Rotate matrix so Up vector equals another vector - c

I want to orient my matrix so that the Up vector it facing the same direction as another vector. The orientation of the Forward and Right vectors do not matter.
For example:
matrix4 m; // m.Up = 0, 1, 0
vector3 v = V3(1,0,0);
// Then I think I have to get the rotation from m.Up and v
// And then rotate the matrix accordingly
But I don't know how todo this and I may be wrong.

This is one of the rotation problems that matricies are particularly useful for
First, split your matrix into the three component vectors (up, forward, and right).
Set your up vector to what you want it to be. Then, adjust your forward and right vectors so that they are at right angles, an easy way to do this would be through the use of cross products.
For example:
//Gets a perpendicular vector
V3 V3::Perp() {
V3 perp = v.Cross(NewV3(-1, 0, 0));
if(perp.Length() == 0) {
// If v is too close to -x try -y
perp = v.Cross(NewV3(0, -1, 0));
return perp.Unit();
//up = Whatever you need
forward = up.Perp()
right = cross(up, forward);
After that, plug your vectors back into the matrix and voila :D.

If I understand correctly, simply set your up axis in the matrix to your chosen vector. As you say that the forward and right vectors do not matter, set them to anything as long as they are orthonormal to your new up axis.


openGL 2D pixel rotation

I'm trying to rotate a 2D pixel matrix, but nothing actually happens.
my origin is a stored bitmap[w x h x 3].
why isn't the shown image being rotated?
Here's the display function:
void display()
uint32_t i = 0,j = 0,k = 0;
unsigned char pixels[WINDOW_WIDTH * WINDOW_HEIGHT * 3];
memset(pixels, 0, sizeof(pixels));
for(j = bitmap_h -1; j > 0; j--) {
for(i = 0; i < bitmap_w; i++) {
glDrawPixels(g_img.descriptor.size_w, g_img.descriptor.size_h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &pixels);
First and foremost glDrawPixels should not be used. The problem you have is one of the reasons. The convoluted rules by which glDrawPixels operate are too vast to outline here, let's just say, that there's a so called "raster position" in your window, at which glDrawPixels will place the lower left corner of the image it draws. No transformation whatsoever will be applied to the image.
However when setting the raster position, that's when transformations get applied. And should, for whatever reason, the raster position lie outside the visible window nothing will get drawn at all.
Solution: Don't use glDrawPixels. Don't use glDrawPixels. DON'T USE glDrawPixels. I repeat DON'T USE glDrawPixels. It's best you completely forget that this function actually exists in legacy OpenGL.
Use a textured quad instead. That will also transform properly.
I did something similar. I'm creating a 3D space shooter game using OpenGL/C++. For one of my levels, I have a bunch of asteroids/rocks in the background each rotating and moving at a random speed.
I did this by taking the asteroid bitmap image and creating a texture. Then I applied the texture to a square (glBegin(GL_QUADS)). Each time I draw the square, I multiply each of the vertex coordinates (glVertex3f(x, y, z)) with a rotation matrix.
|cos0 -sin0|
|sin0 cos0 |
0 is the theta angle. I store this angle as part of my Asteroid class. each iteration I increment it by a value, depending on how fast I want the asteroid to spin. It works great.

Save multiple lines with different degrees from an image matrix in Matlab

In order to infer, how can we get 1D arrays for some degrees that we define of a 2D matrix, like image shows with always have the starting point at the center of the 2D matrix. The 2D matrix will always have equal height with length.
If you know the center, say x_c, y_c then you loop through all the pixels (current pixel is x_p, y_p) and calculate the angle with angle = atan2(y_p-y_c, x_p-x_c). This will give you a precise angle so you will want to round it with something like floor(angle). You can then check if the modulus of your desired sub angle (say 30 deg) is 0 to see if the angle is good. If it is you can do what you want with the data.
x_c = picture_center_x;
y_c = picture_center_x;
angleMod = 30;
for x_p = 1:pixels
for y_p = 1:pixels
angle = floor(atan2(y_p-y_c, x_p-x_c))*180/pi;
if (mod(angle, angleMod) == 0)
%push back pixel data
Pretty simple algorithm, hope it can work for you.
Here is a solution for your problem:
center = [26,26]; %position of your center
size= 51; %size of the matrix
matrix=bsxfun(#plus, ([(center(1)-size):1:0, 1:1:(size-center(1))].^2)',[(center(2)-size):1:0, 1:1:(size-center(2))].^2); %my generated matrix to test the solution
angle= [0,30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270,300,330]; %array of angles
angle=angle*pi/180; % changing angles into rad (from degree)
sine_angle=sin(angle); %computing sine of those angles
cos_angle=cos(angle); %computing cosine of those angles
cos_max = abs(size-center(2))*cos_angle.^(-1); %computing the maximum distance in left right direction of each angle
sine_max = abs(size-center(1))*sine_angle.^(-1); %computing the max. distance in up/down direction of each angle
sine_cos_max = min(abs(cos_max), abs(sine_max)); %checking which boarder is reached first
angle_array = cell(1,numel(angle));
while k<=max(sine_cos_max)
for m=1:1:numel(angle)
if k <= sine_cos_max(m)
helper = angle_array{1,m};
helper2 = [helper, matrix(center(1)+floor(sine_angle(m)*k),center(2)+floor(cos_angle(m)*k))];
angle_array(1,m) = {helper2};
You must use floor, because in the used example you would otherwise try to adress an element outside of the matrix for 30, and 60 degree. Alternatively you can use another argument in the if case to check if its still possible.

Drawing text in a spiral in Processing

I've got an array of strings that I'd like to draw as a giant spiral. I only have a very, very rough idea of where to begin. First, I will probably need to break the strings into an array of individual characters? Next, I will probably need to apply the following geometry in order to generate the spiral shape?
float r = 0;
float theta = 0;
void setup() {
void draw() {
float x = r * cos(theta);
float y = r * sin(theta);
ellipse(x+width/2, y+height/2, 6, 6);
theta += 0.01;
r += 0.05;
However, I don't know how to step through my array of characters in order to draw them in a spiral-like format. I apologize for the lack of clarity. Any suggestions would be awesome! I'm very new to all of this (clearly).
Your code for creating the spiral is a good idea. One way to create rotated text would be using rotate(), combined with text(). You would have a for loop, iterate through your character array, increment the radius, and draw your text that way. Note that rotate() has a cumulative effect. Something like:
String str = "asdflkkjsahfdlkadshflkahdslkfajsdf";
float radius = 0;
//so we are rotating around the center, rather than (0,0):
translate(width/2, height/2);
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
radius += 2;
// taken out because of non-constant spacing at large radius:
// this should give constant spacing, no matter the radius
// change 10 to some other number for a different spacing.
// drawing at (0,radius) because we're drawing onto a rotated canvas
text(str.charAt(i), 0, radius);
You may want to have the angle change be a function of radius, because at large radii, the letters are spaced very far apart. One way to do this would be using the equation s = rθ, where s is the arclength (in this case, distance between letters), r is radius, and θ is the angle change. If you want a constant distance between letters, regardless of radius, then θ would have to be proportional to 1/r. And of course, you can tweak the hard-coded values to your liking.
Also: the rotate() and translate() methods are undone at the end of draw(), so if you aren't doing anything after this code, then it's okay to leave it as is. If you do want to draw more stuff after, then you'll have to undo the rotation and translation manually before you draw anything else.
Edit: I just realized that I assumed you wanted the letters to be rotated as well, and not just positioned in a spiral but still oriented normally. In that case, you could use your existing code and replace the ellipse(...) with text(str.charAt(...)...), with appropriate parameters of course.

How to calculate where bullet hits

I have been trying to write an FPS in C/X11/OpenGL, but the issue that I have encountered is with calculating where the bullet hits. I have used a horrible technique, and it only sometimes works:
pos size, p;
size.x = 0.1;
size.z = 0.1; // Since the game is technically top-down (but in a 3D perspective)
// Positions are in X/Z, no Y
float f; // Counter
float d = FIRE_MAX + 1 /* Shortest Distance */, d1 /* Distance being calculated */;
x = 0; // Index of object to hit
for (f = 0.0; f < FIRE_MAX; f += .01) {
// Go forwards
p.x = player->pos.x + f * sin(toRadians(player->rot.x));
p.z = player->pos.z - f * cos(toRadians(player->rot.x));
// Get all objects that collide with the current position of the bullet
short* objs = _colDetectGetObjects(p, size, objects);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objs[i] == -1) {
// Check the distance between the object and the player
d1 = sqrt(
pow((objects[i].pos.x - player->pos.x), 2)
+ pow((objects[i].pos.z - player->pos.z),
// If it's closer, set it as the object to hit
if (d1 < d) {
x = i;
d = d1;
// If there was an object, hit it
if (x > 0) {
hit(&objects[x], FIRE_DAMAGE, explosions, currtime);
It just works by making a for-loop and calculating any objects that might collide with where the bullet currently is. This, of course, is very slow, and sometimes doesn't even work.
What would be the preferred way to calculate where the bullet hits? I have thought of making a line and seeing if any objects collide with that line, but I have no idea how to do that kind of collision detection.
EDIT: I guess my question is this: How do I calculate the nearest object colliding in a line (that might not be a straight 45/90 degree angle)? Or are there any simpler methods of calculating where the bullet hits? The bullet is sort of like a laser, in the sense that gravity does not affect it (writing an old-school game, so I don't want it to be too realistic)
For every object you want to be hit-able, define a bounding object.
Simple examples would be a sphere or a box.
Then you have to implement a ray-sphere or ray-box intersection.
For exaple have a look at line-sphere intersection.
For boxes, you can either test aginast the four bounding lines, but there are algorithms optimsed for axis aligned boxes.
With this, proceed as you already do. For every object in the scene, check for intersection, if intersects, compare distance to previous intersected objects, take the one that is hit first.
The intersection algorithems give you the ray parameter as a result (the value t for which hit_position = ray_origin + t * ray_direction) which you can use to compare the distances.
You can organise all scene objects in the BSP tree then hit\collide detection will be pretty easy to implement. Also you can use BSP to detect invisible objects and discard them before rendering.

Storage of 2d data at irregular rates

This is for a Terrain Generation and rendering program.
I have a loop that looks like this:
while (y < MAX_SIGHT_WIDTH)
value = noise2d(x+camera.x, y+camera.y);
if (pointInFrustum(x-camera.x, y-camera.y, value, direction, FOV, MAX_SIGHT_DISTANCE) == 1)
dz = value-camera.z;
distance = sqrt(x*x + y*y + (dz)*(dz));
x += DISTANCE_FUNCTION(distance);
y += DISTANCE_FUNCTION(distance);
It's supposed to find a semi-random height value at different resolutions: Much higher resolution up close, and lower resolution farther away.
for x
for y
glVertex(x, y);
glVertex(x+1, y);
This is supposed to be the rendering code (in pseudo-code, of course).
I have to specify the coordinates of each point. I'd really like to use triangle strips here, so I need to have all points in one strip following each other.
Comes my question: How do I store these points? In python I'd create a list, and then just render everything in the list.
Problem is this is in C, arrays aren't dynamic. So I need a size. How can I know that size? How can I loop through it in an intelligent way (since it has variable widths)? And how can I prevent stuff like the end of one row joining with the beginning of another row?
Or am I doing the whole thing wrong?
How about you use a dynamic data structure like a stack of linked-lists?
Each linked list would hold the points for each triangle strip.
The stack would contain the a linked list for each triange strip.
Linked list would suit your problem because you dont really need to index your elements.
