Rapidly iterating Silverlight development - silverlight

My current default browser is Chrome (dev). I'm using VS2010 and Silverlight4, with ASP.NET MVC3. I don't seem to have the problems with debugging that I've seen others have. My main complaint is that I regularly have to clear my browser cache to get the latest version of my app to show up. Sometimes I have to clear it two or three times. I've taken to changing the background color of certain elements just to be sure whether I've got the actual latest changes.
Are Firefox or IE better in this regard? Is there are trick to make my latest version always appear?

Too lazy to do fiddler.
Seems I hadn't googled very well before, this article seems to be precisely what I wanted
via this discussion which has other options and some useful discussion https://betaforums.silverlight.net/forums/p/11995/449355.aspx
Unfortunately, that part of my project has been on hold for a bit, so I haven't tried it out yet.

Like you, I use Chrome for my main browser, and I don't use IE for any regular browsing. But I do use IE for Silverlight development, for this reason and others. I rarely if ever have trouble with the IE cache holding onto outdated versions of my XAP file, but this happens pretty regularly with FireFox and Chrome. In addition, depending on how I closed my previous debug session, when I start up a new one, FireFox and Chrome frequently open up my previous tab(s) in addition to the one that I'm actually trying to debug. Consequently, IE is (for me) the cleanest browser to actually debug with.
This isn't really an answer -- just an observation. Sorry :-).

Have you tried investigating why this is happening using Fiddler or a similar HTTP debugging tool? Personally I've never been able to debug Silverlight in Chrome so I usually have to force IE when debugging. But I never have the problem of a stale application. I'd check Fiddler to see if you can isolate the issue. It's probably not directly related to Silverlight.

Your probleme looks like a lot like a cache configuration issue. The web server is often configurated rather aggressively concerning caching of static files, as the XAP.
So the response header are probably set in a way that maximize browser caching.
You could change the webserver configuration to prevent client side caching of the XAP file.
Don't forget to remove these setting in production, however.


Lighthouse: Speed Index - Invalid score for speed-index: NaN

Does anyone know what this error even means? It is non-descript does not really lend itself to a debugging path. This occurs when testing page speed in google Lighthouse.
Facing the same issue and raised to the lighthouse Github repo.
Refer: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/issues/11173
They are able to reproduce it and will be fixing this soon as part of this ticket: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/issues/11154
Could be a variety of factors. Post the URL along with the question - easier to debug.
Speed index - has a blocker, if anything takes more than 10secs, LightHouse will time-out.
If you are using CDN - I have experience sporadic errors on LightSpeed due to cache consistency issues.
Make sure there are no blockers on your site, and you run this on a new/private window. No browser extensions should be enabled.
LightHouse uses the same underlying API. Try using PSI - https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/. Also, try the web version of lightspeed: https://web.dev/measure/. If you get same results - something on your end. If you get different results, something with your browser/ test.
Try running LightHouse on Mobile and Desktop.

Intermittent timeouts when testing with IEDriver

I am having a hard time trying to get tests that run fine on Chrome to run in a stable manner on IE.
I have followed the required configuration steps on Selenium's own documentation for IEDriver and I have the 32bit version of IEDriver also installed. I found the steps needed to setup the protected zones and add the registry key was all I needed to get IE to launch and for the tests to begin.
When running the tests I am often seeing intermittent time out related errors like so:
A Jasmine spec timed out. Resetting the WebDriver Control Flow.
I have seen some talk of just increasing timeout settings in the protractor config but this just feels like a magic number approach to me.
I am unsure what else to try right now, so thought I'd ask here to see what others may have done to help them past such issues.
One thing I did come across in a post elsewhere was how Chrome is more 'forgiving' with promises and that to get them to behave with IE, chaining then() callbacks on promises helped. This doesnt make sense to me, since from what I have read about the webdriver control flow chaining like so shouldnt be required.
Can anyone out there share their experiences with testing against IEDriver and if they have ever hit these intermittent timeouts, how have you been able to resolve these?
You can have a look at this Post: This more about getting IE to work but maybe som e of the capability setting will help and also you need to configure your IE
How to fix the slow sendkeys on IE 11 with Selenium Webdriver 3.0.0?.
For me it became more stable, when i use Windows 10 IE, but I don't think it's relevant version with Windows 7 IE. I had simular problems on Windows 7 IE version, after a few runs my tests started slow down, and sometimes i get the same error as described. But it was half a year ago, i don't now about current versions, may be it's more stable.

Joomla Site very slow

i'm struggling onto a problem that i can't find a way ti fix. I'm currently running joomla 3.4.5 and a gantry based theme. I tried minifying CSS, JS and HTML and also optimize the images with the google insight tool.
i've done a debug system and it shows that
Application: beforeRenderModule mod_rocknavmenu
implies 21.7 seconds ..... I think that is the issue .... how can i solve that?
The site is this
Thank you for your supoprt
I would guess the site is slow due to your hosting.
Also news01.png and news02.png are taking several seconds each to come through.
Update all of your extensions, out of date extensions can impact performance.
Check your slow query log, CPU, and memory usage on your server. Those will tell you more about potential issues.
Found realy easy solution - just disable System - Model plugin

Google Cloud Endpoints stability?

I am using this link to build a simple chat application using GCM, and I found this great feature "Google Cloud Endpoints" which makes things easier. But I am afraid to depend on it as I noticed it is still experimental. Can I trust it or should I use Java Servlets instead?
It is true that the tag 'experimental' is a bit scary. If you are concerned, you could consider holding back a bit until Google IO 2013, which is the middle of May. They often make announcement and introduce new technologies there.
They first announced endpoints at last years' Google IO (in July) and if there any significant changes pending for endoints they would likely announce them at this years'.
If you do start using Endpoints, just for Android, and w/o user authentication, I don't think it would be too hard to revert to using a Servlet instead, if you had to (i.e. due to a change in terms that was off-putting). The user authentication stuff would be harder to replace IMO.
As far as I have used Google Cloud Endpoints they work perfectly. Furthermore many interesting features are already implemented, such as integration with Google Eclipse Plugin and testing through the Google APIs Explorer, even in localhost, using the Development Server.
I understand they're still experimental maybe because they're just a new technology not really thoroughly tested yet and are subject to updates. Anyway I've not found significant bugs so far and you should be able to reuse your endpoints with the sucesive versions that will exist. It doesn't seem to be something that will dissapear in the near future...
This is an older question, but for further references I want to say that my short experience was not so pleasant.
I tried "Mobile Backend App". In the beginning, everything worked fine, but after a few days (without changing anything) I received:
GoogleJsonResponseException 404 Not Found
I sow other posts on stackoverflow and manage to solve it by creating another project. I changed the code and it still worked. But again I had problems I played a bit with the 2 projects, I redeployed and changed the settings (tips found on other posts) and it worked. Now it is no longer working, no matter what I do.
I hope that the problem is specific to this project, but nevertheless it is frustrating.

Can I bypass use of the WPF font cache?

We are developing a WPF/C# application and having trouble corrupt font caches. Many of our users have old video drivers which are particularly buggy in regards to the font cache. We've worked with individual users to upgrade the drivers which usually solves the problem, but the problem only comes to our attention after the user has experienced a problem which makes our software unusable (which makes it look like our bug, not microsoft's).
We use only 2 fonts in our application at the moment. Can I tell WPF to bypass the font cache altogether to prevent these problems for our users when they're running our software?
You might want to consider to not let the users with correct drivers suffer for those without.
Perhaps you can add a warning in the setup.
That said, you could stop the cache service (it is a service) but you need to be an administrator to stop services.
You might also have a look at clearing the font cache
Or you could see if delayed loading the fonts will help.
