Newbie question about C libraries - c

Starting C and developing on Windows XP... Do the libraries I include (if personal ones) have to be in a certain directory? Or will the computer's contents be indexed to find them?

They can be in any directory and the won't be indexed. You can pass a list of "include directories" to your compiler, which will search for headers in these directories. Likewise, you can pass a list of "library directories" to your linker where .lib files will be searched for. The specifics of how to pass these parameters to your compiler or linker depend on the compiler or IDE you are using.

The short answer is that you can just place the libraries (i.e. DLL files I presume) in the same directory as the executable file and they will be found.
The long answer is very much longer indeed, but for now you can get away with just knowing the above!

They can be in any directory you want, the linker just needs to know where there are when the executable is created. If you're using a command line compiler, like gcc, you use an option like "-L{directory}" and "-l{library file name}" to specify where to find libraries you want to include in your compile. This can vary with each compiler, so you have to look at the manpages/help for each compiler (but this is pretty common).

Generally almost nothing about 3rd party (or personal) libraries is automatically found by C compiler toolchains.
Depending on your toolchain, you'll need to perform some configuration so the compiler will be able to locate the headers for the library, as well as some configuration for the linker to locate the libraries.
If the program is built by statically linking the libraries, you generally won't need to do anything special to locate the libraries at runtime (since they're part of the executable). If the libraries are dynamically linked, then you need to ensure that the library is in the appropriate place at runtime (which might be as simple as making sure that it's in the same directory).
Unfortunately, each compiler has it's own way of performing this configuration (which might also differ depending on whether you want to use an IDE or not), so details would depend on what specific compiler you're interested in using.


Finding C libraries not included by default

Coming from programming environments that support package managers, I experience a lot of discomfort installing and using libraries not included in the default project.
For example, #include <threads.h> triggers an error threads.h file not found. I found that the compiler looks for header files in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/include/c++/v1 by issuing gcc -print-prog-name=cpp -v. I am not sure if this a complete folder list? How do I find the ones that it doesn't find by default? I am on OSX, but Windows solution is also desired.
The question doesn't really say whether you are building your own project, or someone else's, and whether you use an IDE or some build system. I'll try to give a generic answer suitable for most scenarios.
But first, it's header files, not libraries (which are a different kind of pain, by the way). You need to explicitly make them available to the compiler, unless they reside on a standard search path. Alas, it's a lot of manual work sometimes, especially when you need to build a third-party project with a ton of dependencies.
I am not sure if this a complete folder list?
Figuring out the standard include paths of your compiler can be tricky. Here's one question that has some hints: What are the GCC default include directories?
How do I find the ones that it doesn't find by default?
They may or may not be present on your machine. If they are, you'll have to find out where they are located. Otherwise you have to figure out what library they belong to, then download and unpack (and probably build) it. Either way, you will have to specify the path to that library's header files in your IDE (or Makefile, or whatever you use). Oh, and you need to make sure that the library version matches the version required by the project. Fun!
On macOS you can use third-party package managers (e.g. brew) to handle library installation for you.
pkg-config is not available on macOS, unless you install it from a third-party source.
If you are building your own project, a somewhat better solution is to use CMake and its find_package command. However, only libraries supported by CMake can be discovered this way. Fortunately, their collection of supported libraries is quite extensive, and you can make your own find_package scripts. Moreover, CMake is cross-platform, and it can handle versioning for you.

Can I force a dynamic library to link to a specific dynamic library dependency?

I'm building an dynamic library,, which depends on
Within my autotools file, I have a line like this:
libfoo_la_LIBADD += -L${OPENSSL_DIR}/lib -lcrypto
where $OPENSSL_DIR defaults to /usr but can be overridden by passing --with-openssl-dir=/whatever.
How can I ensure that an executable using uses ${OPENSSL_DIR}/lib/ (only) without the person building or running the executable having to use rpath or fiddle with LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
As things stand, I can build libfoo and pass --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local/openssl-special and it builds fine. But when I run ldd, it just points to the in /usr/lib.
The only solution I can think of is statically linking libcrypto.a into Is there any other approach possible?
Details of runtime dynamic linking vary from platform to platform. The Autotools can insulate you from that to an extent, but if you care about the details, which apparently you do, then it probably is not adequate to allow the Autotools to choose for you.
With that said, however, you seem to be ruling out just about all possibilities:
The most reliable way to ensure that at runtime you get the specific implementation you linked against at build time is to link statically. But you say you don't want that.
If you instead use dynamic libraries then you rely on the dynamic linker to associate a library implementation with your executable at run time. In that case, there are two general choices for how you can direct the DL to a specific library implementation:
Via information stored in the program / library binary. You are using terminology that suggests an ELF-based system, and for ELF shared objects, it is the RPATH and / or RUNPATH that convey information about where to look for required libraries. There is no path information associated with individual library requirements; they are identified by SONAME only. But you say you don't want to use RPATH*, and so I suppose not RUNPATH either.
Via static or dynamic configuration of the dynamic linker. This is where LD_LIBRARY_PATH comes in, but you say you don't want to use that. The dynamic linker typically also has a configuration file or files, such as /etc/ There you can specify library directories to search, and, with a bit of care, the order to search them.
Possibly, then, you can cause your desired library implementation to be linked to your application by updating the dynamic linker's configuration files to cause it to search the wanted path first. This will affect the whole system, however, and it's brittle.
Alternatively, depending on details of the nature of the dependency, you could give your wanted version of libcrypto a distinct SONAME. Effectively, that would make it a different object (e.g. libdjcrypto) as far as the static and dynamic linkers are concerned. But that is risky, because if your library has both direct and indirect dependencies on libcrypto, or if a program using your library depends on libcrypto via another path, then you'll end up at run time (dynamically) linking both libraries, and possibly even using functions from both, depending on the origin of each call.
Note well that the above issue should be a concern for you if you link your library statically, too. If that leaves any indirect dynamic dependencies on libcrypto in your library, or any dynamic dependencies from other sources in programs using your library, then you will end up with multiple versions of libcrypto in use at the same time.
Bottom line
For an executable, the best options are either (1) all-static linkage or (2) (for ELF) RPATH / LD_LIBRARY_PATH / RUNPATH, ensuring that all components require the target library via the same SONAME. I tend to like providing a wrapper script that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so that its effect is narrowly scoped.
For a reusable library, "don't do that" is probably the best alternative. The high potential for ending up with programs simultaneously using two different versions of the other library (libcrypto in your case) makes all available options unattractive. Unless, of course, you're ok with multiple library versions being used by the same program, in which case static linkage and RPATH / RUNPATH (but not LD_LIBRARY_PATH) are your best available alternatives.
*Note that at least some versions of libtool have a habit of adding RPATH entries whether you ask for them or not -- something to watch out for. You may need to patch the libtool scripts installed in your project to avoid that.

why can I use stdio.h without a corresponding stdio.c [duplicate]

This may seem a little stupid:) But it's been bothering a while. When I include some header files which are written by others in my C++/C program, how does the compiler know where is the implementation of the class member function declared in the header files?
Say I want to write some program which takes advantage of the OpenCV library. Normally I would want to use:
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
However, these are just header files which, as far as I can tell, only declares functions but without implementation. Then how does the compiler know where to find the implementation? Especially when I want to build a .so file.
There is a similar post. Basically it said thrid-party library, esp. commercial product don't release source code, so they ship the lib file with the header. However, it didn't make clear how does the compiler know where to find the lib file. In addition, The answer in that post mentioned if I want to compile the code of my own, I would need the source code of the implementation of those header files. Does that mean I cannot build a .so file without the source of the implementation?
In general, the implementation is distributed as form of pre-compiled libraries. You need to tell the compiler where they are located.
For example, for gcc, quoting the online manual
-l library
Search the library named library when linking. [...]
Add directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for -l.
Note: you don't need to explicitly specify the standard libraries, they are automatically linked. Rather, if you don't want them to be linked with you binary, you need to inform the compiler by passing the -nostdlib option.
The exact answer is platform specific, but in general I'd say that some libraries are in fact header-only, and others include the implementation of the library's methods in binary object files. I believe OpenCV belongs to the second kind, i.e. provides the implementation in object files, for either dynamic or static linking, and your program links against them. If your build works, then it is already configured to link against those libraries. At this point the details become very much platform and build-system specific.
Note that for common platforms like Windows, Mac and Linux you seldom need to build popular libraries like OpenCV yourself. You mentioned .so files, which implies dynamic linking on Linux. This library is open-source so in theory you could build it yourself, but in practice I'd much rather use my distribution's package installation tool (e.g. apt-get or yum) to install opencv-dev (or something similar) from my distribution's repository.
As the others already explained, you need to tell your compiler where to look for the files.
This implies that you should know which path to specify for your compiler.
Some components provide a mechanism where you don't need to know the exact path but can automatically retrieve it from your system.
For example if you want to compile using GTK+3 you need to specify these flags for your compiler:
CFLAGS:= -I./ `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0`
LIBS:= -lm `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0`
This will automatically result in the required include and library path flags for GCC.
The compiler toolchain contains at least two major tools: the compiler and the link editor (it is very common to name compiler the whole chain, but strictly speaking it is wrong).
The compiler is in charge of producing object code from the available source code. In that phase the compiler knows where to locate standard headers, and can be told to use non-standard dirs to locate headers. For example, gcc uses -I to let you specify some more alternate dirs that may contains headers.
The link editor is in charge of producing executable files (its basic common usage) from object codes. To produce an executable it needs to find every implementation of declared things at compile-time for which you didn't provide source code. These can be other object codes, object codes in libraries, etc. The link editor knows where are located standard libraries and can be told to let you specify non-standard dirs. For example you can tell the gcc toolchain to use alternate dirs with L that may contain libraries. You may be aware that link edition is now usually a two phase process: location-and-name-resolution at link-time and real link-edition at run-time (dynamic libraries are very common).
Basically a library is just a collection of object code. Consult internet to see how you can easily build libraries either from source code of from object code.

CMake: how to produce binaries "as static as possible"

I would like to have control over the type of the libraries that get found/linked with my binaries in CMake. The final goal is, to generate binaries "as static as possible" that is to link statically against every library that does have a static version available. This is important as would enable portability of binaries across different systems during testing.
ATM this seems to be quite difficult to achieve as the FindXXX.cmake packages, or more precisely the find_library command always picks up the dynamic libraries whenever both static and dynamic are available.
Tips on how to implement this functionality - preferably in an elegant way - would be very welcome!
I did some investigation and although I could not find a satisfying solution to the problem, I did find a half-solution.
The problem of static builds boils down to 3 things:
Building and linking the project's internal libraries.
Pretty simple, one just has to flip the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS switch OFF.
Finding static versions of external libraries.
The only way seems to be setting CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES to contain the desired file suffix(es) (it's a priority list).
This solution is quite a "dirty" one and very much against CMake's cross-platform aspirations. IMHO this should be handled behind the scenes by CMake, but as far as I understood, because of the ".lib" confusion on Windows, it seems that the CMake developers prefer the current implementation.
Linking statically against system libraries.
CMake provides an option LINK_SEARCH_END_STATIC which based on the documentation: "End a link line such that static system libraries are used."
One would think, this is it, the problem is solved. However, it seems that the current implementation is not up to the task. If the option is turned on, CMake generates a implicit linker call with an argument list that ends with the options passed to the linker, including -Wl,-Bstatic. However, this is not enough. Only instructing the linker to link statically results in an error, in my case: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s. What is missing is telling gcc as well that we need static linking through the -static argument which is not generated to the linker call by CMake. I think this is a bug, but I haven't managed to get a confirmation from the developers yet.
Finally, I think all this could and should be done by CMake behind the scenes, after all it's not so complicated, except that it's impossible on Windows - if that count as complicated...
A well made FindXXX.cmake file will include something for this. If you look in FindBoost.cmake, you can set the Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS variable to control whether or not it finds static or shared libraries. Unfortunately, a majority of packages do not implement this.
If a module uses the find_library command (most do), then you can change CMake's behavior through CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES variable. Here's the relevant CMake code from FindBoost.cmake to use this:
You can either put this before calling find_package, or, better, you can modify the .cmake files themselves and contribute back to the community.
For the .cmake files I use in my project, I keep all of them in their own folder within source control. I did this because I found that having the correct .cmake file for some libraries was inconsistent and keeping my own copy allowed me to make modifications and ensure that everyone who checked out the code would have the same build system files.

Compiled languages basics

please, could someone explain to me a few basic things about working with languages like C? Especially on Windows?
If I want to use some other library, what do I need from the library? Header files .h and ..?
What is the difference between .dll and .dll.a.? .dll and .lib? .dll and .exe? What is .def?
Does it matter how was the library compiled? I mean, is it possible to use, on Windows, a C++ library compiled by VC from within my C code compiled by MinGW?
To use another library, what is preferred way? LoadLibrary() or #include <>?
There are some libraries which only provide the source code or .dll - how to use such libraries? Do I have to recompile them every time I rebuild my project?
How do I create one big .exe? Is this called "static linking"?
How to include some random file into .exe? Say a program icon or start-up song?
How do I split my huge .c into smaller ones? Do I need to create for every part a header file which then I include in the part with WinMain() or main()?
If there is a library which needs another library, is it possible to combine these two into one file? Say, python26.dll needs msvcr90.dll and Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest
What happens if I don't free previously allocated memory? Is this going to be cleaned up if the program (process) dies?
Well, so many question... Thanks for every info!
1: If I want to use some other library, what do I need from the library? Header files .h and ..?
... and, usually a *.lib file which you pass as an argument to your linker.
2: What is the difference between .dll and .dll.a.? .dll and .lib? .dll and .exe? What is .def?
This might be useful: Static libraries, dynamic libraries, DLLs, entry points, headers … how to get out of this alive?
3: Does it matter how was the library compiled? I mean, is it possible to use, on Windows, a C++ library compiled by VC from within my C code compiled by MinGW?
Yes, it matters. For interop between compilers, the normal way is to use a C-style (not C++-style) API, with well-defined parameter-passing conventions (e.g. __stdcall), or to use 'COM' interfaces.
4: To use another library, what is preferred way? LoadLibrary() or #include <>?
#include is for the compiler (e.g. so that it can compile calls to the library); and LoadLibrary (or, using a *.lib file) is for the run-time linker/loader (so that it can substitute the actual address of those library methods into your code): i.e. you need both.
5: There are some libraries which only provide the source code or .dll - how to use such libraries? Do I have to recompile them every time I rebuild my project?
If it's only source then you can compile that source (once) into a library, and then (when you build your project) link to that library (without recompiling the library).
6: How do I create one big .exe? Is this called "static linking"?
Yes, compile everything and pass it all to the linker.
7: How to include some random file into .exe? Say a program icon or start-up song?
Define that in a Windows-specific 'resource file', which is compiled by the 'resource compiler'.
8: How do I split my huge .c into smaller ones? Do I need to create for every part a header file which then I include in the part with WinMain() or main()?
9: If there is a library which needs another library, is it possible to combine these two into one file? Say, python26.dll needs msvcr90.dll and Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest
I don't understand your question/example.
10: What happens if I don't free previously allocated memory? Is this going to be cleaned up if the program (process) dies?
If I want to use some other library, what do I need from the library? Header files .h and ..?
You need header .h or .hpp for C,C++ although some languages don't require header files. You'll also need .a, .so, .dll, .lib, .jar etc files. These files contain the machine code that you linker can link into your program. Goes without saying that the format of library is must be understood by you linker.
What is the difference between .dll and .dll.a.? .dll and .lib? .dll and .exe? What is .def?
dll and .a are library files, that contain code components that you can link into your own program. a .exe is your final program into which .a or .dll has already been linked.
Does it matter how was the library compiled? I mean, is it possible to use, on Windows, a C++ library compiled by VC from within my C code compiled by MinGW?
Yes, it is important that the library that you are using is compatible with your platform. Typically Unix libraries will not run on windows and vice versa, if you are using JAVA you are better off since a .jar files will usually work on any platform with JAVA enabled (though versions matter )
To use another library, what is preferred way? LoadLibrary() or #include <>?
include is not a way to use a library its just a preprocessor directive telling you preprocessor to include a external source file in your current source file. This file can be any file not just .h although usually it would be .h or a .hpp
You'll be better off my leaving the decision about when to load a library to you runtime environment or your linker, unless you know for sure that loading a library at a particular point of time is going to add some value to your code. The performance cost and exact method of doing this is platform dependent.
There are some libraries which only provide the source code or .dll - how to use such libraries? Do I have to recompile them every time I rebuild my project?
If you have source code you'll need to recompile it every time you make a change to it.
however if you have not changed the source of library in anyway there is no need to recompile it. The build tool like Make are intelligent enough to take this decision for you.
How do I create one big .exe? Is this called "static linking"?
Creating a static .exe is dependent on the build tool you are using.
with gcc this would usually mean that you have to you -static option
gcc -static -o my.exe my.c
How to include some random file into .exe? Say a program icon or start-up song?
Nothing in programming is random. If it were we would be in trouble. Again the way you can play a song or display an icon is dependent on the platform you are using on some platforms it may even be impossible to do so.
How do I split my huge .c into smaller ones? Do I need to create for every part a header file which then I include in the part with WinMain() or main()?
You'll need a header file with all your function prototypes and you can split you program into several .c files that contain one or more functions. You main files will include the header file. All source files need to be compiled individually and then linked into one executable. Typically you'll get a .o for every .c and then you link all the .o together to get a .exe
If there is a library which needs another library, is it possible to combine these two into one file? Say, python26.dll needs msvcr90.dll and Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest
Yes one library may require another library however its not advisable to package different libraries together, you may be violating the IPR and also for the fact that each library is usually a well define unit with a specific purpose and combining them into one usually doesn't make much sense.
What happens if I don't free previously allocated memory? Is this going to be cleaned up if the program (process) dies?
Again depends on the platform, usually on most OS the memory will be recovered after the program dies but on certain platforms like an embedded system it may be permanently lost.
It always a good idea to clean up the resources your program has used.
In all seriousness, the place to go to learn how to run your local environment is the documentation for your local environment. After all we on not even know exactly what your environment is, much less have it in front of us.
But here are some answers:
1. You need the headers, and a linkable object of some kind. Or you need the source so that you can build these.
3. It matters that the library is in a format that your linker understands. In c++ and perhaps other languages, it also needs to understand the name mangling that was used.
6. Forcing all the library code to be included in the executable is, indeed, called "static linking".
7. There is at least one StackOverflow question on "resource compilers".
