dynamic button event in xml parsing - wpf

i create a dynamic button(xmlparsingbuildbutton) during a buttonclick(xmlparsingbutton) event.
I did a xml parsing...once each xml target is parsed, they will create an individual checkbox. What i need is this: Create a dynamic button event(xmlparsingbuildbutton). During this dynamic button event, for every checkbox that is checked, they will append a text file by writing new lines into the text file. This gets confusing to me because right now i have a foreachloop embedded in the xmlparsingbutton event that creates all these checkboxes.
Right now, I've coded it in such a way that whenever i check the checkboxes, my append of file event will not fire therefore I created this "xmlparsingbuildbutton" to help fire the event.From my understanding, usually i would hard code buttonclickevent, however in this case the target value always change in the foreach loop and therefore it is not right to just merely hardcode the buttonclickevent.
So my question is how do i have this button event to be inside the foreach loop of the xmlparsing event button? Please clarify my doubts. Many thanks!
Here is my code:
private void xmlparsingButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(#"C:\Build.xml");
var abc = from target in xmlDoc.Descendants("target")
select (string)target.Attribute("if");
ColumnDefinition gridCol1 = new ColumnDefinition();
gridCol1.Width = new GridLength(300);
ColumnDefinition gridCol2 = new ColumnDefinition();
gridCol2.Width = new GridLength(300);
ColumnDefinition gridCol3 = new ColumnDefinition();
gridCol3.Width = new GridLength(300);
ColumnDefinition gridCol4 = new ColumnDefinition();
gridCol4.Width = new GridLength(300);
RowDefinition gridRow1 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow1.Height = new GridLength(50);
RowDefinition gridRow2 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow2.Height = new GridLength(50);
RowDefinition gridRow3 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow3.Height = new GridLength(50);
RowDefinition gridRow4 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow4.Height = new GridLength(50);
RowDefinition gridRow5 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow5.Height = new GridLength(50);
RowDefinition gridRow6 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow6.Height = new GridLength(50);
RowDefinition gridRow7 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow7.Height = new GridLength(50);
RowDefinition gridRow8 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow8.Height = new GridLength(50);
RowDefinition gridRow9 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow9.Height = new GridLength(50);
RowDefinition gridRow10 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow10.Height = new GridLength(50);
RowDefinition gridRow11 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow11.Height = new GridLength(50);
RowDefinition gridRow12 = new RowDefinition();
gridRow12.Height = new GridLength(50);
int i = 0;
int j = 1;
System.Windows.Controls.Button XmlparsingbuildButton = new System.Windows.Controls.Button();
Grid.SetColumn(XmlparsingbuildButton, 4);
Grid.SetRow(XmlparsingbuildButton, 12);
XmlparsingbuildButton.Height = 23;
XmlparsingbuildButton.Width = 51;
XmlparsingbuildButton.Content = "Build";
foreach(string target in abc)
if (target != null && !Dictionarycheck.ContainsKey(target))
System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox chk = new System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox();
chk.Name = target+"CheckBox";
chk.Content = target;
Grid.SetColumn(chk, i); //sets column
Grid.SetRow(chk, j); //sets row
tab4grid.Children.Add(chk); //adds the control
Tabitem5.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
if (i == 4)
i = 0;
if (chk.IsChecked == true)
using (var writer = File.AppendText(#"c:\testing.txt"))
Tabitem5.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Tabcontrol1.SelectedIndex = 4;

I have to admit, I have problems understanding your problem. If I get it right, you're trying to do the following:
Parse a Xml document ("C:\Build.xml") with (roughly) this format:
target if="aaa" />
target if="bbb" />
Create a CheckBox for each target tag with if- attribute set
Check the CheckBox containing the string you want to use
Click a button to append the checked strings to a text file ("c:\testing.txt")
If this is correct, then I think your solution won't do that. I not sure if I can understand what you are trying to do in your code. The way you set up the comboboxes they will never be checked the time you use your writer.
How about this:
Use a StackPanel (stackPanel1) instead of a grid. That way you don't have to create all the row definitions. (Ok, I have to admit, I don't know what all these columns are for)
Create a simple logic for a button to append the checked ComboBoxes to the file
private void xmlparsingButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(#"C:\Build.xml");
var abc = from target in xmlDoc.Descendants("target")
select (string) target.Attribute("if");
foreach (string target in abc)
if (target != null)
System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox chk = new System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox();
chk.Name = target + "CheckBox";
chk.Content = target;
chk.Tag = target;
private void btnAppendToTextFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
using (var writer = File.AppendText(#"c:\testing.txt"))
foreach (var child in stackPanel1.Children)
if ((child is CheckBox) && ((CheckBox) child).IsChecked.Value)
I hope this helps you with your problem.


get cell content of WPF DataGrid after CellEditEnding and format numbers in DataGrid

Now I've searched for hours but didn't find an answer.
I have a WPF app with a DataGrid and want to edit data directly within a DataGrid cell. I can read the Data before change but not after change and therefore I can't save the changes.
And the second question is, how can I format numbers ("0.0") in a DataGrid column?
What I have so far:
There's nothing special in the XAML, only the raw definition of the DataGrid, without column definitions or something else.
And this is my source:
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(dbFile[0]) | !System.IO.File.Exists(dbFile[1])) // the 2 XML data files
MessageBox.Show("File(s)" + Environment.NewLine + " " + dbFile[0] + Environment.NewLine + "and/or" + Environment.NewLine + " " + dbFile[1] + Environment.NewLine + "don't exist." + Environment.NewLine + "The program will be closed.", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
private void OpenData()
DataTable dbDataTbl = new DataTable("MyData"); // name must be the same as in XML!!!
// DataGrid
DataView dataView = new DataView(dbDataTbl);
DataGrid1.ItemsSource = dataView;
// format column ID
DataGrid1.Columns[0].IsReadOnly = true; // ID
Style style = new Style(); // creates object of style class
style.TargetType = typeof(DataGridCell); // sets target type as DataGrid cell
Setter s = new Setter(); // create objects of setter class
s.Property = HorizontalAlignmentProperty;
s.Value = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
s = new Setter();
s.Property = ForegroundProperty;
s.Value = Brushes.LightGray;
DataGrid1.Columns[0].CellStyle = style;
// format column Date
style = new Style();
style.TargetType = typeof(DataGridCell);
s = new Setter();
s.Property = ContentStringFormatProperty;
s.Value = "yyyy-MM-dd"; // DOES NOT WORK !!!
DataGrid1.Columns[1].CellStyle = style;
// format column Weight
style = new Style();
style.TargetType = typeof(DataGridCell);
s = new Setter();
s.Property = HorizontalAlignmentProperty;
s.Value = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
s = new Setter();
s.Property = ContentStringFormatProperty;
//s.Value = "{}{0:0.0}"; // DOES NOT WORK !!!
s.Value = "0.0"; // DOES NOT WORK !!!
DataGrid1.Columns[2].CellStyle = style;
// format column Text
DataGrid1.Columns[3].MinWidth = 115;
private void DataGrid1_CellEditEnding(object sender, DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e)
int row = DataGrid1.Items.IndexOf(DataGrid1.CurrentItem);
int col = DataGrid1.CurrentCell.Column.DisplayIndex;
DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)DataGrid1.SelectedItem;
int id = Convert.ToInt32(drv.Row[0]); // value of ID
string val = drv.Row.ItemArray[col].ToString(); // old value of a cell
if (e.EditAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit)
var t = e.EditingElement as TextBox; // assumes columns are all TextBoxes
var txt = t.Text.ToString();
// when I press Enter after editing cell data I always get the old data,
// never the edited new one
// save data
// ...

Is there two way binding between table.defaultview and listview.itemsource?

I have a stackpanel with multiple usercontrols being created in code behind. When I genereate these usercontrols there are tables being filled with data in the app, then I click a button and in the code behind I want to fetch the data filled in the tables, but when I step through the code it doesn't seem like the tables are being refreshed/updated/filled with the new data. Do I need to set something to two way binding or updating something?
Here is my code.
private void TestGridValues_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
StackPanel stackPanel = this.TestGrids;
foreach (UserControl child in stackPanel.Children)
Grid content = child.Content as Grid;
ListView view = content.Children[0] as ListView;
ItemCollection itemCollection = view.Items;
DataRowView dataRowView = itemCollection.CurrentItem as DataRowView;
DataTable dataTable = dataRowView.DataView.Table;
private void MakeGridviewColumns(DataTable table)
this.ModelerListView.ItemsSource = table.DefaultView;
GridView gv = new GridView();
this.ModelerListView.View = gv;
// add the date column to gridview
GridViewColumn dateColumn = new GridViewColumn();
dateColumn.Header = "Date";
dateColumn.DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Date");
foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in table.Columns)
if (dataColumn.ColumnName == "Date")
GridViewColumn gvc = new GridViewColumn();
gvc.Header = dataColumn.ColumnName;
DataTemplate dt = new DataTemplate();
FrameworkElementFactory txtBoxElement = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(TextBox));
Binding bind = new Binding();
bind.Path = new PropertyPath("Text");
bind.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
txtBoxElement.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, bind);
txtBoxElement.SetValue(TextBox.TextProperty, "test");
dt.VisualTree = txtBoxElement;
gvc.CellTemplate = dt;

Finding controls in Windows Forms C# .NET?

Using Windows Forms, two link labels are created dynamically. When the user clicks on anyone of links labels, one dynamic form is created. In that form I created one data grid, a text box and a button placed dynamically (in that dynamic form). Now I want to access the dynamic data grid in the dynamic button click event. How can I do that?
private void Users_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
da = new SqlDataAdapter("Usp_Get_Employees", con);
ds = new DataSet();
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
string somecode = i.ToString() + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["eid"].ToString();
LinkLabel lbluser = new LinkLabel();
lbluser.Name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["eid"].ToString();
lbluser.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ename"].ToString();
lbluser.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(40, i * 40);
lbluser.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(50, 30);
lbluser.Click += new EventHandler(lbluser_Click);
void lbluser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
LinkLabel lnkClis = (LinkLabel)sender;
Form frm = new Form();
frm.Name = lnkClis.Name;
frm.Text = lnkClis.Text;
DataGrid dtgrd = new DataGrid();
dtgrd.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 1 * 40);
dtgrd.Name = lnkClis.Name;
names = lnkClis.Name;
TextBox tx = new TextBox();
tx.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 5 * 40);
tx.Size = new Size(80, 30);
tx.Multiline = true;
tx.LostFocus += new EventHandler(tx_LostFocus);
Button btn = new Button();
btn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 7 * 40);
btn.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(50, 30);
btn.Name = lnkClis.Name;
btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click);
// Now I am trying to access the data grid in the btn_click event
void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button btsave = (Button)sender;
string eid = btsave.Name;
object grd = btsave.Parent.Controls.Find("dtgrd", true).FirstOrDefault();
((DataGrid)grd).DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
Now I am getting an error object set of instances of an object at:
((DataGrid)grd).DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
The exception message you have written:
Now I am getting an error object set of instances of an object at
makes no sense, but it looks like
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
If this is the case, I think the error lays in Find method call. According to documentation:
Searches for controls by their Name property and builds an array of all the controls that match.
In your button click handler you assume that grid is called dtgrd, but while you create a grid you name it like this:
dtgrd.Name = lnkClis.Name;
it will suffice if you change this line to:
dtgrd.Name = "dtgrd";
Having said that, you should consider using an anonymous method for the button click handler. It will eliminate need for calling the Find method in the first place.
void lbluser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataGrid dtgrd = new DataGrid();
Button btn = new Button();
btn.Click += (sender,args)=> dtgrd.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
Try the following code
public Form1()
Form f1 = new Form();
f1.Text = "New Form";
TextBox t1 = new TextBox();
t1.Top = 0;
t1.Name = "t1";
t1.Visible = true;
Button b1 = new Button();
b1.Top = 30;
b1.Name = "b1";
b1.Text = "Click";
b1.Click += b1_Click;
public void b1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button btn = (Button)sender;
object txt = btn.Parent.Controls.Find("t1", false).First();
((TextBox)txt).Text = "Hi, you have clicked me.";
I modified Nitesh's code a bit. Just capture the textbox in the click handler using a lambda:
public Form1()
Form f1 = new Form();
f1.Text = "New Form";
TextBox t1 = new TextBox();
t1.Top = 0;
t1.Name = "t1";
t1.Visible = true;
Button b1 = new Button();
b1.Top = 30;
b1.Name = "b1";
b1.Text = "Click";
b1.Click += (sender, args) => MessageBox.Show("The text is: " + t1.Text);
The error you are getting is from the statement (as the grd object is null):
((DataGrid)grd).DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
Since you are trying to catch hold of a dynamic control, it's good have a proper null checks, type checks, and error handling. Something like this:
if(grd != null && grd is DataGrid)
((DataGrid)grd).DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

Print Grid which generated dynamically in wpf

i want to print a grid which is generated dynamically.
Means, in the click event of the Print Button, i m generating a grid and then i want to print that grid.
here is my code,
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
PrintDialog Objprint = new System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog();
if (Objprint.ShowDialog() == true)
System.Printing.PrintCapabilities capabilities = Objprint.PrintQueue.GetPrintCapabilities(Objprint.PrintTicket);
double scale = Math.Min(capabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentWidth / this.ActualWidth, capabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentHeight / this.ActualHeight);
#region "Make a grid For Printing"
Grid objgrid = new Grid();
objgrid.Name = "GridForPrinting";
objgrid.Width = 1000;
objgrid.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
objgrid.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
objgrid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
TextBlock objtext = new TextBlock();
objtext.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
objtext.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center;
Grid.SetRow(objtext, 0);
Objprint.PrintVisual(objgrid, "Case Summary");
this code give me blank page to print.
how can i do that?
here i get answer,
from the below code i get what i want to do...
void PrintOnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
PrintDialog dlg = new PrintDialog();
if ((bool)dlg.ShowDialog().GetValueOrDefault())
// Create Grid panel.
Grid grid = new Grid();
// Define 5 auto-sized rows and columns.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
ColumnDefinition coldef = new ColumnDefinition();
coldef.Width = GridLength.Auto;
RowDefinition rowdef = new RowDefinition();
rowdef.Height = GridLength.Auto;
// Give the Grid a gradient brush.
grid.Background =
new LinearGradientBrush(Colors.Black, Colors.White,
new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1));
// Every program needs some randomness.
Random rand = new Random();
// Fill the Grid with 25 buttons.
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
Button btn = new Button();
btn.FontSize = 12 + rand.Next(8);
btn.Content = "Button No. " + (i + 1);
btn.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
btn.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
btn.Margin = new Thickness(6);
Grid.SetRow(btn, i % 5);
Grid.SetColumn(btn, i / 5);
// Size the Grid.
grid.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity,
Size sizeGrid = grid.DesiredSize;
// Determine point for centering Grid on page.
Point ptGrid =
new Point((dlg.PrintableAreaWidth - sizeGrid.Width) / 2,
(dlg.PrintableAreaHeight - sizeGrid.Height) / 2);
// Layout pass.
grid.Arrange(new Rect(ptGrid, sizeGrid));
// Now print it.
dlg.PrintVisual(grid, Title);
The PrintVisual print a Visual object. That means, by using the PrintVisual method, we can print any control, container, Window or user control that is in the visualtree.You cannot print a control that is not in the visualtree

Using a Storyboard animation on a programmatically-added control

I'm trying to fade in a new control to my application's "app" area which is programmatically added after the existing controls are removed. My code looks like this:
void settingsButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Fade in settings panel
NameScope.SetNameScope(this, new NameScope());
SettingsPane s = new SettingsPane();
s.Name = "settingsPane";
this.RegisterName(s.Name, s);
this.Resources.Add(s.Name, s);
Storyboard sb = new Storyboard();
DoubleAnimation settingsFade = new DoubleAnimation();
settingsFade.From = 0;
settingsFade.To = 1;
settingsFade.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.33));
settingsFade.RepeatBehavior = new RepeatBehavior(1);
Storyboard.SetTargetName(settingsFade, s.Name);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(settingsFade, new PropertyPath(UserControl.OpacityProperty));
However, when I run this code, I get the error "No applicable name scope exists to resolve the name 'settingsPane'."
What am I possibly doing wrong? I'm pretty sure I've registered everything properly :(
I wouldn't hassle with the NameScopes etc. and would rather use Storyboard.SetTarget instead.
var b = new Button() { Content = "abcd" };
var fade = new DoubleAnimation()
From = 0,
To = 1,
Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
Storyboard.SetTarget(fade, b);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(fade, new PropertyPath(Button.OpacityProperty));
var sb = new Storyboard();
I solved the problem using this as parameter in the begin method, try:
Because the name is registered in the window.
I agree, the namescopes are probably the wrong thing to use for this scenario. Much simpler and easier to use SetTarget rather than SetTargetName.
In case it helps anyone else, here's what I used to highlight a particular cell in a table with a highlight that decays to nothing. It's a little like the StackOverflow highlight when you add a new answer.
TableCell cell = table.RowGroups[0].Rows[row].Cells[col];
// The cell contains just one paragraph; it is the first block
Paragraph p = (Paragraph)cell.Blocks.FirstBlock;
// Animate the paragraph: fade the background from Yellow to White,
// once, through a span of 6 seconds.
SolidColorBrush brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
p.Background = brush;
ColorAnimation ca1 = new ColorAnimation()
From = Colors.Yellow,
To = Colors.White,
Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6.0)),
RepeatBehavior = new RepeatBehavior(1),
AutoReverse = false,
brush.BeginAnimation(SolidColorBrush.ColorProperty, ca1);
It is possible odd thing but my solution is to use both methods:
Storyboard.SetTargetName(DA, myObjectName);
Storyboard.SetTarget(DA, myRect);
In this case there is no error.
Have a look at the code where I have used it.
int n = 0;
bool isWorking;
Storyboard sb;
string myObjectName;
UIElement myElement;
int idx = 0;
void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (isWorking == false)
isWorking = true;
myElement = stackObj.Children[idx];
var possibleIDX = idx + 1;
if (possibleIDX == stackObj.Children.Count)
idx = 0;
var myRect = (Rectangle)myElement;
// Debug.WriteLine("TICK: " + myRect.Name);
var dur = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000);
var f = CreateVisibility(dur, myElement, false);
Duration d = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
DoubleAnimation DA = new DoubleAnimation() { From = 1, To = 0, Duration = d };
myObjectName = myRect.Name;
Storyboard.SetTargetName(DA, myObjectName);
Storyboard.SetTarget(DA, myRect);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(DA, new PropertyPath("Opacity"));
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + " " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay);
isWorking = false;
