How to check user group in ClearCase client server - clearcase

With a full ClearCase installation, CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP is the usual way to set the main group for a user.
What about a CCRC installation through CLI (Java CM CLI or CCRC CLI)?
The GUI allows to set a primary group, but how would you set it through command lines?

With CCRC, the technote swg21423936 mentions:
The ClearCase Remote Client Command Line Interface does not support the ability to pass a specific client side ClearCase Group (such as CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP) or pass a defined set of user groups that should be used for the specific client logins (such as CLEARCASE_GROUPS).
The CCRC GUI client does allow these preferences to be set.
The only workaround is to set a default primary group on the server side (the CM CCRC server)
If the CM Server is a Windows server, an administrator can set the value of the ccrcPrimaryGroup mBean on the CM Server. This is a primary group name for all users who access that CM Server. Default value is "" (empty string or unset). Can be set to the empty string (to unset the override).
Note: This is not available on UNIX or Linux CM Servers
For information about setting mBean variables refer to the ClearCase Administrators documentation under the topic of Setting available MBean attributes.


Mapped drive not deployed by GPO Azure AD

I've a GPO that won't work in Azure AD. I need to create multiple GPOs to map network drives. I've put the GPO right under the domain
I've mapped the drive, and targeted at a security group. Tried with an OU first, but that didn't work either.
So did I place the GPO wrong, or did I map the drive wrong? The client has a dynamic IP and it's DNS servers are the IP of the servers
When I run gpudate on the client, It seems that the server is unreachable:
Let me know if you need additional information
• Your procedure of mapping a network drive is correct but the error snapshot that you have posted regarding the reachability of the AD/DNS servers is a matter of concern due to which the group policies were not able to replicate and apply authoritatively from the AD or Group policy server. Thus, please check the connectivity of the DC/Group policy server from the client system as below: -
A) Check the SYSVOL replication is happening correctly or not. DFRS (Distributed File Replication Service) is used for SYSVOL replication, to confirm that run the below command and check its result
‘ dfsrmig.exe /getglobalstate ’ --> If the result shows: 3 (ELIMINATED), then its Ok
B) Then check whether which DC has the FSMO roles installed on it. For that, run the below command and check the IP and hostname whether it is configured as the correct DNS in IP configuration in the client system or not
‘ netdom query fsmo ’
C) Once the above is done, please check the replication between the DCs is working correctly or not by executing the below commands one by one and analyzing their results
‘ Dcdiag /v >c:\dcdiag1.log
Repadmin /showrepl
Repadmin /syncall /APeD ‘
D) Ensure that the ‘gpt.ini’ file exists on your DC at ‘\domain.local\SysVol\domain.local\Policies{Policy_GUID}\’ path and if not then your GPO server might be at risk of corruption of essential system files. Please reset it. Also, do ensure that your DNS server or DC is reachable and pingable through the below commands successfully. Try to reset the DNS resolver cache on client computers.
‘ ping<hostname of DC>
Nslookup<hostname of DC>
Ipconfig /flushdns ’  on client systems
Lastly, ensure that your DC and domain is accessible via RPC protocol through the below command: -
‘ nltest /dsgetdc:hostname of DC ’
If all of the above commands return positive results, then you should check your client’s network and domain settings for any issues as everything else is correct on the DC end.

Azure Data Studio does not remember or persist connections

Newbie question:
I have a group of notebooks that I'd like to connect to a single server and database in the same ADS session, structured like chapters in a book. For a single notebook, I can specify and connect to a database, and execute code cells successfully.
When I open another notebook (appears as a new tab within the current ADS window, same folder and workspace), I do not see the connection I defined previously in the "attach to" dropdown list. I have to go through the connection wizard again to enter the server and authentication details.
Also, the previously defined connection does not show-up under recent or saved connections, even after checking "remember password" when setting up the connection. Has anyone seen this behaviour before?
I haven't found any documentation on managing multiple notebooks. Am I going beyond how notebooks are supposed to be used?
Version: 1.21.0 (system setup)
Commit: 2413919f186f780f0193d047da3d90bb3c1e9bf6
Date: 2020-08-11T20:52:47.502Z
VS Code: 1.48.0
Electron: 7.3.2
Chrome: 78.0.3904.130
Node.js: 12.8.1
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19041
There is a setting within the File-->Preferences-->Settings called "Notebook: Save Connection Name". (You can search settings for that name) Once that is toggled, the notebook will remember the connection name that you used.
This assumes that you have saved and named connections in the first place.

The locale identifier (LCID) 8192 is not supported by SQL Server

I am trying to make transactional replication and getting the exception on publications while viewing the snapshot agent status:
The locale identifier (LCID) 8192 is not supported by SQL Server
What does it mean? Solution?
This might not be 100% accurate but it is how I understand it:
SQL Server runs as a service on Windows. This service is executed by a user, and every user has a specific locale and local identifier. SQL basically just wants an en_US locale because otherwise it messes something up.
To solve this we can first change the user that runs the service and see if that fixes it (it did for me). Go to Windows Services, right click SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) > properties > Log On > Tick the 'Local System account' radiobutton. Restart the service by right clicking SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) again and clicking restart.
If it works, great! If it doesn't, change the locale of the Locale System account to en_US and the id to 00000409.
Go to RegEdit -> HKEY_USERS -> [SID Local Admin] -> Control Panel -> International and change keys "Locale" and "LocaleName" for the desired region.
As answered on a different question here
I solved it in the following way.
First, check in Services which user SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) runs as:
Next, open the Registry Editor and navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\. Find which ID the user has. In my case, the user MSSQLSERVER has the ID S-1-5-80-3880718306-3832830129-1677859214-2598158968-1052248003:
When you have the user's ID, in the Registry Editor, go to the path Computer\HKEY_USERS\[USER ID]\Control Panel\International. In my case, the path is Computer\HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-80-3880718306-3832830129-1677859214-2598158968-1052248003\Control Panel\International. There you will find two keys named Locale and LocaleName:
In my case, they had the following values:
Locale = 00000c00
LocaleName = en-SE
Change them to:
Locale = 00000409
LocaleName = en-US
Next, restart the service SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER).
In my case, I wanted to deploy an SSIS package to SQL Server, and it worked after I had done this change:

Create WSFC for AlwaysON AG

PowerShell Script
New-Cluster -Name "DI-XXX-YY-CLUSTER" -Node "di-XXX-YY-db1","di-XXX-YY-db2" -NoStorage -StaticAddress 172.17.XX.YYY
Set-ClusterQuorum -NodeAndFileShareMajority "\\DI-XXX-YY-WS1\ClusterQuorum"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "DI-XXX-YY-WS1" -ScriptBlock { mkdir c:\Quorum}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "DI-XXX-YY-WS1" -ScriptBlock { New-SmbShare -Name "Quorum" -Path "c:\Quorum" -FullAccess "didevtest.local\DI-XXX-YY-CLUSTE"}
Add-ClusterNode -Cluster "DI-XXX-YY-CLUSTER" -Name "di-XXX-YY-db2" -NoStorage
The Server manager on the second node (di-XXX-YY-db2) showing a warning.
Incomplete communication with DI-XXX-YY-CLUSTER. The following nodes
or cluster roles might be offline or have connectivity issues
Server Manager->All Servers
The Server Manager refresh fails on the second node (di-XXX-YY-db2)
Windows error log entries
The Kerberos client received a KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error from the
server di-XXX-XX-db1$. The target name used was
MSServerClusterMgmtAPI/DI-XXX-XX-CLUSTER.didevtest.local. This
indicates that the target server failed to decrypt the ticket provided
by the client. This can occur when the target server principal name
(SPN) is registered on an account other than the account the target
service is using. Ensure that the target SPN is only registered on the
account used by the server. This error can also happen if the target
service account password is different than what is configured on the
Kerberos Key Distribution Center for that target service. Ensure that
the service on the server and the KDC are both configured to use the
same password. If the server name is not fully qualified, and the
target domain (DIDEVTEST.LOCAL) is different from the client domain
(DIDEVTEST.LOCAL), check if there are identically named server
accounts in these two domains, or use the fully-qualified name to
identify the server.
DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer
DI-XXX-XX-CLUSTER.didevtest.local using any of the configured
protocols; requested by PID 14d4
You are creating a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC), not an FCI. FCI is the clustered instance of SQL Server.
That said, check networking (including DNS), firewall, and most importantly, AD. If the WSFC is not coming online, it could be any of these things. Make sure that the CNO is precreated or the account creating the WSFC has rights to create objects in AD. If the object is there but not in DNS, similar issue - make sure DNS is right.
Also, why are you running Add-ClusterNode? The WSFC is being formed with both nodes in New-Cluster.
Check the logs and Event Viewer. They will give you a clue as to why things are messed up.
One NIC is fine if it's virtualized. There are cases where you would have two NICs (always in physical). Do you have two NICs in one server but not the other?
Also read all the text and not just go by the yellow/green/blue. Sometimes the problem is in the notes.
That said, again, go check SPNs and DNS. Look for things like duplicate or stale DNS records or duplicate SPNs.
You can search for "KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED cluster" on the web to see quite a few different solutions, but most are DNS related (including what I mentioned).

The Process Could Not Read File Due to OS Error 53

I have hunted high and low for a fix to this, but everything is saying the same - a permissions error. The error given in the replication monitor clearly states it, but I can't see what I have got wrong.
The set-up (sorry for all the red lines in the screenshots - doing my best to disguise stuff ;) ):
Publisher and distributor are on SQL Server 2012 (11.0.3128)
Subscriber is a remote SQL Server 2008 (10.50.2550) - using a pull subscription
Windows user called SQL_Replication_Dev This user exists on both servers with the same password
Login for SQL_Replication_Dev user created in both SQL Servers
The SQL_Replication_Dev user is mapped to the publishing DB and the distribution DB on the publisher and the subscriber DB on the subscriber. In all instances, has the db_owner role assigned
The publication is using a network share and not the default folder
The SQL_Replication_Dev user has Full Control to the share
The SQL_Replication_Dev user has Full Control to the underlying folder
The SQL_Replication_Dev user is on the Public Access List (PAL) for the publication
Both the snapshot agent and the log reader agent are set as the SQL_Replication_Dev user
The subscription distribution agent is set to use the SQL_Replication_Dev user and impersonate
The subscription creates successfully and fires the publication snapshot agent to successfully create a snapshot in the folder share.
When looking at the replication monitor on the publisher, I then see the OS error 53 ( with the detail of The network path was not found. The path and file exist and are accessible to the SQL_Replication_Dev user (I tested this by logging into the server and navigating to the file via the share - is that good enough?).
Any ideas?
It looks like I did have everything configured correctly and I ended up creating a VPN connection between the publisher and subscriber. I could then set the Alternate Path in the subscriber properties to \\local_ip_address_of_publisher\ReplicationDev.
As the VPN connection was only needed for the initial snapshot I could then disconnect the VPN.
In the future, should I need to pass another snapshot, I can re-connect the VPN and make sure the Alternate Path in the subscriber properties are set to use the new local ip address of the publisher.
