silverlight support in vs2010 - silverlight

hi i need some clarification about silverlight.
I want develop one silverlightapplication for win ce6.0.
so that my question is visualstudio2010 .net framework will no support for wince.
is silverlight will support in visual studio2005 and tel me the detailed description or links about that.

You should be able to develop some Silverlight for Windows Embedded using with VS2010 or VS2005. Bear in mind you will be really developing in a form of Silverlight 2 not 4.
See Silveright for Windows Embedded for details.

Afaik, Silverlight is only supported on the newer Windows Phone 7 devices.


Windows Phone or Windows Phone Silverlight

I have just installed Windows 8.1 and then installed Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition.
I tried to create a Windows Phone app and found out that there are two ways of creating it (in fact 3 if you count Universal Apps if I am not wrong)
Windows Phone
Windows Phone Silverlight
Can someone please tell me what exactly is the difference between these two? I read a couple of articles but still don't understand and this whole thing is very confusing.
When I tried to create a Windows Phone Silverlight project then it asked me whether I want to target 8.0 or 8.1.
When I tried to create Windows Phone project then it asked me to get a Developer license and didn't ask about version 8.0 or 8.1.
What shall I chose if my aim is to create an application for mobile devices (tablet/phones) that will run on maximum devices running Windows Phone 8 version?
Windows Phone 8 Silverlight is the older UI on Windows Phone 8. WinRT XAML is used for Windows Store Apps(these are Universal Apps). Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight is a bit different as explained here.
Windows Phone Silverlight, although older, is better in some ways. If your aim is to develop an app that is targeted only for phones and that doesn't have any use getting ported to Win8/RT, go with Silverlight. Background Audio is a mess in WinRT. Speech Recognition with Cortana is worse.
The controls of WinRT XAML are buggy. For example, there is a clear performance degradation of MapControl in WinRT XAML, whereas, in Silverlight, this is smoother.
On the other hand, Windows Store Apps have .NET Native, which converts C# to native C++ code, resulting in performance gains.
For a beginner, I would advise starting with Windows Phone 8 Silverlight apps.
Windows Phone Silverlight is the "old" platform that WP8.0 apps are built on. It asked you to target 8.0 or 8.1 because WP8.1 has a hybrid mode that lets you build WP8.1 apps but still have access to the Sliverlight API if you had a whole lot of legacy code you didn't want to port over just yet.
Windows Phone is the (mostly) universal platform for WP8.1 that is based on Windows Runtime.

silverlight for embedded systems

I am developing silverlight application using Blend2 and VS2008 for Embedded systems and I installed all the requirements.
Now i need to develop my silverlight application using C++
But in blend2 when i start silverlight application its showing only C# and VB only
Previously i did one sample application in blend2 and i gave control for that buttons using C# in VS2008
now i want make it control using C++
Can anyone please help me in this regard?
Silverlight = C# or VB only. No C++.

silverlight for wince6.0

i want to build silverlight application for wince6.0. im not getting whether we have to use vs2008 r expression blend can you tel me which one is suitable to build for wince6.0
Silverlight "sort of" exists for Windows CE (see here: ) but it's a version programmed via C++ that is, in many substantial ways, different from the Silverlight on a desktop PC, Mac, or Windows Phone 7.
I do not believe there is Blend support for this version of Silverlight, and the Visual Studio support is pretty limited. In fact, the whole framework is rather limited, as it's based on Silverlight 2, which is starting to feel pretty old at this point.
That said, hopefully the above link helps point you to samples and other documentation that can help.
Sorry, Silverlight doesn't support Windows CE 6.0. You can use the .NET Compact Framework instead, but it doesn't get you XAML or the other cool things that you might have been hoping for from Silverlight.

Question regarding WPf/Silverlight/Windows Phone7 Developemt

I have experience coding in C# (console and Windows Form applications). For something to do in my free time, I've been intending to pick up another language, and have my sights on something thats a little more content rich. However, I'm confused about the following:
Windows Forms are used to develop GUI applications for windows. What is WPF and how is it different from Windows Forms
Does Windows Phone development use C#, or exclusively Silverlight? Or does it just use the .NET framework, and you can use either of the two?
Adding to other answer(s):
WPF uses an XML-based markup called XAML to describe the UI, like HTML does for a web page. The XAML file is paired with a "code-behind" (.cs or .vb) file that is compiled together when the app is built. Adding an XML element to the XAML file is equvalient to declaring an object in the code-behind file. For many classes, you can choose to do one or the other.
Use can use C# or VB.NET language to write Windows Phone apps (although currently only C# is available in the free Visual Studio Express that comes with the Windows phone tools on App Hub). Silverlight is a subset of the .NET Framework, whose classes can be used to write phone apps. You can also use the XNA libraries to develop phone applications.
I HIGHLY recommend Charles Petzolds free ebook for more. He does a great job of explaining this in the first couple chapters:
Hope that helps!
Win Forms are a light object oriented wrapper around the basic Win32 GDI primitives.
WPF and Silverlight do their own rendering, don't use GDI and are built on XML-based layout and the MIL.
Windows Phone Development uses Silverlight with C#. The WP7 version of Silverlight runs on a modified version of Silverlight 3, which in itself uses a modified/minified .NET framework. So WP7 development uses all of what you mentioned in question 2.
I can't give a much better answer than #jeffmaphone for question 1, so please look at his response.
Windows Phone 7 uses Silverlight for the UI but the code can be C# or VB. This page of Code Samples for Windows Phone has both but:
In order to build and run Visual Basic samples, you must install additional developer tools. For more information, see Installing Windows Phone Developer Tools.
For more information see the Windows Phone 7 Developer Guide
1) Windows Forms is one method to develop GUI apps for Windows, WPF is another (for Vista, 7 and XP SP2). In general, Windows Forms is great for simple, quick and dirty applications, while WPF works well for more complex and flashy applications.
2) Windows Phone uses Silverlight for non-game applications and XNA for games. In both cases, you can use C# as the logic layer. In other words, C# code decides where to put things in the UI, while Silverlight or XNA are different ways of talking to a display.
Be careful about searching for Silverlight tutorials, because not all of Silverlight is on the phone.
Here are my suggestions:
1) Check this discussion :WPF versus Winforms
2)Generally Windows Phone 7 supports two frameworks for developing applications– Silverlight and XNA. Check MSDN for reference:
The Silverlight and XNA Frameworks for Windows Phone
Features Supported in Silverlight for Windows Phone
PS: One of the best resource for Silverlight development is the official Silverlight web site:

AIR 2 app vs Silverlight 4 out-of-browser app?

Anyone released any Silverlight 4.0 out-of-browser app yet? does it compare to AIR 2.0?
Question about Silverlight 4, it has some webview-like control where I can write HTML+CSS right? What rendering engine does it use? What ver of CSS does it support? IE? IE7?
Planning to learn either Adobe AIR or Silverlight, but have not decided on which.
Just read the MSDN's Hilo: Developing C++ Applications for Windows 7 and I just can't imagine myself writing any native Windows app. The language, framework and libraries are too complex and pathetic.
Seesmic Desktop 2.0 is a good example of a Silverlight 4 application that runs out of browser.
