check to see if 3 values in array are consecutive? - arrays

I have an array, which for example contains the values 123456, which obviously contains more than 3 consecutive values.
I want a method that will return true if the array contains at least 3 consecutive values in it, thanks in advance.
for example:
972834 - return true (234)
192645 - return true (456)
etc. etc..
update! :
i have an array in java, it takes in 6 integers.
for example nextTurn[], and it contains 8 4 2 5 6 5
at the moment it sorts the array - 2 4 5 5 6 8
how would i get it to return true if there are 3 consecutive numbers throughout the array?
ie so it will find 4 5 6
i would also like it to return the position of the integer in the array,
so for the original array 8 4 2 5 6 5
it will return, 2 4 5
or 2 5 6
thanks for all your help guys, appreciated

The most straight forward solution would be to simply loop through the items, and check against the next two items:
bool HasConsecutive(int[] a){
for(int i = 0; i < a.Length - 2; i++) {
if (a[i + 1] == a[i] + 1 && a[i + 2] == a[i] + 2) return true;
return false;
Another solution is to loop through the items and count consecutive items:
bool HasConsecutive(int[] a){
int cnt = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < a.Length; i++) {
if (a[i] == a[i - 1] + 1) {
if (cnt == 3) return true;
} else {
cnt = 1;
return false;

Should be tagged homework I'm assuming.
In pseudo code you are going to want something along the lines of
for int i = 0 to array.length - 2
temp = array[i]
if((array[i+1] == (temp + 1)) && (array[i+2] == (temp + 2)))
return true
else return false
edit: This is assuming you have an array of ints. If it is a string, you are going to have to use something along the lines of charAt(position) and then convert the char to a decimal number, by subtracting '0' or using a parseInteger function
Update on the misleading part
To do this, I would create an array the same length of the string, for simplicities sake
int arr[array.length];
then loop through every item in the string array, while incrementing arr at the position the number falls at
(assuming a char array, single digit numbers)
for( int i = 0; i < array.length; i++ )
arr[array[i] - '0']++;
then go through arr checking for three consecutive numbers
for( int i = 0; i < arr.length - 2; i++ )
if( arr[i] >= 1 && arr[i+1] >= 1 && arr[i+2] >= 1 )
return true;
return false;

h = new hash table
for i in array
if i + 1 in h && i + 2 in h
return i, i+1, i+2
add i to h
return no-match

Late to the party, but here's a solution.
function checkConsecutiveExists(arr) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (checkNumLast(arr, arr[i]) || checkNumMid(arr, arr[i]) || checkNumFirst(arr, arr[i])) {
return true;
return false;
function checkNumLast(arr, num) {
return arr.includes(num - 2) && arr.includes(num - 1);
function checkNumMid(arr, num) {
return arr.includes(num - 1) && arr.includes(num + 1);
function checkNumFirst(arr, num) {
return arr.includes(num + 1) && arr.includes(num + 2);
console.log(checkConsecutiveExists([9, 7, 2, 8, 3, 4]));
console.log(checkConsecutiveExists([1, 9, 2, 6, 4, 50]));
It's a brute force solution, so not the most optimal.


Infinite loop subset sum backtracking

I'm trying to implement my own version of the sum of subsets problem, using backtracking, to get all the possible solutions of obtaining a given sum from an array of elements. At the moment, I'm getting output stuck in an infinite, the output adds up to the sum that I want, but it exceeds the number of elements of a type available in the array. I'm not sure why this happens, because I put some stopping conditions. The code:
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 1024
int coins_array[] = {1,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,10,10,10,10,10,15,15,15,15,15,15};
int N = sizeof(coins_array) / sizeof(coins_array[0]);
int S = 27, Sol[MAX], sum, sol;
int acceptable(int step)
int i = 0, sum = 0;
for(i = 1; i <= step; i++)
sum += Sol[i];
if((sum <= S) && (step <= N))
return 1;
return 0;
int solution(int sum)
if (sum == S)
return 1;
return 0;
void print_solution(int step)
int i;
for(i = 1 ; i <= step ; ++i)
printf("%d ",Sol[i]);
void back(int step)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
Sol[step] = coins_array[i];
sum += coins_array[i];
if(acceptable(step) == 1)
if(solution(sum) == 1)
sum -= coins_array[i];
int main()
return 0;
Output (in an infinite loop):
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3
So, the numbers add up to the desired sum, however it exceeds the number of available 1's, and doesn't make use of 10 or 15. I ran to this in the debugger and I believe the problem for the loop is at back(step+1). Any idea how I could fix this?
Not sure this covers all problems in your code but it's at least its one bug that needs to be fixed.
Your current code uses the same coin several times. For instance if you set the target to be 2 (i.e. S = 2), your code will generate a solution where coins_array[0] is used twice.
This happens because your back function always starts looking at the coins_array from index zero.
void back(int step)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
Always starting from zero is wrong
Instead you need to start from the "next unused" coin. Unfortunately your current code doesn't track that so you need to redesign your solution.
To show the above described problem I made some minor changes to your program - 1) Reduced the available coins 2) Changed the target value 3) Added an array to track which coin (aka index) was used 4) printed the index
So with these change your code looks like:
#define MAX 1024
int coins_array[] = {1,1,3};
int N = sizeof(coins_array) / sizeof(coins_array[0]);
int S = 2, Sol[MAX], IndexUsed[MAX], sum, sol;
int acceptable(int step)
int i = 0, sum = 0;
for(i = 1; i <= step; i++)
sum += Sol[i];
if((sum <= S) && (step <= N))
return 1;
return 0;
int solution(int sum)
if (sum == S)
return 1;
return 0;
void print_solution(int step)
int i;
for(i = 1 ; i <= step ; ++i)
printf("%d (%d) ",Sol[i], IndexUsed[i]);
void back(int step)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
Sol[step] = coins_array[i];
IndexUsed[step] = i;
sum += coins_array[i];
if(acceptable(step) == 1)
if(solution(sum) == 1)
sum -= coins_array[i];
int main()
return 0;
and generates the output (with my comments added):
1 (0) 1 (0) // Illegal - coin at index 0 used twice
1 (0) 1 (1) // Legal - coin at index 0 and 1 used to reach the sum 2
1 (1) 1 (0) // Illegal - this combination have already been used
1 (1) 1 (1) // Illegal - coin at index 1 used twice
As you can see, your code prints 4 solutions but it should only have printed 1. As already stated, this happens because your code always start from index zero in the function back

Search unsorted array for 3 elements which sum to a value

I am trying to make an algorithm, of Θ( n² ).
It accepts an unsorted array of n elements, and an integer z,
and has to return 3 indices of 3 different elements a,b,c ; so a+b+c = z.
(return NILL if no such integers were found)
I tried to sort the array first, in two ways, and then to search the sorted array.
but since I need a specific running time for the rest of the algorithm, I am getting lost.
Is there any way to do it without sorting? (I guess it does have to be sorted) either with or without sorting would be good.
for this array : 1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 7, 9 and the integer 6
It has to return: 0, 1, 3
because ( 1+3+2 = 6)
Sort - O(nlogn)
for i=0... n-1 - O(1) assigning value to i
new_z = z-array[i] this value is updated each iteration. Now, search for new_z using two pointers, at begin (index 0) and end (index n-1) If sum (array[ptr_begin] + array[ptr_ens]) is greater then new_z, subtract 1 from the pointer at top. If smaller, add 1 to begin pointer. Otherwise return i, current positions of end and begin. - O(n)
jump to step 2 - O(1)
Steps 2, 3 and 4 cost O(n^2). Overall, O(n^2)
C++ code
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
std::vector<int> vec = {3, 1, 4, 2, 9, 7, 6};
std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
int z = 6;
int no_success = 1;
//std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [](auto const &it) { std::cout << it << std::endl;});
for (int i = 0; i < vec.size() && no_success; i++)
int begin_ptr = 0;
int end_ptr = vec.size()-1;
int new_z = z-vec[i];
while (end_ptr > begin_ptr)
if(begin_ptr == i)
if (end_ptr == i)
if ((vec[begin_ptr] + vec[end_ptr]) > new_z)
else if ((vec[begin_ptr] + vec[end_ptr]) < new_z)
else {
std::cout << "indices are: " << end_ptr << ", " << begin_ptr << ", " << i << std::endl;
no_success = 0;
return 0;
Beware, result is the sorted indices. You can maintain the original array, and then search for the values corresponding to the sorted array. (3 times O(n))
The solution for the 3 elements which sum to a value (say v) can be done in O(n^2), where n is the length of the array, as follows:
Sort the given array. [ O(nlogn) ]
Fix the first element , say e1. (iterating from i = 0 to n - 1)
Now we have to find the sum of 2 elements sum to a value (v - e1) in range from i + 1 to n - 1. We can solve this sub-problem in O(n) time complexity using two pointers where left pointer will be pointing at i + 1 and right pointer will be pointing at n - 1 at the beginning. Now we will move our pointers either from left or right depending upon the total current sum is greater than or less than required sum.
So, overall time complexity of the solution will be O(n ^ 2).
I attached solution in c++ for the reference: (also, added comments to explain time complexity).
vector<int> sumOfthreeElements(vector<int>& ar, int v) {
sort(ar.begin(), ar.end());
int n = ar.size();
for(int i = 0; i < n - 2 ; ++i){ //outer loop runs `n` times
//for every outer loop inner loops runs upto `n` times
//therefore, overall time complexity is O(n^2).
int lo = i + 1;
int hi = n - 1;
int required_sum = v - ar[i];
while(lo < hi) {
int current_sum = ar[lo] + ar[hi];
if(current_sum == required_sum) {
return {i, lo, hi};
} else if(current_sum > required_sum){
}else lo++;
return {};
I guess this is similar to LeetCode 15 and 16:
LeetCode 16
class Solution:
def threeSumClosest(self, nums, target):
closest = nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2]
for i in range(len(nums) - 2):
j = -~i
k = len(nums) - 1
while j < k:
summation = nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[k]
if summation == target:
return summation
if abs(summation - target) < abs(closest - target):
closest = summation
if summation < target:
j += 1
elif summation > target:
k -= 1
return closest
class Solution {
public int threeSumClosest(int[] nums, int target) {
int closest = nums[0] + nums[nums.length >> 1] + nums[nums.length - 1];
for (int first = 0; first < nums.length - 2; first++) {
int second = -~first;
int third = nums.length - 1;
while (second < third) {
int sum = nums[first] + nums[second] + nums[third];
if (sum > target)
if (Math.abs(sum - target) < Math.abs(closest - target))
closest = sum;
return closest;
LeetCode 15
class Solution:
def threeSum(self, nums):
res = []
for i in range(len(nums) - 2):
if i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i - 1]:
lo, hi = -~i, len(nums) - 1
while lo < hi:
tsum = nums[i] + nums[lo] + nums[hi]
if tsum < 0:
lo += 1
if tsum > 0:
hi -= 1
if tsum == 0:
res.append((nums[i], nums[lo], nums[hi]))
while lo < hi and nums[lo] == nums[-~lo]:
lo += 1
while lo < hi and nums[hi] == nums[hi - 1]:
hi -= 1
lo += 1
hi -= 1
return res
class Solution {
public List<List<Integer>> threeSum(int[] nums) {
List<List<Integer>> res = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length - 2; i++) {
if (i == 0 || (i > 0 && nums[i] != nums[i - 1])) {
int lo = -~i, hi = nums.length - 1, sum = 0 - nums[i];
while (lo < hi) {
if (nums[lo] + nums[hi] == sum) {
res.add(Arrays.asList(nums[i], nums[lo], nums[hi]));
while (lo < hi && nums[lo] == nums[-~lo])
while (lo < hi && nums[hi] == nums[hi - 1])
} else if (nums[lo] + nums[hi] < sum) {
} else {
return res;
You can see the explanations in the following links:
LeetCode 15 - Discussion Board
LeetCode 16 - Discussion Board
LeetCode 15 - Solution
You can use something like:
def find_3sum_restr(items, z):
# : find possible items to consider -- O(n)
candidates = []
min_item = items[0]
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if item < z:
if item < min_item:
min_item = item
# : find possible couples to consider -- O(n²)
candidates2 = []
for k, i in enumerate(candidates):
for j in candidates[k:]:
if items[i] + items[j] <= z - min_item:
candidates2.append([i, j])
# : find the matching items -- O(n³)
for i, j in candidates2:
for k in candidates:
if items[i] + items[j] + items[k] == z:
return i, j, k
This O(n + n² + n³), hence O(n³).
While this is reasonably fast for randomly distributed inputs (perhaps O(n²)?), unfortunately, in the worst case (e.g. for an array of all ones, with a z > 3), this is no better than the naive approach:
def find_3sum_naive(items, z):
n = len(items)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i, n):
for k in range(j, n):
if items[i] + items[j] + items[k] == z:
return i, j, k

find any increase sub-sequence with size 3 in an un-ordered array

I've encountered a question online: find any increase sub-sequence with size 3 in an un-ordered array using O(n) time complexity. (just need to return one valid result)
For example:
1 2 0 3 ==> 1 2 3
2 4 7 8 ==> 2 4 7; 4 7 8; 2 4 8 (anyone of them is Okay)
This one is pretty relative to the longest increase sub-sequence. But it is also very specific: we just want size 3. I came out an O(N) solution which requires to scan the array twice.
The idea:
(1) For each element, find is there any one smaller than it on the left side, is there any one larger than it on the right side.
(2) We can compute a minimum pre-array and a maximum post-array as pre-processing. For example:
1 2 0 3 ==> minimum pre-array: none 1 1 0
1 2 0 3 ==> maximum post-array: 3 3 3 None
I'm wondering is there any other solutions for this one?
Did you try looking a cs.stackexchange?
It has already been solved there:
One idea is to do something like longest increasing subsequence algorithm, and does it in one pass.
There are multiple solutions in that question I linked.
Here's the solution the question refers to (in JavaScript)
The comments have other alternative solutions.
function findIncSeq3(arr) {
var hi = Array(arr.length);
var lo = Array(arr.length);
hi[arr.length - 1] = lo[0] = null;
var tmp, i;
for (i = arr.length - 2, tmp = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (arr[i] >= arr[tmp]) {
tmp = i;
hi[i] = null;
} else {
hi[i] = tmp;
for (i = 1, tmp = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] <= arr[tmp]) {
tmp = i;
lo[i] = null;
} else {
lo[i] = tmp;
for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if(hi[i] !== null && lo[i] != null) {
return [arr[lo[i]], arr[i], arr[hi[i]]];
return null;
console.log("1,2,5", findIncSeq3([1, 2, 0, 5]));
console.log("null", findIncSeq3([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]));
console.log("2,3,9", findIncSeq3([10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 5, 3, 9]));
EDIT Here's a single iteration version.
function findIncSeq3(arr) {
var tmp = Array(arr.length);
for(var i = 0, s = arr.length - 1, lo = 0, hi = arr.length -1; i <= s; i++) {
if(s - i !== hi) {
if(arr[s - i] >= arr[hi]) {
hi = s - i;
} else if(tmp[s - i] !== undefined) {
return [arr[tmp[s - i]], arr[s - i], arr[hi]];
} else {
tmp[s - i] = hi;
if(i !== lo) {
if(arr[i] <= arr[lo]) {
lo = i;
} else if(tmp[i] !== undefined) {
return [arr[lo], arr[i], arr[tmp[i]]];
} else {
tmp[i] = lo;
return null;

Finding largest square submatrix of ones in a given square matrix of 0's and 1's?

The following was given as an interview question:
Write a function that outputs the size of the largest square submatrix consisting solely of ones in a square matrix of ones and zeros.
Example 1:
0 1
0 0
Output: 1
Example 2:
0 0 0
0 1 1
0 1 1
Output: 2
Example 3:
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
Output 3
I was hoping for an efficient solution to this problem if at all possible.
Use Search and then Dynamic Programming.
First idea of implementation:
Start search on row r=1.
Find longest sequence of ones in that row, and assign this length to x.
Try to find a square matrix of ones with side=x starting at row r. If successful, max=x. If not, decrease x and repeat this step if x>1. If nothing found, max could be 0 or 1.
Increase r, and repeat.
Then improve your algorithm (stop if remaining rows are less than current max, and so on).
Here is O(n) implementation in C# using dynamic programming. Basically you are building another matrix of biggest size (including itself) while you are reading every cell of the matrix.
public static int LargestSquareMatrixOfOne(int[,] original_mat)
int[,] AccumulatedMatrix = new int[original_mat.GetLength(0), original_mat.GetLength(1)];
AccumulatedMatrix[0, 0] = original_mat[0, 0];
int biggestSize = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < original_mat.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < original_mat.GetLength(1); j++)
if (i > 0 && j > 0)
if (original_mat[i, j] == 1)
AccumulatedMatrix[i, j] = Math.Min(AccumulatedMatrix[i - 1, j - 1], (Math.Min(AccumulatedMatrix[i - 1, j], AccumulatedMatrix[i, j - 1]))) + 1;
if (AccumulatedMatrix[i, j] > biggestSize)
biggestSize = AccumulatedMatrix[i, j];
AccumulatedMatrix[i, j] = 0;
else if ( (i > 0 && j == 0) || (j > 0 && i == 0))
if (original_mat[i, j] == 1) { AccumulatedMatrix[i, j] = 1; }
else { AccumulatedMatrix[i, j] = 0; }
return biggestSize;

Find the 2nd largest element in an array with minimum number of comparisons

For an array of size N, what is the number of comparisons required?
The optimal algorithm uses n+log n-2 comparisons. Think of elements as competitors, and a tournament is going to rank them.
First, compare the elements, as in the tree
/ \
| |
/ \ / \
x x x x
this takes n-1 comparisons and each element is involved in comparison at most log n times. You will find the largest element as the winner.
The second largest element must have lost a match to the winner (he can't lose a match to a different element), so he's one of the log n elements the winner has played against. You can find which of them using log n - 1 comparisons.
The optimality is proved via adversary argument. See or or or
You can find the second largest value with at most 2·(N-1) comparisons and two variables that hold the largest and second largest value:
largest := numbers[0];
secondLargest := null
for i=1 to numbers.length-1 do
number := numbers[i];
if number > largest then
secondLargest := largest;
largest := number;
if number > secondLargest then
secondLargest := number;
Use Bubble sort or Selection sort algorithm which sorts the array in descending order. Don't sort the array completely. Just two passes. First pass gives the largest element and second pass will give you the second largest element.
No. of comparisons for first pass: n-1
No. of comparisons for second pass: n-2
Total no. of comparison for finding second largest: 2n-3
May be you can generalize this algorithm. If you need the 3rd largest then you make 3 passes.
By above strategy you don't need any temporary variables as Bubble sort and Selection sort are in place sorting algorithms.
Here is some code that might not be optimal but at least actually finds the 2nd largest element:
if( val[ 0 ] > val[ 1 ] )
largest = val[ 0 ]
secondLargest = val[ 1 ];
largest = val[ 1 ]
secondLargest = val[ 0 ];
for( i = 2; i < N; ++i )
if( val[ i ] > secondLargest )
if( val[ i ] > largest )
secondLargest = largest;
largest = val[ i ];
secondLargest = val[ i ];
It needs at least N-1 comparisons if the largest 2 elements are at the beginning of the array and at most 2N-3 in the worst case (one of the first 2 elements is the smallest in the array).
case 1-->9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
case 2--> 50 10 8 25 ........
case 3--> 50 50 10 8 25.........
case 4--> 50 50 10 8 50 25.......
public void second element()
int a[10],i,max1,max2;
else if(a[i]>max2 &&a[i]!=max1)
else if(max1==max2)
Sorry, JS code...
Tested with the two inputs:
a = [55,11,66,77,72];
a = [ 0, 12, 13, 4, 5, 32, 8 ];
var first = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var second = Number.MIN_VALUE;
for (var i = -1, len = a.length; ++i < len;) {
var dist = a[i];
// get the largest 2
if (dist > first) {
second = first;
first = dist;
} else if (dist > second) { // && dist < first) { // this is actually not needed, I believe
second = dist;
console.log('largest, second largest',first,second);
largest, second largest 32 13
This should have a maximum of a.length*2 comparisons and only goes through the list once.
I know this is an old question, but here is my attempt at solving it, making use of the Tournament Algorithm. It is similar to the solution used by #sdcvvc , but I am using two-dimensional array to store elements.
To make things work, there are two assumptions:
1) number of elements in the array is the power of 2
2) there are no duplicates in the array
The whole process consists of two steps:
1. building a 2D array by comparing two by two elements. First row in the 2D array is gonna be the entire input array. Next row contains results of the comparisons of the previous row. We continue comparisons on the newly built array and keep building the 2D array until an array of only one element (the largest one) is reached.
2. we have a 2D-array where last row contains only one element: the largest one. We continue going from the bottom to the top, in each array finding the element that was "beaten" by the largest and comparing it to the current "second largest" value. To find the element beaten by the largest, and to avoid O(n) comparisons, we must store the index of the largest element in the previous row. That way we can easily check the adjacent elements. At any level (above root level),the adjacent elements are obtained as:
leftAdjacent = rootIndex*2
rightAdjacent = rootIndex*2+1,
where rootIndex is index of the largest(root) element at the previous level.
I know the question asks for C++, but here is my attempt at solving it in Java. (I've used lists instead of arrays, to avoid messy changing of the array size and/or unnecessary array size calculations)
public static Integer findSecondLargest(List<Integer> list) {
if (list == null) {
return null;
if (list.size() == 1) {
return list.get(0);
List<List<Integer>> structure = buildUpStructure(list);
return secondLargest(structure);
public static List<List<Integer>> buildUpStructure(List<Integer> list) {
List<List<Integer>> newList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
List<Integer> tmpList = new ArrayList<Integer>(list);
int n = list.size();
while (n>1) {
tmpList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i<n; i=i+2) {
Integer i1 = list.get(i);
Integer i2 = list.get(i+1);
tmpList.add(Math.max(i1, i2));
n/= 2;
list = tmpList;
return newList;
public static Integer secondLargest(List<List<Integer>> structure) {
int n = structure.size();
int rootIndex = 0;
Integer largest = structure.get(n-1).get(rootIndex);
List<Integer> tmpList = structure.get(n-2);
Integer secondLargest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Integer leftAdjacent = -1;
Integer rightAdjacent = -1;
for (int i = n-2; i>=0; i--) {
tmpList = structure.get(i);
leftAdjacent = tmpList.get(rootIndex);
rightAdjacent = tmpList.get(rootIndex+1);
if (leftAdjacent.equals(largest)) {
if (rightAdjacent > secondLargest) {
secondLargest = rightAdjacent;
if (rightAdjacent.equals(largest)) {
if (leftAdjacent > secondLargest) {
secondLargest = leftAdjacent;
return secondLargest;
Suppose provided array is inPutArray = [1,2,5,8,7,3] expected O/P -> 7 (second largest)
take temp array
temp = [0,0], int dummmy=0;
for (no in inPutArray) {
temp[1] = no
dummmy = temp[0]
temp[0] = temp[1]
temp[1] = temp
print("Second largest no is %d",temp[1])
PHP version of the Gumbo algorithm:
$numbers = [10, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
$largest = $numbers[0];
$secondLargest = null;
for ($i=1; $i < count($numbers); $i++) {
$number = $numbers[$i];
if ($number > $largest) {
$secondLargest = $largest;
$largest = $number;
} else if ($number > $secondLargest) {
$secondLargest = $number;
echo "largest=$largest, secondLargest=$secondLargest";
Assuming space is irrelevant, this is the smallest I could get it. It requires 2*n comparisons in worst case, and n comparisons in best case:
arr = [ 0, 12, 13, 4, 5, 32, 8 ]
max = [ -1, -1 ]
for i in range(len(arr)):
if( arr[i] > max[0] ):
elif( arr[i] > max[1] ):
print max[1]
try this.
max1 = a[0].
for i = 0, until length:
if a[i] > max:
max2 = max1.
max1 = a[i].
#end IF
#end FOR
return min2.
it should work like a charm. low in complexity.
here is a java code.
int secondlLargestValue(int[] secondMax){
int max1 = secondMax[0]; // assign the first element of the array, no matter what, sorted or not.
int max2 = 0; // anything really work, but zero is just fundamental.
for(int n = 0; n < secondMax.length; n++){ // start at zero, end when larger than length, grow by 1.
if(secondMax[n] > max1){ // nth element of the array is larger than max1, if so.
max2 = max1; // largest in now second largest,
max1 = secondMax[n]; // and this nth element is now max.
}//end IF
}//end FOR
return max2;
}//end secondLargestValue()
Use counting sort and then find the second largest element, starting from index 0 towards the end. There should be at least 1 comparison, at most n-1 (when there's only one element!).
int a[5] = {55,11,66,77,72};
int max,min,i;
int smax,smin;
max = min = a[0];
smax = smin = a[0];
smax = max;
max = a[i];
smax = a[i];
printf("the first max element z %d\n",max);
printf("the second max element z %d\n",smax);
The accepted solution by sdcvvc in C++11.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::random_shuffle;
using std::min;
using std::max;
vector<int> create_tournament(const vector<int>& input) {
// make sure we have at least two elements, so the problem is interesting
if (input.size() <= 1) {
return input;
vector<int> result(2 * input.size() - 1, -1);
int i = 0;
for (const auto& el : input) {
result[input.size() - 1 + i] = el;
for (uint j = input.size() / 2; j > 0; j >>= 1) {
for (uint k = 0; k < 2 * j; k += 2) {
result[j - 1 + k / 2] = min(result[2 * j - 1 + k], result[2 * j + k]);
return result;
int second_smaller(const vector<int>& tournament) {
const auto& minimum = tournament[0];
int second = INT_MAX;
for (uint j = 0; j < tournament.size() / 2; ) {
if (tournament[2 * j + 1] == minimum) {
second = min(second, tournament[2 * j + 2]);
j = 2 * j + 1;
else {
second = min(second, tournament[2 * j + 1]);
j = 2 * j + 2;
return second;
void print_vector(const vector<int>& v) {
for (const auto& el : v) {
cout << el << " ";
cout << endl;
int main() {
vector<int> a;
for (int i = 1; i <= 2048; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
random_shuffle(a.begin(), a.end());
const auto& v = create_tournament(a);
assert (second_smaller(v) == 2);
return 0;
I have gone through all the posts above but I am convinced that the implementation of the Tournament algorithm is the best approach. Let us consider the following algorithm posted by #Gumbo
largest := numbers[0];
secondLargest := null
for i=1 to numbers.length-1 do
number := numbers[i];
if number > largest then
secondLargest := largest;
largest := number;
if number > secondLargest then
secondLargest := number;
It is very good in case we are going to find the second largest number in an array. It has (2n-1) number of comparisons. But what if you want to calculate the third largest number or some kth largest number. The above algorithm doesn't work. You got to another procedure.
So, I believe tournament algorithm approach is the best and here is the link for that.
The following solution would take 2(N-1) comparisons:
arr #array with 'n' elements
second=-999999 #large negative no
while i is less than length(arr):
if arr[i] greater than first:
if arr[i] is greater than second and arr[i] less than first:
print second
It can be done in n + ceil(log n) - 2 comparison.
it takes n-1 comparisons to get minimum.
But to get minimum we will build a tournament in which each element will be grouped in pairs. like a tennis tournament and winner of any round will go forward.
Height of this tree will be log n since we half at each round.
Idea to get second minimum is that it will be beaten by minimum candidate in one of previous round. So, we need to find minimum in potential candidates (beaten by minimum).
Potential candidates will be log n = height of tree
So, no. of comparison to find minimum using tournament tree is n-1
and for second minimum is log n -1
sums up = n + ceil(log n) - 2
Here is C++ code
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
typedef pair<int,int> ii;
bool isPowerOfTwo (int x)
/* First x in the below expression is for the case when x is 0 */
return x && (!(x&(x-1)));
// modified
int log_2(unsigned int n) {
int bits = 0;
if (!isPowerOfTwo(n))
if (n > 32767) {
n >>= 16;
bits += 16;
if (n > 127) {
n >>= 8;
bits += 8;
if (n > 7) {
n >>= 4;
bits += 4;
if (n > 1) {
n >>= 2;
bits += 2;
if (n > 0) {
return bits;
int second_minima(int a[], unsigned int n) {
// build a tree of size of log2n in the form of 2d array
// 1st row represents all elements which fights for min
// candidate pairwise. winner of each pair moves to 2nd
// row and so on
int log_2n = log_2(n);
long comparison_count = 0;
// pair of ints : first element stores value and second
// stores index of its first row
ii **p = new ii*[log_2n];
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0, j = n; i < log_2n; i++) {
p[i] = new ii[j];
j = j&1 ? j/2+1 : j/2;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
p[0][i] = make_pair(a[i], i);
// find minima using pair wise fighting
for (i = 1, j = n; i < log_2n; i++) {
// for each pair
for (k = 0; k+1 < j; k += 2) {
// find its winner
if (++comparison_count && p[i-1][k].first < p[i-1][k+1].first) {
p[i][k/2].first = p[i-1][k].first;
p[i][k/2].second = p[i-1][k].second;
else {
p[i][k/2].first = p[i-1][k+1].first;
p[i][k/2].second = p[i-1][k+1].second;
// if no. of elements in row is odd the last element
// directly moves to next round (row)
if (j&1) {
p[i][j/2].first = p[i-1][j-1].first;
p[i][j/2].second = p[i-1][j-1].second;
j = j&1 ? j/2+1 : j/2;
int minima, second_minima;
int index;
minima = p[log_2n-1][0].first;
// initialize second minima by its final (last 2nd row)
// potential candidate with which its final took place
second_minima = minima == p[log_2n-2][0].first ? p[log_2n-2][1].first : p[log_2n-2][0].first;
// minima original index
index = p[log_2n-1][0].second;
for (i = 0, j = n; i <= log_2n - 3; i++) {
// if its last candidate in any round then there is
// no potential candidate
if (j&1 && index == j-1) {
index /= 2;
j = j/2+1;
// if minima index is odd, then it fighted with its index - 1
// else its index + 1
// this is a potential candidate for second minima, so check it
if (index&1) {
if (++comparison_count && second_minima > p[i][index-1].first)
second_minima = p[i][index-1].first;
else {
if (++comparison_count && second_minima > p[i][index+1].first)
second_minima = p[i][index+1].first;
j = j&1 ? j/2+1 : j/2;
printf("Minimum : %d\n", minima);
printf("Second Minimum : %d\n", second_minima);
printf("comparison count : %ld\n", comparison_count);
printf("Least No. Of Comparisons (");
printf("n+ceil(log2_n)-2) : %d\n", (int)(n+ceil(log(n)/log(2))-2));
return 0;
int main()
unsigned int n;
scanf("%u", &n);
int a[n];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
return 0;
function findSecondLargeNumber(arr){
var fLargeNum = 0;
var sLargeNum = 0;
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
if(fLargeNum < arr[i]){
sLargeNum = fLargeNum;
fLargeNum = arr[i];
}else if(sLargeNum < arr[i]){
sLargeNum = arr[i];
return sLargeNum;
var myArray = [799, -85, 8, -1, 6, 4, 3, -2, -15, 0, 207, 75, 785, 122, 17];
A good way with O(1) time complexity would be to use a max-heap. Call the heapify twice and you have the answer.
int[] int_array = {4, 6, 2, 9, 1, 7, 4, 2, 9, 0, 3, 6, 1, 6, 8};
int largst=int_array[0];
int second=int_array[0];
for (int i=0; i<int_array.length; i++){
if(int_array[i]>largst) {
else if(int_array[i]>second && int_array[i]<largst) {
I suppose, follow the "optimal algorithm uses n+log n-2 comparisons" from above, the code that I came up with that doesn't use binary tree to store the value would be the following:
During each recursive call, the array size is cut in half.
So the number of comparison is:
1st iteration: n/2 comparisons
2nd iteration: n/4 comparisons
3rd iteration: n/8 comparisons
Up to log n iterations?
Hence, total => n - 1 comparisons?
function findSecondLargestInArray(array) {
let winner = [];
if (array.length === 2) {
if (array[0] < array[1]) {
return array[0];
} else {
return array[1];
for (let i = 1; i <= Math.floor(array.length / 2); i++) {
if (array[2 * i - 1] > array[2 * i - 2]) {
winner.push(array[2 * i - 1]);
} else {
winner.push(array[2 * i - 2]);
return findSecondLargestInArray(winner);
Assuming array contain 2^n number of numbers.
If there are 6 numbers, then 3 numbers will move to the next level, which is not right.
Need like 8 numbers => 4 number => 2 number => 1 number => 2^n number of number
package com.array.orderstatistics;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
public class SecondLargestElement {
* Total Time Complexity will be n log n + O(1)
* #param str
public static void main(String str[]) {
Integer[] integerArr = new Integer[] { 5, 1, 2, 6, 4 };
// Step1 : Time Complexity will be n log(n)
Arrays.sort(integerArr, Collections.reverseOrder());
// Step2 : Array.get Second largestElement
int secondLargestElement = integerArr[1];
Sort the array into ascending order then assign a variable to the (n-1)th term.
