tweetsharp implementation in - tweetsharp

I want to use Tweetsharp in my application to get the list offriends and to share image with them.
But i haven't got the proper documentation and sample for the same. What is need to add in controller action and what in view page.
Please give some links for the same.

public void MyMethod() {
TwitterService service = new TwitterService(key, secret, "Token", "Secret");
ListFriendsOptions options = new ListFriendsOptions();
options.Cursor = 12345;
// should the response have user entities
options.IncludeUserEntities = false;
// The screen name of the user for whom to return results for.
options.ScreenName = "";
options.SkipStatus = false;
// The ID of the user for whom to return results for.
options.UserId = 12345;
// this will return a list of friends for the specified user.
TwitterCursorList<TwitterUser> listOfFriends = service.ListFriends(options);
Also note the code above uses a third party library called TweetSharp.
As for the images im not sure as to what to do but you can look at the twitter REST API v1.1 for information

I don't know about Tweetsharp but take a look at linq2twitter. It provides easy access to the Twitter API through the use of LINQ.


Getting All Users Uid from Firebase / Flutter/Dart

My application is kind of a poll application. So the admin asks a question, and users respond to that question, and every data is stored in Firestore. In the admin page, the admin can see the question that he/she created, and when the admin clicks the question, he/she can see the answers of users to this question.
On the answers page, I am trying to reach every user's uid but I couldn't achieve this. I can print them but I can't use them in a way. I think I make some mistakes with Firebase functions.
This is an example of a method that I am trying to return the list includes of the specific question. But this function doesn't return anything.
List getUserIDData() {
List<String> growableList = [];
List<String> userAnswerList = [];
String adminQuestion = "What is the reason of life?";
Firestore.instance.collection("user").getDocuments().then((snapshot) {
snapshot.documents.forEach((element) {
for (int i = 0; i < growableList.length; i++) {
.where("adminQuestion", isEqualTo: adminQuestion)
.then((snapshot) {
snapshot.documents.forEach((element) {
return growableList;
I also tried something with StreamBuilder, but still, after Firestore.instance, everything is deleted automatically. In Firestore, everything looks good, but after it finished growableList doesn't stay the same and this function returns null.
Do you have any suggestions to do so?
From what I can see you are using a very old version of FlutterFire, for example the following has been changed:
BREAKING: getDocuments/get has been updated to accept an instance of GetOptions (see below).
DEPRECATED: documents has been deprecated in favor of docs.
DEPRECATED: documentID has been deprecated in favor of id.
You might want to migrate to a newer version.
With snapshot.documents you get a List<QueryDocumentSnapshot<T>> according to the documentation. So I looked at the QueryDocumentSnapshot and was surprised that you apply element["userAnswer"] directly to it. According to the documentation you have to use to get the data.
If that doesn't help I would need more information in the form of output what's behind the element variables.

Looking to get the full site URL

I am looking to get the current site url in my apex class. I want the whole url, not just the domain Instead of can it be something like
I could only find how to put the domain without the full link. Thanks for your help in advance
To get the current URL of the Visualforce page you can use
PageReference pageRef = ApexPages.currentPage();
string currentUrl = pageRef.getUrl();
// Get or set query string parameters
string param1 = pageRef.getParameters().get('param1');
This only works in Visualforce.
When using Lightning, you should pass any additional parameters to the apex controller you need. You can use this JS to get the current page URL to send to the apex controller.
let currentUrl = window.location;
PageReference documentation

user: getMemberGroups method is not present in Graph java sdk 1.6

I am using graph API JAVA sdk(v1.6.0) and I am trying to get all the groups that a specific user is in.
According to API doc, I could do something like below:
However, in java sdk 1.6.0, getMemberGroups() is not present under class.
Am i missing something?
I think they have replaced the getMemberOf() method with another one memberOf().
I was able to fetch all the groups for a particular user using the below code:
public static void getUserGroups(String accessToken) {
String upn="";
IDirectoryObjectCollectionWithReferencesPage iDirectoryObjectCollectionWithReferencesPage = graphClient.users(upn).memberOf().buildRequest().get();
List<DirectoryObject> directoryObjects = iDirectoryObjectCollectionWithReferencesPage.getCurrentPage();
for (DirectoryObject directoryObject : directoryObjects) {
if(directoryObject.oDataType.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {

Registration with profile picture using services in Drupal

I've been trying to upload a user profile picture during the user registration using Service 3 and so far I haven't had any luck. I tested passing a hard coded fid in the field "picture" and also tried to pass the fields "filemime", "filename", etc. and it didn't work neither.
Any idea about what fields I need to populate?
I guess it must be related to this post Using Drupal Services and DIOS SDK for setting user picture in iOS app
but it doesn't have and answer neither.
I use following code -
//Picture is first uploaded from ios using file service and fid is passed in $data object
$file_contents_object = file_load($data->picture_fid);
$file_contents_array['fid'] = $file_contents_object->fid;
$file_contents_array['uid'] = $file_contents_object->uid;
$file_contents_array['filename'] = $file_contents_object->filename;
$file_contents_array['uri'] = $file_contents_object->uri;
$file_contents_array['filemime'] = $file_contents_object->filemime;
$file_contents_array['filesize'] = $file_contents_object->filesize;
$file_contents_array['status'] = $file_contents_object->status;
$file_contents_array['timestamp'] = $file_contents_object->timestamp;
$file_contents_array['rdf_mapping'] = $file_contents_object->rdf_mapping;
//use your cck field here
$user_obj->field_user_profile_picture['und'][0] = $file_contents_array;
Hope this will help.

Retrieve salesforce instance URL instead of visualforce instance

From a visualforce page, I need to retrieve our organization's salesforce instance's URL, and not the visual force URL.
For example I need instead of
Here's what I've tried so far and the outcome I got:
Accessed the Site global variable from the VF Page:
<apex:outputText value="{!$Site.Domain}" /> returns null
Sidenote: Everything in $ seems to return null.
From the Apex controller:
public String getSfInstance()
return ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Host');
public String getSfInstance()
return URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();
returns and, respectively.
Question: How do I retrieve what I want:
Here's something that I used within my Apex Trigger
System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getHost().remove('-api' );
This gives me proper URL
This is a known issue, the URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl() should provide this information but it does not. However in reality this has very limited functional impact.
Their instance and apex domains are interchangeable in the sense that requesting a URL that does not belong to one gets redirected to the other.
for example if you seek /apex/myPage from you'll get redirected to c.cs1... and vise versa requesting /ID from apex domain will get you redirected to instance domain (unless detail action has been overridden)
If this does not help you there is one workaround, albeit very ugly :) create a custom object to store the base url and create before insert/update trigger which will set the baseURL field to URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm(). Apparently trigger is the only place on the platform where this will work (aside from execute anonymous which is not of much use). When setting up the app insert something into that table and later use SOQL to retrieve base url.
Here is an Apex property that you can throw into a Utility class that will reliably return the instance for your org. Using this, you can easily construct your organization's Salesforce URL by appending "" to the Instance:
public class Utils {
// Returns the Salesforce Instance that is currently being run on,
// e.g. na12, cs5, etc.
public static String Instance {
public get {
if (Instance == null) {
// Possible Scenarios:
// (1) --- 5 parts, Instance is 2nd part
// (2) --- 3 parts, Instance is 1st part
// (3) --- 4 parts, Instance is not determinable
// Split up the hostname using the period as a delimiter
List<String> parts = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getHost().replace('-api','').split('\\.');
if (parts.size() == 3) Instance = parts[0];
else if (parts.size() == 5) Instance = parts[1];
else Instance = null;
} return Instance;
} private set;
// And you can then get the Salesforce base URL like this:
public static String GetBaseUrlForInstance() {
return 'https://' + Instance + '';
FYI: For Scenario (1), the 1st of the 4-part hostname can get really complicated, but you'll always be able to find the Instance name as the 2nd part. For those who are interested, the syntax of Scenario 1 follows this pattern:
Here you have a quite nice and small snippet, that does, what it should for VisualforcePages :-)
String sUrlRewrite = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getHost();
// Example:
sUrlRewrite = 'https://'
+ sUrlRewrite.substring(2,6)
+ ''
+ '/'
+ recordId;
// Returns:
Use:    Url.getOrgDomainUrl().toExternalForm()
Thanks, Tim Lewis
Note behaviour changes between releases and is sensitive to My Domain settings:
#Future context returns
Visualforce context returns Site context returns
#Future context returns
Visualforce context returns Site context returns
My Domain is mandatory in new orgs effective Winter '21.
Enhanced Domains is mandatory in all orgs effective Summer '22.
// Not to be confused with Url.getSalesforceBaseUrl()
// (can happen in async apex)
// (local Visualforce Page)
// (packaged Visualforce Page)
// (org has My Domain enabled)
// (sandbox site with My Domain...)
See also the Salesforce Identity API which attests the pod/instance endpoint.
Fix to Alex_E snippet:
String sUrlRewrite = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getHost();
String sfBaseProtocol = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getProtocol();
//remove namespace
integer firstDotPos = sUrlRewrite.indexOf('.');
sURlRewrite = sURlRewrite.substring(firstDotPos+1);
//replace visual.force with salesforce
sURlRewrite = sURlRewrite.replace('visual.force', 'salesforce');
sUrlRewrite = sfBaseProtocol+'://'+sURlRewrite;
serverURL = sUrlRewrite;
This works for me:
String sUrlRewrite = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getProtocol()
+ '://' + System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getHost()
+ '/' + record.Id;
Here is something to do with regex
public String getURL() {
return String.format(
new String[]{
