Parse XML with Linq - wpf

I have the following XML document which I would like to parse into a DataSet.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<Response Status="OK">
<Field Name="ID">767147519</Field>
<Field Name="Name">Music</Field>
<Field Name="Path">Family\Music</Field>
<Field Name="Type">Playlist</Field>
I am wanting to get the attribute values for ID, Name, and Path.
The following is what I have attempted:
Dim loaded As XDocument = XDocument.Load(uriString)
Dim name = From c In loaded.Descendants("Item") Select c
For Each result In name
Dim str1 = result.Attribute("ID").Value 'Returns Nothing and causes a validation error
Dim str2 = result.Value ' Returns all the attribute values in one long string (ie "767147519MusicFamilyPlaylist")
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Following one of the answers below, I have been attempting to implement an anonymous type in my Linq, however I keep encountering the error
Object reference not set to an
instance of an object.
My updated code is as follows:
Dim name = From c In loaded.Descendants("Item") Select c Select sID = c.Element("Field").Attribute("Name").Value, sName = c.Attribute("ID").Value.FirstOrDefault
Dim Id As String = String.Empty
For Each result In name
Id = result.sID
I think this error means that the attribute ("ID") cannot be located, so I have attempted several variations of this with similar results.
Is anyone able to identify where I am going wrong and point me in the right direction.

You can use XPath:
Dim data = From item In loaded.Descendants("Item")
ID = item.XPathSelectElement("Field[#Name='ID']").Value,
Name = item.XPathSelectElement("Field[#Name='Name']").Value,
Path = item.XPathSelectElement("Field[#Name='Path']").Value,
Type = item.XPathSelectElement("Field[#Name='Type']").Value
(Be sure to import the System.Xml.XPath namespace)
Or to add it directly to a DataTable:
Dim dt As New DataTable()
For Each item In loaded.Descendants("Item")

Another one solution with anonymous types:
var doc = XDocument.Load("c:\\test");
var list = doc.Root
.Select(item =>
Id = item.Elements("Field").Where(e => e.Attribute("Name").Value == "ID").Select(e => e.Value).FirstOrDefault(),
Path = item.Elements("Field").Where(e => e.Attribute("Name").Value == "Path").Select(e => e.Value).FirstOrDefault(),
Name = item.Elements("Field").Where(e => e.Attribute("Name").Value == "Name").Select(e => e.Value).FirstOrDefault(),
foreach (var item in list)
var id = item.Id;
var name = item.Name;
Ugly expression inside new operator can be shorted with next anonymous function:
Func<XElement, string, string> getAttrValue = (node, attrName) =>
return node.Elements("Field")
.Where(e => e.Attribute("Name").Value == attrName)
.Select(e => e.Value)
Then new operator looks like:
Id = getAttrValue(item, "ID"),
Path = getAttrValue(item, "Path"),
Name = getAttrValue(item, "Name"),

Here is my attempt at solution to your problem. I just noticed that you wish to go with as much LINQ as possible so I've structured my LINQ query accordingly. Please note result type (for "IDs") will be IEnumerable() i.e. you will need to run a for each loop on it to get individual ids even with a single item:
Dim loaded As XDocument = XDocument.Load(uriString)
Dim IDs = From items In loaded.Descendants("Item") _
Let fields = items.Descendants("Field") _
From field In fields _
Where field.Attribute("Name").Value = "ID" _
Select field.Value
On a side note: For future reference, if you run into C# anonymous type "var" in examples, the equivalent in vb is plain dim like in my query above (without the 'as type' part).
Hope this helps.

Use XPath and save everyone the headaches?
XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
string id = xml.SelectSingleNode("/Response/Item/Field[#Name='ID']").InnerText;
string name = xml.SelectSingleNode("/Response/Item/Field[#Name='Name']").InnerText;
string path = xml.SelectSingleNode("/Response/Item/Field[#Name='Path']").InnerText;

I am wanting to get the attribute values for ID, Name, and Path.
If you don't mind using something else than XDocument i'd just use a XmlDocument:
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(new XmlTextReader("XData.xml"));
XmlNodeList items = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Item");
foreach (XmlElement item in items.Cast<XmlElement>())
XmlElement[] fields = item.GetElementsByTagName("Field").Cast<XmlElement>().ToArray();
string id = (from s in fields where s.Attributes["Name"].InnerText == "ID" select s).First().InnerText;
string name = (from s in fields where s.Attributes["Name"].InnerText == "Name" select s).First().InnerText;
string path = (from s in fields where s.Attributes["Name"].InnerText == "Path" select s).First().InnerText;
//Do stuff with data.
Performance-wise this might be abysmal. You could also have a loop on the Fields and then use a switch on the Name-Attribute so you don't check the same field more than once. Why would you need any linq for this anyway?
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(new XmlTextReader("XData.xml"));
XmlNodeList items = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Item");
foreach (XmlElement item in items.Cast<XmlElement>())
foreach (XmlNode field in item.GetElementsByTagName("Field"))
string name = field.Attributes["Name"].InnerText;
switch (name)
case "ID":
string id = field.InnerText;
//Do stuff with data.
case "Path":
string path = field.InnerText;
//Do stuff with data.
case "Name":
string name = field.InnerText;
//Do stuff with data.

Your linq query returns all the Item elements in the document:
Dim name = From c In loaded.Descendants("Item") Select c
The code that follows is trying to obtain an 'ID' attribute from the 'Item' element:
Dim str1 = result.Attribute("ID").Value
However, the 'ID' attribute is on a 'Field' child element.
What you need is the following:
// find all the Item elements
var items = loaded.Descendants("Item");
foreach(var item in items)
// find all the Field child elements
var fields = item.Descendants("Field");
// find the field element which has an ID attribute, and obtain the element value
string id = fields.Where(field => field.Attribute("ID")!=null)
// etc ...

A Simple solution is
var result = doc.Root.Descendants(XName.Get("Item")).Select(x => x.Descendants(XName.Get("Field")));
foreach (var v in result)
string id = v.Single(x => x.Attribute(XName.Get("Name")).Value == "ID").Value;
string name = v.Single(x => x.Attribute(XName.Get("Name")).Value == "Name").Value;
string path = v.Single(x => x.Attribute(XName.Get("Name")).Value == "Path").Value;
string type = v.Single(x => x.Attribute(XName.Get("Name")).Value == "Type").Value;
It can be easily converted in to vb code.

Here is a generic solution that handles all fields with different field names in several items. It saves the result in one table containing all distinct field names as column names.
Module Module1
Function createRow(ByVal table As DataTable, ByVal item As XElement) As DataRow
Dim row As DataRow = table.NewRow
Dim fields = item.Descendants("Field")
For Each field In fields
row.SetField(field.Attribute("Name").Value, field.Value)
Return row
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim doc = XDocument.Load("XMLFile1.xml")
Dim items = doc.Descendants("Item")
Dim columnNames = From attr In items.Descendants("Field").Attributes("Name") Select attr.Value
Dim columns = From name In columnNames.Distinct() Select New DataColumn(name)
Dim dataSet As DataSet = New DataSet()
Dim table As DataTable = New DataTable()
Dim rows = From item In items Select createRow(table, item)
For Each row In rows
' TODO Handle Table
End Sub
End Module
I tried to use as much Linq as possible, but Linq is a bit inflexible when it comes to handling nested elements recursively.
Heres the sample xml file I've used:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<Response Status="OK">
<Field Name="ID">767147519</Field>
<Field Name="Name">Music</Field>
<Field Name="Path">Family\Music</Field>
<Field Name="Type">Playlist</Field>
<Field Name="ID">123</Field>
<Field Name="Name">ABC</Field>
<Field Name="RandomFieldName">Other Value</Field>
<Field Name="Type">FooBar</Field>
And the result:
ID Name Path Type RandomFieldName
767147519 Music Family\Music Playlist
123 ABC FooBar Other Value

After some further research and with the assistance of parts from the answers provided, I have come up with the following, which returns the information that I am after.
Dim Query = From items In loaded.Descendants("Item") _
Let sID = ( From q In items.Descendants("Field") _
Where q.Attribute("Name").Value = "ID" ) _
Let sName = ( From r In items.Descendants("Field") _
Where r.Attribute("Name").Value = "Name" ) _
Let sPath = ( From s In items.Descendants("Field") _
Where s.Attribute("Name").Value = "Path" ) _
Where (Ctype(sPath.Value,String) Like "Family\*") _
Select pId=sID.Value, pName=sName.Value, pPath = sPath.Value
If this can be improved in any way to enable better performance, please let me know.
Thank you all for your assistance, while no one answer was able to entirely solve the problem I was able to learn a great deal about Linq through everyones assistance.

I hope you expected something like this short answer and not another implementation:
Dim items = From c In loaded.Descendants("Item") Select c (...)
Ok so far nothing should run into any trouble. The variable name 'name' was a bit confusing, so I changed it to 'items'.
The second part contains the error:
Dim items = (...) Select sID = c.Element("Field").Attribute("Name").Value, sName = c.Attribute("ID").Value.FirstOrDefault
The following works because there is an Attribute called Name, although the result is 'ID' what shurely wasn't expected:
Here comes the error:
c is the XmlNode '< Item > ... < / Item >' and it does not have any attributes, thus the result of c.Attribute("ID") is null.
I guess you wanted something like the following:
Dim loaded = XDocument.Load("XMLFile1.xml")
Dim items = From item In loaded.Descendants("Item") Select _
sID = (From field In item.Descendants("Field") _
Where field.Attribute("Name") = "ID" _
Select field.Value).FirstOrDefault() _
, _
sName = (From field In item.Descendants("Field") _
Where field.Attribute("Name") = "Name" _
Select field.Value).FirstOrDefault()

There are a few errors in your code:
You should get the Descendents that have the XName equal to Field instead of to Item
Dim name = From c In loaded.Descendants("Field") Select c
The attribute you are after is called Name, not ID
Dim str1 = result.Attribute("Name").Value
At the first iteration of your for each str1 will be "ID", the next one it will be "Name", etc.
Total code:
Dim loaded As XDocument = XDocument.Load(uriString)
Dim name = From c In loaded.Descendants("Field") Select c
For Each result In name
Dim str1 = result.Attribute("Name").Value 'Returns "ID"
Dim str2 = result.Value ' Returns "767147519"

There's another way to fix this problem. Transform this XML into the format that the DataSet wants, and then load it using DataSet.ReadXml. This is something of a pain if you don't know XSLT. But it's really important to know XSLT if you work with XML.
The XSLT you'd need is pretty simple. Start with the XSLT identity transform. Then add a template that transforms the Response and Item elements into the format that the DataSet expects:
<xsl:template match="Response">
<xsl:apply-templates select="Item"/>
<xsl:template match="Item">
<xsl:apply-templates select="Field[#Name='ID' or #Name='Name' or #Name='Path']"/>
<xsl:template match="Field">
<xsl:element name="{#Name}">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
That will change your XML to a document that looks like this:
...and you can just feed that to DataSet.ReadXml.
I should point out, since it's not obvious unless you do this a lot, that one effect of this is that the amount of C# code that you need to create and populate the DataSet is minimal:
private DataSet GetDataSet(string inputFilename, string transformFilename)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
using (XmlReader xr = XmlReader.Create(inputFilename))
using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(new StringWriter(sb)))
XslCompiledTransform xslt = new XslCompiledTransform();
xslt.Transform(xr, xw);
using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(sb.ToString()))
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
return ds;
It's also reusable. You can use this method to populate as many different DataSets from as many different possible input formats as you need; you just need to write a transform for each format.


Deserialize a JSON array (I know - not array) in using JSON.NET

I've been killing myself for days on this and I can't figure it out. I'm by no means a programmer and this is my first attempt at working with JSON.
I have a GUI that I'm writing in VB.NET which gathers information for a script. I am using JSON.NET. I have it capturing the data entered into the GUI and exporting it as a JSON file, but I now need the functionality of reading the JSON file and putting the data back into the GUI.
I'm reading the contents of the datafile like this:
Dim Json As String = File.ReadAllText(fileDlg.FileName)
Dim data As JObject = JObject.Parse(Json)
Then going through each element of the file pulling the data in like this:
AD_DomainNameTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.DomainName")
AD_FQDNTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.FQDN")
AD_DomainControllerTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.DomainController")
AD_SVCUsernameTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.SVCUsername")
AD_SVCPasswordTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.SVCPassword")
AD_BaseDNTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.BaseDN")
Now, I need to cycle through an array of Sites and Site details and enter those into a datagridview on the GUI. I know I can do a for next loop for each of the items, but I don't know how to identify the number of items in the array.
The JSON data looks like this:
"ActiveDirectory": {
"DomainName": "CORP",
"FQDN": "",
"DomainController": "DC01",
"SVCUsername": "SVC_AD",
"SVCPassword": "SuperPass1",
"BaseDN": "OU=Active,DC=CORP,DC=Ccompany,DC=Local",
"CreateOUs": true,
"CreateGPOs": true,
"Sites": [
"Site": "Prod",
"HSA": "True",
"HSD": "True",
"HVD": null
"Site": "Test",
"HSA": "True",
"HSD": null,
"HVD": "True"
I've looked at the documentation on the site pretty extensively, but I can't find what I'm looking for. I've tried reading it into a dataset, like, and I've tried creating a Class like Deserialize json array in but this doesn't make sense to me. It's way over my head.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please understand, that like I said, this is extremely new to me, so I need full details (don't assume that I know anything....because I don't!!)
(Using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq)
The ActiveDirectory.Sites node is of type JArray, which has a Count property.
You could iterate over the sites like this:
Dim Sites As JArray = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.Sites")
For I = 0 To Sites.Count - 1
Dim Site = Sites(I)
' use `Site` and `I` in this loop body
But if you don't care about the indexes, you should use a For Each loop:
Dim Sites As JArray = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.Sites")
For Each Site In Sites
' use `Site` in this loop body
JObject also lets you access properties using the following property lookup syntax:
Dim ActiveDirectory = data("ActiveDirectory")
Dim Sites = ActiveDirectory("Sites")
Dim SiteCount = Sites.Count
So another way you could write it is:
For Each Site In data("ActiveDirectory")("Sites")
' use `Site` in this loop body
Based on the recommendations, I've gotten the code to work as I needed.Posting the full block below:
Dim Json As String = File.ReadAllText(fileDlg.FileName)
Dim data As JObject = JObject.Parse(Json)
Dim site
Dim SiteName
AD_DomainNameTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.DomainName")
AD_FQDNTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.FQDN")
AD_DomainControllerTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.DomainController")
AD_SVCUsernameTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.SVCUsername")
AD_SVCPasswordTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.SVBPassword")
AD_BaseDNTB.Text = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.BaseDN")
AD_CreateOUsCB.Checked = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.CreateOUs")
AD_CreateGPOCB.Checked = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.CreateGPOs")
Dim Sites As JArray = data.SelectToken("ActiveDirectory.Sites")
For Each site In Sites
SiteName = site.item("Site").ToString()
HSA = site.item("HSA").ToString()
HSD = site.item("HSD").ToString()
HVD = site.item("HVD").ToString()
If HSA = "" Then
HSA = False
End If
If HSD = "" Then
HSD = False
End If
If HVD = "" Then
HVD = False
End If
AD_SitesDatagrid.Rows.Add({SiteName, HSA, HSD, HVD})
Now, there might be a better, more efficient way of going through the data in the array, but this worked.

reference dictionary within array output to listbox

Title kind of states my problem.
I'm using an Api (For Vertical Response, an email list manager) which works fine. But for a particular method returns an Array where the information I need to reference is within a Dictionary inside that Array.
Array[list_id, list_name, list_type, member_data] <- member_data being the dictionary housing all my goodies.
Best I've managed to get is the listbox outputting "com.verticalresponse.api.NVPair[]" for each member.
Protected Sub GetBounces()
Dim listID As Integer = 284662333
Dim isMember As Boolean = False
Dim newSession As New loginArgs()
newSession.username = username
' Your VerticalResponse username
newSession.password = password
newSession.session_duration_minutes = "120"
Dim VRUser As New VRAPI()
sessionID = VRUser.login(newSession)
Dim GetMembers As New getListMembersArgs()
GetMembers.session_id = sessionID
GetMembers.list_id = listID
GetMembers.max_records = 8
Dim listmembers As Array = VRUser.getListMembers(GetMembers)
lstBounces.DataSource = listmembers
lstBounces.DataValueField = ("member_data").ToString()
Catch ex As Exception
lstBounces.Text = "One: " + ex.ToString()
End Try
Catch listex As Exception
lstBounces.Text = "Two: " + listex.ToString()
End Try
Catch ex As System.Exception
lstBounces.Text = "Three: " + ex.ToString()
End Try
End Sub
I have taken the suggestion of Keith Mifsud and added a breakpoint just before the Databind. It shows me that "listmembers" has eight indices (currently only testing by searching for 8 (total list will be close to 8000, of which about 1900 are needed.))
Each of those 8 indices contains the 4 columns I am looking at, so when I use listmembers(3) as the datasource I'm really only searching the fourth result, not the member_data column...
Is there a correct way to reference the column of results?
Something like:
lstbounces.DataSource = listmembers( ,3)
But instead of that, a correct one?
I think you should set the datasource as the dictionary not the array holding it
Dim listmembers As Array = VRUser.getListMembers(GetMembers)
lstBounces.DataSource = listmembers(3)
'As the datasource is a dictionary, I don't think you have to set up the display and value fields
'lstBounces.DataValueField = ("member_data").ToString()
Catch ex As Exception
lstBounces.Text = "One: " + ex.ToString()
End Try
Based on what the collection type (dictionary within every element of an array) I would recommend you use the .net DataView with allows for expandable rows. There are some very good tutorials which can guide you to create your view

Orderby with a string that contains part numbers and part letters

I am using MSSQL ADO.NET and I need to sort order by employer code numercially although each order code has 2X letters in front of it.
For example:
Essentially I am trying to seperate the numbers from the letters and order by either asc or desc just with the numbers to give some order. I wondered if anyone can advise on a good approach to do this withing an orderby clause.
FROM YourTable
ORDER BY CONVERT(int, RIGHT(employer_code, LEN(employer_code) - 2))
Note I did not add any erro checking, but this would help if the pattern changed etc. Even though this is C#, you can convert the code to VB.
void Main()
var arrayOfString = new string []{"HP1234","HP1233","HP1236"};
var pat =#"(?<name>\d+)";
Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var orderedItems = arrayOfString.OrderBy(x=>{
var match = r.Match(x);
return match.Groups["name"].Value;
foreach (var item in orderedItems)
VB Code
Private Sub Main()
Dim arrayOfString = New String() {"HP1234", "HP1233", "HP1236"}
Dim pat = "(?<name>\d+)"
Dim r As New Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Dim orderedItems = arrayOfString.OrderBy(Function(x) GetSortOrder(x,r))
For Each item As string In orderedItems
End Sub
Function GetSortOrder(x , r)
Dim match = r.Match(x)
Return match.Groups("name").Value
End Function

Using LINQ to find Excel columns that don't exist in array?

I have a solution that works for what I want, but I'm hoping to get some slick LINQ types to help me improve what I have, and learn something new in the process.
The code below is used verify that certain column names exist on a spreadsheet. I was torn between using column index values or column names to find them. They both have good and bad points, but decided to go with column names. They'll always exist, and sometimes in different order, though I'm working on this.
GetData() method returns a DataTable from the Excel spreadsheet. I cycle through all the required field names from my array, looking to see if it matches with something in the column collection on the spreadsheet. If not, then I append the missing column name to an output parameter from the method. I need both the boolean value and the missing fields variable, and I wasn't sure of a better way than using the output parameter. I then remove the last comma from the appended string for the display on the UI. If the StringBuilder object isn't null (I could have used the missingFieldCounter too) then I know there's at least one missing field, bool will be false. Otherwise, I just return output param as empty, and method as true.
So, Is there a more slick, all-in-one way to check if fields are missing, and somehow report on them?
private bool ValidateFile(out string errorFields)
data = GetData();
List<string> requiredNames = new [] { "Site AB#", "Site#", "Site Name", "Address", "City", "St", "Zip" }.ToList();
StringBuilder missingFields = null;
var missingFieldCounter = 0;
foreach (var name in requiredNames)
var foundColumn = from DataColumn c in data.Columns
where c.ColumnName == name
select c;
if (!foundColumn.Any())
if (missingFields == null)
missingFields = new StringBuilder();
missingFields.Append(name + ",");
if (missingFields != null)
errorFields = missingFields.ToString().Substring(0, (missingFields.ToString().Length - 1));
return false;
errorFields = string.Empty;
return true;
Here is the linq solution that makes the same.
I call the ToArray() function to activate the linq statement
(from col in requiredNames.Except(
from dataCol in data
select dataCol.ColumnName
select missingFields.Append(col + ", ")
errorFields = missingFields.ToString();

XDocument - get list of node values

I have a XDocument something like this:
<LookupText>Waiting for input</LookupText>
I want to get
number and values of unique FieldName(s) and
a list of LookupText for each FieldName.
Can someone give me a hint how to go about it?
First you need to know how to read the elements from your XDocument:
public void ReadXDocument(XDocument doc)
foreach (XElement el in doc.Descendants("ImageInfo1"))
string fieldid = el.Element("FieldID").Value;
string fieldName = el.Element("FieldName").Value;
string lookupText = el.Element("LookupText").Value;
Once you know that, using Linq to achieve your goal is relatively straight forward.
This should give you a list of distinct FieldNames:
List<String> distinctNames = doc.Descendants("ImageInfo1")
.Select(o => o.Element("FieldName").Value)
And this should give you a collection of LookupText values for each FieldName
IEnumerable groups = doc.Descendants("ImageInfo1")
.GroupBy(o => o.Element("FieldName").Value)
.Select(o => new { Key = o.Key, Lookups = o.ToList() });
