My understanding is that using Redis requires you to host it on its own server. So why even use it if the data being stored on it isn't being run on the same VM (thus using the same RAM) as your app server (eg Node)?
You're not required to host Redis on a separate server at all. In fact, it's not uncommon for application servers to run an in-memory store like Redis or Memcached on the same server for simple caching tasks.
However, what I think is at the heart of your question is a fundamental misunderstanding of how in-memory storage works. Even if you were to run Redis on the same server as your application, your application would never be able to directly access the RAM blocks that Redis uses to store your data--you would still need to send a request to the Redis instance to retrieve the data. Hosting Redis separately from your application server does introduce network latency, but there's zero difference in terms of accessing or modifying the data in RAM.
The name "Redis" is an acronym for REmote DIctionary Server - the "Remote" part indicates that it is intended to be used over a network. The main concept here is that the data stored in memory in Redis is accessible to multiple application instances, instead of having an in-app store for each.
That said, there is no requirement to have Redis on a separate server or use it with multiple application instance. On the other hand, it makes a lot of sense because that is what it was designed for.
I'm researching cloud services to host an e-commerce site. And I'm trying to understand some basics on how they are able to scale things.
From what I can gather from AWS, Rackspace, etc documentation:
Setup 1:
You can get an instance of a webserver (AWS - EC2, Rackspace - Cloud Server) up. Then you can grow that instance to have more resources or make replicas of that instance to handle more traffic. And it seems like you can install a database local to these instances.
Setup 2:
You can have instance(s) of a webserver (AWS - EC2, Rackspace - Cloud Server) up. You can also have instance(s) of a database (AWS - RDS, Rackspace - Cloud Database) up. So the webserver instances can communicate with the database instances through a single access point.
When I use the term instances, I'm just thinking of replicas that can be access through a single access point and data is synchronized across each replica in the background. This could be the wrong mental image, but it's the best I got right now.
I can understand how setup 2 can be scalable. Webserver instances don't change at all since it's just the source code. So all the http requests are distributed to the different webserver instances and is load balanced. And the data queries have a single access point and are then distributed to the different database instances and is load balanced and all the data writes are sync'd between all database instances that is transparent to the application/webserver instance(s).
But for setup 1, where there is a database setup locally within each webserver instance, how is the data able to be synchronized across the other databases local to the other web server instances? Since the instances of each webserver can't talk to each other, how can you spin up multiple instances to scale the app? Is this setup mainly for sites with static content where the data inside the database is not getting changed? So with an e-commerce site where orders are written to the database, this architecture will just not be feasible? Or is there some way to get each webserver instance to update their local database to some master copy?
Sorry for such a simple question. I'm guessing the documentation doesn't say it plainly because it's so simple or I just wasn't able to find the correct document/page.
Thank you for your time!
Moved question to here:
We have one server setup to be the application server, and our database installed across a cluster of separate machines on AWS in the same availability zone (initially three but scalable). The way we set it up is with a "k-safe" replication. This is scalable as the data is distributed across the machines, and duplicated such that one machine could disappear entirely and the site continues to function. THis also allows queries to be distributed.
(Another configuration option was to duplicate all the data on each of the database machines)
Relating to setup #1, you're right, if you duplicate the entire database on each machine with load balancing, you need to worry about replicating the data between the nodes, this will be complex and will take a toll on performance, or you'll need to sacrifice consistency, or synchronize everything to a single big database and then you lose the effect of clustering. Also keep in mind that when throughput increases, adding an additional server is a manual operation that can take hours, so you can't respond to throughput on-demand.
Relating to setup #2, here scaling the application is easy and the cloud providers do that for you automatically, but the database will become the bottleneck, as you are aware. If the cloud provider scales up your application and all those application instances talk to the same database, you'll get more throughput for the application, but the database will quickly run out of capacity. It has been suggested to solve this by setting up a MySQL cluster on the cloud, which is a valid option but keep in mind that if throughput suddenly increases you will need to reconfigure the MySQL cluster which is complex, you won't have auto scaling for your data.
Another way to do this is a cloud database as a service, there are several options on both the Amazon and RackSpace clouds. You mentioned RDS but it has the same issue because in the end it's limited to one database instance with no auto-scaling. Another MySQL database service is Xeround, which spreads the load over several database nodes, and there is a load balancer that manages the connection between those nodes and synchronizes the data between the partitions automatically. There is a single access point and a round-robin DNS that sends the requests to up to thousands of database nodes. So this might answer your need for a single access point and scalability of the database, without needing to setup a cluster or change it every time there is a scale operation.
I run a very high traffic(10m impressions a day)/high revenue generating web site built with .net. The core meta data is stored on a SQL server. My team and I have a unique caching strategy that involves querying the database for new meta data at regular intervals from a middle tier server, serializing the data to files and sending those to the web nodes. The web application uses the data in these files (some are actually serialized objects) to instantiate objects and caches those in memory to use for real time requests.
The advantage of this model is that it:
Allows the web nodes to cache all data in memory and not incur any IO overhead querying a database.
If the database ever goes down either unexpectedly or for maintenance windows, the web servers will continue to run and generate revenue. You can even fire up a web server without having to retrieve its initial data from the DB because all the data it needs are in files on its own disks.
Allows us to be completely horizontally scalable. If throughput suffers, we can just add a web server.
The disadvantages are that this caching and persistense layers adds complexity in the code that queries the database, packages the data and unpackages it on the web server. Any time our domain model requires us to add entities, more of this "plumbing" has to be coded. This architecture has been in place for four years and there are probably better ways to tackle this.
One strategy I have been considering is using replication to replicate our master sql server database to local database instances installed on each web server. The web server application would use normal sql/ORM techniques to instantiate objects. Here, we can still sustain a master database outage and we would not have to code up specialized caching code and could instead use nHibernate to handle the persistence.
This seems like a more elegant solution and would like to see what others think or if anyone else has any alternatives to suggest.
I think you're overthinking this. SQL Server already has mechanisms available to you to handle these kinds of things.
First, implement a SQL Server cluster to protect your main database. You can fail over from node to node in the cluster without losing data, and downtime is a matter of seconds, max.
Second, implement database mirroring to protect from a cluster failure. Depending on whether you use synchronous or asynchronous mirroring, your mirrored server will either be updated in realtime or a few minutes behind. If you do it in realtime, you can fail over to the mirror automatically inside your app - SQL Server 2005 & above support embedding the mirror server's name in the connection string, so you don't even have to lift a finger. The app just connects to whatever server's live.
Between these two things, you're protected from just about any main database failure short of a datacenter-wide power outage or network outage, and there's none of the complexity of the replication stuff. That covers your high availability issue, and lets you answer the scaling question separately.
My favorite starting point for scaling is using three separate connection strings in your application, and choose the right one based on the needs of your query:
Realtime - Points directly at the one master server. All writes go to this connection string, and only the most mission-critical reads go here.
Near-Realtime - Points at a load balanced pool of read-only SQL Servers that are getting updated by replication or log shipping. In your original design, these lived on the web servers, but that's dangerous practice and a maintenance nightmare. SQL Server needs a lot of memory (not to mention money for licensing) and you don't want to be tied into adding a database server for every single web server.
Delayed Reporting - In your environment right now, it's going to point to the same load-balanced pool of subscribers, but down the road you can use a technology like log shipping to have a pool of servers 8-24 hours behind. These scale out really well, but the data's far behind. It's great for reporting, search, long-term history, and other non-realtime needs.
If you design your app to use those 3 connection strings from the start, scaling is a lot easier, and doesn't involve any coding complexity - just pick the right connection string.
Have you considered memcached? Since it is:
in memory
can run locally
fully scalable horizontally
prevents the need to re-cache on each web server
It may fit the bill. Check out Google for lots of details and usage stories.
Just some addition to what RickNZ proposed above..
Since your master data which you are caching currently won't change so frequently and probably over some maintenance window, here is what should you do first on database side:
Create a SNAPSHOT replication for the master tables which you want to cache. Adding new entities will be equally easy.
On all the webservers, install SQL Express and subscribe to this Publication.
Since, this is not a frequently changing data, you can rest assure, no much server resource usage issue minus network trips for master data.
All your caching which was available via previous mechanism is still availbale minus all headache which comes when you add new entities.
Next, you can leverage .NET mechanisms as suggested above. You won't face memcached cluster failure unless your webserver itself goes down. There is a lot availble in .NET which a .NET pro can point out after this stage.
It seems to me that Windows Server AppFabric is exactly what you are looking for. (AKA "Velocity"). From the introductory documentation:
Windows Server AppFabric provides a
distributed in-memory application
cache platform for developing
scalable, available, and
high-performance applications.
AppFabric fuses memory across multiple
computers to give a single unified
cache view to applications.
Applications can store any
serializable CLR object without
worrying about where the object gets
stored. Scalability can be achieved by
simply adding more computers on
demand. The cache also allows for
copies of data to be stored across the
cluster, thus protecting data against
failures. It runs as a service
accessed over the network. In
addition, Windows Server AppFabric
provides seamless integration with
ASP.NET that enables ASP.NET session
objects to be stored in the
distributed cache without having to
write to databases. This increases
both the performance and scalability
of ASP.NET applications.
Have you considered using SqlDependency caching?
You could also write the data to the local disk at the web tier, if you're concerned about initial start-up time or DB outages. But at least with a SqlDependency, you shouldn't have to poll the DB to look for changes. It can also be made relatively transparent.
In my experience, adding a DB instance on web servers generally doesn't work out too well from a scalability or performance perspective.
If you're concerned about performance and scalability, you might consider partitioning your data tier. The specifics depend on your app, but as an example, you could move read-only data onto a couple of SQL Express servers that are populated with replication.
In case it helps, I talk about this subject at length in my book (Ultra-Fast ASP.NET).
Listening to Scott Hanselman's interview with the Stack Overflow team (part 1 and 2), he was adamant that the SQL server and application server should be on separate machines. Is this just to make sure that if one server is compromised, both systems aren't accessible? Do the security concerns outweigh the complexity of two servers (extra cost, dedicated network connection between the two, more maintenance, etc.), especially for a small application, where neither piece is using too much CPU or memory? Even with two servers, with one server compromised, an attacker could still do serious damage, either by deleting the database, or messing with the application code.
Why would this be such a big deal if performance isn't an issue?
Security. Your web server lives in a DMZ, accessible to the public internet and taking untrusted input from anonymous users. If your web server gets compromised, and you've followed least privilege rules in connecting to your DB, the maximum exposure is what your app can do through the database API. If you have a business tier in between, you have one more step between your attacker and your data. If, on the other hand, your database is on the same server, the attacker now has root access to your data and server.
Scalability. Keeping your web server stateless allows you to scale your web servers horizontally pretty much effortlessly. It is very difficult to horizontally scale a database server.
Performance. 2 boxes = 2 times the CPU, 2 times the RAM, and 2 times the spindles for disk access.
All that being said, I can certainly see reasonable cases that none of those points really matter.
It doesn't really matter (you can quite happily run your site with web/database on the same machine), it's just the easiest step in scaling..
It's exactly what StackOverflow did - starting with single machine running IIS/SQL Server, then when it started getting heavily loaded, a second server was bought and the SQL server was moved onto that.
If performance is not an issue, do not waste money buying/maintaining two servers.
On the other hand, referring to a different blogging Scott (Watermasyck, of Telligent) - they found that most users could speed up the websites (using Telligent's Community Server), by putting the database on the same machine as the web site. However, in their customer's case, usually the db & web server are the only applications on that machine, and the website isn't straining the machine that much. Then, the efficiency of not having to send data across the network more that made up for the increased strain.
Tom is correct on this. Some other reasons are that it isn't cost effective and that there are additional security risks.
Webservers have different hardware requirements than database servers. Database servers fare better with a lot of memory and a really fast disk array while web servers only require enough memory to cache files and frequent DB requests (depending on your setup). Regarding cost effectiveness, the two servers won't necessarily be less expensive, however performance/cost ratio should be higher since you don't have to different applications competing for resources. For this reason, you're probably going to have to spend a lot more for one server which caters to both and offers equivalent performance to 2 specialized ones.
The security concern is that if the single machine is compromised, both webserver and database are vulnerable. With two servers, you have some breathing room as the 2nd server will still be secure (for a while at least).
Also, there are some scalability benefits since you may only have to maintain a few database servers that are used by a bunch of different web applications. This way you have less work to do applying upgrades or patches and doing performance tuning. I believe that there are server management tools for making these tasks easier though (in the single machine case).
I would think the big factor would be performance. Both the web server/app code and SQL Server would cache commonly requested data in memory and you're killing your cache performance by running them in the same memory space.
Security is a major concern. Ideally your database server should be sitting behind a firewall with only the ports required to perform data access opened. Your web application should be connecting to the database server with a SQL account that has just enough rights for the application to function and no more. For example you should remove rights that permit dropping of objects and most certainly you shouldn't be connecting using accounts such as 'sa'.
In the event that you lose the web server to a hijack (i.e. a full blown privilege escalation to administrator rights), the worst case scenario is that your application's database may be compromised but not the whole database server (as would be the case if the database server and web server were the same machine). If you've encrypted your database connection strings and the hacker isn't savvy enough to decrypt them then all you've lost is the web server.
One factor that hasn't been mentioned yet is load balancing. If you start off thinking of the web server and the database as separate machines, you optimize for fewer network round trips and also it gets easier to add a second web server or a second database engine as needs increase.
I agree with Daniel Earwicker - the security question is pretty much flawed.
If you have a single box setup with a webserver and only the database for that webserver on it, if that webserver is compromised you lose both the webserver and only the database for that specific application.
This is exactly the same as what happens if you lose the webserver on a 2-server setup. You lose the web server, and just the database for that specific application.
The argument that 'the rest of the DB server's integrity is maintained' where you have a 2-server setup is irrelevant, because in the first scenario, every other database server relating to every other application (if there are any) remain unaffected as well - being, as they are, hosted elsewhere.
Similarly, to the question posed by Kev 'what about all the other databases residing on the DB server? All you've lost is one database.'
if you were hosting an application and database on one server, you would only host databases on that server which related to that application. Therefore, you would not lose any additional databases in a single server setup when compared to a multiple server setup.
By contrast, in a 2 server setup, where the attacker had access to the Web Server, and by proxy, limited rights (in the best case scenario) to the database server, they could put the databases of every other application at risk by carrying out slow, memory intensive queries or maximising the available storage space on the database server. By separating the applications out into their own concerns, very much like virtualisation, you also isolate them for security purposes in a positive way.
I can speak from first hand experience that it is often a good idea to place the web server and database on different machines. If you have an application that is resource intensive, it can easily cause the CPU cycles on the machine to peak, essentially bringing the machine to a halt. However, if your application has limited use of the database, it would probably be no big deal to have them share a server.
Wow, No one brings up the fact that if you actually buy SQL server at 5k bucks, you might want to use it for more than your web application. If your using express, maybe you don't care. I see SQL servers run Databases for 20 to 30 applicaitions, so putting it on the webserver would not be smart.
Secondly, depends on whom the server is for. I do work for financial companies and the govt. So we use a crazy pain in the arse approach of using only sprocs and limiting ports from webserver to SQL. So if the web app gets hacked. The only thing the hacker can do is call sprocs as the user account on the webserver is locked down to only see/call sprocs on the DB. So now the hacker has to figure out how to get into the DB. If its on the web server well its kind of easy to get to.
It depends on the application and the purpose. When high availability and performance is not critical, it's not bad to not to separate the DB and web server. Especially considering the performance gains - if the appliation makes a large amount of database queries, a considerable amount of network load can be removed by keeping it all on the same system, keeping the response times low.
I listened to that podcast, and it was amusing, but the security argument made no sense to me. If you've compromised server A, and that server can access data on server B, then you instantly have access to the data on server B.
I think its because the two machines usually would need to be optimized in different ways. Other than that I have no idea, we run all our applications with the server-database on the same machine - granted we're not public facing - but we've had no problems.
I can't imagine that too many people care about one machine being compromised over both since the web application will usually have nearly unrestricted access to at the very least the data if not the schema inside the database.
Interested in what others might say.
Database licences are not cheep and are often charged per CPU, therefore by separating out your web-servers you can reduce the cost of your database licences.
E.g if you have 1 server doing both web and database that contains 8 CPUs you will have to pay for an 8 cpu licence. However if you have two servers each with 4 CPUs and runs the database on one server you will only have to pay for a 4 cpu licences
An additional concern is that databases like to take up all the available memory and hold it in reserve for when it wants to use it. You can force it to limit the memory but this can considerably slow data access.
Something not mentioned here, and the reason I am facing, is 0 downtime deployments. Currently I have DB/webserver on same machine and that makes updates a pain. If you they are on a seprate machine, you can perform A/B releases.
The DNS currently points to WebServerA
Apply sofware updates to WebServerB
Change DNS to point to WebServerB
Work on WebServerA at leisure for the next round of updates.
This works before the state is stored in the DB, on a separate server.
Arguing that there is a real performance gain to be had by running a database server on a web server is a flawed argument.
Since Database servers take query strings and return result sets, the data actually flowing from data server to web server is relatively small, but the horsepower required to process the query and generate the result set is relatively large. Optimizing performance around the data transfer time therefore is optimizing around the wrong thing.
Regarding security, there are advantages to having the data server on a different box than the web server. Having such a setup is not the be all and end all of security, but it is a step in the right direction.
Regarding scalability, it is easy and relatively cheap to add web servers and put them into cluster to handle increased traffic. It is not so easy and cheap to add data servers and cluster them. Also, web servers and data servers have different hardware needs, so multiple boxes help out with scalability.
If you are starting small and have only one box, then a good way would go would be to use virtual machines. Running the web server and data server in different VMs on one host gives you all the gains of separate boxes at the cost of one large box price.
Operating system is another consideration. While your database may require larger memory spaces and therefore UNIX, your web server - or more specifically your app server since you mention only two tiers - may be a .Net-based, and therefore require Windows.
Ok! Here is the thing, it is more Secure to have your DB Server installed on another Machine and your Application on the Web Server. You then connect your application to the DB with a Web Link. Thanks it.
I am building an MVC site where I have a fast dedicated server for the web app but the database is stored in a very busy Ms Sql Server used by many other applications.
Also if the web server is very fast, the application response time is slow mainly for the slow response from the db server.
I cannot change the db server as all data entered in the web application needs to arrive there at the end (for backup reasons).
The database is used only from the webapp and I would like to find a cache mechanism where all the data is cached on the web server and the updates are sent to the db asynchronously.
It is not important for me to have an immediate correspondence between read db data and inserted data: think like reading questions on StackOverflow and new inserted questions that are not necessary to show up immediately after insertion).
I thought to build an in between WCF service that would exchange and sync the data between the slow db server and a local one (may be an Sqllite or an SqlExpress one).
What would be the best pattern for this problem?
What is your bottleneck? Reading data or Writing data?
If you are concerning about reading data, using a memory based data caching machanism like memcached would be a performance booster, As of most of the mainstream and biggest web sites doing so. Scaling facebook hi5 with memcached is a good read. Also implementing application side page caches would drop queries made by the application triggering lower db load and better response time. But this will not have much effect on database servers load as your database have some other heavy users.
If writing data is the bottleneck, implementing some kind of asyncronyous middleware storage service seems like a necessity. If you have fast and slow response timed data storage on the frontend server, going with a lightweight database storage like mysql or postgresql (Maybe not that lightweight ;) ) and using your real database as an slave replication server for your site is a good choise for you.
I would do what you are already considering. Use another database for the application and only use the current one for backup-purposes.
I had this problem once, and we decided to go for a combination of data warehousing (i.e. pulling data from the database every once in a while and storing this in a separate read-only database) and message queuing via a Windows service (for the updates.)
This worked surprisingly well, because MSMQ ensured reliable message delivery (updates weren't lost) and the data warehousing made sure that data was available in a local database.
It still will depend on a few factors though. If you have tons of data to transfer to your web application it might take some time to rebuild the warehouse and you might need to consider data replication or transaction log shipping. Also, changes are not visible until the warehouse is rebuilt and the messages are processed.
On the other hand, this solution is scalable and can be relatively easy to implement. (You can use integration services to pull the data to the warehouse for example and use a BL layer for processing changes.)
There are many replication techniques that should give you proper results. By installing a SQL Server instance on the 'web' side of your configuration, you'll have the choice between:
Making snapshot replications from the web side (publisher) to the database-server side (suscriber). You'll need a paid version of SQLServer on the web server. I have never worked on this kind of configuration but it might use a lot of the web server ressources at scheduled synchronization times
Making merge (or transactional if requested) replication between the database-server side (publisher) and web side(suscriber). You can then use the free version of MS-SQL Server and schedule the synchronization process to run according to your tolerance for potential loss of data if the web server goes down.
I wonder if you could improve it adding a MDF file in your Web side instead dealing with the Sever in other IP...
Just add an SQL 2008 Server Express Edition file and try, as long as you don't pass 4Gb of data you will be ok, of course there are more restrictions but, just for the speed of it, why not trying?
You should also consider the network switches involved. If the DB server is talking to a number of web servers then it may be being constrained by the network connection speed. If they are only connected via a 100mb network switch then you may want to look at upgrading that too.
the WCF service would be a very poor engineering solution to this problem - why make your own when you can use the standard SQLServer connectivity mechanisms to ensure data is transferred correctly. Log shipping will send the data across at selected intervals.
This way, you get the fast local sql server, and the data is preserved correctly in the slow backup server.
You should investigate the slow sql server though, the performance problem could be nothing to do with its load, and more to do with the queries and indexes you're asking it to work with.