SQL Server Trigger. Need Help - sql-server

I have a table with these columns:
Whenever the paid column is updated I need to recalculate the remained using the following calculation debt minus paid
Could someone help me achieve this?

You could consider a computed column instead.
This article has the syntax for creating from scratch or adding to an existing schema, along the lines of
ALTER TABLE yourtable ADD remainder AS debt - paid

Given table
MyTablePK int,
debt numeric(10,2),
paid numeric(10,2),
remainder numeric(10,2)
The following trigger will recalculate field Remainder
Set mt.Remainder = mt.Debt - mt.Paid
FROM [MyTable] mt INNER JOIN Inserted i
on mt.MyTablePK = i.MyTablePK
You could also define Remainder as a Computed persisted column, which would have a similar effect without the side effects of triggers

Why perform a calculation in a trigger when SQL can do it for you, and you don't have to worry about triggers being disabled, etc:
/* Other columns */
Debt decimal (18,4) not null,
Paid decimal (18,4) not null,
Remained as Debt-Paid
This is called a computed column

create trigger DebtPaid
on DebtTable
after insert, update
as if update(paid)
update DebtTable
set remained = inserted.debt - inserted.paid
where customerId = inserted.customerId

Computed columns can be good but they are calculated on the fly and arent stored anywhere, for some big queries that perform long calculations having a physical denormalyzed value in Remained controlled by trigger can be better than computed columns.
In your trigger remember to only update rows that were updated , you access those by virtual table Inserted Deleted available in triggers.


Recording info in SQL Server trigger

I have a table called dsReplicated.matDB and a column fee_earner. When that column is updated, I want to record two pieces of information:
from the row where fee_earner has been updated.
I've got the basic syntax for doing something when the column is updated but need a hand with the above to get this over the line.
ALTER TRIGGER [dsReplicated].[tr_mfeModified]
ON [dsReplicated].[matdb]
IF (UPDATE(fee_earner))
print 'Matter fee earner changed to '
The problem with triggers in SQL server is that they are called one per SQL statement - not once per row. So if your UPDATE statement updates 10 rows, your trigger is called once, and the Inserted and Deleted pseudo tables inside the trigger each contain 10 rows of data.
In order to see if fee_earner has changed, I'd recommend using this approach instead of the UPDATE() function:
ALTER TRIGGER [dsReplicated].[tr_mfeModified]
ON [dsReplicated].[matdb]
-- I'm just *speculating* here what you want to do with that information - adapt as needed!
INSERT INTO dbo.AuditTable (Id, TriggerTimeStamp, Mt_Code, Old_Fee_Earner, New_Fee_Earner)
i.PrimaryKey, SYSDATETIME(), i.Mt_Code, d.fee_earner, i.fee_earner
FROM Inserted i
-- use the two pseudo tables to detect if the column "fee_earner" has
-- changed with the UPDATE operation
INNER JOIN Deleted d ON i.PrimaryKey = d.PrimaryKey
AND d.fee_earner <> i.fee_earner
The Deleted pseudo table contains the values before the UPDATE - so that's why I take the d.fee_earner as the value for the Old_Fee_Earner column in the audit table.
The Inserted pseudo table contains the values after the UPDATE - so that's why I take the other values from that Inserted pseudo-table to insert into the audit table.
Note that you really must have an unchangeable primary key in that table in order for this trigger to work. This is a recommended best practice for any data table in SQL Server anyway.

SQL server GetDate in trigger called sequentially has the same value

I have a trigger on a table for insert, delete, update that on the first line gets the current date with GetDate() method.
The trigger will compare the deleted and inserted table to determine what field has been changed and stores in another table the id, datetime and the field changed. This combination must be unique
A stored procedure does an insert and an update sequentially on the table. Sometimes I get a violation of primary key and I suspect that the GetDate() returns the same value.
How can I make the GetDate() return different values in the trigger.
Here is the code of the trigger
ON table
SET NoCount ON
DECLARE #dt Datetime
SELECT #dt = GetDate()
insert tableLog (id, date, field, old, new)
select I.id, #dt, 'field', D.field, I.field
where IsNull(I.field, -1) <> IsNull(D.field, -1)
and the code of the calls
insert into table ( anotherfield)
values (#anotherfield)
if ##rowcount=1 SET #ID=##Identity
update table
set field = #field
where Id = #ID
Sometimes the GetDate() between the 2 calls (insert and update) takes 7 milliseconds and sometimes it has the same value.
That's not exactly full solution but try using SYSDATETIME instead and of course make sure that target table can store up datetime2 up to microseconds.
Note that you can't force different datetime regardless of precision (unless you will start counting up to ticks) as stuff can just happen at the same time wihthin given precision.
If stretching up to microseconds won't solve the issue on practical level, I think you will have to either redesign this logging schema (perhaps add identity column on top of what you have) or add some dirty trick - like make this insert in try catch block and add like microsecond (nanosecond?) in a loop until you insert successfully. Definitely not s.t. I would recommend.
Look at this answer: SQL Server: intrigued by GETDATE()
If you are inserting multiple ROWS, they will all use the same value of GetDate(), so you can try wrapping it in a UDF to get unique values. But as I said, this is just a guess unless you post the code of your trigger so we can see what you are actually doing?
It sounds like you're trying to create an audit trail - but now you want to forge some of the entries?
I'd suggest instead adding a rowversion column to the table and including that in your uniqueness criteria - either instead of or as well as the datetime value that is being recorded.
In this way, even if two rows are inserted with identical date/time data, you can still tell the actual insertion order.

Can I prevent a computed column from changing it's value if the formula changes?

I have a computed column in MS SQL 2005 that does some VAT calculations. The website uses invoices that can only be generated once and rely on the value in the computed column to work out the VAT.
Unfortunately, a bug was found that means that the the VAT value calculated was off by a few cents. Not a huge problem but we can't change the values from all the previously computed values as these need to be honoured on the invoices.
How do I change the calculation for a computed column without re-calculating the values that have already be calculated?
Long story short, you can't, because the computed column definition applies to all rows in the table. But why are you using a computed column here anyway? If (when) the VAT rate changes, the rules for applying it to goods and services change, and the number of invoices increases over time, then a computed column becomes more and more awkward as a solution.
It would be a lot simpler and safer to calculate the VAT once, store it in a column and then just don't update the value. You can use permissions, triggers and/or auditing to ensure that the value is not changed after being entered.
So I would add a new, non-computed column, copy the values from the computed column and drop the computed column (see this question). Plus whatever application development you need to do to actually calculate the values in the first place, of course. It's some extra work but since you've found a bug you have to fix it anyway.
If there is a datestamp on the row your formula can vary based on that value. Note that you will have to drop the computed column and re-add it. This will require minimal integration, however I think eventually you should plan on stamping this value instead of using the calculation.
CREATE TABLE dbo.mytable ( low int, high int, insertdate datetime, myavg AS (low + high)/2 ) ;
insert into dbo.mytable values (1,10,'10-10-10')
insert into dbo.mytable values (1,10,'10-10-10')
insert into dbo.mytable values (2,20,'11-11-11')
alter table dbo.mytable add myavgplusone as ( case when insertdate < '11-1-11' then (low + high)/2 else ((low + high)/2)+1 end)
select * from dbo.mytable

Best way to get totally sequential int values in SQL Server

I have a business requirement that the InvoiceNumber field in my Invoices table be totally sequential - no gaps or the auditors might think our accountants are up to something fishy!
My first thought was to simply use the primary key (identity) but if a transaction is rolled back a gap appears in the sequence.
So my second thought is to use a trigger which, at the point of insert, looks for the highest InvoiceNumber value in the table, adds 1 to it, and uses it as the InvoiceNumber for the new row. Easy to implement.
Are there potential issues with near-simultaneous inserts? For example, might two near simultaneous inserts running the trigger at the same time get the same 'currently highest InvoiceNumber' value and therefore insert rows with the same InvoiceNumber?
Are there other issues I might be missing? Would another approach be better?
Create a table which keeps tracks of 'counters'.
For your invoices, you can add some record to that table which keeps track of the next integer that must be used.
When creating an invoice, you should use that value, and increase it. When your transaction is rolled back, the update to that counter will be rollbacked as well. (Make sure that you put a lock on that table, to be sure that no other process can use the same value).
This is much more reliable than looking at the highest current counter that is being used in your invoice table.
You may still get gaps if data gets deleted from the table. But if data only goes in and not out, then with proper use of transactions on an external sequence table, it should be possible to do this nicely. Don't use MAX()+1 because it can have timing issues, or you may have to lock more of the table (page/table) than required.
Have a sequential table that has only one single record and column. Retrieve numbers from the table atomically, wrapping the retrieval and usage in a single transaction.
begin tran
declare #next int
update seqn_for_invoice set #next=next=next+1
insert invoice (invoicenumber,...) value (#next, ....)
The UPDATE statement is atomic and cannot be interrupted, and the double assignment make the value of #next atomic. It is equivalent to using an OUTPUT clause in SQL Server 2005+ to return the updated value. If you need a range of numbers in one go, it is easier to use the PRE-update value rather than the POST-update value, i.e.
begin tran
declare #next int
update seqn_for_invoice set #next=next, next=next+3 -- 3 in one go
insert invoice (invoicenumber,...) value (#next, ....)
insert invoice (invoicenumber,...) value (#next+1, ....)
insert invoice (invoicenumber,...) value (#next+2, ....)
Reference for SQL Server UPDATE statement
SET #variable = column = expression sets the variable to the same value as the column. This differs from SET #variable = column, column = expression, which sets the variable to the pre-update value of the column.
CREATE TABLE dbo.Sequence(
val int
Insert a row with an initial seed. Then to allocate a range of sufficient size for your insert (call it in the same transaction obviously)
CREATE PROC dbo.GetSequence
#val AS int OUTPUT,
#n as int =1
UPDATE dbo.Sequence
SET #val = val = val + #n;
SET #val = #val - #n + 1;
This will block other concurrent attempts to increment the sequence until the first transaction commits.

Check constraints in Ms Sql Sever 2005

I am trying to add a check constraint which verity if after an update the new value (which was inserted) is greater than old values which is already stored in table.
For example i have a "price" column which already stores value 100, if the update comes with 101 the is ok, if 99 comes then my constraint should reject the update process. Can this behavior be achieved using check constraints or should i try to use triggers or functions ?
Please advice me regarding this...
Check constraints can't access the previous value of the column. You would need to use a trigger for this.
An example of such a trigger would be
CREATE TRIGGER DisallowPriceDecrease
ON Products
JOIN deleted d
ON i.primarykey = d.primarykey
AND i.price< d.price)
RAISERROR('Prices may not be decreased', 16, 1)
Triggers start as a quick fix, and end with a maintenance nightmare. The two big problems with triggers are:
It's hard to see when a trigger is called. You can easily write an update statement without being aware that a trigger will run.
When triggers start triggering other triggers, it becomes hard to tell what will happen.
As an alternative, wrap access to the table in a stored procedure. For example:
create table TestTable (productId int, price numeric(6,2))
insert into TestTable (productId, price) values (1,5.0)
create procedure dbo.IncreasePrice(
#productId int,
#newPrice numeric(6,2))
with execute as owner
update dbo.TestTable
set price = #newPrice
where productId = #productId
and price <= #newPrice
return ##ROWCOUNT
Now if you try to decrease the price, the procedure will fail and return 0:
exec IncreasePrice 1, 4.0
select * from TestTable --> 1, 5.00
exec IncreasePrice 1, 6.0
select * from TestTable --> 1, 6.00
Stored procedures are pretty easy to read. Compared to triggers, they'll cause you a lot less headaches. You can enforce the use of stored procedures by not giving any user the right to UPDATE tables. That's a good practice anyway.
