Java: how to "restart" a static class? - static

I have a static class (Foo) and a main class (Main)
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(Foo.i); // 0
System.out.println(Foo.i); // 1
// restart Foo here
System.out.println(Foo.i); // 1 again...I need 0
public class Foo {
public static int i = 0;
Is there any way to restart or reset a static class?
Note: I need this because I'm testing a static class with jUnit and I need to clean parameters before second test.
Using StanMax answer, I can to this:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
public static void test() throws Exception {
MyClassLoader myClassLoader = new MyClassLoader();
Class<?> fooClass = myClassLoader.loadClass(Foo.class.getCanonicalName());
Object foo = fooClass.newInstance();
System.out.println("Checking classloader: " + foo.getClass().getClassLoader());
System.out.println("GC called!");
public class MyClassLoader {
private URLClassLoader urlClassLoader;
public MyClassLoader() {
try {
URL url = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/bin/").toURL();
URL[] urlArray = {url};
urlClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(urlArray, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
public Class<?> loadClass(String name) {
try {
return (Class<?>) urlClassLoader.loadClass(name);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
System.out.println("MyClassLoader - End.");
public class Foo {
public static int i = 0;
static {
System.out.println("Foo - BEGIN ---------------------------------");
public void finalize() throws Throwable {
System.out.println("Foo - End.");
Foo - BEGIN ---------------------------------
Checking classloader:
GC called!
MyClassLoader - End.
Foo - End.
Foo - BEGIN ---------------------------------
Checking classloader:
GC called!
MyClassLoader - End.
Foo - End.
PROBLEM: if I do the cast bellow:
Foo foo = (Foo) fooClass.newInstance();
I get error:

Only if you can unload class, get it re-loaded, as class static code gets executed when class is loaded.
But you can just directly modify the value:
Foo.i = 0;
(or create equivalent method for doing it, esp. if static member is not public)

Create a static method that sets the class variables to their initial values, then call it when you need it.

Avoid static.
It is well known that static is not testable and should thus be avoided. For example, avoiding static is one of the key motivations behind dependency injection. If you need one instance only at runtime, use the singleton pattern instead. And create a new instance for each test run.

You can try this.
Main MainObject = new Main;
It will restart the class again and again until you stop the class.


Flink Streaming RichSource early stops

It runs with processing time and using a broadcast state.
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
BroadcastStream<List<TableOperations>> broadcastOperationsState = env
.addSource(new LoadCassandraOperations(10000L, cassandraHost, cassandraPort)).broadcast(descriptor);
SingleOutputStreamOperator<InternalVariableValue> stream =
env.addSource(new SourceMillisInternalVariableValue(5000L));
SingleOutputStreamOperator<InternalVariableOperation> streamProcessed =
.process(new AddOperationInfo())
SourceMillisIntervalVariableValues create a event every 5s . The events are stored in a static collection. The run method looks like :
public class SourceMillisInternalVariableValue extends RichSourceFunction<InternalVariableValue>{
private boolean running;
long millis;
public SourceMillisInternalVariableValue(long millis) {
this.millis = millis;
public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception {;
running = true;
public void cancel() {
running = false;
public void run(SourceContext<InternalVariableValue> ctx) throws Exception {
//Espera inicial
PojoVariableValues[] pojoData =
new PojoVariableValues[]{
new PojoVariableValues("id1", "1"),
new PojoVariableValues("id2", "2"),
new PojoVariableValues("id21", "21")
int cont = 0;
while (cont<pojoData.length) {
System.out.println("Iteration "+cont+" "+pojoData.length);
ctx.collect(generateVar(pojoData[0+cont].getUUID(), pojoData[0+cont].getValue()));
ctx.collect(generateVar(pojoData[1+cont].getUUID(), pojoData[1+cont].getValue()));
ctx.collect(generateVar(pojoData[2+cont].getUUID(), pojoData[2+cont].getValue()));
cont = cont +3;
private InternalVariableValue generateVar(String uuid, String value)
return InternalVariableValueMessage.InternalVariableValue.newBuilder()
.setTimestamp(new Date().getTime()).setValue(value).setKeyspace("nest").build();
class PojoVariableValues {
private String UUID;
private String Value;
public PojoVariableValues(String uUID, String value) {
Value = value;
public String getUUID() {
return UUID;
public void setUUID(String uUID) {
public String getValue() {
return Value;
public void setValue(String value) {
Value = value;
LoadCassandraOperations emits events every 10 seconds. It works fine.
When I run this code, SourceMillisIntervalVariableValues stops in the first iteration, emiting only three events. If I comment the process function, both sources works properly, but if I run the process , the source is cancel...
I spect than the source emits all events ( 21 exactly ) , and all of them are processing in the aggregate function. If I run this code, the while loop in the sources only complete one iteration.
Any idea ?
Thank youuu . cheers
Important. This code is for explore the processint time and broadcast feature. I know that I'm not using the best practices in the sources. Thanks
The problem starts when I try to run the process function.
Solved !!
The problem was that I try to run it using a TestContainer and I can't watch any logs.
I ran it with a simple main method and I can see some code errors ( like the commented in the comments. Tnks !!! ).

synchronizing only the assigning of a static variable

I have a static variable which will be fetched a lot. I want to synchronize the initialization, but want it to be lazy loaded. So not making it final.
Is this a correct/acceptable approach ?
Here is the code.
public class Test {
private static Object staticObj;
public static Object getStaticObj() throws Exception{
if(staticObj == null){
return staticObj;
private static void assignNewStaticObj(){
if (staticObj == null) {
staticObj = new Object();
You can synchronize on something else that is static, cheap and not lazy:
public class Test {
private static Object staticObjSync = new Object();
private static void assignNewStaticObj() {
synchronized(staticObjSync) {

testng how to dynamically set groups from Factory?

Before I setup a test class like the code below:
1. the Factory and test Dataprovider both used excel as the dataprovider.
2. In the Factory dataprovider table, it has a list of url
3. Each time, it will find one of the url in the factory dataprovider table, and run the test in each test methods..
public class Test {
WebDriver driver;
private String hostName;
private String url;
#Factory(dataProvider = "xxxx global variables", dataProviderClass = xxxx.class)
public GetVariables(String hostName, String url) {
this.hostName = hostName;
this.url = url;
public void start(String browser) throws Exception {
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
#Test(priority = 10, dataProvider = "dataprovider Test A", dataProviderClass = xxx.class)
public void TestA(Variable1,
Variable2,Variable3) throws Exception {
some test here...
#Test(priority = 20, dataProvider = "dataprovider Test B", dataProviderClass = xxx.class)
public void TestB(Variable1,
throws Exception {
some test here...
public void tearDown() {
Now I want to dynamically assign different group for each test for different url. I am thinking add a variable 'flag' in the #Factory dataprovider:
#Factory(dataProvider = "xxxx global variables", dataProviderClass = xxxx.class)
public GetVariables(String hostName, String url, String flag) {
this.hostName = hostName;
this.url = url;
this.flag = flag;
That when flag.equals("A"), it will only run test cases in test groups={"A"}.
When flag.equals("B"), it will only run test cases in test groups ={"B"},
When flag.equals("A,B"), it will only run test cases in test groups ={"A","B"}
Is there any way I can do that?
Thank you!
TestNG groups provides "flexibility in how you partition your tests" but it isn't for conditional test sets. For that you simply use plain old Java.
You can use inheritance or composition (I recommend the latter, see Item 16: Favor composition over inheritance from Effective Java).
Either way the general idea is the same: use a Factory to create your test class instances dynamically creating the appropriate class type with the appropriate test annotations and/or methods that you want to run.
import org.testng.annotations.Factory;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class DemoTest {
public static Object[] createTests() {
return new Object[]{
new FlavorATest(),
new FlavorBTest(),
new FlavorABTest()
* Base test class with code for both A-tests and B-tests.
* Note that none of these test methods are annotated as tests so that
* subclasses may pick which ones to annotate.
public static abstract class BaseTest {
protected void testA() {
// test something specific to flavor A
protected void testB() {
// test something specific to flavor B
// extend base but only annotate A-tests
public static class FlavorATest extends BaseTest {
public void testA() {
// extend base but only annotate B-tests
public static class FlavorBTest extends BaseTest {
public void testB() {
// extend base and annotate both A-tests and B-tests
public static class FlavorABTest extends BaseTest {
public void testA() {
public void testB() {
import org.testng.annotations.Factory;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class DemoTest {
public static Object[] createTests() {
return new Object[]{
new FlavorATest(),
new FlavorBTest(),
new FlavorABTest()
private static void testA() {
// test something specific to flavor A
private static void testB() {
// test something specific to flavor B
// only create A-test methods and delegate to shared code above
public static class FlavorATest {
public void testA() {
// only create B-test methods and delegate to shared code above
public static class FlavorBTest {
public void testB() {
// create A-test and B-test methods and delegate to shared code above
public static class FlavorABTest {
public void testA() {
public void testB() {
Your factory methods won't be as simple as you'll need to use your "flag" from your test data to switch off of and create instances of the appropriate test classes.

EasyMock, andReturn a capture

suppose I want to mock a method with the following signature:
public A foo(A a)
I want foo to be mocked in a way that it returned what it received (that is the same instance a)
I tried unsuccessfully the following:
Capture<A> capture = new Capture();
This does not work because the capture is still empty when getValue() is called.
Any ideas?
public class A {
public <A> A foo(A a) {
return null;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
A mock = createNiceMock(A.class);
expect( IAnswer<Object>() {
public Object answer() throws Throwable {
return EasyMock.getCurrentArguments()[0];
Prints out:

"Authentication Failure" when calling a method on Remote Object in wpf

I am developing an application which uses WindowsFormsApplicationBase to enforce Single Instance. I get the following error when calling a method on a Remote object. It works fine if I don't use Single Instance approach.
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Authentication failure ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed.
at System.Net.Security.NegoState.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
at System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsClient(NetworkCredential credential, String targetName, ProtectionLevel requiredProtectionLevel, TokenImpersonationLevel allowedImpersonationLevel)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp.TcpClientTransportSink.CreateAuthenticatedStream(Stream netStream, String machinePortAndSid)
Here is my Code:
public class EntryPoint
public static void Main(string[] args)
SingleInstanceManager sim = new SingleInstanceManager();
public class SingleInstanceManager : WindowsFormsApplicationBase
private App app;
public SingleInstanceManager()
IsSingleInstance = true;
protected override bool OnStartup(Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupEventArgs eventArgs)
app = new App();
return false;
protected override void OnStartupNextInstance(StartupNextInstanceEventArgs eventArgs)
This is how I am invoking the Remoting object:
public Hashtable GetData(string[] arg1, string[] arg2)
IDataProvider dataProvider = (IDataProvider )Activator.GetObject(typeof(IDataProvider ), "tcp://.....");
Hashtable data = dataProvider.GetData(arg1, arg2);
return data;
Thanks in advance.
I found the solution myself.
I used the following to implement single instance(
static void Main() // args are OK here, of course
bool ok;
m = new System.Threading.Mutex(true, "YourNameHere", out ok);
if (! ok)
MessageBox.Show("Another instance is already running.");
Application.Run(new Form1()); // or whatever was there
GC.KeepAlive(m); // important!
