Tuning SQL 2005 database using SQL 2008 tools? - sql-server

I have an assignment to tune a poorly performing query running on a SQL 2005 database. I have SQL 2008 management tools installed on my workstation. Can I use some of the new query tuning tools in 2008 like the data collector and system data collection sets to help analyze and tune this guy?

No, I don't believe so.
You can see the only versions listed are 2008, R2 and Denali.


Using the same database on different versions of SQL Server

We have several SQL Server databases at work and we plan to keep all of them in a Database Server. However, while we use SQL Server 2014 in some of the databases, there is also a database (let's say ABC) with the version of SQL Server 2008 R2.
The problem is that; ABC is a database originated from another company and sometimes it is updated by them using scripts, etc. So, this means that we have to go together with the version they use. As far as I know, it is possible to restore a database of version 2008 R2 in the version of 2014 but the reverse operation is not possible (to restore a database of version 2014 in the version of 2008 R2).
So, in that case what is the best way to solve this problem by using the single database (SQL Server 2014) on the same server?
You can generate database from the 2014, 2008 compatible. You can dig into the advanced option and you will find creating scripts for triggers, indexes and all dependent objects.
Generate Scripts
Choose Compatibility
Specify Data generating scripts
The server could be 2014.
You just need get SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) version 2008 and generate backup using it.
You could have lots of SSMS versions.

SQL Server 2012 SSMS with SQL Server 2008 R2 database engine

I use SQL Server 2008 R2 as the database engine. With my MSDN subscription, I can get SQL Server 2012 for development use. Since I noticed some cool things in 2012 SSMS, my question is that if I only use 2012 SSMS and keep 2008 R2 as the database engine, will there be any difference in scripts' generation or any other effects?
Oh yes, I saw this page: SQL Server Database Engine Backward Compatibility, but it is not exactly what I am looking for.
No, there should be no ill effects.
SSMS 2012 should generate scripts that are compatible with the database version that is being actively used.

Can I use SQL Server 2008 management studio with SQL Server 2005?

I have management studio 2005 and 2008, can the 2008 version be setup to connect to 2005? I understand there are new features in 2008 that I wouldn't be able to use, but I mainly use the software to graphical create new tables and assign relationships.
Yes, Sql Server Management Studio 2008 works with Sql Server 2005. However, it does not work with Sql Server 2000.
I incorrectly stated that it doesn't work with Sql Server 2000, while in fact it does. However, having said that, it's probably not going to give you a whole lot usability options if you're connecting to Sql Server 2000.

Use SQL 2008 SSRS and SSAS on a SQL 2000 Instance and Database?

The ERP system that I use is "stuck" in SQL 2000. The vendor states that it will not work, even in 2000 compatibility mode with any version of SQL higher than 2005. Due to corporate red tape I cannot use SQL 2005.
Can I install 2008 on the same server as a separate instance and then use the tools of 2008 to create SSRS and SSAS projects?
Can they read directly from the SQL 2000 databases?
If not, could I transfer data from the 2000 instance to the 2008 instance with log shipping or perhaps a simple daily back up and restore?
If necessary, I could set up 2008 on a separate server and then would attempt to move data from 2000 to 2008 periodically and run SSRS and SSAS on that. Would this work?
Any input would be appreciated.
Yes, on all accounts.
SQL Server is absolutely backwards compatible, and can use SQL Server 2000 as a source for SSAS and SSRS. It uses the SQL 10.0 driver, which can connect to 2000 instances with no issue.
That being said, I'd look into using SSIS to bring data into a 2008 instance and star it out, since typically, ERP systems are in 3NF, which is not very suitable for SSAS. You're much better off with a star schema for this.
There is no reason I can see that this is not possible unless you're doing some form of failover clustering, and then you would just need to put the instance of SQL 2008 on a separate server. SSAS and SSRS should be able to access the SQL 2000 database natively with no need for ETL that I can think of.

SQL server 2008 features/benefits?

Duplicate of:
known and “unknown” incompatibilities between sql 2005 and 2008?
SQL Server 2005 vs SQL Server 2008 [closed]
Advantages of MS SQL Server 2008 over MS SQL Server 2005?
And many more.
I have been using SQL server 2000 for a few years but now have access to SQL server 2008 for development.
Apart from the obvious things like the new management studio and intellisense what are the main features and benefits of SQL server 2008?
What is the general consensus on the performance of the management studio compared to the out dated SQL 2000 enterprise manager and query analyzer applications?
Check out this question. Granted the title is for advantages of 2008 over 2005, I think the feature list is quite comprehensive and will show you all that 2000 isn't offering.
SQL Server Management Studio is a lot nicer than Enterprise Manager. It is a little different since SSMS uses more of a Visual Studio interface. But there are lot more features in SSMS easily available.
