changed. While the SendChangeEvents() method is running, the data objects must be locked to stop the background thread(s) from updating them.
The UI thread can be “kicked” with a call to BeginInvoke whenever a set of update have bean read from the database. Often it is better to have the UI thread poll using a timer, as Windows only sends the WM_TIMER message when the UI message queue is empty, hence leading to the UI feeling more responsive.
Also consider not using data binding at all, and having the UI ask each data object “what has changed” each time the timer fires. Databinding always looks nice, but can quickly become part of the problem, rather then part of the solution.
As locking/unlock of the data-objects is a pain and may not allow the updates to be read from the database fast enough, you may wish to pass the UI thread a (virtual) copy of the data objects. Having the data object be persistent/immutable so that any changes to the data object return a new data object rather than changing the current data object can enable this.
Persistent objects sound very slow, but need not be, see this and that for some pointers. Also look at this and that on Stack Overflow.
Also have a look at retlang - Message-based concurrency in .NET. Its message batching may be useful.
(For WPF, I would have a View-Model that sets in the UI thread that was then updated in ‘batches’ from the multi-threaded model by the background thread. However, WPF is a lot better at combining data binding events then WinForms.)
Yes all the books show threaded structures and invokes etc. Which is perfectly correct etc, but it can be a pain to code, and often hard to organise so you can make decent tests for it
A UI only needs to be refreshed so many times a second, so performance is never an issue, and polling will work fine
I like to use a object graph that is being continuously updated by a pool of background threads. They check for actual changes in data values and when they notice an actual change they update a version counter on the root of the object graph (or on each main item whatever makes more sense) and updates the values
Then your foreground process can have a timer (same as UI thread by default) to fire once a second or so and check the version counter, and if it changes, locks it (to stop partial updates) and then refreshes the display
This simple technique totally isolates the UI thread from the background threads
There is an MSDN article specific on that topic. But be prepared to look at VB.NET. ;)
Additionally maybe you could use System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker, instead of a generic second thread, since it nicely formalize the kind of interaction with the spawned background thread you are describing. The example given in the MSDN library is pretty decent, so go look at it for a hint on how to use it.
Please note: No marshalling is required if you use the ProgressChanged event to communicate back to the UI thread. The background thread calls ReportProgress whenever it has the need to communicate with the UI. Since it is possible to attach any object to that event there is no reason to do manual marshalling. The progress is communicated via another async operation - so there is no need to worry about neither how fast the UI can handle the progress events nor if the background thread gets interruped by waiting for the event to finish.
If you prove that the background thread is raising the progress changed event way too fast then you might want to look at Pull vs. Push models for UI updates an excellent article by Ayende.
I just fought a similar situation - badkground thread updating the UI via BeginInvokes. The background has a delay of 10ms on every loop, but down the road I ran into problems where the UI updates which sometimes get fired every time on that loop, can't keep up with teh freq of updates, and the app effectively stops working (not sure what happens- blew a stack?).
I wound up adding a flag in the object passed over the invoke, which was just a ready flag. I'd set this to false before calling the invoke, and then the bg thread would do no more ui updates until this flag is toggled back to true. The UI thread would do it's screen updates etc, and then set this var to true.
This allowed the bg thread to keep crunching, but allowed the ui to shut off the flow until it was ready for more.
Create a new UserControl, add your control and format it (maybe dock = fill) and add a property.
now configure the property to invoke the usercontrol and update your element, each time you change the property form any thread you want!
thats my solution:
private long value;
public long Value
get { return this.value; }
this.value = value;
private delegate void Delegate();
private void UpdateTextBox()
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke(new Delegate(UpdateTextBox), new object[] {});
textBox1.Text = this.value.ToString();
on my form i bind my view
viewTx.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", ptx.CounterTX, "ReturnValue"));
This is a problem that I solved in Update Controls. I bring this up not to suggest you rewrite your code, but to give you some source to look at for ideas.
The technique that I used in WPF was to use Dispatcher.BeginInvoke to notify the foreground thread of a change. You can do the same thing in Winforms with Control.BeginInvoke. Unfortunately, you have to pass a reference to a Form object into your data object.
Once you do, you can pass an Action into BeginInvoke that fires PropertyChanged. For example:
_form.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => NotifyPropertyChanged(propertyName))) );
You will need to lock the properties in your data object to make them thread-safe.
This post is old but I thought I'd give options to others. It seems once you start doing async programming and Windows Forms databinding you end up with problems updating Bindingsource datasource or updating lists bound to windows forms control. I am going to try using Jeffrey Richters AsyncEnumerator class from his powerthreading tools on wintellect.
1. His AsyncEnumerator class automatically marshals background threads to UI threads so you can update controls as you would doing Synchronous code.
2. AsyncEnumerator simplifies Async programming. It does this automatically, so you write your code in a Synchronous fashion, but the code is still running in an asynchronous fashion.
Jeffrey Richter has a video on Channel 9 MSDN, that explains AsyncEnumerator.
Wish me luck.
I am late to the party but I believe this is still a valid question.
I would advise you to avoid using data binding at all and use Observable objects instead.
The reason is, data binding looks cool and when implemented the code looks good, but data binding miserably fails when there is lot os asynchronous UI update or multi-threading as in your case.
I have personally experienced this problem with asynchronous and Databinding in prod, we even didn't detect it in testing, when users started using all different scenarios things started to break down.