Issue with DataContractSurrogate in the Debugger - silverlight

Having big issues running my project locally. When I run it and get to this piece of code.
when i step over this with debugger I get this inside the _institutionRepository object
Results View = The type 'Project1.Entities.DataAccess.Institution' exists in both 'Project1.Entities.DataAccess.dll' and 'DataContractSurrogates_40d75f07-afb1-4694-833a-ea508af1e0ac'
But when the rest of my team runs this locally they do not get this issue. I have been researching this for too long and need to get this resolved quickly. Any ideas would be appreciated.
i am running on VS2010 with silverlight and RiaSerivces

I am still not sure of this message. but we found the issue and it had nothing to do with the message received. One of our fields in the DB is supposed to be one of two types and we had the wrong one entered. So i am receiving data back. But this error/message is there with every entity in our solution. I would like to know more about it.


Invalid JWT token happens randomly when using Snowflake+DBT

We've been using Snowflake+DBT with key pair authentication for a long time now, and we've never had any issues.
Recently, we started getting random connection errors on some models:
250001 (08001): Failed to connect to DB: JWT token is invalid.
Most of the models will work, but some of them might fail. This can happen to any model, and it's never the same one -- sometimes it's the very first one, sometimes it's the very last one, and sometimes it's a bunch of them. It happens in runs with lots of models, or in runs with a single model.
It's very inconsistent, and there doesn't seems to be any kind of pattern to it. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.
We've also tried with 1, 4, or 8 threads, and it happens regardless.
Obviously, there's nothing wrong with the credentials or configurations — otherwise, nothing would run at all. So I assume there must be something wrong with how DBT is handling the connection(s).
Interestingly, the errors only happens locally (so far). We haven't seen it in DBT Cloud runs.
DBT version is 0.20.2 in both cases. We tried with other versions (0.21.0, 0.20.0 & 0.19.1), and the issue persists. I don't know why we're just encountering this, as we've used these other versions previously without any issues.
It's similar to this question, except in our case it doesn't happen consistently at all. We tried connecting "without a region" (using Snowflake Organizations), but it doesn't make any difference:
250001 (08001): Failed to connect to DB: JWT token is invalid.
Is there anything we can do to resolve this?
EDIT: When the error happens, the model hangs for 60 seconds until the error appears.
EDIT 2: I think the error might have started happening when we started using the DBT-provided Docker images. Not sure exactly what might be wrong with them, but we'll try going back to our own custom images and see if that works.
This has since stopped happening. 🤷‍♂️
Possibly because of this change from Snowflake:
"An improvement has been added to Snowflake's Cloud Services layer to relax the validity restrictions."
Also, we are now using different Docker containers, so that might have something to do with it as well:
First, we switched to xemuliam/dbt, from Docker Hub.
But since that is no longer maintained, we are now using the official DBT Docker images from GitHub (which were not available at the time the question was posted):

I am not able to add data in the vespa

I am not able to add data to the database even though the database is up.
I have checked it using
The error message that I got is in the image below.
Please let me know what to do to resolve this issue.
You need to ensure that all your nodes agree on the current time, by running NTP.
You'll probably be better off deploying on so you don't need to deal with this yourself.

BigQuery UI - Datasets missing

I have a weird issue with my BigQuery UI (going on I don't know why, but I see no datasets for my projects, when I'm fully aware they exist. My code can still hit these datasets and their tables. There is just no way for me to see them.
In the UI itself, I can still query them if I type the whole query by hand, but being able to see my structure for my schema could be helpful.
When I check my network tab in the developer tools on chrome, I notice that I receive "Failed to load ressource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS". I then decided to do everything I could to reset my own cache. I cleared my cookies, went incognito, I tried other browsers, even other computers. NOTHING brings back my datasets.
Anyone encountered this and has any ideas how to force my cache to hit?
I had the same problem a while back. When I got the error, I struggled with it and I ended up finding a way to reset this. Seems like it's something cached server-side that makes this incorrect cache-hit. The way to reset the server-side cache is to hit a URL with a project that doesn't exist, so something like should reset it all
Did you recently assign a new string ID to your project that previously only had a numeric ID? If so, this is a known issue that has been reported recently, and I'm still working to resolve.
The issue is that the frontend cache gets stuck with the old numeric ID for the project and our frontend JS has a bug where it errors out instead of updating the cache to contain the new string ID. LiY's workaround of going to a bogus, uncacheable URL is the suggested workaround to unstick the cache until this bug is resolved.
(And if you didn't recently assign a new string ID to your project, then I'd love to hear more details about what might have caused this issue so it won't happen to anyone else!)

Linq-To-Sql and MARS woes - A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded

We have built a website based on the design of the Kigg project on CodePlex:
Basically, the code uses the repository pattern, with a repository implementation based on Linq-To-Sql. Full source code can be found at the link above.
The site has been running for some time now and just about a year ago we started to get errors like:
There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.
ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
These are the closest error examples I can find based on my memory. These errors started to occur when the site traffic started to pick up. After banging my head against the wall, I figured out assumed that the problem is inherit within Linq-To-Sql and how we are using the same connection to call multiple commands in a single web request.
Evenually, I discovered MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) and added that to the data context's connection string and like magic, all of my errors went away.
Now, fast forward about 1 year and the site traffic has increased tremendously. Every week or so, I will get an error in SQL Server that reads:
A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded
Immediately after this error, I receive hundreds to thousands of InvalidCastException errors in the error logs. Basically, this error shows up for each and every call to the Linq-To-Sql data context. Only after I restart the web server do these errors clear up.
I read a post on the Micosoft Support site that descrived my problem (minus the InvalidCastException errors) and stating the solution is that if I'm going to use MARS that I should also use Asncronous Processing=True. I tried this, but it did not solve my problem either.
Not really sure where to go from here. Hopefully someone here has seen and solved this problem before.
I have the same issue. Once the errors start, I have to restart the IIS Application Pool to fix.
I have not been able to reproduce the bug in dev despite trying many different scenarios involving multi-threading, leaving connections open, etc etc.
One possible lead I do have is that amongst the errors in the server Event Log is an OutOfMemoryException for the Application Pool. Perhaps this is the underlying cause of the spurious SQL Datareader errors (a memory leak elsewhere). Although again I haven't been able to reproduce this in dev.
Obviously if you are using a 64 bit OS then this is probably not the cause in your case.
So after much refactoring and re-architecting, we figured out that problem all along is MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) itself. Not sure why or what happens exactly but MARS somehow gets result sets mixed up and doesn't recover until the web app is restarted.
We removed MARS and the errors stopped.
If I remember correctly, we added MARS to solve the problem where a connection/command was already closed using LinqToSql and we tried to access an object graph that hadn't been loaded. Without MARS, we'd get an error. But when we added MARS, it seemed to not care about it. This is really a great example of us not really understanding what the heck we were doing and we learned some valuable (and expensive) lessons from this.
Hope this helps others who have experienced this.
Thanks to all how have contributed their comments and answers.
I understand you figured out the solution..
Following is not a direct solution to the problem; but it is good for others to take a look at
What does "A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded." SQL Azure error mean?

Visual Studio 2008 ContextSwitchDeadlock with log4net and NHibernate

I'm facing an extremely weird bug here and I'm not really sure If I'm following the right path to solving it or even how to solve it.
Here is the problem I'm facing: I start debugging a WPF application which uses log4net, NHibernate and LINQ to NHibernate, and when I try to get an Entity from the database my application and sometimes VS hang for a lot of time, and after a while an exception dialog opens showing a message containing the following information on a ContextSwitchDeadlock MDA:
The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x34fc1a0 to COM context 0x34fc258 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows messages. This situation generally has a negative performance impact and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive or memory usage accumulating continually over time. To avoid this
I copied the code files to a new project and deleted the old project to see If I could make this message disappear, thinking it had something to do with my configuration. I started adding few things at a time to see what was causing it, and when I included log4net configuration code the bug appeared again. First I included it through AssemblyInfo and later trough code configuration on application startup, and absolutely nothing changed at all :(
So, here are my findings:
It only happens when I'm using log4net.
It happens when NHibernate loads an Entity from database (lazy loading).
I don't know what might be the source of this bug. It only happens when debugging in Visual Studio. I've tried following the steps on the "Enabling and Disabling MDAs" section of the following page:, but that doesn't work either, VS still hangs and it's memory usage increases.
When I run the program normally none of this happens, so I'm pretty sure this is not a deadlock situation, as this question suggests: contextswitchdeadlock (I've also tried the solutions posted there).
Because of that, I've decided to disable log4net and enable it again when deploying my app.
I'm posting this question to find out if somebody else has faced this bug or if somebody has some suggestions on how to solve it. Finally, it might help somebody else facing this very same problem.
When using the DebugAppender all the entities in the databases are loaded and all its data written to the debug output. That was causing the ContextSwitchDeadlock MDA since it tookmore than 60 seconds to run.
Disabling the DebugAppender solved my problem.
Thanks to Mauricio Scheffer for the tip.
