WPF Application initialization and finalization - wpf

I am preparing to write a WPF client application that uses ICE (Internet Communication Engine) middleware. ICE requires proper initialization and finalization. All the examples show how to accomplish this in a usual console application - which is easy because you only need try-finally block and do some stuff in it.
What about WPF? How can I be sure that some code will be called no-matter-what happens to finalize the app?

Have a look at the Application.Exit event
Also, see How to detect when application terminates?


Embedding CEF3 with existing application

I have a running WIN32 application. There a window in this application where I want to show web content using CEF3. But, I am facing problems and the entire window becomes white without showing any web page content. So I have the following questions:
Is it possible to use CEF3 with existing message loop in application? I dont want to call the CEF message loop, it may impact other things in my application.
Is it absolutely necessary to use a message window as in the sample application? I am not able to understand its objective.
When CEF3 launches multiple processes, how does it show in the task manager? If my application name is A.exe, does it show A.exe multiple times in task manager?
Any help is much appreciated.
For windows users there is possible to use multi threaded message loop (CefSettings). It is allow maintain browser windows via own message loop. But there is good practice use single threaded message loop, - you can call CefDoMessageLoopWork periodiacally on idle or some additional events. It is possible even with existing message loop.
I'm not sure what you mean.
CefSettings.BrowserSubprocessPath specifies which executable will be used for child processes. While you are integrating it in other process, looks like it is one possible solution and in task manager you will see processes as you named it.
About the question number 2:
every windows application has its own "main window" and wndProc that receives all the messages sent by his children.
And the sample win32 cefclient shows how to integrate cef message loop inside the application's message loop.
And if you don't handle and dispatch cef messages in proper way the browser window becomes white.

WPF application calls an API that needs a message pump; Dispather.Run() causes problems

I have a WPF app that uses a non-WPF vendor library. My app does not receive any events that the library fires. I've been told that this is because I need a message pump.
In another (very similar) question, the accepted answer suggested using System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Run().
When I add in that call, however, my window won't pop up-- the app is effectively backgrounded and I have to shut it down with Task Manager.
I'm really stumped here, and I'm not even sure how to investigate it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You already have one if you use WPF, there's no other way that it can get any Windows notifications. Every WPF app starts life with a call to Application.Run() on the main thread. It is usually well hidden, auto-generated in the bin\debug\app.g.cs source code file. Application.Run() in turn calls Dispatcher.Run()
Your vendor is correct, without a message loop many COM components go catatonic. But since you have one you need to look for the problem elsewhere. Don't use the component on threads.

Is it possible for an application to take ownership of a window from another application?

Basically, I have two applications that run sequentially (second is started by the first, and the first exits immediately after.) I'd like to pass ownership of a window the first application created to the second application. The actual contents of the window don't need to be passed along, it's just being drawn in by DirectX.
Alternatively, but less desirably, is it possible to at least disable the window closing/opening animation, so it at least looks like the desired effect is achieved?
(This is in C, using the vanilla Win32 API.)
Instead of separated application make a DLL that will be loaded by the first application and run within it.
I suspect that you're going to run into problems because the WindowProc function is located in the memory address space of the program that you're closing.
Also, a quick look at the second remark at the bottom of the documentation for RegisterClass doesn't seem to offer up much hope.
The only work around that I can suggest for what you've described is to not close the first application until the second application is finished with the window in question.
you can use API hooking to make your DLL capture API windows calls sent by the application window and respond as if your DLL is the windows DLL
for more information about hooking check :
Hooks Overview

Porting/Writing WPF application which launches external applications to Silverlight 4 out of browser

WPF launches certain method which calls external exe and waits , and then accesses a file which was an output of external exe. Assuming I would build this application with a consideration of porting to Silverlight 4 later what should I do ?
In order to do this you would need to go through Silverlight's COM automation. I'm sure there's some out-of-process COM server that you could use to start a process. But at that point you've already
limited your application to Windows
require full trust
will only work in "out of browser" mode
At that point, you really gotta ask whether or not it makes any sense to port to Silverlight. WPF is particularly suitable for the above scenarios. You can use ClickOnce to achieve a similar (actually, superior) client update experience and you won't have to jump through hoops to do something as simple as spawning an external process.

SCE - Custom Data Feeds

I am using the syndicated client experience (SCE) SDK. Has anyone had success with creating custom datafeeds for this? I want to be able to host the masterfeed and other feeds at a URL instead of compiling as embedded resources like the example. For instance, the client application would gather its feeds from http://somesite/masterfeed.xml.
I believe this can be done, but I keep getting an AccessViolation exception during the debugging of the SCE client.
The application just happened to be writing to a bad memory space.
