Changing RectangleGeometry.Rect on window resize in WPF - wpf

I have a RectangleGeometry for clipping a certain area of a window. However, when the window is resized I'd like the RectangleGeometry.Rect property to be adjusted such that the clipping position doesn't change as the window resizes. Is there an event I'd have to lookout for to dynamically change the property? Any help is appreciated

You should be able to handle the SizeChanged event on your Window, then adjust your clipping rectangle accordingly.


WPF control is on top of the window border, how do I stop that?

I have a WPF window and an Image in a grid in the window. I am animating the Image so it moves from out of view (beyond widow location) into the window.
The animation is nice and smooth and everything works but I notice the image is over top of the window border while it is moving. The image at the end of this question is what it looks like.
Why would the image be over top of the window border, and how do I get it to be "under" the border?
Thanks in advance!
Well after a lot of trial and error it seems the problem was the fact I was moving the image in a grid that had no defined width, so the width would expand over the border when moving the image thus extending the "client" area of the window and showing over the window area.
Once I defined a specific width of the grid, everything worked.

Animation for SizeToContent resizing

In WPF window, I have specified SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight".
I have a number of panels stacked up, of which I change the visibility (to Visible or Collapsed) as required. My window resizes itself according to the panel that I have set visible. No issues here.
My problem is with the resizing, that the window resizes with a jerk to the final size.
I want to animate this such that the resizing is smooth. And i want to do this in my XAML file.
Is there any solution for this???
P.S. - I have not set any Width or Height property in the window and I want to restrict myself from doing that.

Panning contents of a Canvas in a ScrollViewer

I'm trying to implement panning within a Canvas within a scrollviewer like:
<!-- some visual elements here -->
I want a click and drag operation within the canvas to cause the contents of the canvas to move. I've tried handling the MouseDown, MouseMove, and MouseUp events to do a translation in the manner described here but it hasn't worked.
Any ideas?
You can't do that with your current setup. A Canvas will stretch beyond its parent container and the scrollviewer won't know the size of the Canvas (it will tell it it doesn't need to scroll) and therefore can't create the handles.
If you want to skip with that set up change the canvas to a grid and use the Vertical Scroll and Horizontal Scroll and associated set properties to move the visible section of the grid around.
Try giving your Canvas a set Width and Height and give it a background color (Transparent should be fine) and see if that helps you get your mouse events.

WPF Adorner Clipping

I have an ItemsControl in a ScrollViewer. The items in the ItemsControl are expanded to a DataTemplate which basically consists of an Adorner.
Now the problem is, when scrolling, the Visual Children of the Adorner are visible outside the ScrollViewer. Lets say I scroll from the Horizontal Offset 0 to 100, the Visual Children of the Adorner move to the left and are visible next to the ScrollViewer, although they should be hidden. Setting ClipToBounds on the ItemsControl or the ScrollViewer does not work.
I understand, that Adorner are rendered above all elements z-order wise, but they really shouldn't be visible in such cases as with the ScrollViewer. The adorned Element by the way behaves like expected and is not visible through the ScrollViewer.
Is there any easy way to "clip" the Adorners, so that they are only visible in the visible scroll area?
Setting ClipToBounds on the containing control is not enough. You must set the adorner's IsClipEnabled property too.
I've encountered the same problem when subclassing the WPFToolkit DataGrid to draw an adorner around the current cell.
The content of the ScrollViewer is rendered by a ScrollContentPresenter instance. ScrollContentPresenter has its own adorner layer, which is accessible through the ScrollContentPresenter.AdornerLayer property.
I found that my adorner correctly clips if I add it to that layer.
My solution was to push a clip region onto the drawing context, render whatever I needed, and pop the clipping at the end, like this:
drawingContext.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0, 0, this.AdornedElement.RenderSize.Width, this.AdornedElement.RenderSize.Height)));
// continue drawing
You can plug this in into any Adorner, the bounds are already available as part of the element.

Dynamically resizing a window in Xaml

Is there a way for me to have the Window of my WPF application resize dynamically with the content? I tried setting the width and height to auto, but no go.
Set SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" on the window and the window will dynamically resize based on its content size.
Use a resizable control like Grid and put all the controls in Rows/Columns. Also set HorizontalAlignment to stretch for each control inside the Grid.
