Does the Silverlight Navigation template work with running out of browser? - silverlight

Does the Silverlight Navigation template work when running out of browser?

Sure it does.
And you can use the NavigationServices functions to create a custom "Back" or "Forward" button
great example here : Link

Create a fresh Navigation Application, open the properties page. On the Silverlight tab select "Enable running application out of the browser", switch to the Debug tab, select Out-of-Browser application, change the project in the combo-box to the current silverlight project.
Hit Run, click About, Does it work?


No Resources window .Net Core WPF project in Microsoft Blend 2019

I am having an issue with Blend for Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.3. When I create a .Net Framework project I can access the Resource Window via the "View" toolbar at the top.
However I seem to be unable to access the same window when the project is using .Net Core.
I am having trouble figuring out where and why the Resources window might be hidden? I want this functionality to make it easier to apply styles using the interface and just drag&dropping styles vs writing them out in xaml.
You could follow the steps below to display the Resources Window menu.
Click Customize... under the Tools menu.
Click Commands and select Menu bar as View.
Click Add Command... ->Select View and Resources Window on the Add Command page and click OK.
Click Close on the Customize page.
Then you could see the Resources Window under the View menu.

Disable web browser's options controls in winforms

I have used web browser control in my windforms application for integration nicEditor. I am using it for displaying and editing. How can I disable the options of that web browser. Like when we right click we get options to go back and reload the page etc. How can i disable that in winforms.?
you can do it by setting web browser control's IsWebBrowserContextMenuEnabled property to false.

Show a Sothink menu on top of a Silverlight iFrame

I have a Sothink menu on a web page and below it is a Silverlight iframe application. Currently the iframe is covering some dropdown menu items.
I have tried solving this problem with z-indexing, windowless, and wmode. I can not change the original code of the application but when I view the source of the iframe's page, I see that the developer commented out the windowless option because it interfered with another part of the program.
The only way I have tried to insert it into my page is through this code:
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" style="background-color:#FFF;" scrolling="yes" width="940px" height="500px" wmode="opaque" windowless="true"></iframe>
I am open to any and all suggestions. I have done a lot of research and I have not found anything.
You must set Windowless=true on the Silverlight host object, not the iFrame. If you can't access the host object, you cant enable Windowless mode and so you cant do what you want.
See here for more on Windowless Silverlight Objects
Ideally, you should host the Silverlight XAP file in the same site as your web page.

Silverlight and the back button

Is there a way to override the behavior of the back button in the browser when using a Silverlight app?
Essentially what I want to do is use the browser's back button to close dialogs in my application. The dialog covers the whole screen and the user would be inclined to think they are on a separate web page.
Look to the following links:
Prevent Browser Back Button for Silverlight with Confirm Dialog.
Silverlight - Prevent users from losing changes by using the browser back button
Managing Silverlight 3 navigation

To view the silverlight app in fullscreen mode(F11)

Is there any way to load my silverlight app in F11 mode directly?
I have used, '_self',
But the problem is that two instances of my app are opened. One in normal screen and the other in fullscreen.
I have tried
App.Current.Host.Content.IsFullScreen = true;
in the constructor of the App.xaml
Still its not working. :(
Where am I going wrong??
running a Silverlight application automatically in full-screen is not possible because of security restriction. It is like the following...
You have opened your banks login page in a Firefox tab. This is your current tab.
You are opening a malicious silverlight application on another tab.
The malicious silverlight application loads and creates a full-screen that exactly matches your bank's login page.
You are talking to someone while the silverlight application loads. (Your eye is not on screen) So you missed the fullscreen message that pops up.
Now when you look at the computer screen you see your bank login page that is actually a fullscreen page of the silverlight application that matches your bank's login page.
You enter your user name and password...and
When you click login the malicious application has got everything it wanted.
This is not only for Silverlight. It is a restriction that SHOULD BE THERE WITH EVERY ACTIVEX CONTROL UNTIL THIS PROBLEM IS SOLVED.
What you are doing with javascript is you are opening a new pop up window without menubar, addressbar etc. It is not a replacement of F11. And to my experience most of the users hate automatic poping up. And most modern browsers will block them anyway.
The best way is to tell the user she needs to view your application on fullscreen and LET HER DECIDE INSTEAD OF FORCING IT.
