How to use template binding inside data template in custom control (Silverlight) - silverlight

I am trying to create control which will take ItemsSource and InnerTemplate and will show all the items wrapped in CheckBoxes.
The control has 2 dependency properties:
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsSource", typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(CheckBoxWrapperList), null);
public static readonly DependencyProperty InnerTemplateProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("InnerTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(CheckBoxWrapperList), null);
and here is the template:
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:CheckBoxWrapperList">
<DataTemplate x:Key="wrapper">
<ContentPresenter ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding InnerTemplate}" Content="{Binding}" />
<ItemsControl ItemTemplate="{StaticResource wrapper}" ItemsSource="{TemplateBinding ItemsSource}" />
However, this approach does not work.
Binding in the ControlPresenter.ContentTemplate using TemplateBinding does not work.
However, when I don't use template binding and reference the template as static resource, then it works as expected.
Why cannot I use the template binding inside the content presenter in datatemplate?
What am I missing here? Any special markup required?
Is there a way to achieve the expected behavior?
Thanks in advance.

Silverlight and WPF
You can get around this with a relative source binding:
Instead of:
{TemplateBinding InnerTemplate}
You would use:
{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=local:CheckBoxWrapperList}, Path=InnerTemplate}
It's a bit messier but it works.
WinRT doesn't have AncestorType. I've got something that works but it's kind of horrifying.
You can use an attached property to store a TemplateBinding value and then access it using ElementName...
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:CheckBoxWrapperList">
<Grid x:Name="TemplateGrid" magic:Magic.MagicAttachedProperty="{TemplateBinding InnerTemplate}">
<DataTemplate x:Key="wrapper">
<ContentPresenter ContentTemplate="{Binding ElementName=TemplateGrid, Path=(magic:Magic.MagicAttachedProperty)}" Content="{Binding}" />
<ItemsControl ItemTemplate="{StaticResource wrapper}" ItemsSource="{TemplateBinding ItemsSource}" />
I don't know if there's a better way for WinRT.

TemplateBinding can only be used within a ControlTemplate, you're using it within a DataTemplate. (The fact that the DataTemplate is within a ControlTemplate doesn't matter)


DataTemplate Binding depending on property type and with working property Binding

I check those articles about doing DataTemplate :
WPF DataTemplate Binding
WPF DataTemplate and Binding
WPF DataTemplate Textblock binding
and thoses about DataTemplate depending on property type :
WPF DataTemplate Binding depending on the type of a property
Dynamically display a control depending on bound property using WPF
I'm trying to display a property with different controls depending of the property value. I have this Xaml that is partialy working. I have 2 problems :
The property is displaying with the right control, but when I set the value it doesn't go back to the property. Means the "set" of My property is not call (but was before I creates the DataTemplate). I detect that the problem about setting the property is about the ="{Binding Path=.}" but I cannot find the solution to set it otherwise.
Also To be able to make it work, I had to "isolate" the Value into a single ViewModel so that the DataTemplate doesn't affect all the other control.
Can you help me find betters solutions to resolves those 2 problems?
Here is the xaml code of my View linked with MyContainerViewModel that has a "ChangingDataType" :
<UserControl >
<!-- DataTemplate for strings -->
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type sys:String}">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=.}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
<!-- DataTemplate for bool -->
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type sys:Boolean}">
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=.}" />
<!-- DataTemplate for Int32 -->
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type sys:Int32}">
<dxe:TextEdit Text="{Binding Path=.}" MinWidth="50" Mask="d" MaskType="Numeric" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
<!--<Slider Maximum="100" Minimum="0" Value="{Binding Path=.}" Width="100" />-->
<!-- DataTemplate for decimals -->
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type sys:Decimal}">
<!-- <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=.}" MinWidth="50" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />-->
<dxe:TextEdit Text="{Binding Path=.}" MinWidth="50" Mask="f" MaskType="Numeric" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
<!-- DataTemplate for DateTimes -->
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type sys:DateTime}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type sys:String}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=.}"/>
<DatePicker SelectedDate="{Binding Path=.}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding MyChangingPropery}"/>
More informations about 2 :
I wanted to have in a view a label and a property that changes depending of the object. Something like this :
<!-- ...DataTemplate here... -->
<Label Content="Allo"/>
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding MyChangingPropery}"/>
But if I put the DataTemplate on this UserControl resources, it will also affect the Label "allo". So I had to create another view that contains the DataTemplate and MyChangingProperty so that the label Allo would not be affected. But the extra View created just for one property is kind of ugly to me, I'm sure there is a better way to isolate the DataTemplate so it can apply only to one UIControl.
<UserControl >
<Label Content="Allo"/>
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding MyContainerViewModel}"/>
Note : MyContainerViewModel here is linked with the first view described.
Thanks in advance!
One possible solution would be to use a DataTemplateSelector. You cannot bind primitive types using two way bindings because that would have to be somehow by reference via the DataTemplate which I think is not supported by WPF.
The DataTemplateSelector now selects the right DataTemplate based on the property type and searches for the right DataTemplate in the resources by name. This also solves your problem that your DataTemplates interacted with the Label.
So first you need to define a DataTemplateSelector that changes the DataTemplate based on the type of the property:
public class MyDataTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
public override DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, DependencyObject container)
var fe = (FrameworkElement)container;
var prop = (item as MyViewModelType)?.MyChangingProperty;
if (prop is string)
return fe.FindResource("MyStringDT") as DataTemplate;
else if (prop is bool)
return fe.FindResource("MyBoolDT") as DataTemplate;
// More types...
return base.SelectTemplate(item, container);
Then you need to change the UserControl like this:
<local:MyDataTemplateSelector x:Key="MyDTSelector" />
<!-- DataTemplate for strings -->
<DataTemplate x:Key="MyStringDT">
<TextBox Text="{Binding MyChangingProperty, Mode=TwoWay}"
<!-- DataTemplate for bool -->
<DataTemplate x:Key="MyBoolDT">
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding MyChangingProperty, Mode=TwoWay}" />
<!-- More DataTemplates... -->
<Label Content="Allo"/>
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding MyContainerViewModel}"
ContentTemplateSelector="{StaticResource MyDTSelector}" />
You can find a bit more information regarding the DataTemplateSelector here.
You can of course also set a DataType on this new DataTemplates but it isn't required because the x:Key makes them unique anyway. But if you want then it has to look like this:
<DataTemplate x:Key="MyStringDT" DataType="{x:Type local:MyViewModelType}">
In my opinion, the previously posted answer is overkill. While a DateTemplateSelector is a useful thing to know about, it seems unnecessary to me in this scenario.
But if I put the DataTemplate on this UserControl resources, it will also affect the Label "allo".
The reason it affects the Label object is that the Label object is a ContentControl, and so does the same template-matching behavior for content types as your own ContentPresenter element does. And you've set the content of the Label object to a string value. But you can put anything you want as the content for it.
The way to fix the undesired effect is to intercept that behavior by changing the content from a string object to an explicit TextBlock (the control in the template that a string object normally gets assigned). For example:
<!-- ...DataTemplate here... -->
<TextBlock Text="Allo"/>
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding MyChangingPropery}"/>
In that way, you bypass the template-finding behavior (since TextBlock doesn't map to any template and can be used directly), and the content for the Label will just be the TextBlock with the text you want.
This seems like a lot simpler way to fix the issue, than either to create a whole new view or to add a DataTemplateSelector.

How can I bind to a parent UIElement within an ItemTemplate?

I'm trying to bind to a property of MainWindow, but from a ContextMenu within a DataTemplate. How can I achieve this?
I can't use ElementName, as the contextMenu isn't part of the visual tree
I can't use PlacementTarget, as this will give the UIElement produced by the DataTemplate
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication24.MainWindow"
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Data}">
<Border Padding="5" CornerRadius="10" BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Red">
<ContextMenu ItemsSource="{Binding <I want to bind to a property of MainWindow here>}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}"/>
You can have the window object in Tag of your Border and then can access it using PlacementTarget.Tag
<Border Padding="5" CornerRadius="10" BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Red"
Tag="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
<ContextMenu ItemsSource="{Binding PlacementTarget.Tag.PropertyName,
RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}"/>
What I used is a simple custom control wrapper e.g. MyContextMenu
...with just one line of code, something like...
public class MyContextMenu : ContextMenu
public override void EndInit()
NameScope.SetNameScope(this, NameScope.GetNameScope(App.Current.MainWindow));
...and use that instead of ContextMenu.
That always 'scopes' to the MainWindow which may not always be optimal - but you can use ElementName etc.
2) The other option is using NameScope.NameScope="{StaticResource myNameScope}"
NameScope.NameScope seems like an optimal solution - however, you cannot bind from it (and it binds 'too late').
But you can use {StaticResource ...} - and you make a class which wraps around MainWindow's scope.
Similar, but I found the above 'less disruptive' (you can pretty much write the code you'd normally write).
For more details take a look at this answers (and for more ideas)...
ElementName Binding from MenuItem in ContextMenu
How to access a control from a ContextMenu menuitem via the visual tree?

Partially templated ListBox.ItemTemplate

I'm creating a custom control and I'm trying to create partially specified template for list box items. The template has some predefined parts and there should be another part that can be templated when using the control.
For this I have created a dependency property named SuggestionItemTemplate like so:
public static readonly DependencyProperty SuggestionItemTemplateProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(null));
In my custom controls' generic.xaml I have:
<Style TargetType="local:AutoSuggestTextBox">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:AutoSuggestTextBox">
<ListBox x:Name="ItemsControl">
<StackPanel />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ContentPresenter Grid.Column="0"
ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding SuggestionItemTemplate}"
Content="{Binding}" />
<ToggleButton Grid.Column="1"
Style="{StaticResource DetailsToggleButtonStyle}" />
Unfortunatelly, this does not work as it's not possible to use TemplateBinding from inside ContentPresenter nested into DataTemplate. (The member "SuggestionItemTemplate" is not recognized or is not accessible.)
I also tried to use ancestor binding (available in Silverlight 5) like:
<ContentPresenter Grid.Column="0"
ContentTemplate="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=local:AutoSuggestTextBox}, Path=SuggestionItemTemplate}"
Content="{Binding}" />
But this results in binding error:
Error: System.Exception: BindingExpression_CannotFindAncestor
I suppose this happens because I'm inside ControlTemplate of my custom control and "local:AutoSuggestTextBox" is not defined anywhere in the style.
The third option that I tried was to apply ContentTemplate in OnApplyTemplate override but this also doesn't work:
var cp = itemsControlElement.ItemTemplate.LoadContent() as ContentPresenter;
cp.ContentTemplate = SuggestionItemTemplate;
In all cases, I get my grid with two columns, toggle button is visible but content presenter simple prints out view model's type name. (I believe this is the default behavior if the ContentTemplate is null).
Is this even possible to do? Are there any other ways to specify a partial template and then only add customized template part when necessary?
As a workaround for now, I can specify
ItemTemplate="{TemplateBinding SuggestionItemTemplate}"
for the list box and then copy/paste the generic template everywhere I use this control. But this is the behavior I'm hoping to avoid in the first place.
edit: I used the code tags for all blocks of code, but they're not highlighted for some reason. :/
It is possible to walk through Visual Ancestors in the OnApplyTemplate method, find your ContentPresenter(s) and set the ItemTemplate on that. To my mind, this is fine for a single item, but not so much in an ItemsControl scenario.
You could achieve what you are after using your own custom Control. Just give it a Content dependency property of type Object, and a Template DP of type DataTemplate (and multiples of the two if you fancy), and you can set up the root visual style and templates in the default style for your Control.
In this specific case, I would suggest that the best approach is to put your ToggleButton in the ListBoxItem template instead by customising the ListBox.ItemContainerStyle. It is easy to modify the default Control Template using Expression Blend, and the DataContext of the ToggleButton will not change, so the changes to your own logic should be minimal.
Edit: If you mean to use a number of different data templates, perhaps Implicit Data Templates will be more suitable.
I managed to solve this using a different approach. I used ancestor binding but instead of trying to reach the root control (my AutoSuggestTextBox) from the DataTemplate, I ask for a reference to my ListBox (here named ItemsControl).
However, since the ListBox doesn't have the SuggestionItemTemplate property, I sub-classed it to my own CustomListBox where I implemented that property. It all comes down to this code snippet:
<Style TargetType="local:AutoSuggestTextBox">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:AutoSuggestTextBox">
<local:CustomizableListBox x:Name="ItemsControl"
SuggestionItemTemplate="{TemplateBinding SuggestionItemTemplate}">
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ContentPresenter Grid.Column="0"
ContentTemplate="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=local:CustomizableListBox}, Path=SuggestionItemTemplate}"
Content="{Binding}" />
<ToggleButton Grid.Column="1"
Style="{StaticResource DetailsToggleButtonStyle}" />

Exposing a sub-control in a UserControl for use in XAML

I have a UserControl that contains a TreeView. I want the user to be able to set the properties of the inner TreeView control via XAML and I'm not sure how to do that.
I've tried creating a public property on the UserControl to the TreeView, but that only allows me to set a SelectedItemChanged trigger.
I'd like to do something like:
<ExampleUserControl TreeView.ItemsSource="{Binding Foo}" />
I would prefer not to create properties in the UserControl for each TreeView property, and I don't want to force the user to define the control in C#.
As for passing multiple properties to the child control in your user control, you can always expose a Style property.
ie ChildStyle
For the ItemsSource unless you use [Josh Smith's Element Spy / Data Context Spy / Freezable][1] trick, you will have a disconnect on DataContexts.
So either you employ those tricks or simply have 2 properties.
1) the ItemsSource
2) the ChildStyle
The xaml ends up...
<ChildTreeAnswer:MyControl ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
<Setter Property="ItemsControl.ItemTemplate">
<Border BorderBrush="Black"
<TextBlock Text="{Binding }" />
Then in your user control do... (I used a listbox for simplicity sake)
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ItemsSource}"
Style="{Binding ChildStyle}" />

Is there a way to group RadioButtons generated from the ItemTemplate of an ItemsControl

<DataTemplate x:Key="Genre_DataTemplate">
<RadioButton GroupName="One" Content="{Binding...
Above code is the ItemTemplate of my ItemsControl, I want all the Radiobuttons instantiated should behave as if it is in a group, I know the reason because the generated RadioButtons are not adjacent in the visualtree.
Any solution or workaround to group them together?. GroupName property also doesn't have any effect here.
[Update] I am trying this in Silverlight
The problem is that the RadioButton.GroupName behavior depends on the logical tree to find a common ancestor and effectively scope it's use to that part of the tree, but silverlight's ItemsControl doesn't maintain the logical tree. This means, in your example, the RadioButton's Parent property is always null
I built a simple attached behavior to fix this. It is available here:
I think the problem is somewhere else in the control tree. Can you post more details?
Here is a sample xaml code that works as expected:
<Page xmlns="" xmlns:x="">
<XmlDataProvider x:Key="flickrdata" Source="">
<XmlNamespaceMapping Prefix="media" Uri=""/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="itemTemplate">
<RadioButton GroupName="One">
<Image Width="75" Height="75" Source="{Binding Mode=OneWay, XPath=media:thumbnail/#url}"/>
<ControlTemplate x:Key="controlTemplate" TargetType="{x:Type ItemsControl}">
<WrapPanel IsItemsHost="True" Orientation="Horizontal"/>
ItemsSource="{Binding Mode=Default, Source={StaticResource flickrdata}, XPath=/rss/channel/item}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource itemTemplate}"
Template="{StaticResource controlTemplate}">
P.S.: In order grouping to work elements radio buttons should have same parent (as they usually have when generated from ItemsControl)
