Can I do Text search with multibinding - wpf

I have below combo box in mvvm-wpf application. I need to implement "Text search" in this..(along with multibinding). Can anybody help me please.
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="Bid Service Cat ID"
<ComboBox Width="200"
SelectedValue="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}},
ItemsSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}},
<TextBlock DataContext="{Binding}">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0}: {1}">
<Binding Path="BidServiceCategoryId" />
<Binding Path="BidServiceCategoryName" />

Unfortunately, TextSearch.Text doesn't work in a DataTemplate. Otherwise you could have done something like this
<ComboBox ...>
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ComboBoxItem}">
<Setter Property="TextSearch.Text">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0}: {1}">
<Binding Path="BidServiceCategoryId"/>
<Binding Path="BidServiceCategoryName"/>
However this won't work, so I see two solutions to your problem.
First way
You set IsTextSearchEnabled to True for the ComboBox, override ToString in your source class and change the MultiBinding in the TextBlock to a Binding
<ComboBox ...
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}"/>
Source class
public class TheNameOfYourSourceClass
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0}: {1}", BidServiceCategoryId, BidServiceCategoryName);
Second Way
If you don't want to override ToString I think you'll have to introduce a new Property in your source class where you combine BidServiceCategoryId and BidServiceCategoryName for the TextSearch.TextPath. In this example I call it BidServiceCategory. For this to work, you'll have to call OnPropertyChanged("BidServiceCategory"); when BidServiceCategoryId or BidServiceCategoryName changes as well. If they are normal CLR properties, you can do this in set, and if they are dependency properties you'll have to use the property changed callback
<ComboBox ...
<TextBlock DataContext="{Binding}">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0}: {1}">
<Binding Path="BidServiceCategoryId" />
<Binding Path="BidServiceCategoryName" />
Source class
public class TheNameOfYourSourceClass
public string BidServiceCategory
return String.Format("{0}: {1}", BidServiceCategoryId, BidServiceCategoryName);
private string m_bidServiceCategoryId;
public string BidServiceCategoryId
return m_bidServiceCategoryId;
m_bidServiceCategoryId = value;
private string m_bidServiceCategoryName;
public string BidServiceCategoryName
return m_bidServiceCategoryName;
m_bidServiceCategoryName = value;

I don't know if your text search has to search ALL the text, but if you want to search from the category ID, you can just set the TextSearch.TextPath property to BidServiceCategoryId. That should also be helpful for anyone who wants to use multibinding and finds that the text search no longer works... It does work if you explicitly set the TextPath property.


WPF Hide an Item of a Combobox ItemSource

In my WPF View, I have a DataGrid which Display Data from a Database.
One column is a combobox that is bound to a string in Database.
This is the list of available string :
public List<string> AvailableTypeImpression { get; } = new List<string>() {"S","D","T","X","M","p","P","R"}
All these string could be displayed in the datagrid, but if the user want to edit it, I can only set S, D, T, or X. The user is not allowed to set M, p, P or R.
So I would like to hide these four letter from the combobox available Items. But I don't really know how to do that in a simple way (I found some solution on Stack Overflow but it doesn't work in my case).
Here's the code of my datagrid :
<DataGrid Grid.Row="1" x:Name="LotsListDataGrid" IsReadOnly="False" SelectionMode="Single" SelectionUnit="FullRow" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedLot}" ItemsSource="{Binding FilteredList}" VirtualizingPanel.IsVirtualizing="True" EnableRowVirtualization="True" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Lot" Width="200" Binding="{Binding Value.Lot.Intitule}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<DataGridTemplateColumn Header=".i." HeaderStyle="{StaticResource CenteredColumnHeaderStyle}" Width="545" IsReadOnly="False">
<ComboBox Height="23" Style="{StaticResource AnfComboBoxStyle}" ItemsSource="{Binding DataContext.AvailableTypeImpression, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type DataGrid}}}" SelectedItem="{Binding Value.Lot.TypeImpression, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">
FilteredList.Value.Lot.TypeImpression is a string.
If I've well understood, all the possible string must be in the ItemSource otherwise they could'nt be displayed. But I need to find a way to prevent user to select some of them.
Thanks for your help.
I don't know of a way to make individual items non-selectable in a combo box.
But you could always show a combo box without your not-allowed letters (i.e. remove them from AvailableTypeImpression), and instead show just a simple TextBlock in your cell in case one of these letters is read from the DB.
Change your cell template to something like this:
<ComboBox Visbility="{Binding IsValueEditable}" Height="23" Style="{StaticResource AnfComboBoxStyle}" ItemsSource="{Binding DataContext.AvailableTypeImpression, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type DataGrid}}}" SelectedItem="{Binding Value.Lot.TypeImpression, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
<TextBlock Visbility="{Binding NotIsValueEditable}" Height="23" Text="{Binding Value.Lot.TypeImpression}" />
Then implement IsValueEditable, NotIsValueEditable properties in your ViewModel such that only one of the controls is shown.
Alternatively, if you also want to be able to modify existing entries of M, p, P, R, you could use a DataGridTemplateColumn.CellEditingTemplate:
Make the CellEditingTemplate show the ComboBox (without M, p, P, R options) while the regular CellTemplate only contains a TextBlock.
<TextBlock Height="23" Text="{Binding Value.Lot.TypeImpression}" />
<ComboBox Height="23" Style="{StaticResource AnfComboBoxStyle}" ItemsSource="{Binding DataContext.AvailableTypeImpression, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type DataGrid}}}" SelectedItem="{Binding Value.Lot.TypeImpression, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
The solution from #dheller was good but not working in my case because the user is not able to give to "Value.Lot.TypeImpression" a new Value M ,p, P or R, but he's able to edit "Value.Lot.TypeImpression" even if it equals to M ,p, P or R and set S, D, T, or X.
So I've found another way :
In my ViewModel I've defined a new class :
public class TypeImpressionAvailable
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsAvailable { get; set; }
And my list to give to my combobox as ItemSource :
public List<TypeImpressionAvailable> AvailableTypeImpression { get; } = new List<TypeImpressionAvailable>() {
new TypeImpressionAvailable(){ Name="N", IsAvailable=true },
new TypeImpressionAvailable(){ Name="S", IsAvailable=true },
new TypeImpressionAvailable(){ Name="D", IsAvailable=true },
new TypeImpressionAvailable(){ Name="T", IsAvailable=true },
new TypeImpressionAvailable(){ Name="X", IsAvailable=true },
new TypeImpressionAvailable(){ Name="M", IsAvailable=false },
new TypeImpressionAvailable(){ Name="p", IsAvailable=false },
new TypeImpressionAvailable(){ Name="P", IsAvailable=false },
new TypeImpressionAvailable(){ Name="R", IsAvailable=false }
And in my View :
<DataGridTemplateColumn Header=".i." HeaderStyle="{StaticResource CenteredColumnHeaderStyle}" Width="45" IsReadOnly="False">
<ComboBox Height="23" SelectedValuePath="Name" DisplayMemberPath="Name"
SelectedValue="{Binding Value.Lot.TypeImpression, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}" BasedOn="{StaticResource AnfComboBoxStyle}">
<Setter Property="ItemsSource" Value="{Binding DataContext.AvailableTypeImpression, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type DataGrid}}}"/>
<Setter Property="ItemContainerStyle">
<Style TargetType="ComboBoxItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type ComboBoxItem}}">
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsAvailable}" Value="False">
<Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Collapsed" />
And it works fine :)

Applying a (non-multi) ValueConverter the output of a MultiBinding + StringFormat

Is there a way to apply a (single, not multi) ValueConverter to the output of a MultiBinding which uses StringFormat (i.e. after the string has been formatted).
It would be the equivalent of that code, in which I used an intermediary collapsed TextBlock to do the trick :
<TextBox x:Name="textBox1">TB1</TextBox>
<TextBox x:Name="textBox2">TB2</TextBox>
<TextBlock x:Name="textBlock" Visibility="Collapsed">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0}{1}">
<Binding ElementName="textBox1" Path="Text"/>
<Binding ElementName="textBox2" Path="Text"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=textBlock,
Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource SingleValueConverter}}" />
Here is a hack that does what you want:
public static class Proxy
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty));
public static void SetText(this TextBlock element, string value)
element.SetValue(TextProperty, value);
[AttachedPropertyBrowsableForChildren(IncludeDescendants = false)]
public static string GetText(this TextBlock element)
return (string) element.GetValue(TextProperty);
<TextBox x:Name="textBox1">TB1</TextBox>
<TextBox x:Name="textBox2">TB2</TextBox>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=(local:Proxy.Text),
RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},
Converter={StaticResource SingleValueConverter}}">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0}{1}">
<Binding ElementName="textBox1" Path="Text" />
<Binding ElementName="textBox2" Path="Text" />
If you look at the MultiBinding.Converter Property page on MSDN, you will see that you can provide a Converter for a MultiBinding. However, it is not a normal IValueConverter, instead it requires an IMultiValueConverter. It can be used like this:
<TextBlock x:Name="textBlock" Visibility="Collapsed">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0}{1}" Converter="{StaticResource Converter}"
<Binding ElementName="textBox1" Path="Text"/>
<Binding ElementName="textBox2" Path="Text"/>
An example of an IMultiValueConverter implementation can be found in the linked pages.

wpf combobox item template for the selected value and search functionality

I'm using a combobox in my application and I am populating it with classes something like this:
namespace Foo.Bar{
public class Item
public string lastName;
public string firstName;
public Foo theMeatyPart;
I can populate the dropdown with "lastName, firstName" using an itemTamplate but then the selected value shows up as "Foo.Bar.Item". How can I apply the same template to the selectedItem and also, have the search functionality work without overrriding the ToString method of Item?
Here is the xaml:
<Style x:Key="SearchComboStyle" TargetType="ComboBox">
<Setter Property="Width" Value="150"></Setter>
<DataTemplate x:Key="SearchComboItemTemplate" >
<TextBlock DataContext="{Binding}">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0}, {1}">
<Binding Path="lastName"/>
<Binding Path="firstName"/>
<ComboBox ItemTemplate="{StaticResource SearchComboItemTemplate}" Style="{StaticResource SearchComboStyle}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PhysiciansList, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=local:ExamViewerControl, AncestorLevel=1}}" IsTextSearchEnabled="True" IsTextSearchCaseSensitive="False" IsEditable="True" TextSearch.TextPath="Person.LastName" />
UPD: Looks like you need to set SelectionBoxItemTemplate.
You can use DisplayMemberPath or TextSearch.TextPath to enable search without modifying ToString().

TreeViewItem with Databinding, Childs doesn't update

I've got a Treeview with a hierachial template.
Everything works fine. All Objets will respond as expected.
But adding elements to the collection doesn't update the treeview.
My base Object is bind to the treeview.
One of its propertys contains a collection. And this collection has got a property with an own collection.
-> Sub Collection 1
-> SubCollection 2
My BaseObject has implemented INotifyPropertyChanged and my SubCollection 2 has implemented ICollectionChaged.
Nevertheless, wehen I try to add a new Item to SubCollection 2 OnCollectionChaged is called, but CollectionChanged stays null, so nothing happens.
TreeView Templates:
<HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="SheetTreeTemplate" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Width="16" Height="16" Margin="3,0" Source="/Resources/Icons/page_green.png" />
<TextBlock FontStyle="Italic">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}Seite {0}">
<Binding Path="Name"/>
<HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="DocumentTreeTemplate" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Sheets.Values}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource SheetTreeTemplate}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Width="16" Height="16" Margin="3,0" Source="/Resources/Icons/folder.png" />
<TextBlock FontStyle="Italic">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} {1}">
<Binding Path="DocTypName"/>
<Binding Path="ID"/>
<HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="PileTreeTemplate" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Documents.Values}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource DocumentTreeTemplate}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Width="16" Height="16" Margin="3,0" Source="/Resources/Icons/report.png" />
<TextBlock FontStyle="Italic" Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
TreeView itself:
<TreeView Style="{DynamicResource NavigationTree}" Name="tvw_mainMenu" ItemsSource="{Binding Values}" ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource PileTreeTemplate}" SelectedItemChanged="tvw_mainMenu_SelectedItemChanged"/>
the Class which should subscribe the SubCollection 2 Changed:
class Sheets : Dictionary<String, Sheet> , INotifyCollectionChanged {
public bool Add(String sKey, Sheet newSheet) {
base.Add(sKey, newSheet);
OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, new KeyValuePair<String, Sheet>(sKey, newSheet)));
public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;
protected virtual void OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) {
if (CollectionChanged != null) {
CollectionChanged(this, e);
i've found out that there are much more interfaces to implement. Best way is an observable Collection.
Cause I don't want to change all my classes i've found ObservableDictionary

Why is ConvertBack not called on this MultiBinding?

My combobox listing Contacts is bound to both FullName and PhoneExtension using MultiBinding. The Convert method of IMultiValueConverter is called but ConvertBack is not. Why? The combobox properly displays the list but the selection is not saved. It disappears when I tab away.
1) The Contact list comes from a web service and is put in an observable collection ContactListObservable in the code behind. I'm not using a ViewModel.
PhoneBookService phoneBookService = new PhoneBookService();
PhoneRecordArray pbs = GetCompletePhoneListing();
List<PhoneRecord> pbsList = pbs.PhoneArray.ToList();
ObservableCollection<Contact> observableContacts = new ObservableCollection<Contact>();
foreach(PhoneBookService.PhoneRecord rec in pbsList)
Contact c = new Contact();
c.FullName = rec.Person;
c.PhoneExtension = rec.Phone;
ContactListObservable = observableContacts;
2) The combobox is in a datagrid located on a UserControl. That's the reason for this wacky binding: ItemsSource="{Binding ContactListObservable, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=UserControl}}"
3) The IMultiValueConverter is a class referenced in UserControl.Resources as <local:CombineNameAndPhoneExtensionMultiConverter x:Key="combinedNameAndPhoneExtensionConverter"/>
4) Legacy data NOT found in the Contacts list must display. This is accomplished with a DataGridTemplateColumn by combining a TextBlock to display values and a ComboBox for editing. See this Julie Lerman MSDN article.
Here is the crazy XAML:
<DataGridTemplateColumn x:Name="DataGridContactTemplateColumn" Header="Contact Using Template">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} Ext. {1}">
<Binding Path="FullName"/>
<Binding Path="PhoneExtension"/>
<DataTemplate x:Name="ContactsCellEditingTemplate">
<Grid FocusManager.FocusedElement="{Binding ElementName=ContactsTemplateComboBox}">
<ComboBox x:Name="ContactsTemplateComboBox" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="False" IsEditable="False" IsDropDownOpen="True" ItemsSource="{Binding ContactListObservable, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=UserControl}}">
<TextBlock DataContext="{Binding}">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource combinedNameAndPhoneExtensionConverter}">
<Binding Path="FullName" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"/>
<Binding Path="PhoneExtension" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"/>
I've devoted WAY too much time to this so I'll greatly appreciate any help you can offer.
More Background:
The datagrid containing my combobox contains one entity framework contact object per row and includes additional contact fields. Here is some working XAML that succesfully displays and saves FullName but not the phone extension which I want to save in combination with the FullName:
<DataGridTemplateColumn x:Name="DataGridContactTemplateColumn" Header="Contact Using Template">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=FullName}"/>
<DataTemplate x:Name="ContactsCellEditingTemplate">
<Grid FocusManager.FocusedElement="{Binding ElementName=ContactsTemplateComboBox}">
<ComboBox x:Name="ContactsTemplateComboBox" ItemsSource="{Binding ContactListObservable, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=UserControl}}" DisplayMemberPath="FullName" SelectedValuePath="FullName" Text="{Binding Path=FullName}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=FullName}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="False" IsEditable="False" IsDropDownOpen="True"/>
The TextBlock will never change it's Text property, so there is no reason to call the ConvertBack method. You would need to be bind to either the ComboBox's SelectedItem or Text properties to get updates.
I'm answering my own question to elaborate on CodeNaked's accurate answer. Add this to the problem XAML and everything works - ConvertBack is called and both FullName and PhoneExtension are saved as needed:
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource combinedNameAndPhoneExtensionConverter}">
<Binding Path="FullName" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"/>
<Binding Path="PhoneExtension" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"/>
Here is the combinedNameAndPhoneExtensionConverter code:
public class CombineNameAndPhoneExtensionMultiConverter : IMultiValueConverter
public object Convert(object[] values,
Type targetType,
object parameter,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
if (values[0] as string != null)
string fullName = (string)values[0];
string phoneExtension = (string)values[1];
string namePlusExtension = fullName + ", " + phoneExtension;
return namePlusExtension;
return null;
public object[] ConvertBack(object value,
Type[] targetTypes,
object parameter,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
Contact c = (Contact)value;
string[] returnValues = { c.FullName, c.PhoneExtension };
return returnValues;
Thanks CodeNaked for your fast reply!
