Show form only in presence of graphics tablet/pen input device? - wpf

Is there any way that I can show a window only when a pen/tablet is in use, just like the windows tablet PC input panel is only shown when a pen/tablet is used (and not just connected)?

You can handle or set a trigger for the UIElement.StylusInRange event to make your control visible. (Conversely there is a StylusOutOfRange event which you might need for hiding)


GTK+3 disable the close icon present in a window (c program)

I'm developing a GUI in Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 - WM: Gnome) using GTK+3 and the graphic library cairo.
After clicked on a push button (Plot), using the instruction of cairo I draw a red square on a new top window where I put a GtkDrawingArea.
In this window I also put a push button (Cancel) that clicked, hide the window. In this way, if I re-push "Plot", the red square reappear.
The issue is the "x" icon present in the top bar of the window.
If (no me) a user push this x, the window disapper and if he re-push the "Plot" an error is reported.
The question is: it is possible avoid this possible cause of error?
(remove this "x" from the top bar of the window or in some way disable its functionality).
I tryed to find alone a solution and the possibility found are:
1 - Remove from the window the property of "decorated".
The top bar disapper (so also the x) but is not possible move the window on the screen
2 - Using the function gtk_window_set_deletable(window, FALSE) (used before to show the window), but the x is always there and pushing it the window is destroyed.
If you think that can be useful, I can report the code.
I'm waiting your suggestion.
Now we know what you want to achieve: display a separate window but avoid destroying it so you can display it again. You already have in the "Cancel" button of your secondary window the logic to hide it.
The cleanest solution is to just do the same: when the user tries to close the secondary window, hide it instead. This way the user is not frustrated of seeing something that apparently doesn't work as expected. Hidden or closed, it's different for you but it's the same for the user.
So you just need to connect to the delete-event of that secondary window, and hide it. There's even no need to create a specific callback for that, GTK+ provides it for you: you just need to connect the delete-event to gtk_widget_hide_on_delete. To display the window again, just call gtk_widget_show_all on it.
Original answer:
I realize the plot
"realize" is a term that has a defined meaning in GTK+. Don't use it out of context, and try to use an alternate term if you're not talking about widget realization.
What I would like is to remove this "x" from the top bar of the window
or in some way disable its functionality.
Do you understand this is ultra annoying for a user and defeats a unified user experience? Would you like to use applications that do random different things?
Anyway, one way of disabling the closing button is to connect to the delete-event and return TRUE there to stop the propagation of the event. The button will still be there but do nothing, so you will have to kill the app to exit it.
To make the button disappear, gtk_window_set_deletable will ask the Window Manager to do that, but we'd need some code to know what's wrong with your attempt.

Cannot change cursor in a WinForms control at designt time

We have a WinForms control (inherits Systems.Windows.Forms.Control) with a custom designer attached to it (inherits ControlDesigner). We need to process some mouse events like clicks in a special area inside our control at design time. To indicate that mouse click is available in that area, we need to change the default 4-arrow cursor to something else - at least, to the standard arrow, but we could not find a way to do that.
We redefined the ControlDesigner.GetHitTest method to return true for that special click rectangle, but the cursor simply flashes when it is over the area. It is changed to the default arrow for some milliseconds, and then back to the 4-arrow cursor which implies the whole control can be selected and moved on the form. Overriding ControlDesigner.OnSetCursor does not have any effect as it seems this virtual method is called only when the cursor is changed to the default 4-arrow cursor. Games with WndProc (trying to intercept WM_MOUSE* events) did not get us any positive results too.
Even when we try to implement samples from related books (like the SimpleLineControl from Eric White's "GDI+ Programming-Creating Custom Controls Using C#"), we have the same behavior.
Our dev env is VS2010/.NET 4.0 which is the minimal requirement. How to make it work in this and later environments?

Disable a right click (press and hold) in WPF application.

I am working on the touch screen application which is running on Windows XP Standard. With current hardware to invoke a right click user has to click and hold for couple of seconds, but this might interfere with other actions like holding a repeat button in the scrollviewer, so I have decide to disable a right click.
I would ideally wan't to disable a right click on the application level, but if it is not possible, disable right click on windows level would also work for me.
The OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown/Up approach did not work for me.
There is a property Stylus.IsPressAndHoldEnabled on UIElement however. Set that to false to get rid of the press and hold right click behavior. I tested this on Windows 7 with .NET 4.0, but the property is available from .NET 3.0.
<RepeatButton Stylus.IsPressAndHoldEnabled="false" ... />
There is also a blogpost here that provides a code sample for a similar disabling of press and hold at window level. But with this in place, the PreviewTouchDown and TouchDown events will not be raised as soon as the finger touches the screen (which would be necessary for a RepeatButton I guess), only later. Read the 'Remarks' on this msdn page.
You can override the OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown on the Window and set Handled to true. You also need to handle OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp (thanks to Vitalij for pointing this out)
That should do the trick.

Need to control "Z Order" of windows within WPF Application

I have an application that, due to OpenGL airspace issues, has to host several controls in separate, exclusive windows. This is working quite well, but I am setting all of the windows to TopMost = true, which means that they do stay showing even when they lose focus, but they also overlay other applications. Also, it kind of binds me to using only one window at a time for this. Activate() doesn't work either.
I found that setting the windows' owners to the main app window allowed them to always float on top.
Inside the control that mediates the content and measurement of the child window:
InnerWindow.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this);
this being the windowHostControl hosting this window.
I use to combine Activate() and Focus() methods to show a hidden Window. Can you try using Focus() and let us know if this is working ?

WinForms floating windows (like Delphi7 IDE)

I want to setup my WinForm to look like the Delphi7 IDE. Basically that means the window has no background (the desktop shows through), and child windows float around.
Here's a sample image:
I can handle the floating windows, but how would I go for the main window (the menu bar and the toolbar)? What are the WinForm properties required to get this layout? I can't seem to be able to get rid of the window's client area.
Thank you
Why can't you get rid of the client area? Just resize the main form so that it's as thin as you can make it.
You may be implementing the floating windows as UserControls in the main form's Controls collection. If so, there are two ways you can deal with this:
Implement the floating windows as actual windows. Show them using "frmToolWindows.Show(this);" (this will keep them always on top of your main form).
If you need to keep the floaters as UserControls, you can make the client area of your main form transparent by setting the form's TransparencyKey property to some arbitrary color (Color.Red, for example) and then setting the form's BackColor property to the same color. This will make your form transparent and able to be clicked through.
Please don't make a UI like this. It is very non-standard, and doesn't gain anything in the realm of usability. You could simplify things by keeping it all in one window like Visual Studio.
