WPF error message: Partial declaration must not specify different base classes - wpf

Why do I have this error message for a UserControl:
Partial declaration of
MyNamespace.MyUserControl must not
specify different base classes
Just because I inherited from another UserControl class I created in another namespace whereas this other namespace is referenced in the XAML as

Little to go on here, but this usually happens when the code behind and the xaml file do not inherit from the same base class.
Since we do not have all the details concerning your problem,
I'll create a situation that will cause the same exception to be thrown,
this might help you understand your problem.
As an example, just create new WPF application using Visual Studio,
The XAML might look something like this:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow" .....>
The code behind would then contain something like this:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
//Code here
Note the 'partial' modifier here. It means this class (MainWindow) might
not be defined in a single file but spread out across multiple files,
in this case the XAML (.xaml.cs) and the CS (.cs) files.
Now add a new UserControl to the solution. It will be named UserControl1.
Without making any changes to the XAML, change the code behind for the MainWindow:
public partial class MainWindow : UserControl1
//Code here
Now you'll get the exception you questioned about.
Look for something like this in your code, if you still can't find a solution,
please provide more code.

look to both your .cs and .xaml files at this parts
in .xaml file :
<Window x:Class="BUSsAsDesign.GUI.IGPopUP" > ...... </Window>
in .cs file :
namespace BUSsAsDesign.GUI
public partial class IGPopUP : Window
//code here
Now if u wanna change Window to UserControl
<Window x:Class="BUSsAsDesign.GUI.IGPopUP" > ....... </Window>
<UserControl x:Class="BUSsAsDesign.GUI.IGPopUP" > ....... </UserControl>
namespace BUSsAsDesign.GUI
public partial class IGPopUP : Window
//code here
namespace BUSsAsDesign.GUI
public partial class IGPopUP : UserControl
//code here
- i hope it`s useful :) .

I wanted to add this piece of information. In Visual Studio 2017, There is a bug which I haven't had time to dig into with much depth, but it causes this error. (from the OP)
Overview: When declaring a partial class as an x:Class for a resource xaml file, it will cause this error, and after removing the declaration, the error will persist.
To reproduce this bug, (or if you are here because you are getting this error message)
Step 1: Create a new WPF Project.
Step 2: Create a new Resource File
Step 3: Change the resource files name-space to the projects main namespace (remove the bit at the end.)
Step 4: In the resource files declaration/header section, add an x:Class declaration specifying your MainWindow (default startup window object) as the Class for that resource file. (EG: x:Class=MainWindow)
Step 5: Clean/Rebuild Solution
Step 6: You should now be getting this error from the OP. So remove the x:Class Declaration from your header on the Resource File, and save/clean/rebuild the project.
If the bug was reproduced, the error should remain, even though you have removed the x:Class declaration from the resource file.
The only solution I could find for this bug, is to delete the projects Bin folder, and any other folder with builds in it.
After deleting them, Clean/Rebuild your project, and the error should be gone.


Something very strange with WPF solution

This is happening in several old or new projects in my WPF based solution. I have just added a window called Dashboard, and in the generated 'Dashboard.xaml.vbfile, I entered the following code. Note it normally pastesInitializeComponentin for you when you createSub New`, but now it doesn't. So, I have:
Public Class DashBoard
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
Ans the compiler complains that:
Error 15 'InitializeComponent' is not declared. It may be inaccessible
due to its protection level.
It's as if the IDE doesn't know this is the code behind for a Window. Some kind of partial class or link is missing, yet in the vbproj file, we do still find the link:
<Compile Include="Bridge.xaml.vb">
I am using PostSharp on all projects for automatic error logging, but it has never given me trouble before. It is remarkably well behaved.
`Dashboard.xaml' looks like:
<Window x:Class="DashBoard"
Title="DashBoard" Height="300" Width="300">
and `Dashboard.xaml.vb' looks like this:
Public Class DashBoard
End Class
To relate you Dashboard.xaml.vb file with the existing Dashboard.xaml file, you need to:
declare the class partial, and
make it inherit from the WPF window base class, for example:
Public Partial Class Dashboard Inherits Window
As long as your class does not inherit from Window, it's clear that it doesn't find the InitializeComponent method.
However, this does not explain why the necessary code parts are not generated automatically. How does the Dashboard.xaml file look like?

inheriting user control from a base class

I've done lots of searching and found lots of answers but for some reason it's not working for me. I have a VB app in WPF. I want some common code for user controls.
So I make a base class like this:
Public Class cU
Inherits UserControl
Public Value As Double
End Class
And a user control, the Xaml starts like this:
<UserControl x:Class="UserControl3"
So all I have to do, as far as I can see, is to change this to:
<local:cU x:Class="UserControl3"
But although no error is shown in the Xaml window, I get and error in the error list:
"local" is an undeclared prefix. Line 1. position 2.' XML is not valid
(by the way, when I did exactly this in winrt it worked fine)
I tried changing it to local to Controls and also putting cU in a namespace called local but it doesn't change.
Add your namespace in your XAML for your window tag or control tag (depends whichever you are using).
<Window x:Class="YourNamespace.YourClass"
then you can use the <local:UserControl3 /> tag
the YourNamespace in your case would be WpfApplication1

Access MainWIndow Control from a class in a separate file

I add a TextBlock to the MainWindow in XAML. And I would need to change the TextBlock Text in a separate class resided in a separate .cs file. I tried the following:
private static fooNameSpace.MainWindow tW1;
tW1 = this;
tW1.textBlock1.Text = "This is a paragraph";
It worked if the class is reside in the same file as the MainWindow class, But it throws me an null exception if the class is reside in a separate file. I have already added the using fooNameSpace; Still doesn't work
I can't figure out the right way to make a reference from a separate file class to the MainWindow and it's Control. Tips anyone?
To answer my question - use internal instead of public.
// in MainWindow.xaml.cs internal
internal static fooNameSpace.MainWindow tW1;
// in foo.cs
MainWindow.tW1.txtBlock1.Text = "This is a paragraph";
the internal keyword allows other class in other cs file to get access to MainWindow controls.
But I'm not so sure about using internal to solve this problem as it allow my other class to get access to everything else in my MainWindow...any better option out there?
You mentioned XAML, so I will assume you are talking about a WPF application. the .xaml and .xaml.cs files go hand in hand. If you need to access anything in that "control" you will need to instantiate it or need its reference in the outside class.
As for the error, you declare the tw1 but it is not instantiated - which is the reason you are getting a Null exception error. Doing tw1 = this is also won't work.

WPF - Confusion with namespaces and "odd" errors

I've been trying to get my head around XAML and it's namespaces and I just cannot seem to get the logics of things. For example, I'm trying to animate a gridrow's GridLength property following a tutorial. I can get the sample code to run just fine. But trying to actually port the features into my own code seems to be impossible. I always run into odd errors which doesn't occur in the source code. Animating the GridLength property isn't possible, so I need to create a new .vb file containing the code making it possible.
But trying to actually reach what's in there I can't get to work.
In my Window.xaml file I have this at the top:
Which targets a GridLengthAnimation.vb file. In that file you have this:
Imports System.Windows.Media.Animation
Imports System.Windows
Public Class GridLengthAnimation
Inherits AnimationTimeline
Back in the Window.xaml, getting contact with "GridLengthAnimation" is impossible:
I get an error message saying:
The name "GridLengthAnimation" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:HDI_WPF_GridAnimation_vb".
What is causing the issue?
I dont see your nameSpace declaration around your class
Imports System.Windows.Media.Animation
Imports System.Windows
Namespace HDI_WPF_GridAnimation_vb
Public Class GridLengthAnimation
Inherits AnimationTimeline
If the HDI_WPF_GridAnimation_vb namespace is not in the same assembly as Window.xaml, you need to reference the assembly by adding it like this :

Changing namespace of the WPF Project Template

When I modify the xaml's cs's I will have to go in and manually modify the corresponding *.g.cs file. And it seems to get overwritten every time I rebuild.
So my question is, what is the proper way to change the namespace on a WPF application that has been generated by the WPF project template?
Since the .g.cs files are generated from the .xaml files, besides changing the namespace in the .xaml.cs files, you also have to change the namespace in the .xaml files.
For example, the main window in one of my projects is declared like this in mainwindow.xaml:
<Window x:Class="Penov.Playground.MainWindow">
The corresponding mainwindow.xaml.cs file contains:
namespace Penov.Playground
public class MainWindow
If I want to change the namespace from Penov.Playground, I need to change it in both places. This would result in a .g.cs files generated on the next build with the new namespace.
