Pre Poulate a Text Field with a URL - mobile

I have a mobile simulator at and was wondering if there is a script or way to populate the text field so that I can send a sampole of the customer mobile website to them.
Maybe I need to change it to a php file or something.
So I would like to send them to say

That website uses javascript within the page to load the entered URL within their "emulator" and does support passing parameters as the web page is not a "real" web form.
If you have a specific question about the functionality of a specific website, then why not contact them
There are alternative online mobile emulators which do support the funcitonality you require, such as:


What is the best way to integrate a small angular.js application into Wordpress?

I am working on adding a small one-page AngularJS application to my friend's Wordpress site. The application will take some user input and generate on-screen output using that input. It will also log the user input for analysis purposes.
I will need to be able to host the files for that page on my friend's site as well as create a back-end script that can capture the user input and store it to a MySQL database.
I have worked with WordPress sites before but have never customized them or written a plugin. How would you go about making this happen?
I will select the answer that leads me down the most efficient / effective path. Thanks!
After poking around for a while, I ran across the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Using this helped me add custom JavaScript to the specific page that needed Angular support.
Here is information on how to use ACF to add JavaScript support:
Here is the plugin itself:

How can I pull remotely stored PDFs to be viewed in Ionic?

I have a site where PDFs are uploaded and stored (all exactly the same way) as (publicly available) attachments on a web page.
Using an Ionic app, I want to query the site and pull in the PDFs as a list where each item can be opened and read in the app. The PDFs would remain on the site/server, but would be available through the Ionic interface to be read as pages.
What kind of setup or services would I need for something like this?
It seems to me like you'd want an API that simply lists the available PDFs and the URL/Location for them. That would be better than the ionic app trying to parse HTML from your existing site (which is what it sounds like you're considering). Then the ionic app can call this service and get the PDF listing in JSON, which is very natural.
Then if the PDFs are externally accessible (meaning no token/security required), the display of the PDF should be a simple call.

How to modify HTMLElement in index.html before page gets returned to requestor

Based on my custom URL parameters I process, I am trying to modify dynamically a meta tag I have id'ed in index.html like so:
<meta name="og:image" content="" id="ogImage"/>
The code below in my home.ts seems to be working
document.getElementById('ogImage').setAttribute("content", Media.ImageURL) ;
I can verify it is via the browser dev console/elements.
However, when I view from facebook via their ojbect graph debugger at
It appears to see the default
as if the index.html is shipped before my home.ts gets chance to make the update.
Perhaps, my understanding is flawed and there is better way to do this.
Thank you.
Note1: initially, I was thinking I had to make some angular binding between index.html and one of my services but I could not locate any sample code, the closest I came to was this post
How can I update meta tags in AngularJS?
But I don't know how to apply it for my ionic2/3 code, so I opted for the document.get approach.
Note2: the ultimate goal here is to share a link into a social media (web or app) like facebook, a messenger like viber/skype, etc... and have it resolve to meaningful images, title, description to drive the visit back to the site via browser, or app if the user clicking on the link is on a mobile device with my app version of the site installed on his device.
Note3: if you decide to point me to ionic deeplinking please provide code to match above, because I could not understand how to apply to my case.
If you are trying to implement dynamic open graph meta tags values in your pages, you will need a server-side scripting language like php. Such a script will run on the server, update the pages as needed, then the pages will be served to the requesting site or application.
client-side scripting (ie. JavaScript) is usually ignored when a site or app is merely visiting your site/link for the purpose of extracting (aka scrapping, parsing html) information such as the one provided by the open graph meta tags (og:title, og:description og:image...).

Mobile app with data from TYPO3

I don't know anything about TYPO3.
I have a potential client who pushes content on a website through TYPO3 and now wants to expose some of this content in a mobile application I'm supposed to develop.
I use to implement mobile apps with Ionic.
So I have two questions:
1) Is there a way to read TYPO3 content as a web service so I can call it in my Ionic app ?
2) Is TYPO3 able to expose some part of his content in a responsive website so I just have to configure it and show that website in my webview?
In TYPO3 you can configure any kind of output. That can be the same content in the same structure as the original website.
You can configure additional pagetypes.
jsonPage = PAGE
jsonPage {
typeNum = 1234
config {
disableAllHeaderCode = 1
Often this is done for a print-view or a pure text view without tags.
In this way you can output the page content as e.g. JSon or XML.
I even did an output once as PHP includes which had the pagecontent in php-variables.
So you can request abstract data, or the same data with another rendering than the normal page like a special responsive rendering.
Even if you do not want to use TYPO3 at all, you can still make your own queries using php/mysql as all content and page related data (at least should be)is stored in the database and is well sorted there.
(Which is much more work than defining a new pagetype as mentionned above - but could also be an option)

SEO: Does Google recognize dynamically inserted text via Angular?

I've created an angular SPA that dynamically inserts text all over the place but more specifically it has a service that dynamically changes the title tag for each page. Is Google able to index this properly?
See for it in action.
You will find some information here:
#eywu from twitter did also some tests on
As you can see, the site is not properly indexed on google.
I would recommend you SEO4Ajax to index reliably your website. You can test it, it's free for small sites.
