What's the default state of the 'include preview in document by default' option in KeyNote? - keynote

I'm a Linux user, and trying to figure out if Apple Keynote documents include a PDF preview by default. I don't have easy access to a Mac with iWork, so I can't really tell by myself.

I just checked and it's not checked by default in my Keynote when I try to save a file. Hope that helps :)


pgAdmin 4 v3.3 Download as CSV button not working

My Download to CSV (F8) button is not working. I have a view open and want to export to CSV. It was working, and then I changed nothing and it was not working. I just installed the new version (pgAdmin 4 v3.3) to see if that would fix it. Still it does not work. The Tools>Import/Export... is grayed-put, also.
It does seem like I see a milli-sec refresh to the screen, like something is happening. But I get nothing. It's not in my downloads. Is this a browser thing? I'm using Chrome 69.0.3497.100.
I have looked for answers, not finding anything.
I would so very much appreciate an answer!! I am frustrated!
pgAdmin 4 v3.3 with Postgres 9.5, windows
You have to be in "View/Edit data" mode, so that you can see the rows you want to export as csv. Only then can you access the down arrow (Download as csv)
I had a similar problem, and maybe this is how it is supposed to work, but I had multiple queries in the SQL window which I was highlighting to run. Trying to download as CSV just resulted in the flash of a dialog as you say. Investigating the network Tab I noticed that the request to the server was failing.
You need to highlight the query you want to extract as CSV, otherwise it seems to run the whole window. It is not, as you would expect just processing the result window.
This was version 4.23 running inside Docker.

Dotnetnuke.install.config documentation

I am looking to create a custom build of DotNetNuke (vr. 7.4.2). Trying to configure the configuration file (Dotnetnuke.install.config.resources) for the installation in order to fit my custom build seems to be puzzle. There are some specific tags by default in this file and my research on-line gave me some more tags but I could not find something like an official documentation. Something that will give me all the available tags at least an example for each one (if not a list with the all available values of the tags). Is there anything like this?
Sadly there is not detailed documentation out there at this time on all of the options that are available. Most of the default configuration items are values though that you can find in the database in portal settings or host settings from an installation that you have configured.
My past experience has been to create an install and configure it how I want first. This way I have the ability to confirm a few of the values along the way. If you have a more specific question or area of concern we might be able to help.

FBX import crashing UE4

Exporting from Maya to UE4 is causing the UE Editor to crash with no explanation. The submit error report dialog appears but there is no useful information available.
I have tried changing the FBX Version as some posts suggest, however, this does not seem to help.
How can I go about addressing this issue?
When exporting make sure the base model is in editable mesh and not editable poly and make sure the FBX exporter is set to ASCII not Binary.
This happened to me on 3ds Max, I am not a maya user
i had recently come across with the same crash... while importing from fbx
from mixamo and maya what worked for me was....while exporting fbx i had done the resetting of fbx preset to autodesk media and entertainment and switched off the smoothmesh option and enabled the Triangulate..
please do delete the unused nodes before exporting and keep no group nodes above the mesh or skeleton...
hope that helps those encounter similar in their workflow
as i was doing the following test projects this error occurred and crashed...
Project link1 : https://youtu.be/OsvZ1cpBBf0
Project Link 2: https://youtu.be/sXMrTkPiVEM
enter image description here

CakePHP from localhost to remote server - blank page

i am trying to figure this out for a long time now, but so far no luck, maybe somebody can help me.
I have a 2.2.2 cakephp installed on my computer (localhost) and everything works perfectly. But now i want that same project to be online on remote server. I upload everything, set mysql path but i get a blank page when trying to access the site.
If i upload a fresh cakephp it works, but my project doesnt. The debug is set to default, think that should be 2? I also deleted files in cache/tmp, but still no errors or anything, just blank page.
Any info would be helpful, thank you.
I hate when that happens :). Usually it does if there is an error somewhere and you can't see it because the errors are turned off, so you should call phpinfo() and see if display_errors is on. Changing the debug mode doesn't work every time since display_errors is set from php.ini.
Unfortunately, if this is the problem and you don't have access to edit the php.ini file, you might need to ask the hosting provider to change it and restart the php service.
You can also try this: error_reporting(E_ALL)
I uploaded changes to my cakephp website and discovered that all actions for a particular controller returned a blank page. I discovered what the error was and was able to reproduce it with another controller.
The problem was that in the first line of my controller file I had a space before the opening php tag.
One space cost me hours.
Just uploading all files won't cut it. Make sure you work through this checklist:
First and foremost, check the error log file located under app/tmp/logs/error.log, this usually holds some very good pointers as to what is wrong.
Make sure you have uploaded the app/Config/database.php file with the proper details. Local installs usually have user root without password. Online servers (obviously) do not!
To that extent, also make sure you actually have a database with your hosting provider (either your host sent you the info or you need to create it yourself using their control panel).
Make sure you also uploaded all .htaccess files (the one under the root directory and /app and /app/webroot), some FTP programs don't show this "hidden" file by default.
If all else fails, contact your hosting provider for further support as they usually have access to more verbose server logs that can also hold clues.
The real problem was only the coding I used in notepad++. All my files were encoded with UTF-8, but they should have been UTF-8 without BOM. After I changed it to UTF-8 withot BOM, everything started to work perfectly.

CMSMS File Download Problems

I'm using the CMS Made Simple platform; which I'm not very familiar with!
The site has a secure frontend, which contains a document library for members. Files are stored outside the document root and links are generated by the CMS so you should only be able to get the documents if you're logged in.
At first glance the setup works fine; however certain PDFs uploaded in this fashion are corrupt upon download, and line endings in text files aren't preserved.
Sorry if this is a bit vague, I'm hoping someone has come across a similar problem but any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
You should check which module/tag is handling the download / upload.
Are you sure they´re intact when uploaded?
Check for headers, and content size calculation, try different browsers and different methods to force the download.
