WP7 WebBrowser control enlarges text when in Landscape mode - silverlight

I have a WebBrowser control that is getting content via the NavigateToString() method. It looks fine in portrait mode, but when I change the orientation to landscape, the text becomes noticeably larger (I'd say about 2 times larger). I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not doing anything to the WebBrowser control on orientation changed. If I change the orientation back to portrait, it looks correct again. Does anyone know what could be going on here?

I'm guessing that you're using a fixed width for the viewport and this is causing the text to be enlarged as all the content is stretched to the wider screen size when in landscape mode.
If you can post an example of the HTML you're using we could probably say for sure.


PrintScreen contents are larger than what I see

I would happily provide a screenshot of this, however the problem is the captured image, is much larger than my actual desktop.
I am completely frustrated with this as I have tried using BitBlt with the desktop hdc AND the new "Graphics" commands.
My actual desktop resolution is 1920x1080 - 1080p .
BitBlt and "Graphics" both return that my resolution is 1536x864 # 96 DPI.
A form (WinForm), Maximized, borderless, and irrelevant of scaling mode the form is set to, also shows 1536x864 # 96 DPI.
Now the image that is captured, is like it is being done from 1920x1080, but clipping the region 1536x864 as the screenshot.
If I do PrintScreen directly using Prtscn button, I get the entire image, but still it is about 1.5-2x larger than what I actually see.
What I am looking for -- is a resolution for how I can take a picture of what is on my screen in the scale/dpi/whatever is going on here that it visually looks like. I have written a screen capture program, and using a few different examples for the RubberBand form (overlay form to select a region of the screen by drawing a box), and as you can imagine, this scaling crap is causing those box captures to be offset, and the contents are zoomed.
This is very annoying -- even to explain, however I am positive that most of you are familiar with the terms I use, and also know what to expect from taking a screenshot, so my explanation above should be pretty clear as to what my problem is.
Imagine, taking a picture of a window that is 300x300, and getting the top left 150x150 of that zoomed to 300x300 completely skipping the remainder of the window. Resulting image is still 300x300, but it's not what you selected.
Now imagine, you grab a picture of your screen by the only dimensions you can get programmatically, and then put the image into a picturebox. Even though both your screen and the picturebox claim to be the same dimensions and dpi, the image in the picturebox requires scrolling even if the picturebox is maximized to fullscreen on a borderless with no borders / etc. -- again, the picture is zoomed, but how is it still reporting that it's the same size as the form XD (comparing Graphics or BitBlt dimensions with the actual form. also tried comparing picturebox contents, and still same effect)
This, is EXACTLY what the effect is that is happening. When I try to capture a region or segment of the screen. I am not sure why windows api/crl is lying about this seemingly trivial stuff, however there must be a way to accurately obtain screenshots/capture regions without this faux zoom effect -- across all resolutions.
Thank you Hans Passant for pointing me in the right direction.
To add "true" dpi scaling support to a winforms application, you can make it so by adding the following block to your manifest :
Project > Add New Item > Visual C# Items > Application Manifest File
One the file has been added, open it up and look for a line like
Whatever the "asmv" number is, (in the example above it is 1), use that to format the code:
<asmv1:windowsSettings xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2005/WindowsSettings">
Paste the above code (changing the asmv1 to whatever version the manifest is), just above the final closing line for the ""
Also, make sure your forms are set to AutoScale to dpi (and all sub-elements).

How can I prevent my form from vertically stretching when "live"?

My form looks gorgeous (YMMV) at design-time:
...but gets "stretchy" vertically when running on the device and, in fact, is a little too tall for the screen:
Why would this happen, and how can I prevent it from happening?
Possibly noteworthy: Form's WindowState == Normal, FormBorderStyle = FixedDialog
please check your form settings: AutoScaleMode and Size settings.
Is this your first Windows CE application? You have to keep in mind that there are devices with different resolutions (ie QVGA, square like 320x320 pixels, etc), so you should adjust your layout to the screen size. Or make your form maximized and set AutoScroll to enbaled (if the content does not fit).
When you design your form, you are using pixel counts. These are transformed to twips (1/1440dpi) and again transformed (on the device) back to pixels (including a correction for the resolution, the dots-per-inch (dpi)). So a form with 240x240 pixels will have adifferent size on a 96dpi and a 102dpi display. This scaling is controlled by AutoScaleMode.

How to easily change the layout of the screen from Portrait to Landscape and vice versa in WPF

Let's suppose we have the designed the layout of some WPF application to be used on standard Full HD screen 1920x1080. Then we need to rotate the screen and install it in a box that is mounted on kiosk PC but in Portrait orientation.
I need to find a way on how to rotate the screen easily or at least in some more elegant way.
I tried to use use RenderTransform and RotateTransform applied to the contents of the window but this rotates the image and of course not the layout.
The controls remain of the same width and height.
Is there a way to do it automatically or should I take each control and change it properties one by one ?
The problem is present for TextBlocks and TextBoxes. They are intended to be used horizontally. You can rotate it but the layout is calculated based to it's horizontal width.
BTW. Rotation of the entire window is not allowed. It throws an exception.
It looks like that I have found the solution myself. If we choose the Layout transform instead of RenderTransform then the visual system does the arrangement and measurement of the layout automatically before the rendering.
The WPF framework does the job in this order

How to scale form with font size in WPF?

How can i scale a Form with font in WPF?
i.e. What is the WPF equivalent of
this.Font = SystemFonts.IconTitleFont;
In WinForms, if you're a good developer, you honor the user's font preferences. A WinForm that starts out as:
You then apply the user's font preferences:
this.Font = new Font("Segoe Print", 11, GraphicsUnit.Point);
and elements on the form scale to accommodate the new size:
the form is wider and taller
the label is positioned further down, and to the right
the label is wider and taller
the text of the label is not cut off on the right or on the bottom edge
the button is wider and taller
but button is positioned further down, and to the right
Note: In WinForms you can also use the line:
this.Font = SystemFonts.IconTitleFont;
WPF doesn't support Font, which is why i provided the clearer alternative. For the example below.
A similar WPF form starts out as:
You then apply the user's font preferences with:
this.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe Print");
this.FontSize = 14.666; //11pt = 14.66
and elements on the form don't scale to accommodate the new size:
the label's position has not changed
the button's position has not changed
the form is not wider or taller (text is cut off)
the label is not any wider (text is cut off on the right)
the label is not any taller (cutting off text along the bottom edge)
the button is not any wider (text is cut off)
Here is another example of two buttons that are the same size:
Windows Presentation Foundation:
Bonus Reading
WPF: How to specify units in Dialog Units?
How to prevent WPF from scaling with the Windows font size options?
WPF version of .ScaleControl?
WPF doesn't do primitive font-based scaling because it's... well, primitive. You can see it in your own screenshots.
Here's your "WinForms, before changing font" screenshot. Take a look at how much space there is between "sat on a log." and the right edge of the form.
And here's your "WinForms, after changing font" screenshot. Notice how much less margin you have after "scaling".
If you hadn't left all that extra space, then your label would be cut off with the new font. And with some fonts, it would be cut off even though you did leave all that extra space. That's what I mean when I say WinForms' scaling is "primitive". WinForms picks a single scale to apply to everything, and that scale is not chosen with any awareness of your content; it's based on average statistics for the font, which can and will fall apart once you start talking about specifics.
WPF doesn't hobble you with something that primitive. It gives you an amazingly powerful layout system, where it would be trivial to make a window that scales beautifully. But instead, you're choosing to cripple that layout system by using hard-coded sizes. Stop it.
Hard-coded sizes have two huge problems:
They don't adapt to different fonts. You've noticed this already.
They don't adapt to different content. (What happens when you want to make a German version of your app, and the German text doesn't fit into your hard-coded button size?)
Hard-coded sizes just don't adapt. To anything. You had to use them in WinForms because that's all WinForms supported. But WPF gives you a proper layout system, so you don't have to (and shouldn't) use anything that crude.
All you need is this:
A Window with SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight". That way, the window will be exactly the right size to accommodate the text and button, no matter what font or language you use.
Since you only have two UI elements, and one is above the other, you would put a StackPanel inside your Window.
Inside the StackPanel, you need:
A Label or TextBlock to show your text, with the text in Content (Label) or Text (TextBlock); and
A Button with HorizontalAlignment="Right", and the text in Content.
Set some Margins on the StackPanel, TextBlock, and Button to space things out to your liking.
That's it. Don't set any other properties on anything -- especially not Width or Height.
Now, if you change your font, the window and the button will still be exactly the right size, and won't cut off your text. If you localize your app into a different language, the window and the button will be exactly the right size, and won't cut off your text. Stop fighting WPF, and it will give you great results.
If you later want to make your layout more advanced, you could consider things like:
If you want the button to be a little wider (to have more breathing room before and after the text), try playing with the Padding, or set a MinWidth and MinHeight. (Don't use Width or Height if your button contains text. You might consider using them if your button only contains an image, but maybe not even then.)
If you're worried that the font might make the window so large that it no longer fits on the user's screen, and want to enable word-wrapping, then play around with MaxWidth and TextWrapping.
WPF's layout system is amazingly powerful. Learn it. Don't fight it by using hard-coded layouts and then complaining that your hard-coded layouts suck.

Maintain Aspect Ratio in a Silverlight Image

Ok .. so here's the scenario. I've got a WP7 silverlight app, that loads an image from the net. Now, these images will be taken from mobile devices, so they may be in portrait or landscape mode. Certainly not a square.
Is there any way to maintain the aspect ratio when I show these in a silverlight <Image> control?
I'm ok with either of two resolutions:
That the image shows up in its correct aspect ratio within a predefined box that I've defined in xaml
Or that the image is cropped into the square
The way silverlight was built, you can set the width OR the height on the image, it will automatically max out whatever property you set and calculates the other side of the image so that it keeps the aspect-ratio.
So, just set a width on the image and center or right,left,top,bottom align it. (do not stretch it).
